Why does a kitten meow when you pet it? Why does the kitten constantly meow: the reasons for this behavior? The cat signals acute pain or injury

A cat's meow is a strange affectation. We say "affectation" because adult cats don't usually interact with each other, but domestic cats do so regularly. The main theory is that meowing in adult cats is related to the time cats typically meow, especially when they are kittens. Kittens will meow to get attention, just like babies or children will cry for milk or a new toy. While this may explain the many times we might hear a cat meow, it does not explain why cats meow when you pet them? Because if you caress them, they have already attracted your attention.

HowMeow.ru analyzes some reasons and interpretations of why cats meow when we pet them. By doing this, we can improve communication with our feline friends , distinguish between their likes and dislikes, and ensure their well-being as best we can.

Features of cat behavior

The behavior of cats is determined by the character of the animal itself. Four-legged friends, like people, can be talkative or silent. Some pets experience their shocks on their own, others walk around the apartment and complain to the owner, constantly meowing.

Don’t mistakenly assume that your furry friend is screaming because he’s being mean. There is always a reason for this behavior, you just need to dig deeper. The owner, in turn, must do everything to ensure that the animal calms down.

If you have never raised cats before or have kept the animal in permissive conditions, the pet will learn to manipulate its owner. He will understand that meowing can attract a person's attention.

Changes in the hormonal environment as a cause of meowing

  1. Puberty encourages many animals to seek ways to procreate. These qualities are not characteristic only of sterilized cats and neutered cats.
  2. A healthy pet can scream day and night in order to find its mate for mating. A cat’s desire to find a partner for procreation is absolutely natural; the owner must understand this.
  3. However, it is often difficult for the owner to put up with the constant meowing, refusal to eat and other habits of his four-legged friend. Sexual instincts force owners to take extreme measures - castration or sterilization.
  4. There are medications designed to suppress sexual desire in cats. They can be found at a veterinary clinic, but it is better to first take the animal to be examined by a specialist and get advice.
  5. If you decide that hormonal medications will still be used, purchase the medications in advance before your cat's heat. Read the instructions and side effects carefully.
  6. These pills are called birth control pills. They suppress the desire to mate, but can also negatively affect the cat's health. Be sure to entrust the choice of medication to a veterinarian so as not to harm your pet.
  7. Doctors in most cases prescribe standard drops against “walking” cats, which are called “Antisex”. Among the side effects of this medicine are an increase in the volume of the mammary glands, increased cravings for food, obesity, and changes in behavioral factors.
  8. If you violate the rules for using medications, the animal may notice changes in the functioning of the genitourinary or endocrine system. Therefore, consultation with a veterinarian is mandatory.

Why do kittens constantly meow?

  1. All owners who have at least once kept a cat that has fallen asleep know firsthand how infant kittens scream. It is extremely difficult to calm them down and you certainly won’t be able to reason with them “in an adult way.” Hence the need arises to look for the reasons for the true behavior of the animal.
  2. There are several aspects that cause kittens to meow. Among them is a change of scenery. Perhaps you recently moved to a new apartment or took your baby away from your mother cat. The kitten, accordingly, begins a period of adaptation.
  3. Babies are especially sensitive to smell. When moving, the kitten no longer smells its mother; all objects in the house smell new. He is trying to get used to the changes by meowing tirelessly. If the pet owner shows affection, love and attention, the baby will soon calm down and get used to it.
  4. The kitten may be crying because it is dehydrated. Be sure to place a bowl of clean drinking water next to the food and change it every 4 hours. We are not talking about milk, it must be water. Otherwise, the kitten’s body will gradually become exhausted.
  5. When a little four-legged friend gets into an unfamiliar trap (a gap between a sofa and a wall, for example), he will try to get out. From here a strong cry will begin to be heard. The owner needs to provide timely assistance and get the pet out of the trap.
  6. Another fairly common reason for kittens meowing is a basic lack of tenderness and care. In this case, it is enough to lull the kitten to sleep, scratch it behind the ear, show attention and be nearby as often as possible. A small kitten should never be left at home alone.
  1. It is worth taking seriously why your pet is yelling for no apparent reason. If you delve deeper and think, you can come to the conclusion that this behavior of a cat can be due to most reasons. At first glance, it may seem that the animal simply requires attention, but this is not always the case.
  2. A cat may scream due to the onset of heat. This phenomenon does not have to occur in the spring. An animal's menstrual cycle occurs at any time of the year. During such a period, a pet simply begins to go crazy in the absence of a partner. The cat wants love, hence this behavior. To resolve the problem, you can pair the cat with a male or visit a veterinarian.
  3. Otherwise, the cause of the pet’s inappropriate behavior may be improper upbringing. Here the owner is directly to blame, since he did not pay due attention to the animal at the time.
  4. There is no need to indulge your cat in everything at an early age. It happens that an animal flatly refuses to eat new food. Hence the indecent behavior and shouting. It is better to give in to the animal and give him what he wants. Otherwise, a stubborn cat may suffer from exhaustion. If your upbringing is incorrect, it is already too late to change anything.
  5. Often, a cat may scream and demand attention. This behavior occurs if you get another animal and spend all your free time with it. When a cat starts meowing and yelling, she is trying to convey to you that she also needs affection and care. Often, an animal may require to play with it at night; cats’ bodies are structured differently.

