Let's find out how to calm a cat if he's gone on a spree?


When getting a pet, everyone understands that they will face a number of difficulties. However, few people think about the “mating season” of future pets. This topic deserves special attention; preparation is indispensable. So, what to do if the cat goes on a spree? The most important thing is not to panic.

It should be remembered that the animal senses the owner’s mood. Many people begin to think about how to get rid of the animal, because it is such a hassle. There is no need to show weakness, all problems can be solved. The main thing is to know how to do it. Having all the necessary information, you can help both the cat and yourself.

The most common diseases causing back pain

Pain syndrome in the back in most cases develops against the background of any diseases of the musculoskeletal system, neuroendocrine system or internal organs. The most common are osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, ankylosing spondylitis, oncological processes in the spine, etc.

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Osteochondrosis and disc herniation

This is a degenerative-dystrophic process that leads to the gradual destruction of intervertebral discs (cartilaginous shock-absorbing plates with an elastic core in the middle). The discs crack, lose their elasticity and can completely collapse. In this case, the core of the disc protrudes and compresses the nerve roots or spinal cord - a disc herniation develops.

When the roots are pinched, severe back pain appears, often radiating to large nerve trunks. Most often this occurs in the lumbar region, which can withstand the highest load. It hurts first in the lumbar region, and then radiates to the back surface of the lower limb (lumboischialgia). The sooner treatment for this disease is started, the faster the patient will get rid of pain.

Ankylosing spondylitis

The correct name of the disease is ankylosing spondylitis. This is a chronic inflammatory systemic disease of connective tissue associated with autoimmune processes (allergy to the patient’s own tissues) and aggravated heredity. Mostly men under 40 years of age are affected.

What to do if the cat goes on a spree? Let go!

Thanks to the prohibitive amount of hormones in the blood, cats become real alpha males during the breeding season. Why do animals scream? This is both a call for relatives and an expression of overwhelming emotions. How to calm a cat so that he does not yell, on his own? Many owners of tailed pets suggest simply letting animals go for walks, so eager for freedom and adventure. In general, this is a good option if you live in a private house and the cat goes hunting from time to time. But we must not forget that the animal may simply not return home. Even in a quiet rural area, a domestic cat can be harmed by a wild animal or vehicle. In cities there are many times more dangers. It is completely unacceptable to throw an animal onto the street that has never been there before. This is a huge stress for your pet.

Features of the mating season in cats

Jokes about March cats are common in folklore. In fact, the desire to continue the race can overtake representatives of the cat family in any month. What is noteworthy is that the regularity of such hormonal surges is individual for each animal. The only thing the owner doesn’t have to worry about is that he won’t be able to miss the mating season. During a hormonal surge, cats scream or meow pitifully, some animals can become aggressive, others, on the contrary, require attention and affection from the owner. Another unpleasant manifestation of the basic instinct is the desire to mark territory. Even the most obedient animals can begin to “leave their mark” throughout the apartment. Agree, all this is not very pleasant. We will try to list all the most effective and safe ways to calm a cat during the mating season.


During a period of hormonal rebellion, most cats extremely favorably accept the attention of their owners. Try playing with your cat more often, picking him up and petting him. The most important thing is not to scold the animal or show aggression. Remember that your pet has little to no control over himself. His behavior is an external manifestation of an excess of hormones in his blood. Calming a cat at home is not at all easy if he is constantly yelling and marking the apartment. One of the folk tricks that helps distract the animal for a while is to spray it with water. If you use this method, the cat will actually become silent for a while as it begins to lick itself. Still, water is not an effective remedy against cat tantrums, since very soon the screaming will resume. This method is not suitable for animals that are afraid of splashing water. A few minutes of silence for the owner will result in additional stress for the cat.

Let your pet love

Owners of purebred animals usually look forward to the moment when their pet is ready to continue the family. If you wish, you can even look for candidates for the cat’s bride in advance, if he has a good pedigree. You can try to offer your cat as a groom to one of the cat owners you know, if he doesn’t have a breed, but is also handsome. And yet this is not a solution to the problem, but only a way to survive one of the pet’s mating periods. Some cat owners prefer to train their pet to “love” something inanimate. Try offering your tailed don Juan a soft toy or his bedding. However, this method of correcting sexual activity also has disadvantages. Don’t be surprised if, after a toy approved for “love,” the pet “loves” the owner’s fur coat or a soft sofa. But what to do if the cat goes on a spree, how to calm the pet?


This type of medicine effectively eliminates the symptoms of estrus and has minimal impact on the pet’s health.

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Traditional medicine effectively eliminates the symptoms of estrus

Methods to eliminate the symptoms of “walking”:

  1. Spray the wool with cool water.
  2. Give the animal a tincture of mint, linden, and chamomile.
  3. Give your pet more attention. You should not raise your voice; an animal during estrus is susceptible to high-pitched tones.
  4. Buy a new toy. This will help you get distracted and use up energy. Outdoor games will tire your pet, and at night she will fall asleep soundly.
  5. Separate room for cats. If you close it, screams at night will no longer annoy the owners. It is important to provide in advance the availability of water, food, scratching posts, toys and a place to sleep.

