Discharge from a pregnant cat: bloody, yellow

Many cat owners, even if they have at least some experience, are afraid of their pet giving birth. You can often hear that the process of giving birth to babies almost certainly must be accompanied by some complications and difficulties. Fortunately, this is far from the case, and it is rarely necessary to really help the animal. Other breeders are concerned about discharge before childbirth: they also believe that discharge from the external genitalia must necessarily indicate something unpleasant and deadly... Is this really so, is it necessary to immediately contact a veterinarian?

Discharge at different stages of pregnancy

A cat's pregnancy lasts 9 weeks. It occurs in several stages:

  • early – up to 3 weeks;
  • fetal formation – up to 6 weeks;
  • prenatal – up to 9 weeks.

A cat is expecting offspring.
Different secretions occur in each period. Kitties themselves are very clean and sometimes it’s hard to see her discharge. At the first stage of gestation, a light pink secretion may be released. During this period, the egg only attaches to the uterus. In the second stage of development, the transparent mucous part of the plug may separate as the cervix closes.

Important! If the discharge is bloody, then you should pay attention to this. They should not be confused with normal ones. There is a possible risk of miscarriage. A veterinarian's consultation is required.

At a later date, a secret may appear again, because the baby is due soon. Possible mucous scarlet secretion.

Diagnostic measures

If suspicious discharge appears in a cat before or before birth, it is necessary to take the pet to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible, where it will be examined by a veterinarian. The doctor will determine the nature of the discharge, whether it is pus, blood, ichor or transparent white mucus. Pink discharge without other inclusions in the early stages of pregnancy is considered normal; if the cat feels well and is not worried, then there is nothing to worry about. It’s another matter when there is bleeding from the genitals, with blood flowing or dripping constantly, the animal feels bad, is worried, or, conversely, is lethargic and passive. Then a referral is given to the following diagnostic methods:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • microbiological examination of secretions;
  • Ultrasound.

What kind of discharge can there be?

A cat's discharge may include:

  • simple;

Cat discharge: bloody, white, purulent

Acceptable light pink secretion at the beginning of pregnancy as a result of egg implantation.

  • blood;

A variant of a pathological process or threat of miscarriage. In a pregnant cat, bleeding can be fraught with complications. But they are quite natural during contractions and pushing.

  • dirty yellow color;

In this case, you need to monitor the cat’s behavior and see how many days she behaves unnaturally. Such discharge in a pregnant cat is usually nothing serious. They are formed as a result of waste products of babies.

With additional symptoms, this color indicates the release of pus from the loop. Perhaps an inflammatory process has begun in the uterus. Urgent treatment with effective drugs or termination of pregnancy is necessary.

  • white.

A normal situation during the period of fetal formation. Amniotic fluid fills the uterine cavity, and the excess flows out.

X-ray of a pregnant cat

Important! In any doubtful situation regarding the health of a pregnant cat, it is better to consult a specialist who will perform an ultrasound or x-ray diagnostics.

Treatment for pathology

When contacting the clinic, the animal undergoes a series of tests, including ultrasound diagnostics and a clinical examination of the cat. Bleeding in cats poses a serious threat to the life of the pet. This is due to the fact that during the gestation of kittens, the uterus increases in size and is unusually supplied with blood.

In pathological processes (ruptures of the uterine walls, damage to large vessels), the animal quickly loses a large amount of blood and dies without timely help.

Depending on the established diagnosis, the specialist prescribes further treatment, including surgical intervention (if it is not possible to save the kittens) or maintenance therapy using anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.

After any delivery, an animal with pathology needs maintenance therapy to quickly restore vitality.

Preventive measures during cat pregnancy to avoid the appearance of discharge from the loop imply organizing proper nutrition for the animal, both before and during pregnancy. It is recommended to protect the cat from hypothermia and infectious diseases (deworming and vaccination are an integral part of the prevention of animal health).

The manifestation of any signs of ill health of your furry pet is a reason to consult a veterinarian. It is important to make sure that the health of the cat and her babies is not in danger.

Dangerous diseases

Brown discharge from a cat's eyes

Bloody and green discharge with a specific odor in a cat during pregnancy always indicates a pathological process, which is why additional symptoms appear. The reasons may be different: inflammation of the reproductive system, placental abruption, fetal death, etc. In some cases, this indicates diseases that require urgent treatment.


