Grooming cats at home: Types and features of cat hygiene

Every owner of a furry friend has at least once thought about changing the “style” of their pet. As you probably already guessed, in this article we will talk about cat grooming in Moscow . Yes Yes exactly. Nowadays, cat grooming has become commonplace. Especially if we talk about the “whims” of the owners, whose imagination has no limits: a haircut is just a “drop in the ocean.”

In our veterinary center you can order a cat grooming service at home. For your information, the costs of haircut services are given:

Serviceprice, rub.
A veterinarian (groomer) will visit your home for a haircut300
Hygienic cat grooming1500
Model cat haircut2300
Sedation of an aggressive cat for groomingfrom 500

Why do you need to groom cats?

Grooming pets does not always mean the usual whim of the owner in order to change the appearance of the pet. Initially, cat grooming was practiced and perceived as the prevention of problems with hair. Of course, we do not exclude the fact that you can trim your four-legged friend for fun, if it does not harm his health and does not limit his quality of life. But the main determining factor is the health of the pet.

How important it is and
for what reasons cats are given a haircut is described below:

  • cats with long hair often suffer from the formation of pellets and tangles. Bacteria and fungi can multiply in large numbers in them, which provoke various diseases;
  • Not all cats live where their breed originally suggests. Sometimes the fur causes the cat to overheat, which disrupts its full existence;
  • in the presence of increased secretion of the anal glands, the procedure is simply necessary;
  • During hygiene procedures (a cat licking its fur), excess fur enters the stomach and settles there. This is fraught with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • If cats shed frequently, groom them;
  • It is difficult for older cats to lick and care for their coat, so it is better to cut them.

Types of grooming

Grooming is divided into three main types:

  • Hygienic . If you don't have a lot of time to constantly brush and detangle your cat's fur, trim it evenly.
  • Homemade . The owner trims the cat if mats form or due to increased shedding.
  • Exhibition . This option stands out for its diversity and extravagance. The groomer must not only trim the cat’s fur, but also clean the ears, trim and paint the nails, and brush the cat’s teeth.

So, depending on your goals, choose a haircut option and check its cost in pet salons in your city. Grooming a cat will last from half an hour to several hours. To know how much time you will spend on this procedure, it is best to check with specialists.

Types of haircuts. Grooming cats and cats.

As we have already said, haircuts can be used not only to improve health, but also to change the overall appearance of the animal. Often, model haircuts for pets are used to prepare for an exhibition.

Below are options for work with photographs and descriptions:

lion hairstyle

— almost the entire layer of fur on the body is removed, from the withers to the beginning of the head. A small brush is left on the tail. The fur on the paws is cut to a point just above the pads;

puma hairstyle

- very similar to the previous option, but in this case the hair remains on a larger area of ​​the skin.

Puss in Boots hairstyle

- an exact copy of the “lion” haircut, but the hair on the paws is preserved. Thus, the paws remain, as it were, “in boots.”

There are also different types of haircuts for individual parts of the body in cats. A distinctive style is given to the paws, tail and ears. Here are some options.

Types of cat haircuts for the tail:

  • “Tassel” - the appearance corresponds to the name and resembles a brush. The size is determined by the customer.
  • “Broom” is similar to a brush, but has a more triangular shape, and a platform is created at the end of the tail.
  • “Squirrel” - no big changes are observed when cutting in this style. In the area of ​​the withers, the hair is cut in a circle. The cat's tail is shaped like a squirrel.
  • “Herringbone” - small triangles are formed along the entire length of the tail, creating the appearance of a herringbone.

Types of cat haircuts for paws:

  • “Socks” - the shape of the fur on the paws is given the appearance of wearing socks.
  • “Knee socks” are the same shape as socks, only slightly different in the area of ​​the wool being cut.

