How to tame a wild kitten and raise it to be obedient

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06/23/2021 owner reviews

Chances are your cat will want to go for a walk in the garden and beyond. Our tips will help your cat safely explore the environment when you let her out for the first time and return home again.

It's best to make sure your cat is settled indoors and comfortable around you before you begin taking your cat outside or letting him outside for the first time.

Some cats will immediately want to go outside regularly, but some less confident cats, kittens, or cats who may not have gone outside before may want to increase the amount of time they spend outside.

It is important to allow your cat to walk outdoors at a time convenient for her. We do not recommend using a harness, and you should not pick up your cat and take it outside. Both of these situations can potentially cause stress in your cat and may cause them to associate this negative feeling with going outside.

  • How long to wait before letting adult cats go outside?
  • Kittens
  • How to prepare a cat to go outside
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  • Character of street animals

    If the cat was a domestic cat, but got lost or was abandoned by irresponsible owners, it may reach out to people, beg for food, and allow itself to be petted. However, if such an animal is harmed by a person, it will become intimidated or aggressive.

    Cats born on the street try to run away from people; if they are driven into a corner, they hiss, arch their backs, and can attack first. This is especially true in cases where stones were thrown at the animal, beaten, etc.

    Usually “savages” are much more cunning than their domestic counterparts: naive and weak animals will not be able to find or protect food from competitors, or escape from dogs and evil people.

    Kittens usually make contact more easily. If a cat gave birth not far from the people who fed her and her babies, the grown kittens will treat people calmly and it will be relatively easy to tame them.


    Before letting your cat outside, you should prepare for possible scenarios.

    First of all, it is necessary to give the animal all the necessary vaccinations (against worms, etc.). This will help avoid problems such as the appearance of parasites.

    Next, you should buy your pet a collar with a tag where you can write your address or phone number. This precaution is necessary so that if your cat runs away or gets lost on the street, he will be quickly found.

    In addition, perhaps for walks in the fresh air you will need a special carrier in which the cat will feel more confident at first.

    Trapping rules

    If a trusting kitten reaches out to a person, just pick him up and take him home. The shy wild animal can be caught using a fishing net, an old blanket or another piece of thick fabric. Be sure to wear gloves. While defending itself, a cat can scratch, bite and in the process cause a dangerous infection.

    You can make a trap out of a cage or carrier. Place bait (dry food, fish, etc.) inside and close the door at the right time, for example with a rope. A ready-made trap can be purchased at a pet store. You should not pick up blind kittens if their mother has not abandoned them: it will be difficult for such a baby to be released. Better come back for the animal later.

    How to tame a wild kitten

    Future owners are worried: how to tame a kitten, what if the situation gets out of control and an unaffectionate cat will grow out of a cute creature. The baby quickly gets used to it and begins to understand:

    • Where is the toilet.
    • Where is the bowl of food?
    • Who lives in the family, from whom you need to hide.

    To tame a cat you will have to wait ten days (maximum). Usually this much time is spent on re-educating a street dweller.

    It’s worth learning from the very beginning: a kitten’s squeak means “I feel bad,” while purring is a sign of goodwill and contentment.

    There is no need to push a squeaking lump into a bathtub of water or allow children to cause pain. The kitten should feel safe and loved. It’s easy to accustom a kitten to handling and rules of behavior (both in the house and at an exhibition): affection, play and treats will do.

    Once the baby is in the house, you need to give him time to calm down. You can leave him in an unlocked cage or put him in a low cat basket. Don't forget to place a bowl of water nearby.

    In a calm environment, the kitten will soon crawl out of its shelter and go to inspect the territory of the house. Don't pick him up just yet. It is enough to gently stroke him and say a few words in a calm tone. Then transfer to a bowl and praise. In this case, the kitten in your hands will not perceive the action as danger.

    Within 24 hours, the cat will begin to trust its owner and may jump onto its lap. The kitten will learn to sit quietly in your arms if you support it by its back. The warmth of the hand is soothing, and any possible fear of heights disappears.

    Establishing contact and adaptation

    If the kitten makes contact easily, let him walk around the apartment, look around and sniff things. Show the bed, feeder and tray. If an animal had to be caught, it will be afraid of people for some time and will not immediately begin to be handled. This must be approached with patience and understanding: many street animals have had to deal with cruel treatment more than once.

