Features of transporting animals on Russian Railways trains in 2021 - rules for cats (download laws)

I encountered the need to transport my cat Mars when moving.
There was a trip on a long-distance train (RZD) lasting 25 hours (departure in the morning and arrival the next morning). Some friends suggested that I give the cat into good hands so as not to bother with him, but I categorically refused such recommendations, since I consider it a betrayal of the animal to give it to strangers (even not strangers). Honestly, I don’t understand people who can so easily get rid of their pet because of some inconvenience.

In this article I will share my practical recommendations for transporting cats on a Russian Railways train and my impressions of the first trip with a cat on the train.

Veterinary certificate

Back in 2021, every cat owner who wanted to place their animal on the train had to visit a veterinary station and purchase a health certificate for their pet. The validity period of the certificate was limited, so those people who came for it in advance risked being left on the day of the trip with a useless, invalid piece of paper. This document was valid for only five days, which meant that literally a couple of days before the trip the owner had to visit the veterinary station.

Many owners consider visiting the veterinary station the most tedious preparation point

When traveling abroad, two veterinary certificates are required - in Russian and in the language of the country you are traveling to. English is often used as an international language.

Sample of an international veterinary certificate

There were no provisions for any tests on the territory of the veterinary station itself. The cat owner must come with an existing veterinary passport, which contains information about all vaccinations performed and the health status of the animal. Vaccination had to be done no more than a year, and no less than a month before departure.

Required vaccinations

The situation is further complicated by the fact that there is no single list of required vaccines. In this matter, each veterinary station shows itself “creatively”. For some specialists, a rabies vaccination is enough, while others require vaccination against:

  • Rhinotracheitis;
  • Calcivirosis;
  • Panleukopenia.

As a rule, veterinary stations do not inspect animals and issue certificates based on existing documents

It is difficult to predict the vagaries of each specific station, so universal vaccination was the optimal solution. Even before vaccinations, the cat had to be dewormed in order to avoid side effects from vaccination. In short, the pet owner faced a difficult and exhausting journey from the veterinary station to the treasured railway station.

Condition of the cat after transportation

After the move, the animal, of course, continues to experience stress. This happens not only because of the transportation itself, but also because the animal ends up in a completely new place for it, in a new apartment.

Basically, the behavior of the animal is as follows:

  • refusal to eat for several days (1-3 days);
  • refusal to go to the toilet (up to 24 hours after moving);
  • the animal does not make contact with the owner, hides under the sofa or in another secluded place.

After 2-3 days, this condition passes and the cat begins to behave as usual. After a week, Mars had already completely settled down - his appetite returned, he began to go to the litter box and behave like the master of the house.

Reform 2021

If after all these frightening descriptions you go to unload your suitcases, then don’t rush. In January 2021, another amendment was adopted, this time transforming all preparations for the trip beyond recognition. Pet health certificates were abolished. Abolition, however, does not mean a complete lack of control over the pet’s condition on the part of Russian Railways employees.

Don't be confused if you meet an ignorant guide and explain the situation clearly to him

As already mentioned, all orders from above spread to the ground at a snail's pace. Therefore, if you arrive fully armed, with knowledge of the changed legislation, there is no guarantee that you will not meet an employee who will certainly ask you for an animal passport. Moreover, if you call the company and start asking different specialists questions on this topic, you may well hear mutually exclusive information.

Often Russian Railways employees themselves have conflicting information and cannot agree on the issue of transportation

The main points that you should take away from the winter reform are as follows:

  1. Transportation rules now depend on which compartment you choose. Some types of compartments, which we will talk about next, are not accessible to animals;
  2. The size of a cat is no longer determined by its physical characteristics, but by the carriage in which the animal is placed;
  3. You cannot purchase a single “cat” ticket - for each train and each type of car the price is set individually.
  4. Sleeping and luxury carriages remain inaccessible to cats.

Often Russian Railways employees themselves have conflicting information and cannot agree on the issue of transportation

Despite the fact that having a veterinary passport and related certificates is no longer mandatory, it does not mean that the owner can safely ignore this document. We will talk further about why a veterinary passport is needed and what its useful functions are.

Veterinary passport for a cat

Video - current transportation rules

Travel ticket for a cat - cost and necessity

The price of a “cat ticket” depends on the type of route and the carriage where it is placed:

  1. Long distance trains. Carriage of a cat is paid additionally in reserved seat, seated and general carriages. If the owner decides to travel in a compartment, then there is no need to pay separately for the animal. The cat carrier should be located in the owner's seat and not interfere with other passengers.
  2. High-speed trains. If you prefer fast travel, you must remember that you will have to pay extra for a regular ticket on any of the well-known trains of this type. A flat fee applies for four-legged passengers. For a ride in the Lastochka you will have to pay 150 rubles. The cost of transporting cats in an economy class carriage of the Sapsan train across Russia in 2021 is included in the ticket price.