Let's get out of the box...

As a rule, kittens are brought home in special carriers or boxes. A very thoughtless step would be to immediately allow children (and adults) to drag the baby out of a secluded place into a new “world” and be deafeningly happy to meet him.

The kitten will definitely get out of the box on its own, but it needs a little time for its fears to fall asleep and the cat’s natural curiosity to awaken. First, the baby will show its mustache, then gradually stick its head out and look around. If there are no frightening factors nearby, the kitten will go to explore the room. And of course, the household will also get his attention. It is important not to frighten the kitten with sudden movements and loud sounds, otherwise the baby will hide in a corner and will be very tense in the future. Give the “child” time to get comfortable and get used to the new environment a little.

Why does an older cat meow?

  1. Aging animals often experience changes in character and, accordingly, behavior. If your older cat is constantly yelling and you don't know how to deal with it, there are several reasons you need to look into. The main thing is not to take it out on the animal.
  2. A cat can simply manipulate you with its behavior and nothing serious has happened to it. Over the years of living with you, the animal begins to understand the behavior of the owner, and with the first cries you always tried to console the pet.
  3. An older pet may feel lonely as it ages. By meowing, the cat is trying to say that she is sad and lonely. In this case, it is worth showing attention and compassion. Treat the animal for the time it needs, and be at peace with it.
  4. Age can directly affect behavior. The cat no longer wants to make decisions on its own and, as it were, asks you for permission to play. Be patient with your pet and spend more time with him.

What to do if your cat meows and screams at night

  1. If you are faced with a problem where a cat tirelessly disturbs your household at night, it is worth looking into the cause. It happens that the animal simply wants to eat. Play with your pet more; this behavior may be caused by loneliness.
  2. The animal must feel your love, this will be enough. The cat should be well-fed and given attention. Also, your pet needs to be provided with a warm and cozy corner. Direct your cat's activity towards new toys.
  3. With this kind of cat behavior, it is important that the owner shows due attention and patience. Remember, the animal will not show its character out of nowhere. Try to figure it out, in most cases the problem lies in a lack of attention.

When getting a cat, you must understand that such animals can have a unique character. It is important to raise your pet correctly and not spoil it. Your pet should not grow up spoiled, otherwise you will suffer with him. Don’t let things go, find out the reason for the cat’s behavior.

Video: 10 reasons why cats meow

So many characters - perhaps you just became the owner of a particularly taciturn one. If the baby eats well, plays well, and there are no strange things observed in his behavior, the chances that he simply does not like to communicate using his voice are very high. Perhaps, over time, the kitten will become more sociable and will begin to remind itself of itself by loud meowing. There are also “mute” people who never give a voice. If the health of the animal is not in doubt, then the owners can only accept it.

Some cat breeds are especially silent - for example, phlegmatic Persians, short-legged munchkins. Many representatives of the Scottish Fold breed, as well as Maine Coons, are taciturn.

If a kitten is picked up on the street, perhaps he is simply afraid to make his voice, trying not to attract unnecessary attention to himself. If the new owners are affectionate and patient, the baby will soon begin to trust them.