Duration, frequency and manifestations of estrus in cats

The first heat in cats usually comes at 8 - 10 months, and for some even earlier. But the pet is not yet ready for kittens to appear at this time. The burden of bearing kittens is too great for a body that is not fully formed and can result in health problems and premature pregnancy. The animal will be ready for kittens no earlier than 16 - 20 months. In an adult cat, without problems with the reproductive sphere, estrus occurs three times a year and lasts about 10 - 14 days. In some cases, longer, it depends on many factors and characteristics of a particular case.

When a cat asks a cat how to calm her down, it’s not immediately clear. During this period, her behavior can be more than specific. The main symptom is loud, obsessive meowing, which can last continuously with breaks for short-term sleep. In general, at this time, pets are characterized by increased nervousness and even, possibly, aggressiveness, which is manifested by damage to things.

In addition, the desire to meet a cat can manifest itself as follows:

  • the cat marks the territory, leaving small puddles;
  • there is a decrease in appetite;
  • adopting a mating position, rolling on the floor;
  • excessive affection, the animal literally sticks to its owners.

If these signs make it clear that the cat wants a cat, what to do needs to be decided as soon as possible, and it is better to take care of this issue in advance. Otherwise, you will have to “enjoy” heartbreaking cat concerts for more than one day, without a break for the owner’s sleep and rest. And even the fluffiest purr will not benefit from such stress.

Are homemade sedatives safe?

Everyone knows about the attraction of cats to valerian. Sometimes this particular remedy is recommended as a sedative for our tailed friends. If you let your cat smell valerian or even lick some, its behavior will really change and become calmer. Still, this is not the best way to calm a cat when he is angry. Valerian is a safe sedative for humans. For cats, this is a real drug that is addictive from the first try. Giving valerian to tailed animals is not recommended. What about catnip? In fact, this remedy acts on the cat’s body in the same way as valerian, but somewhat weaker. This means that mint is also not very suitable for correcting the behavior of an animal during the mating season.

About stopping a cat's heat

Many cat owners, who have great difficulty in enduring their pet’s problem period, ask veterinarians whether there is a way to radically stop estrus. Yes, they exist. However, such medications will not improve your pupil’s health, and worse, they can significantly harm him. One of these remedies is of hormonal origin. This is an injectable drug called Covinan. Its introduction not only stops estrus, but also prevents its occurrence for six months. Please note that the product should be used only after consulting a veterinarian. After all, injections must be given strictly according to the scheme, and this should be done before the start of estrus, and not when the process has begun. The use of hormonal injections at such times is strictly prohibited. Please note that only a veterinarian should inject the medicine. Do not forget that by deciding to invade the natural process, you expose your pet to the risk of diseases of the mammary glands, appendages and uterus. Covinan should not be used on cats over five years of age.

To reduce sexual arousal, Suprastin is sometimes used. This is the name of an antihistamine for humans, which females are given a quarter of a tablet per five kilograms of weight. But this remedy cannot be called safe from the point of view of its effect on the cat’s nervous system. It leads to malfunctions in the animal’s body.

There are also special medications to reduce sexual desire: Stop-Intimate, Anti-Sex, Contra-Sex. It is worth knowing that they also contain hormones, and since you cannot get by with one such tablet to calm your cat, you will, again, harm its health. You should not use such drugs more than twice. They can cause suppuration of the uterus, ovarian and mammary gland cancer.

If you do not plan to have offspring with your cat, then the best option to avoid such problems is to have her spayed. This is more humane and safer than constantly exposing the animal to danger during heat. By interfering with the natural process, you always risk the cat's health.

Tablets for calming the pet and owner

Any pet store or veterinary pharmacy has an impressive range of special medications for “cat love”. Drugs of this type are divided into two categories: sedatives and hormonal. The first ones are safer. They do not affect hormonal levels, but at the same time stabilize the functioning of the central nervous system. If you care about the health of your animal, choose products based on natural plant extracts. For ease of use, you can find medications on sale in various forms: drops, tablets, granules for adding to food.

Diet and daily routine

One of the most important aspects of caring for an elderly person suffering from dementia is organizing a clear and established daily routine. The patient should not be allowed to sleep too long in the morning. An alarm clock will help you get up at the same time. The specific time of waking up also determines what time the patient goes to bed in the evening. If he wakes up at 6-7 am, he will need to go to bed no later than 10 pm. The night will pass peacefully, and relatives will have the opportunity to sleep. You also need to go for a walk at the same time.

Despite the unstable mental state, the patient does not need to be isolated from society. Communication with others, especially at an early stage, will help delay and slightly delay the development of the disease. If possible, you can ensure that you attend hobby groups or clubs. Mental stress can prevent the rapid death of cells.

Caring for a person with dementia at home involves changing their diet. You will have to exclude fried, spicy, smoked foods from your diet, focusing on boiled or steamed foods. Fruits, nuts, fish and seafood are excellent natural antioxidants; they are extremely useful for all brain diseases and nervous disorders.