Grooming a fluffy cat at home (step by step)

The order of manipulations when performing a self-grooming of a long-haired cat is as follows:

  1. Working tools must be disinfected before use.
  2. Then you should put “anti-scratch guards” on your pet’s claws (special silicone caps) or trim the claws. To trim, use special nippers, which are available in any pet store - “claw clippers”. Gently press down on the cat's paw and quickly cut off the claws. If the edges turn out uneven, you can trim them with a nail file.
  3. If your pet is unfamiliar with the procedure and you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to invite an assistant: he will hold the pet and distract him. To protect against bites, place a plastic Elizabethan collar on your cat.
  4. You can begin the procedure only after the cat is comfortably positioned on its side on the table surface and its paws are securely fixed.
  5. The haircut starts from the sides. There is no need to rush and be nervous, otherwise your anxiety will be transmitted to your pet and he will also begin to behave restlessly.
  6. The next stage is the back and stomach. Be careful when handling the stomach. There are mammary glands that can be easily injured. The trimmer movement can be carried out both in the direction of hair growth and in the opposite direction.
  7. If unnecessary hairs remain after using the trimmer, they can be removed with scissors.
  8. During the treatment process, try to slightly pull your pet's skin to minimize the risk of cuts. This is especially recommended when the work is done with scissors.
  9. The tail may be left uncut when trimming is performed for hygienic purposes. But, when the animal is preparing for an exhibition, you can cut it, leaving only a nice tassel at the tip of the tail. It is better to treat the ponytail with a trimmer.
  10. Upon completion of the haircut, the pet should be washed in warm water with the addition of zoo shampoo and dried. You can use a hairdryer set to a gentle setting with moderate heat.

It's up to you to choose the main tool for cutting your furry pet's hair. At the same time, keep in mind that the trimmer does not always do a good job, and after it you will still have to trim your hair with scissors. And working only with scissors is more dangerous for the cat and significantly lengthens the process, although it guarantees a more attractive appearance for your beauty. The trimmer can only be used dry! Do not wet the fur under any circumstances if you are going to use an electric trimmer. On the contrary, when working with scissors, it is recommended to slightly moisten the wool, spray it with a spray bottle and distribute the moisture over the wool with a comb. This makes the cutting process easier. It is not recommended to cut your hair too short, regardless of the breed. Firstly, a haircut that is too short carries the risk of injuring the animal’s skin during the procedure, and secondly, after the haircut, the pet’s normal thermoregulation must be maintained and it should not freeze.

Grooming a cat in beauty salons

Nowadays in Moscow you won’t be surprised by the presence of beauty salons for pets. As they say, every whim is for your money. Every Moscow “cat breeder” can visit a hairdresser with his pet without any particular difficulties. The range of services in such salons is very wide - from hair care to nail painting. We have listed for you the most popular types of haircuts for cats. Each such center has a special stylist who, if necessary, will help you come up with a creative model for your pet. In addition to hairstyles, various designs are cut on the animals' bodies. The cost of a haircut depends on the complexity of the job. There are circumstances when breed characteristics or health conditions limit the ability to do a particular haircut. This is why we need specialists who know a lot about this and can help you with your choice or offer an alternative option. Our center guarantees you the high qualifications of each specialist.

Additional services

In addition to getting a haircut in a grooming salon, you can ask the groomer any questions you have about caring for your cat. You are also provided with a list of various additional services :

  • Combing mats without cutting – 1000 rubles or 200 hryvnia.
  • Hair trimming around the anus and genitals, as well as treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs - 500 rubles or 100 hryvnia.
  • After cutting, wash and dry the cat’s fur – 600 rubles or 100 hryvnia.
  • Cleaning of ears and eyes – 200 rubles or 30 hryvnia.
  • Trim claws – 200 rubles or 40 hryvnia.

Whether you should trim your cat yourself or with the help of professionals is up to you. The main thing is to take care of your pet in a timely manner, monitor its health and consult a veterinarian before grooming.

Grooming cats and cats at home

Not all cat owners have enough free time. Someone is very busy at work, someone is puzzled by household chores. It would seem that in such cases there is no way to resort to the help of beauty salons. This opinion is wrong. If the pet “does not go” to the beauty salon, the beauty salon “goes” to the pet

Nowadays, it is very common to have a haircut service delivered to your home by a specialist. Grooming cats at home saves owners a lot of time, and also eliminates additional stress for the animal (some pets have a hard time withstanding large crowds of people and other animals, or transportation). The only negative
in such a seemingly win-win situation is a large amount of hair after the procedure.