You can often see cats opening their mouths silently - it is believed that these animals are able to communicate with each other in the ultrasonic range, emitting sounds of a frequency that people cannot perceive. The kitten, having become accustomed to communicating in this way with its mother, tries to “talk” to people, not yet realizing that it is not being heard.

If you are still alarmed by something in the behavior of an excessively silent pet, it is worth checking his hearing - deaf cats can either meow loudly, often and out of place, or not make any sounds at all.

Are only cats able to purr?

It is widely believed that purring is a privilege of the feline family. Indeed, each of its members, regardless of size, can make similar sounds, but in large representatives they are more like a roar and roar.

However, there are many species in the animal kingdom that have a similar ability. For example, species related to cats are cat-like hyenas and civets: mongooses, genets, civets. In a good mood, foxes and badgers, guinea pigs and squirrels purr while eating. Gorillas and sometimes even elephants rumble quite loudly.

Has the kitten lost its voice?

If the animal suddenly stops meowing, pay attention to its condition. Loss of voice can be a sign of laryngitis - in this case, the kitten becomes ill, loses appetite, and may cough. Sick animals often lie for a long time with their necks stretched out. If you look into your pet's throat, ulcers or redness may be noticeable on the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat.

Veterinarians divide laryngitis into primary and secondary. Primary laryngitis occurs as a result of hypothermia if the animal spent a long time in the cold or drank cold water. Secondary laryngitis is a consequence of a more serious disease, which may be rhinotracheitis, calcivirosis, or even rabies. Therefore, if a kitten shows signs of laryngitis, you should immediately take it to the veterinarian or call a doctor at home.

Sometimes sudden loss of voice occurs due to a foreign body stuck in the kitten's throat - a fish bone, a needle, or part of a toy. At the same time, the animal chokes, coughs, and saliva often flows from its mouth. You should not try to remove the stuck object yourself - kittens have very narrow throats, there is a great danger of pushing the sharp object further and injuring the animal’s throat even more. Seek emergency help from a veterinarian; he will remove the foreign body with less loss.

With the appearance of a small pet in the house, big problems arise. Sometimes kittens scream day and night without ceasing, follow their owner and with their entire appearance make it clear that something is bothering them.

A cat's inviting meow often signals that it's time to pay attention to your pet. Sometimes small cats express their intention to communicate in this way, but sometimes the reasons are much more serious, including health problems.

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Possible causes of meowing

To find out the reason for constant meowing, you should take a closer look at the behavior and appearance of your pet.


Changing the usual way of life, the kitten experiences stress. One obvious cause of anxiety in kittens is separation from their mother. This is especially true for babies who are taken from a cat before the age of three months. The socialization period is not over yet, and the pet feels loneliness and helplessness. The kitten meows loudly, calling the cat for help.

It happens that kittens are taken away at an early age, up to a month. At this time, they do not defecate on their own, cannot maintain body temperature and carry out basic self-care. Kids are cold, they feel discomfort and express it as best they can.

It is highly undesirable to separate kittens from a cat under three months of age. Being close to their mother, babies adopt behavioral habits and learn to live in society. The result of such training is a gentle adaptation to the new home.


During the suckling period, babies fill their stomachs whenever they want. Left alone at an early age, they loudly moo and announce their desire to eat. Perhaps the matter is in the wrong approach to organizing the diet.

The quality of food also matters. It is worth asking the breeder what diet was offered to the mother and kittens before the sale of the pet and stick to the same “table”. If there is no way to find out how the kitten ate, or the owner has other feeding preferences, it is necessary to properly accustom him to new food and organize the correct diet for him.

By teaching your pet to eat on a schedule and not giving pieces from the owner’s table, the owner will receive “dividends”:

  1. 1. The kitten will have good health: a well-structured regime is the key to good digestion and the functioning of all body systems.
  2. 2. The owner is guaranteed a restful sleep: once he gets used to the fact that food does not appear at any moment, the pet will stop constantly screaming at night, demanding food.

Craving for communication

Cats cannot stand being alone, and small cats are no exception.

You should watch the baby: the kitten, demanding communication, screams loudly, asks to be held, and gets in the face.

Before entering a new home, babies spent a significant part of the day playing with their brothers and sisters and communicating with their mother. This is a very important part of the socialization of animals, during which they acquire hierarchical behavior skills and stimulate physiological development. Having lost companions for games and communication, they look for them in the owner.

