Brain neoplasms in dogs and cats

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Neoplasms (tumors) in cats are pathological growth of modified tissues that are not regulated by the body. A characteristic feature is the almost endless division of qualitatively changed cells with the transfer of incorrect DNA to daughter cells. Detection in the initial stages can prolong life, but often at this stage diagnosis is difficult due to the mild manifestation of symptoms.

Causes of swelling in cats

Some researchers associate the appearance of neoplasms with the deterioration of the environmental situation and the consumption of low-quality feed by animals. The substances they contain act as carcinogens that damage cellular DNA, triggering uncontrolled growth processes.

According to another theory, some tumors have a viral etiology. Some types of viruses are considered carcinogenic, but when they enter the body they are actively suppressed by the immune system. Due to the influence of a number of factors, they enter an active stage, causing qualitative changes and uncontrolled growth.

Provoking factors include:

  • Weakening of the immune system.
  • Hereditary pathology.
  • Chronic and some acute diseases of internal organs.
  • Low quality feed.
  • Poor nutrition (underfeeding, overfeeding).
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Harmful effects of the environment.
  • Regular stress.
  • Lack of walks, physical inactivity.
  • Exposure (one-time or regular) to ionizing radiation.

Signs of swelling

Limited edema, that is, when a limb or face of an animal swells, is easier to recognize than general edema. Because the difference between a healthy paw and a swollen one becomes visually noticeable. Edema can be post-traumatic, allergic, or associated with a disease of the internal organs.

Edema is characterized by:

  • swelling;
  • skin tension;
  • hyperemia of the skin and local temperature due to the allergic nature of the edema;
  • redness, followed by bluishness and soreness in case of injury.

The more fluid there is in the tissues, the denser the area of ​​edema and the more unpleasant it is for the animal to palpate. When the swelling is extensive, the skin along with the swelling may itch and even hurt. If a limb swells, it becomes difficult for the animal to walk.

Cat tumor symptoms

There are 2 types of tumors: benign and malignant. The former are characterized by relatively slow growth, the presence of a capsule, and the absence of direct negative effects. They do not grow into neighboring tissues, but as they increase in size they are able to compress them, causing disturbances due to mechanical action (impaired patency, ischemia).

With malignant tumors in cats, symptoms appear faster and are severe. These neoplasms do not have a capsule and grow quickly, capable of germinating into neighboring tissues and organs, spreading the pathological process.

Due to rapid growth and the constant release of toxic compounds from decaying tissues, symptoms of intoxication come to the fore - weight loss (even cachexia), an increase in neurological symptoms, and blood changes. Malignant tumors can metastasize - spread to other organs (even distant ones). Often, doctors first find metastases and only after that begin to search for the primary site of the tumor.


Clinical signs usually appear slowly.

Early stages:

  • depression;
  • loss of balance;
  • cranial nerve deficits (decreased or loss of vision, difficulty swallowing, voice changes);
  • convulsions;
  • strange behavior;
  • increase or loss of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • weight loss.

Late stages:

  • persistent early stage symptoms;
  • pressing the head against a hard surface;
  • inability to stand;
  • increased seizures;
  • paralysis;
  • coma.

Crisis - immediate veterinary assistance is required:

  • labored breathing;
  • prolonged convulsions;
  • uncontrolled vomiting/diarrhea;
  • sudden collapse;
  • whining in pain.

Important! Most animals instinctively hide their pain. Any unusual noises your pet makes may indicate that their pain and anxiety have become unbearable.

Mammary tumors in cats

The initial stages can last for several months, and sometimes years, without visible manifestations. The animal's condition changes when the process becomes widespread. A tumor of the glands of cats is manifested by poor appetite, rapid weight loss, apathy, and attempts to hide from others. In this case, constantly growing bumpy growths appear on the mammary glands, pain increases, and ulcers and bleeding are possible.

The first manifestation is a tumor in cats on the abdomen, which is represented by multiple nodules. Over time, their sizes increase, and it is possible to unite the nodes into a large conglomerate. Due to the small size of the primary lesions, diagnosis is difficult.


If your pet develops noticeable swelling, it is best to take him to a veterinarian because it may indicate a serious illness or serious injury.