Some people assume that they can solve this problem on their own. If you have certain skills and abilities, why not. But don’t forget that cutting a haircut means mastering the tool. But inexpensive does not mean safe. If your pet does not want to get a haircut and shows his dissatisfaction, you may injure him. A wound is one thing. It’s another matter if you, unwittingly, introduce an infection into the animal’s body through a wound. The consequences of such amateurish actions can turn out to be disastrous.

Why do they cut their hair - the main reasons

The main reason why many owners cut their pets' hair is mats. They can have an extremely negative impact on the health and well-being of a cat: 1) Lost hair tightens the skin, causes pain and causes constant discomfort. A cat in such a situation will react especially negatively to attempts to pet it. 2) Tangles disrupt blood flow in places where the skin is tightened and also negatively affect heat exchange. Such conditions are perfect for the proliferation of pathogens. 3) In places where tangles occur, the skin often becomes inflamed, peels and itches, causing discomfort to the pet. 4) Cats often try to get rid of tangles on their own, but due to the impossibility of using special tools, the pet may inadvertently injure itself. 5) The pet’s attempts to get rid of the problem often lead to the ingestion of a large amount of fur, which in turn can cause vomiting, as well as blockage of the digestive system. Because of this, owners will have to seek help from a veterinarian, since only a specialist can solve such a problem.

Grooming is also required during shedding, during which the cat also eats a lot of fur and becomes less attractive. Older cats often stop caring for their fur as carefully as they did when they were young, which is why they especially need help from their owners in dealing with problem areas and tangles.

IMPORTANT! Regular grooming reduces the amount of hair your cat ingests during daily grooming. This has a positive effect on the pet’s digestive system and its overall health.

Grooming is also recommended in cases of cat skin diseases and severe allergies to wool in humans.

Cat grooming price for services

To find out how much it costs to groom a cat, you need to look at the statistics. Prices at hair salons can vary greatly from each other. Never spare money if you decide to take such an action. It is better to pay a good amount and be confident in the quality of the work done than to skimp and reap the benefits of amateurs.

You can find out our price list for grooming cats and cats by calling our help desk. There you will be answered all questions regarding this service. Also, if necessary, you can find out the cost of other events.

How often should you cut your pet's hair?

The type, as well as the recommended frequency of haircuts, directly depends on the breed of the pet and the length of the cat's fur. Grooming is often necessary for long-haired breeds, which include Siberian, Persian cats, Maine Coons, Ragdolls and others. For cats with medium-length hair, grooming services are required much less frequently. When determining the frequency of haircuts, it is necessary to take into account the rate of hair growth. The faster the fur grows, the higher the likelihood of tangles, and the more often you need to take your pet to a cat stylist. On average, after a haircut, the hair completely grows back in 3-6 months. Therefore, grooming is recommended to be carried out on average 3 times a year. Haircuts can be carried out even less frequently, but in this case, owners need to pay more attention to the coat of their pets and comb them more often. Of course, many owners believe that a professional haircut is not at all necessary to effectively combat tangles - they can be cut off on their own, free of charge and with minimal time investment. This is true, but in this case the kitty will become far less attractive. Do not forget also that cutting hair yourself can pose a significant danger to the animal. In places where tangles appear, the skin is very delicate and any contact with scissors can damage it and injure your pet. It is sometimes quite difficult to determine by eye and touch exactly where the fur ends and the skin fold begins.

IMPORTANT! The most problematic places where mats most often appear are the cat's armpits, the areas between the hind legs and behind the ears, and the tail.

In order for your pet to feel great every day, to be cheerful and happy, do not neglect his health, try to give him the best, and also use the services of professional specialists.

What should you consider before grooming your cat?

  • Grooming in any case is stressful for the cat, so you should not carry out grooming if there is no need for it in the form of health problems, falling fur or an upcoming exhibition. If there is still a need, breeders should consult a veterinarian or groomer about the possibility of using sedatives, or even anesthesia (sedation). Sedatives simply make the animal more docile, remove nervousness and allow the groomer to do his job. In some cases, their use is necessary, but not all groomers work with anesthesia. In any case, it is best to entrust this procedure to a veterinarian.
  • You should not try to groom yourself. The main reason for this is that most owners do not have the necessary tools - ordinary scissors or a machine for cutting human hair will not work here. In addition, amateur grooming can physically harm the animal.

