Why does a cat walk around the house and meow for no reason: it doesn’t find a place for itself and doesn’t sleep at night

The reasons for meowing change as kittens become cats. Kittens meow to their mother when they are hungry, cold or scared.

But as cats get older, they use their other vocal abilities, such as howls, hisses and growls, to communicate with each other. Meowing is also intended for their communication with people.

Of course, the amount of meowing depends largely on the breed and even the personality of the cat itself. Oriental breeds, especially Siamese cats, are known as "talkers," so anyone who doesn't like meowing cats should stay away from these breeds.

Some felines simply enjoy hearing their own voices, while others want to continue the conversation with their owners.

If your cat meows a lot more than you would like, first try to find out the reason. Once you know the reason, you can work on getting your cat to meow less.

Searching for your attention

Contrary to what some people think, cats don't really like being alone. Cats often meow to initiate play, pet them, or encourage you to talk to them. If you want to avoid meowing for attention, stop responding when it happens.

Pay attention to the cat only when it is silent. If she starts meowing again, look or walk away.

But don't ignore your pet all the time. Spend time with your cat every day, playing, grooming, and talking to it. A tired pet is a calmer pet.

Why does it meow?

If this lasts recently - only a few days - then some kind of, not yet noticeable, discomfort in the body due to medical problems has probably arisen. For example, high blood pressure or kidney disease. Because of this, the pet gives “distress signals” that cannot be ignored.

There is only one way out: take him to a veterinarian for a consultation.

What if it’s been a long time, but the problem can’t be solved? Then, most likely, it is difficult for you to understand what is happening if you are an inexperienced owner, or have recently taken into your home an animal raised in another family and do not know its character. You never know why. What to do? Let's sort it out in order.

What not to do

Don't ignore your cat's meowing without making sure there is no problem.

While you don't want to encourage meowing, sometimes cats meow for a good reason - they can't reach their litter box, they're locked in a room, the water bowl is empty. Check them when they meow to determine if it is something that can be ignored or a problem that needs to be corrected right away.

Don't punish your cat for meowing.

Hitting, yelling, and spraying cats with water will rarely help calm a meowing cat in the long run, but all of these actions will make her distrust or even dislike you.

Do not give up.

If your cat is used to getting what they need from meowing, they will meow more and louder when it stops working. In other words, it will likely get worse before it gets better. Just keep rewarding calm behavior and ignoring the meows, and eventually they'll get the idea.

How to stop a cat from yelling and meowing loudly

Many owners complain that their pet is not just talkative, but chattier than many people. But not a single animal will scream and meow for days and nights for no apparent reason. If it seems to the owners that there are no reasons, then they simply don’t know their cat well. “Murkosha” will help all owners understand how to understand their pets, and will tell you how to stop a cat from yelling.

  1. 1 Why does a cat constantly meow
  2. 2 Why do little kittens scream?
  3. 3 How to stop a cat from yelling
  4. 4 Conclusions: how to solve the meowing problem

Why does a cat constantly meow?

The life of any owner will turn into a complete nightmare if the pet meows deafeningly and mournfully from morning to night. To stop a cat from yelling, you first need to understand the reasons for this behavior and understand what she is trying to achieve. Loud cat cries can be caused by:

1) Cat breed

Breeds such as Orientals, Siamese, Balinese cats and Maine Coons are particularly talkative. It is almost impossible to stop such cats from yelling, such is their nature.

2) The goal is to get what you want from the owner

This is the most common reason: if a cat meows, it means she wants something from you. This is mainly food or help in opening the door, getting a toy from under the closet, demanding affection, and so on.

3) Sexual instinct

Males and cats during the mating season (or estrus) loudly and annoyingly let everyone around them know about their desire. If you want to stop your cat's nocturnal screaming, you should sterilize your pet.

Read more about why sterilization is needed: https://murkosha.ru/nashi-stati/kastratsiya-i-sterilizatsiya/pochemu-neobkhodimo-sterilizovat-koshek

4) Health problems

With the help of screams, a cat can draw your attention to its injury or illness. In fact, cats rarely scream in pain, trying to hide their problems. If this happens, it is often due to the inability to go to the toilet (the cat sits in the tray and screams loudly). In this case, it is better to play it safe and see a veterinarian immediately.

Read more about how to understand that a cat is sick: https://murkosha.ru/nashi-stati/lechenie-i-profilaktika/priznaki-nezdorovogo-kota

5) Fear

Can be caused by moving, going to the vet, other animals, loud noises and more. Medications to reduce stress levels can help cope with this situation (you should consult your doctor in advance about taking them). And of course, the patience and care of the owner.

Why do little kittens scream?

Owners who have cared for kittens under 3 weeks of age know that kittens most often cry for two reasons:

  • they are cold;
  • they are hungry.

