Why won't a cat come near her when she's in heat?

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09.09.2021 owner reviews

Sometimes the cat won't let the cat near. This can cause problems, especially if the underlying cause is a health problem that requires treatment. Unfortunately, no matter how much you want a pair of cats to mate, if one of them refuses, you won't be able to force them to mate, but you can become a better breeder if you understand why this happens.

  • The cat refuses to let the cat near
  • First time mating
  • Not ready to mate
  • The cat is not in heat
  • She's pregnant
  • Lack of maturity
  • Medical conditions
  • Using ultraviolet light to encourage reproduction
  • Using light to facilitate reproduction

Not ready to mate

Some cats may simply not be ready to let a male cat in, even if they are in heat. This can happen to a cat that has just recently started estrus and mating, or to experienced females. According to small animal veterinarian Sarah Ochoa, DVM, it's possible that "the cat is keeping the cat away because she doesn't like him. Cats can be very picky, and if they don't like their partner, they won't allow them to breed with them." It is also possible that she is not feeling well that day, either for temporary reasons, such as an upset stomach, or due to an underlying illness. Never force your cat to mate in these situations and contact your veterinarian if you suspect she is sick.

First time mating

If the female is new to this process, she may feel anxious and nervous about the cat approaching her. This can be made worse if other environmental factors increase stress, such as being forced to mate in an area other than her familiar home, disruptive sounds or smells, or too much activity and people in the area. You can help your cat:

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  • Reduce any possible stressors in her environment.
  • Mate at her home, where she is comfortable.
  • Use an experienced cat.
  • Allow her to spend time with the cat when she is not in heat so that she gets used to his presence. Make sure she has room to get away from him and introduce her slowly, as you would with any cat.
  • If you cannot allow her to spend time with the male, as in situations where the male lives with another breeder, you can ask the breeder to give him a blanket or bed with his scent on it and let her get used to it a little.

Prepare the cat

Make sure your cat is healthy. Adding additional stress to an unhealthy cat will only make the situation worse. Take your cat to the vet to make sure she is healthy and her vaccinations are up to date.

Respiratory illnesses are common in kittens, so you want your adult cat's immune system to be ready to handle whatever comes along.

While some cats accept a kitten right away, others usually need a little time to adjust to the changes. Sometimes cats never fully accept a new kitten, but simply coexist while staying away from it.

Lack of maturity

Some cat breeds take longer to reach maturity than others. In these cases, the cat may appear young enough to breed compared to the "average" cat, but may not be physically and socially ready. Examples of breeds that take longer to mature include the American Shorthair, Manx, Persian and Ragdoll.

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Preparing pets for a meeting

Each cat has its own character. You will not be able to predict the exact behavior of animals when you meet them. However, there are a number of rules that will help brighten up the appearance of a newcomer in the apartment.

Prepare the carrier

It is best to bring your new family member home in a carrier. This way, the cat will not run away during transportation and will not scratch you in a stressful situation.

When you bring your pet home, do not rush to open the container. Place it on the floor and give the cat time to get acquainted with the new environment and neighbor.

The first meeting should be short, 10-15 minutes. If the animals are in a peaceful mood, then the door of the carrier can be opened slightly so that the cats can sniff each other. Have you noticed notes of aggression in the behavior of one of your pets? Stop dating. Enough for today.

Signs of puberty

Oddly enough, cats may hiss at each other because they are not yet physically ready to mate. It is important for the owner to determine the moment of puberty. Moreover, the dates indicated in books or the Internet determine the age for reproduction on average. An error is quite possible, based on the individual characteristics of the pet.

It is the external signs that the owner who plans to start mating should pay attention to. Especially if this is his first experience. Let's pay attention to the signs that indicate the cat's puberty:

  1. Changes in taste preferences or loss of appetite.
  2. Raising the pelvis or tail when walking. The cat can crawl with its genitals and hind legs on the floor, meowing invitingly.
  3. A whitish fluid is secreted from the genitals and they become swollen.
  4. The cat behaves restlessly and meows constantly. The peak of activity occurs at night.