Toilet problems

Kittens raised with their mother until the end of the socialization stage are already familiar with the litter box. But in a new house with an unfamiliar environment, they cannot immediately understand where the toilet is, and the new potty does not tell them anything, because it is just a piece of furniture without an associative chain. In such a situation, kittens meow to call for help.

At an earlier age, babies cry in pain: the cat stimulates the processes of defecation and urination by licking the abdominal area of ​​the kittens. Left without a mother, they are deprived of this care, and the owner’s primary task is to replace their mother and learn to help the pets on their own.


Puberty in kittens begins at the age of 6 months. It is characterized by increased anxiety. A young cat or she-cat meows invitingly all the time, irritating its owners and neighbors.

In rare cases, screaming attacks in animals go away on their own.


Often the reasons for constant cat meowing lie in health problems. Cubs do not know how to suffer in silence, and painful sensations force them to cry. A careful examination will help establish superficial symptoms, but it should be remembered that the true cause of the disease, as a rule, is seen only by a doctor.

The following signs are cause for concern for the owner:

  • increased body temperature;
  • lack of stool or diarrhea;
  • blood in urine or stool;
  • lethargy, apathy;
  • the kitten is vomiting;
  • refusal to eat, loss of appetite;
  • hard tummy;
  • unnatural movements;
  • unhealthy discharge in the ears, eyes;
  • skin rash.

Signs and stages of estrus in cats

The signs of one of them may overlap with the other. The duration of each stage is individual for each animal. Therefore, it is not always possible to determine the timing for coverage. Unlike dogs, cats do not bleed during heat. You can determine whether a cat is in heat by her behavior and slight swelling of the genital mucosa.

The onset of estrus, or its first stage, lasts 1-2 days and can be noticed by the owner by the cat's more restless behavior. The most subtle indicator of this stage is the cat. You may notice that the cat has a slightly enlarged and moist vulva. Increased appetite and restlessness are also noted. She makes low, guttural cries and fawns on her owner more than usual. She is attractive to cats, but does not yet allow them to approach her.

Proestrus is characterized by a period of courtship, during which the very presence of a cat nearby stimulates the activation of hormone secretions in the cat, which leads her to a real estrus.

The second stage of the estrous cycle is estrus, or estrus itself, the stage of sexual receptivity. Breeders talk about it as a calling cry to a cat, or a hunt. It can last from one to twenty-one days, with an average duration of 5-7 days. The most favorable days for coverage are the 3rd and 5th days. Although this factor is very individual for each cat (some of them do not ovulate until the 9-10th day).

Depending on the cat's temperament (most often determined by its breed), it demonstrates its condition in different ways. One cat becomes “noisy”, constantly meowing loudly; the other, presenting a pitiful sight, lies spread out - suffers in silence, only occasionally “quacking”, evoking universal sympathy with her unhappy appearance.

But both of them are becoming more intrusive

How to help a small pet

You can overcome all the difficulties associated with continuous cat meowing by showing care and patience. Paying close attention to your pet will help determine the cause of his anxiety. By eliminating it, the owner will be able to enjoy communication with his little four-legged friend.

Young tailed pets, like children, require from the owner not only attention, but also knowledge. After all, the presence of kittens in the house does not always mean peace, games and the joy of communication. Sometimes owners suffer from not knowing how to help their young charges, because they do not understand what is happening to them. This also happens when babies meow constantly. What do they want to communicate with this? What kind of help do they require?


The first reason is pleasure. Kittens purr from warmth and satiety, adult cats purr from the affection of their owner. Animals show it not only by sound, but also, for example, by releasing their claws.

In addition, there are a number of other factors that can trigger purring:

  • Demand for attention.
  • Request for food.
  • Relieving stress and pain, for example, during childbirth or severe wounds, fear.
  • Expression of gratitude.
  • Acquaintance.
  • The joy of hunting.

Mother's Call

When kittens are separated from their mother, they experience severe stress. After all, a mother is a means of calm, protection, safety and immune support for babies.