In this case, you need to call the mother cat, who will feed the babies and warm them with her warmth. If this is not possible, then feed the kitten yourself and warm it to a normal temperature of 38°C using a heating pad or a bottle of warm water.

Older kittens scream for their mother cat in case of danger or if they get lost in the apartment. Also for pain from minor injuries. Therefore, when your pet meows and screams loudly, you should not think about how to stop the kitten from yelling, but caress him, warm him, calm him down and let him know that he is not alone.

Under no circumstances should you punish a kitten for crying loudly. He is still very dependent and cannot do many things, so the only way out for him is to call for help. Thus, it is impossible to wean a kitten from yelling - he does this not because of harmfulness and whims, but because of his helplessness.

Read more about why cats should not be punished: https://murkosha.ru/nashi-stati/povedenie-koshek/pochemu-nelzya-nakazyvat-koshek

How to stop a cat from yelling

So, we have figured out the reasons for such an unpleasant and annoying pet habit as constant loud meowing. Now, relying on them, we can begin to solve the problem and determine how to stop a cat from yelling.

Experienced volunteers of the Murkosha shelter, who deal with manipulations and all kinds of cat requests every day, advise all owners to adhere to the following rules:

  • feed your cat at the same time every day, and not when he asks you for it;
  • reward him for good behavior (after he stops yelling, give him what he wants);
  • gain calm and try to ignore the whims of your pet and not indulge him;
  • If a cat meows out of boredom, then a simple toy can save the situation.

How games can help stop a cat from yelling

Particular attention should be paid to the topic of playing with a cat. Due to lack of activity, the pet begins to behave aggressively or too actively, bad habits appear, such as climbing curtains, damaging wallpaper and walking on the dining table. In our case, the cat, out of boredom, begins to attract the owner’s attention by screaming and meowing. This can be easily corrected by devoting enough time to your pet, regularly exercising and playing with it.

Read more about the benefits of games: Why cats play and how to do it correctly with them

As for the diet, many cat behavior experts advise offering the cat food after a period of activity (play) - this way he will develop a habit, the behavior will be reinforced, and he will wait for the next cycle of play and feeding.

Conclusions: how to solve the meowing problem

The Murkoshi team has compiled a simple sequence of actions, following which you can understand the problem. In addition, you will not only help your pet, but also save yourself some nerves.

If your pet constantly screams and meows loudly, then:

  • - pay more attention to it to exclude a lack of mobility and play as a cause (you should take into account the age, breed and behavioral habits of the animal - some will require more time to play);
  • - if a cat screams even after daily active games, then the cause may be illness, illness or injury. Do not try to diagnose it yourself, do not risk the cat’s health - take him to the veterinarian immediately.

And of course, you shouldn’t always indulge your pets in everything. Undoubtedly, a kitten is very difficult to resist. But if you fulfill all his requests at any time on demand, then the habit of demanding what you want with your voice will take hold and you will hardly be able to stop the kitten from yelling.

How to calm your pet

When you hear your cat meowing loudly, do not rush to examine him: the animal may be trying to manipulate you. But not paying attention to this kind of behavior at all is a serious mistake. You should consider what you need to do if a problem occurs. Only then will you be sure that you were able to properly worry about the health of your pet.

Games and attention

If your cat is freaking out, angry and screaming, it is quite possible that she simply does not have enough attention. Pets can react in different ways: some get offended and try to go to their secluded corner away from the indifferent owner, while others make a lot of noise and protest. Be that as it may, if you have a furry pet, do not forget that you need to play and communicate with it every day. Thus, he will splash out his energy and will behave much calmer.

Correct daily routine

It is often necessary to pacify and calm a cat at night. This couch potato can sleep in the evening and generally whenever he pleases. However, at night the pet often wants to play, so he begins to wake up his owners. What is recommended to do in this case is not to let the cat sleep during the day. Interrupt his daytime sleep, and then at night, as well as early in the morning, he will rest, and not give you funny concerts.

Veterinarian examination

Take into account the fact that sometimes a cat becomes very tense and angry precisely because of pain or other discomfort. It can be difficult to determine the cause of his anxiety at home. That is why the best solution is to contact a specialist. Only after an examination will they be able to tell you exactly what happened to the calm pet.

Parasites, gastrointestinal problems - all this can cause discomfort to your furry pet. Be sure to find out the reason and then act, because in this case we are talking about the health of the cat, and not about his whims or mood.

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Another feature

Many of our kisuls have it, but... you will never get tired of it, but will always be welcome - it is a joy to greet you at the doorstep, tired after a hard and busy day, with a loud or quiet, long purring greeting out of great love and tender affection. To you!

Peace and happiness to your home! Write questions - we will be happy to answer. See you!

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Possible health problems

The root cause of a cat constantly meowing can be a number of diseases.

