A cat's sleeping position can tell you a lot about your pet's condition.

Sleeping curled up

“I’m trying to sleep, but I’m not entirely comfortable.” This is exactly what the cat communicates when taking this pose. She curls up and puts her head on her hind legs. Although this position may seem incredibly comfortable and safe to a human, in reality the cat feels some anxiety and is trying to protect the most vulnerable parts of its body. The cat mainly hides its belly and wraps its tail around it. This position also allows the cat to better maintain a comfortable temperature, which is why she often sleeps like this in cold weather.

Main working muscles

This exercise is aimed at stretching the entire length of the spine and stretching the back muscles (especially the erector spinae).

Back extensor muscles

erector spinae muscle (spinalis muscle, longissimus muscle, iliocostalis muscle), semispinalis muscle, group of deep spinal muscles.
Back flexor muscles : rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique.

Accessory muscles

Abdominal muscles that stabilize the spine

Transverse abdominis muscle.
Muscles that extend the leg at the hip joint

gluteus maximus, posterior thigh muscle group.
Muscles that flex the arm at the shoulder joint

anterior bundle of the deltoid muscle, pectoralis major muscle (clavicular bundle).
Muscles that extend the arm at the shoulder joint

latissimus dorsi, teres major, pectoralis major (sternocostal band).
Muscles that abduct the shoulder blades

serratus anterior muscle.
Muscles that extend the arm at the elbow joint


Sphinx pose

The position of the sphinx (the cat lies on its stomach, with its paws tucked under itself and its head raised) means that the animal is quite happy with its surroundings and its place of stay, and enjoys the situation to the fullest. The cat is not going to run away, because it does not see any threat. Rather, she feels completely safe and happy. This position also helps your pet save energy.

Possible mistakes

  1. You should not endure pain. Severe soreness is a sign of improper execution or insufficient stretching. The exercise should be performed in such a way that severe discomfort does not occur. Increase the intensity gradually.
  2. You should not start training soon after eating. After eating, at least 2 hours should pass. A meal that is too heavy requires more time to rest: you will have to wait 4 hours before starting your workout.
  3. Beginners often position their limbs incorrectly. It is necessary to ensure that your palms are exactly under your shoulders and your knees are under your hips. It is better if in the initial stages the training takes place under the supervision of an instructor.
  4. The head should not be tilted too far back or lowered sharply. This can cause injury to the cervical spine.

Sleeping on your back

The abdominal area is one of the most vulnerable parts of any cat's body. So, if your furry friend sleeps on the sofa with his belly up, with his paws scattered in different directions, he is telling you that he trusts you completely, for which you can be congratulated. This means that you deserve to be liked. This sleeping position is the most common among pets. But cats that live outside rarely experience such a strong sense of trust in the environment.

Variations of Marjariasana

Cat Pose with Bent Elbows

The asana is similar in every way to the classical one (including the dynamic form), except that here we rely on the elbows rather than the hands. At the same time, make sure that the forearm is in line with the knees.

It is not critical here that the shoulder is perpendicular to the floor, on the contrary: play with the position of the elbow (of course, moving it only forward and back). By changing the position of your elbows, you change the area of ​​the spine that will be worked. The farther the elbows are, the closer to the neck.

Sleeping with half-closed eyes

No matter how cute and domesticated your cat may be, she is still a predator at heart. Cats remain alert to everything that happens around them, so they have to fight the urge to doze off and settle into a more comfortable position. This way they stay alert. If your cat sleeps with one eye open, it means that one part of her brain is asleep and the other is awake.

How to arch your back for expectant mothers?

For pregnant women, this exercise is most useful. If there are no special problems, it can be performed all trimesters. If there is, then only in the first.

Bending the back maintains muscle tone for the expectant mother.

Thus, the course of pregnancy and childbirth itself is facilitated. The cat exercise is also good for the back and spine, it perfectly relieves tension, and works as a prevention of constipation and swelling.

Everyone who performs it gets in shape faster after childbirth.

Attention: at the slightest sign of strange health, stop exercising. It’s best to consult your doctor before starting classes.

Sleeping on your side

This is one of the most comfortable positions a cat can assume. She feels completely safe, so she has no need to protect her vital organs. The cat is probably sleeping deeply and not worried about anything at all. Purrs who sleep in this position usually have a strong emotional connection with their owners and are not afraid to show trust.