In case of allergic edema, you can give an injection of Suprastin and take the animal to the hospital. If the swelling is hot or the skin is red, you can apply a cool compress. If the swelling does not cause fever, the skin is cold and bluish, you can try to crush the animal’s limb. But if the cause of swelling is thrombosis, massages are prohibited. Warming compresses are also strictly not recommended.

For traumatic swelling, cold can be applied immediately after injury. A day after the injury, the animal needs to receive warm compresses. But you still need to take your pet to the veterinarian to rule out a fracture.

Tumor on the neck in cats

Often the appearance of a lump on the neck indicates the development of mastocytoma, a neoplasm originating from mast cells. It can disrupt general and local immune reactions, and without treatment, grow into the skull with subsequent brain damage.

A tumor on the neck in cats can also be a manifestation of skin or subcutaneous fat cancer. Such neoplasms are dangerous due to compression of the central nerve bundle and great vessels and can lead to death in a short time.

Other localizations

Neoplasms can develop anywhere, but there are several other typical locations:

  • A tumor on the paw in cats may be a manifestation of osteocytoma. This is a neoplasm originating from bone cells. Its danger lies in its rapid progression. In the later stages, the animal has pronounced cachexia, the inability to move, and bleeding from opening ulcers.
  • An ear tumor in cats is most often a sign of a ruptured vessel in the thickness of the cartilage or soft tissue. Develops as a result of injury, symptoms initially develop quickly, then subside just as quickly. Without proper treatment, a dense lump remains. However, sometimes true tumors associated with pathological cell growth are found on the ears.

Causes and accompanying symptoms

Traumatic injuries

A cat that roams freely on the street is not protected from fights. A pet can receive various injuries, but often it is the face that suffers. You can often notice that a cat’s nose is swollen, the bridge of its nose and ears are torn, and its lips are bleeding. A broken jaw is also possible, causing the entire face to swell. When there is an open wound, it can become infected, which can lead to serious complications for the entire body.

If your pet gets into a fight, it is important to provide first aid and disinfect the wounds as soon as possible.


When a pet develops a tumor on its face, it looks like a lump. Often, compression of the lymphatic vessels occurs, which causes stagnation of lymph, leading to swelling. A lump that has formed on one side of the muzzle can be not only benign, but also malignant. In such a situation, pets will require urgent surgical intervention, since cancer can cause death. In addition to swelling of the muzzle, the appearance of neoplasms provokes the following symptoms:

The appearance of neoplasms, both malignant and benign, is accompanied by diarrhea and constant vomiting.

  • diarrhea;
  • constant vomiting;
  • bleeding of unknown nature;
  • non-healing wounds.

Abscess in cats

It is the appearance of cavities in the tissues, inside of which there is pus. Often a pathological condition occurs due to infection. When the face swells, the first thing the owner needs to do is to examine the oral cavity, since cats often suffer from gumboil. It is important to remember that only a veterinarian should open an abscess. When an abscess occurs, you may notice the following symptoms:

  • the area that is swollen is hot to the touch;
  • when touching the tumor, the cat experiences pain and meows heavily;
  • the hair on the cone falls out;
  • blood and pus are released from the wound;
  • general body temperature increases;
  • the cat becomes apathetic.

Bites and swelling

Cats are most susceptible to bee and wasp stings. Despite the caution of pets, sometimes they can interact with these dangerous insects for fun. Often, the owner may notice that the cat's nose is swollen. The eyelids and lips also suffer. In addition to the appearance of swelling, your pet's body temperature may increase. A playful and hunting character can make a cat fight with snakes. Since the venom of these reptiles is toxic, it causes severe allergies, which manifests itself in swelling of the muzzle.

Acne in cats

In most cases, cat acne is located on the chin and, in its advanced form, causes severe swelling.
This pathology occurs not only in humans, but also in animals that also have sebaceous glands. The largest number of them are localized on the chin. Initially, the development of acne is accompanied by the appearance of blackheads. When the owner overlooked this symptom and appropriate therapy was not carried out, folliculitis occurs. This pathology is characterized by the appearance of voids with pus in the follicles. At the same time, the cat's muzzle becomes very swollen, the pet becomes less active, and its temperature rises.