Possible problems and advice from experienced travelers

When planning your trip, you should think about the trip in advance, especially if it will take place with your beloved pet. Forethought will help people and cats endure the road comfortably. The main requirement of any trip is to ensure the safety of all participants - the animal itself, the owner, and other passengers.

Microchip implantation

To move a cat across the country, microchipping is not a requirement. This procedure must be done before rabies vaccination. This is regulated by current EU regulations. The chip itself looks like a small grain, the size of a grain of rice. It is implanted under the skin on the animal’s withers so as not to create discomfort.

A barcode is entered into the veterinary passport, which is also entered into the electronic database. It first appeared in the European Union, then moved to the USA and Canada. In these countries this procedure is mandatory. Owners who fail to do this face a heavy fine.

The main idea of ​​chipping is to make it easier to find “lost items” so that if found, they can be returned to the owner. Also, all information about a given belly is recorded on the chip, including its vaccinations, diseases and other data.

If during the trip the cat opens its mouth and breathes rapidly during transportation, this indicates that it is motion sick. In this case, you can give medications for motion sickness, if possible, provide a flow of clean air, and give water. It is not advisable to feed a cat in this condition.

What does a cat need on the road?

In order for your pet to survive a long trip, you need to have some items with you. Be sure to stock up on the following:

  • carrying;
  • tray;
  • harness;
  • water;
  • dry food;
  • napkins;
  • disposable waterproof diapers;
  • soft bedding;
  • Trash bags;
  • sedatives;
  • disinfectant against unpleasant odors.

All of these items will be useful, especially during a long trip.

Is a container required for transportation?

A bag for transporting cats is a must, regardless of the chosen transport. It is not recommended to take out an animal while traveling, since in a state of fear it can simply run away, bite, scratch and escape from your hands.

The container must be made of plastic, have a solid bottom, and a mesh. These are the basic requirements that most airlines require for this cat accessory. Although a soft backpack for transporting cats is more convenient for the owner of the animal, it is unlikely to be suitable for a flight.

The nuances of transporting kittens

Many carriers do not accept kittens under four months of age for transportation. This is due to the fact that such kittens, due to their age, cannot receive some mandatory vaccinations. Many of them are placed only at three months, but must undergo quarantine. It is better to transport kittens with their mother. One or more kittens are not allowed.

Sedatives for cats

Using sedatives will reduce your cat's stress. It is advisable to coordinate the choice of a specific drug with your veterinarian. If you plan to travel by plane, sedatives for cats during transportation can be dangerous.

An overdose of the drug can also only cause problems, and sometimes even cause death.

How to prepare a cat for flight

For several days, the cat’s food should be limited, but not completely. Access to water must remain unrestricted. It is worth preparing a carrier, toys and other necessary items in advance.

How to prepare your pet?

Constantly changing conditions are stressful for cats, so the owner’s task is to do everything to ensure that the pet suffers as little as possible from this. It is necessary to purchase a container for transporting cats, with normal ventilation and a strong frame. Lack of air and lack of support in the bag provoke nervousness and panic in the cat. You need to prepare your pet for moving in a container in a calm home environment. You should place the carrier in the room so that the cat sniffs it and climbs inside. Once he gets used to it, he will calmly ride in it. It is not recommended to give food to the animal before the trip. The last feeding is allowed 6 hours before departure.

How to calm an animal?

To prevent your cat from becoming nervous during the trip, it is recommended to give her sedative drops, selected by a doctor.
Few cats tolerate travel well, especially for the first time. They meow for a long time out of excitement and sometimes get motion sickness. To relieve discomfort, veterinarians advise giving your cat sedatives in drops. It is better to discuss the selection of the drug with your doctor at your appointment, since they do not have the same effect on all pets. Some cats become even more nervous due to the unusual sensations caused by the medication. You need to start giving your pet drops a few days before the trip. There is no need to leave your cat alone, but at the stations you can go out for a walk with him. List of effective medications to calm your pet:

  • "Fitex";
  • "Stopstress";
  • "Fospasim";
  • "Cat Baiyun".

To transport a cat abroad, you will need to have a microchip implanted under the skin for identification.