Close to the owner

The best place is always next to the owner. And if your pet lies down and falls asleep next to you, this means that he trusts you and feels safe with you. At the same time, if the pet lies down at your feet, then it leaves itself a place to “retreat” in case of inconvenience.

If your pet refuses to sleep next to you, you should not force him. You need to earn his trust and love. People have not yet learned to speak cat language, but there is another way to talk about their love - with the help of tasty and proper food.

And here we are not talking about food from the table at all, but about balanced food. For example, you can offer your cat a delicious diet of Friskies®. After all, this is exactly what is needed for healthy and happy cats. Friskies® foods contain the vitamins and minerals your pet needs to stay healthy and vital. The cat will appreciate the taste of the food and will definitely begin to trust you and sleep next to you.

Sleeping curled up in a ring

This is also one of the most common poses among domestic cats. This position is convenient as it helps maintain heat in the body and at the same time protect the most sensitive areas. If your cat sleeps curled up, she feels safe and completely relaxed. But be careful! Sometimes cats adopt this position when they feel pain due to certain health problems. Pay attention to your pet's behavior so you don't miss any warning signs.

Complications of the Cat asana

Combining different complications is not recommended.
Complication 1. Turn your palms inward.

Complication 2. Add neck turns in both positions.

Complication 3. For a deeper study of the spine in the thoracic region (add twisting to flexion-extension):

For palm pose

  1. We turn the body to the right as much as possible (twist).
  2. In a neutral position (back straight), place your right hand behind your back and place its back side on your lower back.

3. We make 10-15 rocking movements with the shoulder, increasing the twist.

4. Repeat the same thing in the other direction

For the elbow pose

Similarly, with the difference that we fix the right shoulder with our right palm. Next, also, 10-15 movements that strengthen the twist

Covers its face with its paw

Cats don't like to be disturbed, and this attitude is a clear sign that you should leave your cat alone. If your meow tries to cover its head with its paw or tail, and also shows irritation when you touch it, then most likely it craves peace and quiet. Just let your cat enjoy his own time and space, and save the sussies for later.

By observing your cat while she sleeps, you can understand what your pet lacks, what worries her and how you should behave with her. If your pet is not behaving as usual, then this is a reason to contact a veterinarian. By the way, useful conclusions can also be drawn from the meowing of cats.

Photo source: Pixabay

Cat pose for spine flexibility and body youth!

Viralasana or cat pose is an integral element of the morning classes of yogis and those who monitor their health. It strengthens the muscles of the chest and arms, stretches the rectus abdominis muscles and reduces body fat.

What are the benefits of cat pose?

Cat pose - an asana¹ that yoga offers us is quite simple in its implementation and does not require much experience. The benefits of cat pose primarily lie in its effect on the spine. The elasticity and flexibility of the spine increases.

Viralasana strengthens the internal abdominal muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the abdominal organs. The skin of the face becomes fresher, and in general, this asana has a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Many of the poses used in yoga are taken from nature, from observations of plants, animals, birds and fish.

The cat pose seems simple at first glance, but the process of performing it involves some parts of the body that are not very involved in everyday life.

In the process of performing the asana, attention is directed to each individual vertebra. Therefore, Viralasana perfectly develops focus and concentration, which is important for performing practices for self-development and unlocking inner potential.

In addition, the cat pose allows you to adjust your breathing rhythm by sequentially alternating inhalations and exhalations.

Procedure for performing Viralasana:

  1. You need to prepare a mat and wear comfortable clothes.
  2. Get on all fours. The hands should be placed strictly under the shoulders, the legs should be positioned so that two right angles are formed. The 1st angle is made up of the body and hips, and the 2nd angle is made up of the thighs and shins. Keep your feet straight. Point your heels up.
  3. While inhaling: raise your tailbone and head, and at the same time bend your back down. Focus on the thoracic spine. Elbows are straight. Don't weaken your shoulders. When bending your head back, do not strain your neck. Try to do everything plastically, like a cat.
  4. As you exhale: arch your back upward, straighten your shoulder blades, relax your neck. When performing this part of Viralasana, pull in the tailbone and point the chin towards the throat.
  5. Start repeating steps 3 and 4 alternately so that the breathing rhythm is as clear as possible and coincides with the movements to the maximum extent. Breathing should be deep.

Cat pose is one of the main yoga poses; it is used to warm up and normalize breathing. Varalasana is included in the complexes at the very beginning, especially if poses with prolonged twisting follow.