    In this case, put the cat in a spacious cage, put a feeder, a drinking bowl, a bed and a tray there. Cover the cage with a blanket to create partial shade. The room should be as quiet as possible. Regularly approach the cage, talk quietly and affectionately to the cat, but do not look him in the eyes - for animals this means a threat.

    Bring treats every time and be sure to give them from your hand through the bars - the cat should get used to the fact that he receives all the good things from you. If it sizzles, walk away and try again in an hour or two. If the animal has taken food and is relatively calm, allow it to leave the cage, look around and sniff everything thoroughly (this can happen a few hours after capture or a few days later).

    Later, try to gently pick up the animal and pet it. Everything needs to be done slowly and smoothly. If there is no cage, the kitten may hide in a secluded place, for example, under a closet. Place food and water near the shelter. Gradually move them closer to the center of the room so that the pet is forced to come out into the light. Offer him treats by hand from time to time. Do not prevent the animal from sitting in its favorite place and do not force it out of it - this will scare it even more.

    A few rules of communication

    There is no single answer to the question of how to tame a wild kitten at home. For each animal you need to come up with and try different approaches. There are several general recommendations for adaptation of wild animals. Remember that the normal instinct of an outdoor cat is to be afraid and bite as a defense. Therefore, in the first days, do not try to forcefully pet the kitten. Give him time to adapt. Try to talk kindly and gently with your pet - this will be enough for the first time. Get ready for the fact that the solution to the question of how to train a cat to use a litter box may take a long time. This also applies to learning to use a scratching post, feeding from a bowl, and much more. Act gradually, be patient, and eventually you will achieve your goal!

    Consider the peculiarity of feline psychology: a closed door can be perceived by them as a threat and a trap. Therefore, try not to keep the kitten in a confined space without special reasons (only if you are going somewhere or you need to keep it locked up for the animal’s adaptation). Allow the kitten to walk everywhere and explore everything around. This way he will get used to it faster and understand that nothing and no one threatens him. Remember that cats attack people and behave aggressively only when they want to protect themselves. Therefore, try not to react negatively to the kitten or any of its actions. Discuss all misdeeds in a stern, authoritative voice.

    Further domestication

    First of all, a new pet needs to be trained to use the tray. According to a number of reviews, many adult animals master this science very quickly. They just need to show the litter tray - it's natural for them to do their business where they can dig.

    If you have adopted a kitten or an “untrained” adult animal, put it in the tray as soon as it begins to characteristically sniff the floor and paddle. You can additionally spray the cat's litter box with a pheromone spray (available in pet stores) or place a rag there that you used to wipe up urine in the “wrong” place. When the animal goes into the tray, praise and treat it.

    Do not scold or punish your pet under any circumstances until it is completely comfortable. “Captivity” is already a great stress for him, and the aggressive attitude of the owners will cause even greater rejection. Play with the animal more often using a candy wrapper or other toys - this will help to establish contact faster.

    If your kitten bites, distract him with a toy. You can carefully insert your finger deeper into the mouth to create unpleasant associations with the bite. You can also wean your baby from biting using a ratchet: keep it with you and shake it over the animal at the moment of the bite. If the kitten gets scared, pick him up.

    Do not provoke the animal by using your palm in play (for example, by slowly moving it near the kitten and offering to “hunt”). Your hands should be associated with affection and treats, but not with prey.

    Please note that a pet who has suffered bullying or beatings in the past may forever remain distrustful and fearful of strangers.

    How to make a cat catcher?

    1. A homemade cat trap must be heavy and stable so that it does not tip over. You can use a thick solid board as a base. From the same block you need to make a door that will fall along the guide strips. The door is weighed down with a load.
    2. The main structure is made of wooden planks, and the top is covered with a rabbit net - there should be a gap on the other side. The trigger mechanism can be made from a canister by cutting it, or from sheets of roofing iron.
    3. Drive a nail into the top crossbar and place a piece of wood 10 centimeters wide and long on it. The part will work like a lever, triggered by tension on the thread. The thread should be thick, you can use nylon.
    4. In order for the door to be easily reset, the nail must be thoroughly coated with lard. Oils with a chemical smell may repel the animal. In frosty weather, the same lard can serve as bait.
    5. This door can be attached to any opening or to a plastic box. Cat traps are safe and do not injure the cat - you will be pleased with the results of your experiments.