As for cats, they reach sexual maturity at 8-10 months. And many are right that in the spring the desire only intensifies.

A cat's first heat occurs after 7-9 months. Then repeats after 2-3 weeks. Much depends on the breed and individual characteristics, but by the age of one year, most cats are completely ready to mate.

ATTENTION! Even if all the signs are present and estrus has begun, the cat may not allow the cat to come near her. The female is very demanding and picky in terms of choosing a father for future offspring.

What does a cat want when it hisses?

The first thought of the owner who heard the cat hissing is that she is aggressive towards the cub. But the reason may lie much deeper.

Why does a cat hiss?

Wants silence The world as seen by the cat mother is full of dangers

It is important to shut up in time so that a dog running past does not notice the kittens, which can give themselves away by meowing. The cat strives to calm the kittens so that they do not attract attention. Wants to train kittens The kittens will grow up and live separately in a new home. The mother cat prepares them for future difficulties, including teaching them to stand up for themselves. The babies will be able to bite, growl and hiss like their mother

That's why you can hear this sound from kittens too. This means they have learned their lesson. She is disturbed by someone else's smell. Taking a small kitten in your arms for a few minutes means “giving” your smell. A cat may become agitated by someone else's smell, begin to hiss at its child, and even stop all contact with the baby. A weak kitten does not want to survive. Often the weakest kitten from the litter becomes the object of hissing. A rational mother cat believes that she is wasting milk on him. This is a manifestation of natural selection. It hurts her while feeding. Kittens may bite their nipples painfully while feeding. This is especially true for older babies who do not particularly need breast milk. The mother cat is angry and hisses. The animal is uncomfortable if there is no milk, but the kittens still suck. Needs peace If a cat doesn't feel well, she may hiss at the kids, asking them to leave her alone. Another pregnancy cannot be ruled out. In this case, the cat saves its energy for the future, and hissing means a signal to move away and not disturb. He believes that the kittens have grown up. Unlike people, cats do not raise their offspring for a long time - after a few months they are ready to send them “free swimming.” And the hissing in this case shows that the cat perceives grown children as competitors.

How to increase the chances of a successful mating?

To increase the chances of success, it is very important to choose the right time for mating.

3–5 days after the start of estrus, the cat behaves docilely.

The most optimal are 3–5 days from the beginning of estrus.

During this period, the cat behaves more docile than ever, not aggressively and in most cases is ready to accept any partner.

Encourage spending time together

After about a week, the kitten can be allowed to explore the house under your watchful eye. Let your cat watch this exploration and leave if she wants.

Don't force interactions between your cat and kitten. If your cat has a favorite interactive toy, such as a pen wand or laser pointer, try playing with both cats at the same time.

This will stimulate mutual activity.

You can also give them both treats at the same time and feed them from different bowls at the same time. Be sure to leave enough space between food bowls so your cat doesn't feel threatened.

Encourage any positive interactions your older cat has with your kitten using praise, treats, and physical affection. Make sure your cat associates the kitten with happy, positive things.


Experienced breeders who have been breeding animals for many years are able to intuitively understand the behavior of their pet. To calm the cat before mating, you need to pay more attention to her and stroke her tummy.

To calm a cat before mating, you need to stroke her tummy.

Even if the mating didn’t work out the first time, don’t despair. Having found a new cat, you can try to do this again.


“Cat” medications are divided into 2 types:

  1. Sedatives (to relieve stress): “Stop Stress”, “Suprastin”, “Cat-Bayun”, etc. The drugs ease the period of estrus, make the pet’s behavior calm, everyday. You can make your own decoction of chamomile and thyme.
  2. Hormonal (causes a false pregnancy, stopping estrus): “Stop Sex”, “Anti-Meow”, “Contrasex”, etc. Constantly using pills is prohibited, despite their effectiveness. The estrus will stop, but frequent use can cause the appearance of cysts, ulcers or inflammation of the ovaries, uterus, vulva, and the functioning of the adrenal glands will be disrupted. Health will deteriorate greatly. In advanced cases, the animal dies.