Preparing for the trip

Before setting off on a long journey with your pet, it is advisable to do a number of simple manipulations that will make the trip easier for both the cat and you in the future:

  1. Implant a chip into an animal. Despite the fact that this advice sounds somewhat threatening, many owners resort to this procedure. When transporting a cat, the likelihood of its loss increases, and no one can be 100 percent insured. The chip will allow you to determine the location of the cat using a special program in case of its escape and will save you from tedious searches;

    The miniature chip does not harm the animal’s body and is not felt by it in any way.

  2. Give your pet worm prevention three months before the departure date. The absence of the need to have a veterinary certificate should not entail a special lack of responsibility for your pet. This way you will protect yourself and your possible travel companions from possible infection;

    Dirofen in the form of a suspension is literally created for pets who cannot tolerate tablets

  3. Make sure you have all your cat's required vaccinations throughout the year.

Carrying bag

I will dwell in more detail on the carrying bag. You can purchase either a hard carrier (plastic or metal) or a soft one. I have a soft fabric one with a rigid frame.

I recommend placing a pet diaper (available in pet stores) at the bottom in case the animal goes to the toilet directly in the bag (which is most often excluded). Also, bedding will not hurt if the cat has a plastic carrier. The animal will be more comfortable on a soft diaper or blanket.

Absorbent animal bedding

Mars traveled in such a soft carrier

Problems on the way

It is not always possible to transport a cat by railway transport without misunderstandings. Some guides do not thoroughly know the rules for transporting cats, which provokes conflicts with pet owners and demands for money, even if all the documentation is available. The owner needs to carefully study the rules and assure train employees that the pet will be under supervision and will not damage property. The next problem is unfriendly fellow travelers. They need to show documents for the animal, and during the trip make sure that the cat behaves calmly. If any of the passengers are allergic to cat fur, they should be offered an antihistamine.

Transporting cats on high-speed trains

There is no single set of rules for transporting cats that is valid for every train. Before setting off, the owner should familiarize himself with all the possible options and weigh the pros and cons.

Table 1. Rules for transporting cats on high-speed trains


Peregrine Falcon

In Sapsan, cats are transported in specially designated places in the third and eighth carriages for economy class passengers. In first and business classes, space for passengers with pets is available in the third carriage. The weight of the container together with the animal should not exceed 10 kg, the container itself should be no more than 120 cm 900 rubles in first and business class. In other carriages the cost of transportation is included in the ticket


On this train, cats can be transported in class 2B carriages. There is strictly one carriage per travel document. Containers must contain no more than two pets. The size of animals when summing up three dimensions (width – height – length) should not exceed 180 cm The cost of transporting each individual individual is negotiated individually


In Lastochka, transportation of cats is permitted in class 2C and 3C carriages. Passengers with animals are allocated special seats in the fifth and tenth carriages. There are also luxury places where you can also accommodate cats, but for an additional fee. A passenger can take one container, which will contain no more than two individuals. The dimensions of pets in the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 180 cm 150 rubles

Swallow premium

The difference between the conditions of a premium swallow and an ordinary swallow is the greater number of places for cat lovers, concentrated in the fifth car. For an additional fee, it is possible to reserve seats of increased comfort. A passenger can take one container containing no more than two individuals. The dimensions of pets in the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 180 cm 150 rubles


Seats for passengers with cats in Allegro are located in the sixth carriage. There are no special seats available for an additional fee. Transported pets must be in containers whose dimensions do not exceed 60x45x60 cm 15 euros

General rules for animal owners

Regardless of what animal is about to travel, its owner should know the general rules:

  1. The carrier reserves the right to determine specific places for delivery of animals. Special signs are installed in train carriages.
  2. The owner must warn the administrative staff of JSC Russian Railways that the four-legged animal is about to travel.

Rules for transporting cats on trains in the Russian Federation

Russian legislators classify cats as “small (pet) animals.” It also includes dogs of small breeds, birds, lizards, rodents and fish.

The following rules have been developed for owners:

  1. Pets are placed in special baskets and houses that isolate them from passengers. It doesn’t matter who rides in it, an adult animal or a kitten.
  2. Large breed cats can fit in a container whose size does not exceed 180 centimeters (the total size of three sides). Such transportation is equivalent to hand luggage and does not require payment for additional space.
  3. Owners are required to feed their animals and keep the container clean.
  4. The conductor or controller may refuse to transport a cat if he decides that they pose a danger to the health of other passengers.
  5. Short distances are covered without being placed in a container, under the constant supervision of the owner.