At first, cat cubs simply do not know how to behave without their mother and suffer from the lack of her warmth. They're scared. It is during this period that they meow, greatly in need of the care of the mother cat. During the period of adaptation to the owner, such crying may not subside at all for hours. What should the owner do in such a situation? You need to be patient and take maximum care of the baby. Take him in your arms, stroke him, talk to him, hold him close and warm him. The warmth emanating from you will to some extent replace the mother's. Adaptation stress in a kitten can last several days, and maybe longer if you take the baby into the house too early. It is recommended to do this no earlier than he is two months old.


The desire to eat is the most typical reason for a kitten’s dissatisfaction and prolonged meowing. A young pet asks for food in this way, and this is normal. Perhaps you are giving him too small portions or feeding him rarely? A well-fed kitten will sleep a lot and feel content. Maybe the baby you are feeding with dry food needs water? It should always be freely available to him.

To attract attention

Many owners believe that a young pet can stay in the house on its own for a long time and still feel good. No! Kittens need attention just like children. They really need communication, affection, and games. And if your baby stays home alone all day while you are at work, then it is natural that in the evening he will want to “tell” you how he missed you, how sad and lonely he was. By meowing, he simply attracts attention to himself. Give your baby some time, talk, play - and he will calm down.

Expression of love

Many owners are surprised: when a cat feels good, he shouldn’t meow, he purrs like a tractor. But some animals express their love for their owner loudly, and kittens simply do not yet know how to purr quietly. Again, thank the baby with reciprocal attention, stroke it, take it in your arms.

The arrival of spring

It would seem that with the onset of the first warmth of spring, instincts awaken only in adult cats. But if your kitten is no longer a baby, but a teenager who is 6 months old, then it is quite possible that he, too, is beginning to show the first signs of sexual behavior; hormones are making themselves felt. Veterinarians recommend preparing for such a period in advance. If you do not intend to have offspring from your ward, then he should be sterilized in time. In this case, the owners will be able to avoid not only inviting spring meows, complete ignorance of the owner, but also damage to household property. Sterilization is a radical way to avoid such problems. There are more acceptable options, for example, hormone therapy. Your veterinarian will help you choose a reliable remedy.

What to do if a cat bites...

I was prompted to write this article by site reader Zhenya and her cat Musya. It happens that British cats and kittens bite, and the owners do not know how to behave in this case, and what needs to be done. In fact, there can be many reasons why a cat bites, and the main thing is to understand which one is right for your case.

British kittens bite because they are teething, and if you indulge them and let your hands get torn to pieces, this behavior will become a habit, the kitten will think that you are playing with it, and will continue to bite you. Therefore, you should not let British kittens bite your hands, because eventually a biting cat will grow up.

There are two big differences when a cat only bites your hands, or chews everything in the apartment, starting with shoes and ending with the TV remote control. If the cat only bites your hands, this can be interpreted as an invitation to play or he is simply bored.

If a British animal chews on shoes, a sheepskin coat, and favorite souvenirs, then there is either a lack of vitamins or a serious gap in upbringing. On the Internet, I read that people with similar cases smear their favorite cat things with Star balm or eucalyptus oil to repel the smell.

You can also buy dried pig ears at a pet store or a small collagen “bone” in the “for dogs” section. Maybe it will be possible to switch the cat to more useful chewing.

The cat bites because he wants to show you his love and devotion. Most likely this is what happens in my case. Marsik only bites my arms, sometimes my legs, and does it with great pleasure. But I, like Zhenya, am not very pleased to walk around with bitten hands, and an adult cat has large fangs, so he bites painfully.

Diseases, pain

Gently feel your tummy. Maybe it is swollen, and the meowing intensifies upon palpation? In such cases, it is worth taking the kitten to a veterinary clinic. The doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis after an examination or (if necessary) after an ultrasound. If a disease is detected, the owner must follow the doctor’s instructions clearly and regularly.

So, a baby cat will not meow without a reason. There is always a reason for this, but it can be difficult to recognize it, identify it accurately and eliminate it alone. So, if a young furry has become a member of your family, then you should always have a good veterinarian who can help.

It has been scientifically proven that the sounds produced by a cat carry certain information. If we are talking about kittens, then their meowing can be regarded as a desire to express their desires and needs.

What to do if your kitten is constantly meowing?

