What can cause a cat to hunch its back while walking?

If you understand your cat's body language, you will feel much more connected to your pet than before. Do you want to know what it means when your cat arches her back?

Cats tend to do very funny things, like scratch us with their claws and lick our noses. But one of the most famous and unique behaviors of cats is arching their back.

These nimble little creatures are very flexible and take interesting positions from time to time. If you want to learn more about why your cat arches his back, keep reading!


Cats find themselves in a variety of situations throughout the day. They might run into a rival kitty on the block or get a pet from their loved one. All of these interactions require different responses. So let's dive into why cats may arch their backs and what it means.

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  1. After a good night's sleep, the cat arches its back to stretch its muscles . It activates all the muscles that were inactive due to sleep. Cats are much more flexible than people.
  2. When a cat feels threatened by anything , any person or any other animal, they will begin to arch their back to show that they are in attack mode. When a cat feels threatened, its fur begins to stand out specifically on its tail. Cats do this because it makes them look larger and more aggressive. She may even begin to show her side profile, displaying more aggressive body language to ward off a threat, be it a thing, person, or animal. When your cat arches his back, raising his fur, and begins to grind his teeth, hissing at something or someone, he is afraid of that object or person and wants it to go away.
  3. But cats also arch their backs when they are playing or having fun . But this time they won't growl or hiss. Instead, they will start jumping and lashing out at someone they are comfortable with or feel safe with.
  4. Cats are very sensitive creatures, so tail lifting and arching can be caused by hormones , muscle strain, or misfortune. Sometimes they get angry when someone invades their territory. Pain is another real factor that causes cats to arch their backs.
  5. But when a cat feels happy and content, she begins to arch her back . When you pet a cat and it feels good, it will begin to arch its back and sometimes come closer to you, purring. This is their body language to let you know that they are happy and content with your company.
  6. When you pet your cat, she may think it's time to eat . Some young cats believe that petting is a sign that their owner is about to feed them. Some cats love to eat after being petted. For the same reason, they begin to arch their back.
  7. When a cat is in pain, it will often begin to arch its back . If your cat arches her back for reasons related to pain, she will do this constantly. Whenever she feels pain, she reflexively begins to arch her back. Other causes of back arching are not permanent, but pain-related causes are permanent.


Diagnosis of the disease includes palpation and x-rays.
To make a medical diagnosis such as “kyphosis” and accurately determine its type, the animal must be taken to a veterinary clinic or hospital. There, specialists will examine the pet by palpation, then an x-ray is taken, and in rare cases, a myelogram is prescribed (a puncture is taken from a sick cat and, based on it, an analysis of the bone marrow contents is performed).

Only after completing all the appointments can the veterinarian make a diagnosis. If he makes a verdict simply as a result of palpation, then the cat’s owner is recommended to seek help from another doctor.

How to react to a cat's arched back?

If you ever find yourself in a situation where your cat arches her back aggressively, you'll want to slowly back away from her. Typically, a cat will arch its back angrily because it wants the threat to go away. If you try to approach her, she may attack you.

But when you see your cat coming up to you or sitting on your lap and arching his back, it means he is happy and comfortable around you and wants you to pet him. In my personal experience, don't try to force anything. Let your cat come to you and then pet her slowly and gently. Cats don't take well to being forced.

Now, if you notice that they are coming towards you while jumping up and down, it means that they are in a playful mood and want you to play with them. This can strengthen the bond between owner and pet. In this situation, play with it a little. This will make him more affectionate towards you. Then he will trust you more and may obey you.

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Well, if you want to get out of a situation where your cat is arching its back and you feel threatened by it, just slowly move away from the cat. Because he shows that he doesn't want to be in that situation. They don't want you around them at the moment, so just leave him alone. This is the wisest thing you can do at this moment.

Well, there is another case where a cat shows its side profile by arching its back. This is called a side jump. This usually starts with the cat standing on all fours outstretched, showing his side to you, and then starts jumping up towards you. Always know that lateral jumping is not an aggressive expression of the cat. He just wants to play. If you also want to play with him, you can copy his moves in a non-violent way.

Localization of damage in ataxia

Depending on the location of the source of inflammation, the pathology is divided into the following groups:

  • Cerebellar - appears with inflammation of the medulla oblongata and cerebellum. The disease can be either congenital or acquired.
  • Vestibular - with inflammation of the inner ear system.
  • Proprioretic - a form caused by damage to peripheral nerves.
  • Spinal cord develops against the background of damage to the spinal cord.

In veterinary medicine, there are two forms of ataxia:

  • static;
  • dynamic.

In the first case, the kitten will not even be able to stand straight; in the second, on the contrary, coordination is impaired only during movement.

Pathology in kittens from birth

How to get a cat to stop this behavior?