This is a universal and, perhaps, the most beneficial exercise for health, as it involves several areas of the body at once.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Asana - according to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, “is a position of the body that is comfortable and pleasant” (Wikipedia).

Categories : Yoga classes

Tags : body rejuvenation, health promotion, yoga exercises

Yoga is unity

This means that during the practice of yoga, you feel unity with the entire universe, unity of body, mind and soul, unity with nature. You will hear the sounds of deep waves, the subtlety of wind energy, the soothing stability of the earth under your feet, and you will fall in love with the singing of birds like never before.

Experience the natural environment through the practice of yoga, which not only strengthens the body, but also calms the senses, leading to a unique experience of unity and harmony within ourselves and with what exists around us.

Sit down on the mat in the silence of your home, garden, seashore or lake and surrender yourself to yoga.

Who can't move their back like a cat?

Contraindications for this activity are minimal: serious back and neck injuries, as well as lumbar hernia.

Pregnant women, heart patients, diabetics, and obese people can and should do “Cat”!

That's all, my dear readers! I really hope that after reading the article, you will be inspired by the idea of ​​​​doing “cat” regularly. And this will provide you with a healthy back, good posture and good health. I wish this for you with all my heart.

I would be glad if you subscribe to my channel and share this article with those who need it. First of all, with friends on social networks. Thank you in advance for your likes and comments. See you again!

Does sleeping position depend on the breed?

This is not to say that there are unique breeds that have a special attitude towards sleeping on their back. Having excellent health and getting enough pleasure from life, both the Sphinxes and the British behave the same in this regard.

Don Sphynx curled up into a ball

The only thing that influences a cat’s choice of resting position is the density and density of the fur. Under favorable conditions, cats with different coats may feel differently. The one with sparse and small fur will most likely fall on his paws or curl up in a ball, but a cat with longer and thicker hair will fall asleep on his side or roll over on his back.

Execution technique

All movements of this exercise should be performed slowly and gracefully. Stretching your body should be fun.

Try to keep the up and down movements at least five seconds each. Marjariasana is an excellent relaxation exercise that gynecologists recommend to women after childbirth. In addition, it strengthens flabby muscles. It also helps with pain in the lower back and abdomen.

To relax the body, it is enough to repeat 10 complete cycles (inhale-exhale). To improve the condition of the body, if there is an existing disease, perform the asana for a long time (on the recommendation of a yoga therapist).

Cat position for pregnant women

Since the pose has a beneficial effect on the female genital organs, it is extremely useful for pregnant women. Performing the asana in full can only be performed in the first trimester of pregnancy; then the exercise should be performed in a shortened and softer version

After the twentieth week especially, women should practice the position by kneeling and arching their back for several minutes. The pose relieves stress on the kidneys and improves the general condition of the body.

Quite often, doctors recommend this position to women who are rapidly gaining weight in order to reduce the load on the spine and relax it.

What are the benefits of exercise?

“Cat” is very effective: the exercise improves the flexibility of the spine, strengthens the muscular frame, trains the abs, stretches and stimulates the spinal nerves, calms and relieves tension and fatigue. Additionally, it can help you achieve perfect posture.

Japanese Fukutsuji method: a simple exercise with a towel that helps you lose weight

If you have a sedentary lifestyle, then the “cat” will help you relieve fatigue and stretch your spine. This exercise is also recommended for women during pregnancy and the postpartum period, because it helps to regain their figure and restore their stomach.

Photo: istockphoto.com

Easier type of exercise

By the way, in the second and third trimesters, as well as for everyone who is very heavy or has severe back and lower back pain, it is recommended to do a “light cat”.

Its essence is simple - a person simply stands on all fours, breathes deeply and smoothly, and tries to relax his back as much as possible. There is no need to move your back.

In this form, activity also removes stress from the spine well, activates blood flow in the areas of the intervertebral discs, facilitates the functioning of the kidneys and removes tension and pain in the lower back.

Real yoga teachers

Jeffrey Bussolini, works at the American Center for Feline Studies, and then practices yoga. The researcher is the author of the American program about animals. He says his two cats are always ready to join him during his yoga practice. They walk under his legs, trying to maintain a difficult position, and sit on his back as he tilts his head towards the ground. The yogi explains that these animals are excellent teachers, with whom he practices yoga almost every day.

In fact: just look at a cat that washes its paws while holding them in the air, or when it sits down, resting on all four paws. The cat rests in a very similar position to how yogis rest and stretch their back muscles after exercise.

Learn, people!

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