Rules for transporting Russian Railways animals unaccompanied by the owner - photo instructions

Requirements for the cage and adoption of the animal

Loading and delivery

On long-distance trains

The length of the long-distance train route is more than 700 km. The cost of moving varies depending on the direction the owner and his pet are traveling. For example, transporting a cat over a distance of more than 12,500 km will cost about 3 thousand rubles.

To ensure maximum comfort on the road, experienced owners and management of transport companies advise:

  • do not limit the cat’s access to water;
  • have a sedative and anti-sickness pills;
  • During long stops, walk the cat in the fresh air and give it the opportunity to go to the toilet.

On high-speed trains

Now JSC Russian Railways has launched four high-speed trains: Lastochka, Sapsan, Allegro and Strizh. Stricter rules apply on their routes, which is explained by the carrier’s desire to provide comfortable conditions for passengers.

Cat owners traveling in luxury carriages will have to leave them in a special place and pay above the ticket price.

In “Swallows” the rules for four-legged pets are general; it is only important not to block the passage with a carrier. The rules are the same - there is one animal per passenger, and a ticket for it must be purchased separately. For business class carriages, the requirements are similar to Sapsan type trains.

In Strizhi you can bring a cat according to the same rules, and for an additional fee.

On commuter trains

It is more convenient to transport cats by electric train, since such a journey will be less stressful for them. Moving short distances allows you to hold your furry pets in your arms. There is no need to take a large carrier with you; the supervision of the owner or an accompanying person is sufficient. The ticket costs the same as for one passenger, as it does not include additional services.

Legislative regulation

Every owner must follow the current rules for transporting cats by train. To do this, you need to delve into the essence of the issue and its subtleties.

The portal’s lawyer will help you deal with them; you can send a request to him on the site at any time.

After filling out the pop-up form, the consultant will give advice on the rules for transporting cats on trains.

Regulations for the transportation of animals by rail are mandatory for all passengers. Any citizen, having purchased a ticket, automatically agrees to comply. Violation of these will result in prescribed penalties.

The legislative framework in this area consists of:

  1. Charter of railway transport No. 18-FZ dated 10/01/2003 as amended in 2021.
  2. The Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation approved the Rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage No. 473 dated 12/19/2013 in the new edition of 2021 certified by the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation and standards for the delivery of animals by rail.

Watch the video: “How to transport a cat on a train.”

Travel registration

Nowadays, tickets are purchased in two ways, which determine the specifics of further actions:

  1. Order a ticket via the Internet. As a rule, on the websites of railway companies, when purchasing a ticket, you can select all the additional functions, which include transporting a pet, which will increase the cost of the ticket. Upon arrival at the station, you just need to show your passport and present the ticket printed from the website;

    When ordering a ticket through the website, pay attention to the carriages marked with the letter Z - these are the ones you need

  2. Purchasing a ticket through the station ticket office. When purchasing a ticket directly, you inform the cashier about the presence of the animal and discuss the package of necessary documents and the final cost of the ticket, after which you redeem it.

It is advisable to notify Russian Railways employees of your intention to transport the animal in advance (two to three days before the day of departure). You can do this by calling the toll-free number 8-800-222-07-66.

The simplest procedure for transporting a cat applies to all trains

Please note that commuter trains do not require containers. It is enough to pay an additional fee for the animal, and entry into the carriage is open.

How to transport on an airplane?

Is it possible to transport a cat on an airplane? Yes, if you collect all the necessary documents and prepare for the trip, following the airline's rules and customs requirements.

Airlines usually offer two options for transporting a cat - you can either take it into the cabin or transport it in the luggage compartment. Check in advance what maximum weight animals can be taken on board the plane. Typically this weight is 8 kg. If your cat weighs more, she will have to travel in the luggage compartment.

When purchasing a plane ticket, indicate in advance that you will be traveling with an animal. The fact is that a limited number of animals can travel in the cabin of an airplane on one flight, so you need to communicate your desire to transport a cat in advance. Also check whether you need to pay extra for transporting animals.

Before transporting a cat on a plane in Russia, you need to obtain a certificate from a veterinary clinic, as is the case with train travel.

When buying a plane ticket, immediately order a reservation that allows you to transport animals. Each air carrier has its own rules, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with them in advance.

The fact is that some companies allow pets to be transported in the cabin, others require reservations, and still others prohibit it altogether (the cat is placed in the luggage compartment).

Each airport has a veterinary control post. There you need to put the strain on form No. 1. Upon arrival at your destination, another stamp is placed. If there are transplants, everyone needs to undergo this procedure.