Now, listen carefully, we eat, sleep and do what comes naturally to us. Arching the back is natural for cats. This is their way of protecting themselves as well as being playful. Under no circumstances should you suppress natural urges. It's not good for them. If you love your cat, just let her behave naturally. If you try to get her to stop arching back, she may become aggressive towards you. She may attack you.

When a cat is scared, it will naturally arch its back, showing its aggressive side, because it makes it look a little bigger, fiercer, and meaner. This often scares away their potential enemy. So this behavior is a lifesaver for them.

And when they play with you, they arch their back to show that they want to be with you, isn't it such a nice feeling when your pet loves you back? He will start pouncing and jumping on you and this will make you more joyful when you see your cat being playful and happy. She will listen to you in this mood because she is saying that she loves your company.

In my personal experience, try to keep your surroundings as calm and pleasant as possible. As a result, he will not become aggressive and, as a natural result, he will not arch his back while being completely protected.

Treatment methods

Treatment directly depends on the cause of the disease. If problems with the spine are due to rickets, then calcium supplements are prescribed. In case of stagnation in the intestines, a complex of medications is prescribed to improve the functioning of the digestive system. Almagel, Omez, Vetom are prescribed. In severe cases, the hormonal drug Metronidazole may be indicated. Sinulox and Baralgin are recommended as injections. It is very important to get tested for biochemistry. Hepatovet is given to support the liver.

A correct diagnosis will allow you to prescribe adequate treatment and allow your cat to recover quickly.

Why do cats raise their butts when you pet them?

An arched back in a cat is a standard sign of a feeling of danger or fear. The owner will understand when she has such a feeling. It is enough to see not only the arched back, but also the ears laid back, the tail between the hind legs, and also hear a hissing sound.

When your cat arches its back and raises its butt while stroking, it becomes clear that this is a good sign. But we’ll tell you what it means in this article.

Should I worry?

Your cat may need more exercise. Set aside time every day to play with her and provide her with toys and puzzles filled with food. Change her toys to new ones periodically so that she doesn't get bored with them.

There are medical reasons why a cat may begin to exhibit this behavior. If an older or lazy cat suddenly becomes abnormally active and restless or behaves strangely, your veterinarian may want to check for any health problems such as feline hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland).

Older cats suffering from cognitive dysfunction syndrome or dementia may also begin to run around uncharacteristically. Cats that are experiencing physical changes, such as vision or hearing loss, may also begin to arch their back, and if this is a strange behavior for your pet, a visit to the vet is recommended.

Behavioral problems may be related to anxiety or stress, where the cat may become hypersensitive to stimuli in its environment and react by running uncharacteristically. Even flea or insect bites can cause her to arch her back to relieve irritation or severe itching, so check her coat for parasites.

When does this happen?

It comes out of nowhere. Sometimes the cat seems to “see” something invisible and starts running, or it may be in a playful mood, which may be aggravated by play. Cats also practice their stalking, hunting, and chasing behaviors, and this can cause them to arch their backs. There can be many reasons for this. After all, running is fun!

Kittens and young cats are more likely to fall into this state as they are full of energy and this can be a way of burning off excess energy. But sometimes even older cats can arch their back. Cats sleep most of the day when their owners are at work, so when they return home, the animals are awake and full of pent-up energy.

Prevention of ataxia

Despite the complexity and severity of the pathology, pet owners can create the necessary conditions to avoid its development. First of all, it is necessary to avoid any factors that could lead to injury. It is not recommended to let your animal go outside unattended.

The following should be used as preventive measures for the development of ataxia:

  • Timely contact a veterinarian if there is a suspicion that the animal has a traumatic brain injury.
  • Vaccinations in accordance with the schedule against leukemia, panleukopenia.
  • Treatment of inflammation in the ear canals is mandatory.
  • Examine the cat for panleukopenia before mating is planned.
  • During pregnancy, protect the cat from contact with other animals.

Important! Loss of coordination can be effectively treated through physical therapy. Veterinarians recommend working with your pet and provoking it to play. Activity is very necessary for a kitten with ataxia.

Ataxia in cats is a complex disease, but with a competent and timely approach, the pet owner can return it to normal life. Caring and adherence to preventive measures effectively influence the healing process.

Sometimes veterinarians hear complaints that “the cat has a hunched back,” “the cat is hunched over,” or that the cat has a curvature of the spine. Most often this indicates kyphosis. Kyphosis (ancient Greek κύφος - bent, humpbacked) is a curvature of the upper spine with a clear bending back. This problem can occur in cats of any breed. However, the question more often asked is why exactly does a fold-eared cat hump? This is due to the fact that the Scottish cat breed is more susceptible to problems with the musculoskeletal system.

The diagnosis of “kyphosis” is made by a veterinarian, and ordinary people unknowingly call this pathology a hump. From now on we will use the word “kyphosis”. So, why does a Scottish Fold or Straight-eared cat hunch and why does a Scottish Fold hunch when walking?

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