Castration: pros and cons

The most radical and effective way to calm a cat is to have surgery. There are two options for the operation: complete removal of the testicles or ligation of the spermatic cords. Both interventions are performed under full anesthesia. These operations are relatively simple, and if performed by an experienced doctor, the risks are minimal. The recovery period is short - within a few weeks you will forget about a trip to the veterinary clinic. In the absence of individual contraindications, castration can be performed as early as 8 months. The main advantage of the operation is a 100% guarantee of no relapse. If you decide to castrate, you can be sure that your cat will never lose his head in love again in his life. Pet owners claim that their pets often become calmer after the operation. Still, any surgery carries risks. Remember that even during the simplest operation you can lose your pet. Now you know what to do if the cat goes on a spree. How to calm your pet at home is up to you to decide. Sometimes it's enough to just be patient for a while. If you don’t like this option, use one of the methods described above.

How to treat back pain

The main goal of treatment is to relieve pain and suppress the transition of an acute pathological process to a chronic one. For this purpose, treatment of the underlying disease is prescribed, as well as symptomatic drug therapy and non-drug treatment methods.

Algorithm for the treatment of acute pain syndrome:

  • short-term bed rest (2 – 5 days) in combination with drug therapy and reflexology (RT); long-term adherence to bed rest contributes to the transition of an acute process to a chronic one; it is possible to prescribe a short course of wearing orthopedic devices: a cervical collar for pathology in the upper back and neck or lumbar girdle;
  • semi-bed rest for the next 7 - 8 days; the course of drug therapy and RT continues, light physical exercises and physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis with pain-relieving medicinal solutions) are added;
  • mode of physical activity with minor restrictions (10 – 20 days); drug therapy is carried out according to indications; physiotherapy (laser and magnetic therapy), RT; add a course of manual therapy and massage;
  • a mode of physical activity without restrictions (but without lifting weights) with the performance of specially selected exercise therapy exercises;
  • pain prevention – regular exercise therapy and feasible sports in order to raise the quality of life to a new level.

Drug therapy

Since the examination does not always reveal the causes of pain, the treatment takes into account its nature (noceceptive, neuropathic):

  1. For very severe, sharp pain, paravertebral blockades with novocaine are performed. If the pain syndrome is not relieved, epidural blockades are performed - pain relief by introducing anesthetics into the epidural cavity located between the dura mater and the periosteum of the spinal column.
  2. Less severe pain is relieved by intramuscular administration of drugs from the NSAID group. The selection of medications is carried out individually, taking into account the properties of the drug and the individual characteristics of the patient. The most effective remedy, Diclofenac, can cause gastrointestinal complications, so if the patient has stomach diseases, more modern NSAIDs (Celebrex, Nise, Meloxicam) will help relieve back pain.
  3. To eliminate spasms of the back muscles, muscle relaxants are prescribed - Movalis, Sirdalud.
  4. B vitamins (B1, B6, B12) have a beneficial effect on the peripheral nervous system and enhance the analgesic effect of NSAIDs. These drugs can be administered as injections of individual vitamins or as a Milgamma solution, which contains all 3 vitamins and the painkiller lidocaine. After the condition improves, you can take Milgamma Compositum or Neuromultivita tablets orally.
  5. For neuropathic pain associated with the involvement of nerve fibers in the process, antidepressants (amitriptyline) and anticonvulsants (pregabalin) are included in the complex treatment. These remedies help relieve pain.

High blood pressure danger

A hypertensive crisis (high blood pressure or BP) is a condition when blood pressure rises quickly and sharply, with readings of 180/120 or higher. The consequences of uncontrolled blood pressure in this range can be serious and include:

  • stroke;
  • loss of consciousness with dangerous injuries;
  • memory loss;
  • acute cardiovascular diseases;
  • eye damage and visual disturbances;
  • loss of kidney function;
  • aortic dissection;
  • angina pectoris (unstable chest pain);
  • Pulmonary edema (fluid reserve in the lungs).

If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, monitor your readings and take your medications. During an emergency, having the notes with you can provide valuable information to the medical team providing treatment.

How to prolong the life of a person with dementia?

Dementia is an irreversible process. According to medical studies, patients can live with this diagnosis for up to 10 years. Relatives are faced with a task: if mom, dad, grandma or grandpa has senile dementia, how can they help their loved one and try to preserve the remnants of their intellect?

In the initial stages of the disease, you need to intensively train the brain: solve crossword puzzles with the patient, solve problems from the school curriculum, watch TV quiz shows and offer your own answers. It is recommended to engage in gentle physical exercise and walk more in the fresh air. There are special simple exercises for dementia for the elderly; they are easy to perform, but they require concentration, which is very useful for such patients.

Communication with well-known people is welcome. Conversations, discussions, telephone conversations are useful. Despite the manifestations of the disease, relatives need to remember that in front of them is the same beloved and close person whom they are accustomed to knowing all their lives. All changes in character occur not by his will, but under the influence of an incurable disease. Dementia cannot be cured, but its progression can be delayed and delayed.

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