  • Injuries of varying severity cause a plaintive meow. This could be a bruised paw after an unsuccessful jump, or a serious fracture. The risk group includes older animals whose bones are more fragile.
  • With spinal injuries, the meowing turns into hysterical screams, and the animal trembles.
  • A quiet meow, accompanied by wheezing, elevated body temperature, and discharge from the nose and eyes, signals the presence of a viral disease.

Injured pet

  • Severe poisoning can be determined by loss of interest in food, vomiting, loose stools, and diarrhea. These same signs indicate the presence of worms. Kittens especially suffer from intoxication.
  • Severe infectious diseases are characterized by weakness, loss of appetite, and continuous screaming.
  • A tick embedded in a sensitive spot on the skin causes the cat to scream, behave extremely restlessly, and constantly scratch the bite site. Ear mites cause you to constantly shake your head and scratch your ears.
  • In addition to meowing, an allergic reaction is accompanied by sneezing. The cat shakes its head and scratches its muzzle. His eyes are watering and his nose is running.
  • If each bowel movement causes obvious discomfort to the animal. The cat lingers on the tray for an unusually long time, screaming pitifully in the process. Most likely, the pet has problems with the intestines, kidneys, and genitourinary system. This could be cystitis or urolithiasis.

It is not always possible to identify the disease on your own, so if your pet remains restless, you should immediately show it to a doctor. After examination by a veterinarian and carrying out the necessary tests, a diagnosis will be determined and treatment will be prescribed.


Why does a pregnant cat meow for no reason? During this period, the animal undergoes serious hormonal changes in the body. Pets often vomit in the morning. The cat feels discomfort. At the same time, the pet does not understand what is happening to it and reacts to a change in its physical state by screaming. This is normal. However, if the cat becomes too restless and constantly refuses to eat, then consultation with a veterinarian is necessary. It is possible that she has a pregnancy pathology.

Some cats may go into heat while pregnant. It usually occurs between the third and sixth weeks of pregnancy. This phenomenon is associated with hormonal disorders. Therefore, if a pregnant cat asks for a cat, she should be shown to a veterinarian.

In late pregnancy, cats meow when they sense that labor is approaching. Sometimes pets make quiet but constant sounds, as if talking with future cubs.

Natural reasons for concern

They can be congenital or occur over time.

1). Some cats simply have a personality tendency to start “calling” at the time of feeding.

Try this: buy an automatic feeder and set it to open at a set time. Perhaps then, shortly before lunch, Murka will not start meowing at you, but will switch to her

What if you have developed a habit of begging for treats from the table every time?

It is difficult to wean an adult animal. It’s better not to start accustoming him to treats that are random in time from a young age. After all, you can leave something delicious for later - at the prescribed meal hour. Do you agree?

By the way, what is tasty for a person is not always healthy for a cat.

2). Severe and sudden or chronic stress due to changed circumstances:

  • God forbid, illness or loss of a loved one;
  • improper placement of other pets, including cats;
  • for small children - separation from their mother;
  • cruel treatment.

3). As with humans, as we age, our purrs may well experience various forms of psychological confusion, including disorientation in space. Because of this, they can often raise their voices, seemingly for no apparent reason, but in fact, they unconsciously ask for help from their owners.

And sometimes a “senile” habit arises: the pet walks around the house and “mutters under its breath,” and not only during the day, but also does not sleep at night. Maybe due to ill health or simply physical weakness.

4). For those new to keeping cats, noisy and even violent behavior after puberty can be an unpleasant surprise. If there is no desire to breed offspring, then the solution, for the sake of general peace, is sterilization (or castration).


Moving to a new home, new tenants, pets or other reasons can cause stress in a cat. With the help of meowing, he can show that he does not like the changes that have occurred in his life. Other oddities in behavior are also possible - for example, chasing your tail, lack of appetite and much more. It is important to properly prepare the animal for the changes so that he can cope with them easily.


A hungry cat makes sounds that sound like a baby crying. In this case, eliminating the cause of this behavior is quite easy; you just need to feed the animal. Often kittens cry due to malnutrition. They often feel hungry because their growing bodies require nutrients. Owners need to learn the rules for creating a cat menu and feed their pet on time. Sometimes owners mistakenly believe that they are giving the animal enough food.

However, there are times when a cat has just eaten, but runs around the table with human food and screams. “Why does the cat meow for no reason?” — this is the question the animal owners ask. This can be explained by the fact that pets are very gluttonous. Cats may beg for food when they smell delicious smells. In this case, you should not follow the animal’s lead. The pet should be taught to eat at strictly defined hours.

Cats often meow when their owners frequently change the types of food they eat. After all, the pet’s body gets used to certain foods. It is especially undesirable to alternate the intake of dry ready-made food and food from the human table. This can lead to digestive problems.

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