The most “violent” ones should be calmed down with anesthesia during grooming

  • The best option would be to groom your cat at home, especially if she is nervous and does not like this procedure. The home environment will have a positive effect on the animal's calmness. In addition, it is convenient and less time-consuming (no need to waste time on transportation).
  • Some cats change the structure and color of their coat after grooming. For example, it may become thinner and darker.
  • In some cases, the pet's fur does not grow back to its previous length after grooming, or regrowth takes a very long time. These features are individual and depend on the general health of the animal, its breed and age.
  • It is strongly recommended not to trim the cat's head, ears, whiskers and eyebrows. Also, do not completely cut off the hair from the tail.
  • Since most cats react violently to grooming, their nails should be trimmed first to prevent wounds and scratches for the owner, the groomer and the pet itself.

Grooming for a cat is always stressful

Why does a cat need fur?

To understand why you don’t need to just shave your cat’s head, let’s dive into physiology. Wool performs not only an aesthetic function. Its main purpose is protection from cold and heat, insects and damage. Wool helps with thermoregulation (maintaining a constant body temperature) by protecting against direct sunlight and cold. Hairless cats can burn in the sun and freeze very quickly in the cold. Those. in the heat they are more susceptible to overheating, and in the cold - hypothermia.

In winter, cats grow a lot of hair and shed the excess in the summer. Especially a lot of thick undercoat is shed, which helps keep warm in winter. Having shed for the summer, short-haired cats, as a rule, do not need a haircut in the heat. But for long-haired cats with too thick hair, it may be too hot - some owners cut their hair to alleviate the condition.

Often, long-haired cats feel better after a haircut, but at the same time, they are then more susceptible to drafts and the influence of air conditioning, and are more vulnerable to weather changes. In addition, after shearing, the hair grows back finer, so it becomes tangled more easily. And the skin may become less elastic and drier. In rare cases, after shaving and trimming, the hair may not grow back at all.

In addition, the hair creates an air gap around the cat. When the air temperature is high, this layer remains stable. A kind of thermos effect occurs. Remember how in the desert, instead of undressing, people put on fur or other warm clothing. This is done to maintain body temperature.

Therefore, if there is another way to alleviate the animal’s condition in the heat, it is better to use it. You can read about this in this article. But the topic of our article is not the heat, but haircuts and shaving. And it can be produced for different purposes, not just because of the heat. Let's figure out when it is shown and when it is not.

How to understand that a cat needs grooming?

As a rule, there are several factors that indicate the need for a groomer's intervention:

  • Presence of tangles;

If a cat has a large number of mats, this leads to skin irritation and diaper rash.

If the problem is neglected, the animal may develop pockets of inflammation and flea “nests.”

Lumps, pellets, and matted fur are very difficult to comb - they bring discomfort to the animal’s life.

Under no circumstances should mats be cut off with scissors, as they can easily hurt your pet’s skin.

You should also not wash a cat with this problem - under the tangles, the skin dries slowly, and soaked skin easily becomes inflamed.

The most correct choice in this case is grooming.

  • Cat health problems;

In cases where a cat has skin problems, grooming is necessary to trim the hair in the right places and make it easier to access the skin and process it more effectively.

Haircut is necessary for dermatitis, fleas, ear mites and increased secretion of the sebaceous glands (hyperplasia).

Grooming is also strongly recommended for cats who are unable to care for themselves due to illness or old age.

Maine Coon cats are especially fluffy

  • Excessive hair loss;

If your pet sheds too much and often, grooming will significantly reduce the scattering of hair in the house and on clothes.

Also, long-haired breeds such as Ragdoll , Chinchilla , Norwegian Forest Cat , Persian , Somali , Neva Masquerade , Siberian , Kurilian Bobtail and Maine Coon .

  • Allergy prevention;

Typically, grooming is ordered by breeders with small children.

The absence of a large amount of cat hair in the house prevents the child from swallowing it and significantly reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions.

As an alternative, you can get a hypoallergenic cat breed .

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