    Why train cats to be outside?

    Many people wonder if this is necessary. The animal copes well at home, goes to the litter box and does not seem to want to go outside.

    Walking training can solve toilet problems. Of course, you will still have to have a litter box at home, but the pet will fulfill most of its natural needs outside.

    How to accustom adult cats to the street and is it necessary?

    An adult cat is accustomed to being in a certain territory. The street is a source of enormous stress for her. Of course, with due patience, you can train an adult animal to walk.

    How to train an adult cat outside, basic rules:

    1. Walk on a leash for the first time. The cat must learn to navigate space and find its own home.
    2. Do not feed the animal too much before going out. It must understand that home is a source of comfort and food.
    3. Train your cat to follow you. Call her, praise her.
    4. Let the animal roam freely.
    5. Call me after a while. To attract attention, you can use the familiar knock of a bowl or the rustle of a bag of food.

    Walking an animal on the street is an opportunity to realize your natural instincts. That is why many owners prefer mixed keeping - at home at night, outside during the day.

    Nuances in training adult animals to go outside

    1. If the animal is too shy, you should not force him to walk.
    2. Don't forget to hang up your address book with your phone number or address.
    3. Create a comfortable environment at home so that your pet wants to come back.
    4. Try to pick him up at the same time, so he will get used to coming to you on schedule.

    It is important to understand that an animal accustomed to the street will begin to ask for a walk regularly. If you have a cat and you don’t want her to give birth to kittens, take care of sterilization in a timely manner.

    Who can't, who needs

    There are certain restrictions on walking cats.

    Walking is prohibited for:

    · kittens under the age of six months - firstly, they have not yet received all the necessary vaccinations, and secondly, the emotional load is great, the baby can get very stressed from meeting the “big world”;

    · unvaccinated adult animals;

    · pregnant cats, sick animals, weakened in one way or another - a walk can take away from them the extra strength necessary for recovery and normal functioning;

    · unsterilized cats and cats - they very often try to run away in search of a “groom” or “bride”;

    · too aggressive animals, because on the street there is a great chance of meeting other cats and dogs, which can lead to a fight;

    · and vice versa, for very nervous, timid individuals - an overabundance of impressions can negatively affect them.

    If your pet does not fall under any of these points, but the first attempt at a walk was not successful, it is better to postpone new trips outside for several weeks.

    There are animals for which walks, on the contrary, are very necessary.

    1. Walking is necessary for cats that have already tasted the taste of free life. For example, after escaping from home or a weekend at the dacha. Such animals will be constantly drawn to the street. And it’s better to take the organization of walks into your own hands. Otherwise, this is fraught with escapes, including through the balcony.

    2. Overly active cats with too much energy will be able to leave it on walks. This will cause less damage to the owner's property: an animal tired of fresh air will no longer feel such a desire to climb up the curtains or tear up the sofa.

    3. It is advisable to walk castrated and sterilized animals, as they tend to accumulate excess weight and need additional physical activity.

    4. Shows outdoor walks for cats who suffer greatly from the heat and stuffiness in a city apartment in the summer. Leaving the room, which has been heated during the day, for an evening walk will greatly please your pet.

    5. Some cat breeds are especially prone to walking. They quite easily get accustomed to a leash and moving around next to their owner. This applies to Maine Coons, Toygers, and Bengal cats.

    Walking helps the animal to be calm about the street. This can serve you well when the need arises for trips and visits to the veterinarian. A cat that is already familiar with the street will tolerate such events more calmly.

    How to train a kitten to go to the “hole” in a private house?

    A common reason why kittens refuse to go to the toilet in a hole in the underground is an inconvenient descent. Or rather, the baby will be able to go down, but it’s difficult to get up. Also, although cats see flawlessly in the dark, young cats are alarmed by the darkness.

    Try turning on the light first. If the kitten does not want to go underground, you will have to resort to tricks. Attract his attention with something edible, and then throw the food into the “hole”. He'll definitely come down for some tasty treats.

    The descent is easier than the ascent; figure out how your pet can climb back up. You may need to leave some auxiliary items.

    Nothing is complicated. It is important to take care of your pet and remember to be patient. After a short period of time, the kitten will get used to going outside.


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