Next, the cat and the container are weighed and the overload is paid. Paying extra money is, of course, unpleasant, but nothing can be done, these are the rules today.

To transport a cat on a plane abroad, you need to do the same as in Russia, but you must have an international veterinary passport.

Required documents

Not so long ago, all cats were required to obtain a special certificate from a veterinarian to travel on trains, and many still think that this is necessary. But as of 2021, this requirement has been abolished; a pet will need a veterinary document only if its transportation is directly related to business (for example, if a cat is being transported for sale). In this case, you cannot do without a veterinary passport, which will contain notes about the vaccinations given.

If you are planning a trip with a cat abroad, then you need to find out about the necessary documents for your pet in the destination country. Depending on the final destination of the trip, the set of required papers may vary. For example, for some countries it is mandatory for an animal to have a chip with an individual number.

So the only document needed to travel domestically with your furry friend is a ticket, which may or may not incur an additional fee. Accompanying veterinary documents are not required for traveling within Russia.

If necessary, you will have to pay a separate baggage check for the cat.

We transport it in a car

If you have to transport your cat or kitten long distance by car or just go to the vet, you will need to prepare for this in advance. How to transport a cat and what will you need for this? Even for the shortest trip, you will need a special carrier - after all, always carrying your pet in your arms is impractical and unreliable. There are different types of carriers, and each has its own features and advantages.

There are no requirements as such for transporting a pet in a car, but there are recommendations that are highly advisable to follow.

Before transporting your cat in a car, make sure you have it under control. You can put her in a container or soft carrier, or just keep her on a leash. The main thing is that it cannot move around the inside of the car. This is fraught with the fact that the fluffy will have the opportunity to jump out of the window (on a busy highway this can cause an accident) or interfere with the driver, creating an emergency situation.

Transporting cats unaccompanied

Currently, on 226 long-distance trains you can transport a cat across Russia in the luggage compartment without the owner. To receive a ticket for your cat, the owner must write an application at the box office.

List of requirements for such transportation:

  1. It is mandatory to have a cage or container in which the cat will stay the entire way.
  2. The carrier is accompanied by the necessary accompanying documents, water, food and a bowl, one toy and a means to maintain cleanliness.

The cost of the new service will depend on how far the train travels to its destination. The animal will not be left unattended, as Russian Railways employees will monitor it.

Watch the video: “How to transport a cat on a train.”

Upon arrival, the pet will be handed over to someone designated by the owner. You can receive the “parcel” upon presentation of an identity document or upon confirmation of authority.

One person can send no more than 3 carry-on size “parcels”.

Is it necessary to buy the entire compartment if you are traveling with a pet?

This restriction is established only for SV carriages and luxury cabins. To travel with a cat in a classic coupe, you do not need to buy all the shelves. All you need is a ticket for yourself and a receipt for the transportation of your tailed friend. It does not hurt to clarify detailed information on this issue with the carrier.

  1. "Allegro" - transportation on a paid basis in the places provided for this.
  2. "Sapsan" - carriage on a paid basis in economy, business and first class carriages in designated seats. At the same time, only one animal or bird can be issued for one ticket. Placing more than two pets in one place is also prohibited. In a negotiation compartment, you are allowed to carry no more than one pet per seat and no more than four animals per compartment.
  3. "Strizh" - transportation is paid in a "2B" type carriage.
  4. "Swallow" - travel is paid in special places. No more than one pet per ticket and no more than two per seat.

Not all carriages of JSC FPC allow pets, so before purchasing a ticket, you should make sure that such a service is provided in the carriage. If the train belongs to another carrier, you should clarify in advance exactly how the process is carried out.

If, in the opinion of Russian Railways employees, a large animal poses a potential threat and may be dangerous for passengers, their owners may be denied transportation.

As for larger dogs, they should be transported in a vestibule, kept on a leash and muzzled. However, the presence of more than two large dogs in one carriage is not allowed. You will also need to pay additional transportation fees.

Video about transporting animals

The travel of pets on trains with their owners is subject to strict rules. It is not possible to carry out transportation in all types of wagons. Before buying a ticket, you should check with the cashier whether transporting animals is allowed and how much it will cost.


So, let's summarize. Your main actions if you plan to transport a cat by train to the Russian Federation:

  • Find your way around the flight.
  • Call the Russian Railways help desk (or the carrier) and find out whether pets can be carried on this flight and in which carriage. Find out more about the conditions.
  • Issue a receipt for transporting your pet. You can do this in parallel with purchasing a ticket for yourself or after, presenting your ticket when issuing a receipt.
  • Buy a durable cat carrier.


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