Everything that happens to your pet should be in moderation. If you notice that he almost constantly “screams”, of course you should pay attention to this. Many people think about why they meow for no reason, but it is worth noting that often there is always a reason: psychological or physical. In normal condition, a physically healthy animal will not make unnecessary sounds. The root cause of why a kitten is constantly meowing may be hunger. Demanding food from the owner is accompanied by loud meowing and anxiety. Another reason could be that he simply requires your attention and affection. Don't forget that small kittens need to be stroked, caressed, they want to feel warm and protected. The period of weaning from the mother cat may be accompanied by a similar protracted reaction from the baby. In this case, you need to pay attention to him, play with him and be patient. It is important to check the health of your furry friend, because there are various reasons for his constant meowing. Helminthiasis is a very common disease that often worries small pets.

To avoid such problems, do not forget to have your animal examined by a veterinarian in a timely manner. If you are thinking about how to stop a kitten from meowing, then first of all think about what is the reason for this behavior of the animal. The faster you can find the cause, the faster you can eliminate it.

Spring came

So we figured out why a newborn kitten meows constantly. Adult cats also sometimes “voice” for similar reasons. But there are several more options for answering the question posed.

True, the next point will explain the behavior of only adult individuals. But it’s worth taking it into account. The thing is that in the spring, cats' sexual desire increases. During this period, they begin to meow very loudly. This behavior applies to both females and males.

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The explanation is very simple: cat hormones are acting up. To calm down an animal that has developed a sexual desire, you will have to either use special hormonal drugs (they help, but temporarily), or castrate/sterilize the cat. This is the only way to defeat the annoying yelling from your pet.

Reasons for a kitten's constant cry

The reasons are different, both physical and psychological.


Demanding food from the owner, the little fluffy ball expresses concern and begins to meow loudly. Treat your pet to something tasty, he will calm down and won’t bother you

you with our “cry”. Below is an approximate diet for a small kitten.

  1. Meat. When preparing food for a small pet, you can only use poultry, beef, lamb or horse meat. The meat must be boiled first. Do not buy pork meat for your kitten
    under any circumstances , it contains a lot of fat and may contain helminths.
  2. Fish. Despite the fact that all representatives of the cat family are partial to this seafood, you should not get carried away with it. Frequent use can cause urolithiasis in a kitten. Fish should be given to kittens boiled, without seeds, and no more than once a week. Eggs can be given either raw or boiled.
  3. Dairy products. Instead of whole cow's milk, give your baby fermented milk products, such as fermented baked milk, yogurt and kefir.
  4. This mixture of cottage cheese, milk and chicken yolk is sure to please your furry friend. Sometimes you can treat him with a small piece of cheese.
  5. The kitten should receive chicken eggs at least 2 times a week. Their consumption has a beneficial effect on the growth of the pet and the shine of its coat.
  6. Be sure to include a variety of cereals in your diet
    , except for “rolled oats” and legumes.
  7. Clean water should always be available.

After eating, the kitten will stop meowing and you can calmly go about your business.

Difficult adaptation

A kitten, finding itself in an unfamiliar environment, experiences severe stress, anxiety and fear of the unknown. The baby, who has just been separated from his mother and his brothers, misses them greatly and begins to meow loudly and pitifully. This situation is especially acute for very tiny kittens (up to 2 months of age). In this case, you will need maximum patience and calm.

Young tailed pets, like children, require from the owner not only attention, but also knowledge. After all, the presence of kittens in the house does not always mean peace, games and the joy of communication. Sometimes owners suffer from not knowing how to help their young charges, because they do not understand what is happening to them. This also happens when babies meow constantly. What do they want to communicate with this? What kind of help do they require?

Mother's Call

When kittens are separated from their mother, they experience severe stress. After all, a mother is a means of calm, protection, safety and immune support for babies.

At first, cat cubs simply do not know how to behave without their mother and suffer from the lack of her warmth. They're scared. It is during this period that they meow, greatly in need of the care of the mother cat. During the period of adaptation to the owner, such crying may not subside at all for hours. What should the owner do in such a situation?

You need to be patient and take maximum care of the baby. Take him in your arms, stroke him, talk to him, hold him close and warm him. The warmth emanating from you will to some extent replace the mother's. Adaptation stress in a kitten can last several days, and maybe longer if you take the baby into the house too early. It is recommended to do this no earlier than he is two months old.