Allergic reactions

Allergies in pets can be caused by chemicals, products, individual components of medications or complementary foods, pollen, hygiene products, and litter for the tray. In addition to the swelling of the muzzle, the following symptoms are also observed:

  • the appearance of redness, rashes and peeling on the skin;
  • itchy skin;
  • sneezing;
  • vomit;
  • dyspnea;
  • increase in body temperature.


If your pet behaves apathetically, you should palpate the lymph nodes, as their enlargement indicates an inflammatory process.
It is an inflammation of the lymph nodes, which is not considered a separate disease, but serves as a sign that inflammatory processes are occurring inside the body. This pathological condition can be suspected if the owner closely monitors the condition of the pet. The lymph nodes that have been affected become hot to the touch. The cat becomes apathetic, spends most of its time in a lying position, loses its appetite, and at the same time absorbs copious amounts of water.


The key to successful treatment is diagnosing the pathology at an early stage. In a clinical setting, to clarify the diagnosis and monitor the general condition of the body, the following is carried out:

  • Clinical and biochemical analysis of blood and urine.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of internal organs.
  • X-ray diagnostics (if necessary, using contrast agents).
  • A thorough physical examination.

If the presence of neoplasms is suspected, it is advisable to perform a biopsy followed by a cytological analysis, which will indicate the type of tumor and help clarify the prognosis.

Brain neoplasms in dogs and cats

We talked about brain tumors in dogs and cats - the frequency of their occurrence, issues of diagnosis and treatment with the senior surgeon, neurologist at Biocontrol, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Glazov.

– Nikolai Alexandrovich, how relevant is this diagnosis for Biocontrol?

– The issue of brain neoplasia is quite relevant, especially considering the specifics of our clinic. We receive at least two or three patients with this diagnosis per month. Although the incidence of this pathology is not high. In dogs there are about 14.5 cases per 100,000 (or 3% of the total number of all neoplasias), in cats there are 3.5 cases per 100,000 (or 2-3% of the total number of all neoplasias). If we talk about neoplasms of the nervous system in general, the brain is the most vulnerable place. We (like our Western colleagues) encounter damage to this department more often than other parts of the nervous system.

Is it possible to talk about breed or age predisposition in cats and dogs?

– Brain tumors occur in different breeds, regardless of age. But according to scientific literature, the risk group includes dogs older than five years of brachycephalic breeds - boxers, English bulldogs and Boston terriers; and dolichocephalic golden retrievers. The cats are domestic shorthaired cats. On average, the owner can observe primary symptoms in cats at 10-12 years of age, and in dogs at 8-10 years of age.

How can an owner suspect the presence of a tumor process in their pet?

– The brain is a fairly plastic organ. If the tumor grows slowly, the first symptoms may appear only a few months after the formation begins. The severity of clinical symptoms will depend on the location, extent and rate of growth. The most common clinical sign is seizures. They are commonly associated with tumors of the frontal lobe (44%), olfactory region (20%), and parietal lobes (20%). Other clinical signs: walking in a circle (23%), ataxia (unsteadiness of gait) (21%), ataxia with increased sensitivity of the cervical spine. In all these cases, it is necessary to consult a neurologist. During a neurological examination, the doctor may identify disturbances in the functioning of the cranial nerves, changes in the position of the eyeballs, loss of vision, hearing, and smell. And with a careful history taking, the owner himself will indicate that his pet has become less active, has stopped playing, is not grooming sufficiently, or has changed habits.

What needs to be done to confirm this diagnosis?

– It is impossible to diagnose brain neoplasia without special equipment during life. A doctor can only suspect the presence of a tumor process in a patient based on anamnesis and clinical signs, but these guesses can only be confirmed after visualizing the head tissue, and in some cases only after taking material for histological examination. But let's take things in order.

Once the doctor suspects the presence of neoplasia, he will suggest that the owner undergo either an MRI or an MRI of the head. I would like to note right away that MRI is the most sensitive method and will provide extensive information about the state of brain tissue. Based on a number of signs, you can often immediately tell that an animal has tumor growth. But, unfortunately, not always. There are a number of brain pathologies (usually associated with various inflammations), in which the resulting images only indirectly indicate the presence of a space-occupying lesion. In these cases, a cerebrospinal fluid analysis may be required, which, unfortunately, also does not always give a clear answer. The final examination is histological. To carry it out, it is necessary to obtain a piece of a suspicious area of ​​the brain, that is, to perform an operation (trepanation) and remove this material. After all these procedures are completed, the doctor and owner will have an accurate diagnosis, namely, what type of tumor they will have to treat. It is very sad, but it is not always possible to perform all these procedures.