Inflammation of the vagina. A diagnostic sign is that the cat begins to lick itself quite often, hiding the discharge. This makes diagnosing the disease difficult. A mild form can be cured with douching, a severe form can be treated with antibiotics.


Inflammation of the uterus. It is caused by intrauterine infection, as a result of which the animal can give birth to weakened or premature babies, who sometimes even die. Acute endometritis, if left untreated, leads to the death of the cat. And as a result of chronic endometritis, hydrometra can develop. The secreted secretion itself can be of different shades, any consistency and smell.


Accumulation of fluid, exudate, and secretions of the uterine glands in the uterine cavity. As a result, the uterus swells. Scanty or spotting discharge is possible. It often develops against the background of chronic endometritis. Emergency treatment is necessary, otherwise the cat may die.


Occurs in case of uterine injury or inflammation. Blood accumulation occurs. During pregnancy, a cat will have bloody discharge from the uterine cavity.


An inflammatory disease of the uterus, as a result of which pus accumulates in it. Due to hormonal imbalance or pathogenic flora entering the cavity, endometritis begins to develop.

Schematic drawing of pyometra in a cat

Pyometra occurs in two forms:

  • open. The resulting pus leaves the uterine cavity to the outside. The owner can easily detect such departments and begin urgent treatment;
  • closed. With this form, pus accumulates inside, thereby inflating the uterus. Diagnosing the disease in this case is much more difficult. It is necessary to observe the behavior of a pregnant cat. Lethargic and apathetic state, fever, loss of appetite, profuse thirst, the cat often begins to lick itself, often urinates, while breathing is heavy.

How to treat?

The owner needs to be close to the pet at such an important moment and monitor so that no complications occur.
Clear, light pink bleeding before childbirth is considered normal, so treatment is not required. The owner needs to monitor the pet’s condition, calm her down during childbirth, and do everything to ensure that the process ends safely. At the same time, during childbirth, it is important to pay attention to the nature of the amniotic fluid, color, and smell. If you have any suspicions, it is better to tell everything to the veterinarian, who will refer you for additional examination and, if necessary, prescribe restorative treatment.

In case of uterine abruption, when bloody discharge comes from under the tail, the doctor first of all takes into account the timing of pregnancy. In the later stages, constant monitoring is carried out, and comprehensive analyzes are carried out. Delivery usually occurs without complications unless the animal has other health problems. If abruption occurs in the first half of pregnancy, and the bleeding is profuse, there is no other choice but to artificially induce labor, since the cat may die.

No less dangerous than bloody discharge are purulent discharges, which are often the result of the death and decomposition of one or more fetuses. In such situations, the veterinarian prescribes effective antibiotics and other drugs to avoid complications. If the condition does not return to normal, the doctor will suggest a cesarean section or termination of the pregnancy to save the animal’s life. After surgical treatment or urgent induction of labor, long-term rehabilitation under the supervision of a physician will be required.

When any discharge appears, you should call a veterinarian

At the very beginning of pregnancy, immediately after mating, light pink discharge is possible. This is due to the formation of a mucus plug, part of which comes out. This is a homogeneous transparent mucus without a specific odor. This is a normal situation, there is no need to panic.

Necessarily! There are discharges, if detected, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Bloody, yellow, green, with brown clots, discharge with a specific odor - these are the symptoms that you need to pay attention to. May be accompanied by fever, restless behavior, lack of appetite, frequent drinking and urination, and cramping pain.

Important! Do not confuse blood in a cat before birth with pathological discharge.

Three days before delivery, the mucus plug comes off.

There may be stool coming out of the anus. There are completely different reasons and a different treatment.

Mr. Cat Explains: Safe Slime Formations

The appearance of pink discharge may be noted after mating, this is normal.

You should carefully observe the abundance of mucous formations; if a foreign odor develops or blood is separated, you need to seek help from a veterinary hospital.

Until the cervix closes completely, unfertilized eggs can be seen leaving the genitals in the form of a brown discharge. This is considered the norm, as it indicates the mummification of dead, decomposing embryos, which occurs with complete sterility in the womb. If an organ is infected, an inflammatory process begins.