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Kittens can be difficult to place, so sterilization is a humane way to prevent the birth of feline offspring. Constant use of hormonal drugs can harm the animal. Operation is a way out.

Hissing as a breed trait

It has been noted that hissing may be a consequence of the breed's temperament. Thus, emotional, easily excitable cats, characterized by a quick and vivid reaction to what is happening, are prone to outbursts of emotions. These are, for example:

  • Siamese;
  • egyptian Mau,
  • Turkish van;
  • Abyssinians;
  • Cornish Rex;
  • orientals.

Living in isolation and lack of regular physical activity does not benefit the character of these cats, making them even more obnoxious and grouchy.

Features of other breeds. Persian and Siberian cats are very jealous of the cleanliness of their “fur coat” and can become angry if you constantly touch them with your hands. In turn, independent British people do not like hugs and cuddles, so they can hiss when treated with familiarity. And sphinxes are prone to sound outpourings and can hiss from an excess of feelings without any negative connotation.

  • why do cats hiss;
  • how to stop a cat from biting;
  • how to understand that a cat loves you.

What should you not do in the process of education?

In the process of upbringing, owners often make mistakes, reinforcing and encouraging unacceptable norms of behavior. This is due to insufficient knowledge of the psychology of cats and the principles of the formation of cause-and-effect relationships.

To wean a kitten from biting, you need to know what actions are prohibited during the raising process.

  • Physical punishment. It reinforces aggressive behavior towards the owner and also contributes to the emergence of new behavioral problems.
  • Unsystematic approach to education. A situation where sometimes biting is scolded and sometimes ignored will confuse the kitten. In this case, the learning process will be significantly more difficult and will take more time.
  • Using physical pressure. If the kitten is afraid, do not force it to behave friendly. This will make the situation worse. Trying to forcefully overcome a kitten's fear will increase the animal's stress level.

Hissing as an expression of fear and displeasure

Fear, as you know, is the most important incentive to action.

A person can cause fear and fear if the cat:

  1. Wild and uncommunicative. In this case, the animal does not allow any people to approach itself, does not understand their intentions and does not accept human affection in principle.
  2. Has negative communication experiences. Unpleasant, scary and painful events from the past can leave an imprint on the current state of the animal. Sometimes a cat demonstrates associative fear and, for example, may hiss at children if it has once encountered their cruelty. Cats also remember a specific offender, expressing persistent negativity towards the person who once insulted “their tailed majesty.” Such a source of unpleasant sensations often becomes a veterinarian who gives injections to a sick animal, measures rectal temperature and performs other very unpleasant actions.
  3. She is not socialized and has spent her entire life communicating only with a limited circle of people. If an animal is used to living in peace and quiet, communicating only with its owner and his family, then perhaps he will be frightened by a noisy company of guests or a repair team coming to the house.

Pet behavior. Usually a frightened cat tries to run away and hide, but if, after a warning hiss, they block its path to retreat, try to touch it or pick it up, the instinct of active self-defense will kick in. Sometimes a cat hisses at its owner, frightened by a sharp gesture, sound or object in its hands. Aggressive and poorly behaved pets may react with a hiss to the lack of a desired action, for example, when the owner does not give them food or a portion of affection upon request.

Prepare the house

New items for your kitten, such as food bowls, beds, another litter box, toys, should be placed in the house before the kitten arrives home.

Start placing items in new locations about a week before arrival so your adult cat can smell them and get used to them. If you can, try bringing items that already have kitty scent on them.

Make sure you are ready to adopt a kitten yourself.

If you are stressed and unprepared, your adult cat will be able to tell and be negatively influenced.

Designate a small room, such as a bathroom, for your new kitten to have privacy in for the first week or so. Your older cat should be able to reach the door of this room to hear and smell the kitten, but not have any interaction with it.

Place the kitten's belongings (such as a litter box and food bowls) in this room along with a toy that belongs to the older cat.

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