– Tell us, what types of tumors are there?

Brain neoplasias are divided into primary and secondary. Primary tumors develop directly from brain tissue, its membranes, the epithelial lining of the ventricles and its vessels. Secondary tumors develop from tissues that are not part of the brain. These can be either formations growing from the bones of the skull or airways, which, due to the volume and pressure on the brain tissue, disrupt its functioning, or metastatic lesions with a primary focus in a completely different part of the body (breast, prostate or lungs).

Brain neoplasias are also divided into malignant and benign. But since they all grow in a limited volume (in the cranial cavity), then for the health of the patient, if they are not removed, this is not so important.

Meningiomas and gliomas are the most common in cats and dogs. Most primary brain tumors are solitary. A distinctive feature of the lesions described above is their slow growth and localization, which allows the neurosurgeon to develop intervention tactics and perform it without haste. And at the same time, due to drug therapy starting even before the intervention, the patient can almost completely recover.

Secondary damage to brain tissue causes symptoms to develop more quickly. In the presence of metastatic lesions, it is difficult to significantly improve the patient's condition. If there is pressure on the brain from altered bones of the skull, it is usually possible to improve your health only after their removal.

What treatment methods are available to a veterinarian?

– There are two approaches: palliative and radical. Palliative therapy allows you to reduce the effect of the tumor on brain tissue during the growth process: remove swelling, and as a result reduce pressure on various parts of the brain. As a result, it is often possible to eliminate all the symptoms caused by the tumor (convulsions, ataxia, aggression and apathy). To carry it out, both intravenous administration of drugs and oral administration (giving tablets) are used. With a good response to treatment, the patient's quality of life can be significantly extended.

Radical treatment consists of a surgical operation during which the formation is removed. As a rule, in veterinary medicine we are talking about cytoreduction, that is, a certain number of cells or part of the tumor remains. This method allows you to obtain material for histological examination, on the basis of which the type of tumor will be determined, which will allow the oncologist to recommend additional treatment methods.

An available treatment option is radiation therapy. It allows you to reduce the number of tumor cells and slow down tumor growth. The best effect is achieved after surgical treatment.

Chemotherapy is used very limitedly, since chemotherapy drugs do not penetrate well into the affected brain tissue. In some cases, it is effective in the treatment of central nervous system lymphoma.

What can you say about the prognosis for such patients?

With palliative therapy, the prognosis is less favorable: from one to six months from the onset of symptoms. With surgical treatment – ​​from six months to two to three years of life. Don't forget that relapses are possible. Often after surgery you have to take anticonvulsants for life. The possibility of developing meningoencephalitis, which will also have to be treated, cannot be ruled out.

With the combined use of surgery and radiation therapy, the prognosis is most favorable: from sixteen months to three years.

Treatment of tumors in cats

Cancer is a pathology that does not tolerate delay or the use of alternative medicine methods. Therapeutic measures depend on the stage of the disease, the type of altered cells, and susceptibility to different drugs. The leading method of treatment remains surgical removal of the tumor in cats with excision of surrounding tissue and nearby groups of lymph nodes. Additionally, chemotherapy or radiological methods are prescribed to eradicate the remaining pathological cells.

Processes in the last stages with the presence of distant metastases are difficult to treat. In such cases, palliative, symptomatic therapy is carried out, aimed at improving the quality of life. If painkillers are ineffective, euthanasia is advisable.

How to help a domestic cat with a tumor

Malignant formations can metastasize; they necessarily affect nearby tissues and can lead to the rapid death of the animal. This is why it is very important to contact a veterinary clinic as soon as possible if you find a tumor in your kitten.


If you do not have this opportunity, then we suggest you call a veterinarian at home . He will be able to carefully examine the kitten, take all the necessary tests and alleviate the animal’s condition until an accurate diagnosis is received.

If you notice a tumor in your kitten

, then do not hesitate and call a veterinarian at home.

Remember that timely care of your pet will help preserve not only its health, but also its life.

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