Preventive measures

Some discharge is a variant of a normal physiological process. To avoid the addition of pathological flora and subsequent inflammation, you need to follow a number of recommendations:

  • strictly observe antiseptic conditions during childbirth;
  • regular health checks with a veterinarian;
  • Ultrasound of the uterus should be done periodically;
  • when mating, carefully check the cat for the absence of genitourinary infections;
  • do not postpone a visit to a specialist if you notice a different cat behavior with a specific secretion and smell.

Cat pregnancy is a process during which it is worth paying close attention to your pet. Unhealthy discharge in a pregnant cat is a reason to immediately contact a veterinarian. Timely treatment will help maintain the health of the pet and the life of the kittens in the womb.



In order for the process of bearing offspring in your animal to go smoothly, it is important to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner. Moreover, it is better to carry out some of them not at the moment when mating occurs, but throughout the entire life of the animal.

Monitor the animal’s health, get all the necessary vaccinations on time and select the right food, taking into account all the parameters. It would also be a good idea to have periodic checkups with a veterinarian.

After mating, you should carefully monitor the condition of the animal and pay attention to even the smallest changes.

  • All the veterinarian's instructions must be followed very carefully.
  • During pregnancy, you should protect your pet from cold, drafts and dampness.
  • For mating, you should choose a healthy partner who has all the necessary vaccinations.

It is important that mucous discharge can also appear in a sterilized cat a short time after surgery. They have a slimy consistency and yellow color, but do not have a strong odor. If such discharge does not stop for a long time, then you should show your pet to a veterinarian, as inflammatory processes are likely to develop.

Proper care and following all doctor’s recommendations will help your cat have a normal pregnancy and give birth to healthy kittens. It is important for the owner only to pay attention to the condition of the pet, and everything else will happen by itself.

This article has been checked and approved by a veterinarian. Knyazeva Anna Vladimirovna, veterinarian in private practice, Moscow. more about the expert.

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Tags: cat pregnancy, cat discharge, cat

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What is considered a physiological norm?

It is completely natural for a cat to have discharge during heat or estrus. The color of the discharge during this period is transparent, and the consistency is uniform without an unpleasant odor. The heat does not stop for several days, and the cat arches her back, exposes her hindquarters, and shows excessive playfulness and affection.

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Pregnancy and childbirth

Discharge during pregnancy may appear in a cat up to the third week. This is due to the fact that a mucus plug forms in the cervix, the excess of which flows out . This is usually clear or stringy mucus that is difficult to notice because it comes out along with urine. Until the 6th week, yellowish discharge is very rarely observed in small quantities - excess amniotic fluid.

And only a day or two before birth does the mucous plug come off (at 9 weeks). This is a small clot of yellow or greenish tint.

During contractions and pushing in a cat, the presence of brown and bloody discharge from the uterus is normal. For some time after childbirth, liquid greenish discharge appears, gradually becoming lighter, and then completely disappearing.

Scarlet blood at any stage of a cat’s pregnancy is always a sign of pathology and can be a signal of uterine rupture. The reason for the release of brown clots is placental abruption or fetal death . Green ones with an unpleasant odor indicate a bacterial infection, most likely due to the death of the kitten and the beginning of the decomposition process.

Preparing for childbirth, proper cat care

If a cat is pregnant, the owners must be fully prepared for the upcoming birth and obtain the necessary theoretical knowledge by reading the literature or consulting with a veterinarian. In this case, you can avoid serious complications that pose a danger both to the cat itself and to the offspring.

About a month before the planned mating, it is necessary to carry out preventive deworming and treat the coat against ectoparasites - fleas, ticks, lice-eaters. After a week, it is worth vaccinating your cat, which will avoid contracting dangerous infections and diseases. Revaccination is especially important if the cat roams freely outside.

It is very important to provide a balanced, complete, nutritious diet, adhere to a daily routine, and feed your pet at the same time. If your pet is kept on natural feeding, be sure to give the animal vitamin and mineral complexes.

Maintain hygiene, protect the pregnant cat from stress, avoid hypothermia, limit the cat from jumping from heights. A few days before giving birth, prepare a “maternity” room for your pet. Proper care of your cat during pregnancy will help avoid postpartum complications.

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