The desire to eat is the most typical reason for a kitten’s dissatisfaction and prolonged meowing. A young pet asks for food in this way, and this is normal. Perhaps you are giving him too small portions or feeding him rarely?

A well-fed kitten will sleep a lot and feel content. Maybe the baby you are feeding with dry food needs water? It should always be freely available to him.

To attract attention

Many owners believe that a young pet can stay in the house on its own for a long time and still feel good. No! Kittens need attention just like children. They really need communication, affection, and games. And if your baby stays home alone all day while you are at work, then it is natural that in the evening he will want to “tell” you how he missed you, how sad and lonely he was. By meowing, he simply attracts attention to himself. Give your baby some time, talk, play - and he will calm down.

Expression of love

Many owners are surprised: when a cat feels good, he shouldn’t meow, he purrs like a tractor. But some animals express their love for their owner loudly, and kittens simply do not yet know how to purr quietly. Again, thank the baby with reciprocal attention, stroke it, take it in your arms.

The arrival of spring

It would seem that with the onset of the first warmth of spring, instincts awaken only in adult cats. But if your kitten is no longer a baby, but a teenager who is 6 months old, then it is quite possible that he, too, is beginning to show the first signs of sexual behavior; hormones are making themselves felt. Veterinarians recommend preparing for such a period in advance. If you do not intend to have offspring from your ward, then he should be sterilized in time. In this case, the owners will be able to avoid not only inviting spring meows, complete ignorance of the owner, but also damage to household property. Sterilization is a radical way to avoid such problems. There are more acceptable options, for example, hormone therapy. Your veterinarian will help you choose a reliable remedy.

Why do kittens cry?

Having adopted a kitten, you need to be prepared for the fact that at first you will have to tinker with it. A baby requires attention just like a child.

Moving to a new home is especially difficult for domestic kittens. In the first days, they are desperately looking not only for their mother, but also for a familiar environment.

To minimize the stress of changing homes, try to give your kitten maximum attention. This applies not only to activity, games and fun, but also to rest time. Your baby may feel lonely and will look for a warm place to sleep. If you give your kitten attention in childhood, it will show you loyalty in the future.

Reasons why a kitten screams:

All this can be eliminated by devoting a little of your time to the baby.

Diseases, pain

So, a baby cat will not meow without a reason. There is always a reason for this, but it can be difficult to recognize it, identify it accurately and eliminate it alone. So, if a young furry has become a member of your family, then you should always have a good veterinarian who can help.

A small kitten is primarily a growing organism that may encounter some problems. If the baby shows concern, you, as the owner, should immediately pay attention to this. Often breeders are faced with the question, why does a kitten constantly meow? In this article you will find the answer to it.

There may be several reasons for this behavior; as soon as you figure out which one applies to your pet, you will be able to quickly find a solution.

1. Difficult adaptation Moving to a new home is stressful for a kitten. If you have just taken him away from his mother and other kittens, then he may meow for this very reason. Very young kittens, which are not yet two months old, are especially susceptible to this stress. The solution to the problem is not difficult - you need to create conditions for him similar to those in which he lived with his mother cat. Prepare a warm heating pad for him, wrapped in a soft cloth, preferably fluffy. This way he will feel warmth similar to his mother’s and will be able to quickly fall asleep. Give him as much attention as possible, and then he will understand that instead of his mother, she has a new breadwinner and protector - a person. As a rule, it takes several days to a week to adapt, then the kitten will be able to completely relax and understand that he is at home.

2. Lack of attention If the kitten has been living with you for more than a week, but still shows signs of anxiety and constantly meows, this is a reason to think about whether you are paying enough attention to it. Domestic cats are mostly social creatures; they constantly need to feel that they are not alone. Play with the kitten more, talk to it, make contact, even if it is a little afraid of you. In the latter situation, you should not be zealous and communicate with the kitten only when he himself shows interest in you. Buy or make toys for him so that he can have fun when you are not at home. Cats need very little to be happy!

3.Health problems As sad as it may be, such restless behavior may indicate health problems. The kitten feels bad and wants to somehow show it to the owner to the best of his ability. You need to observe your pet, first of all, paying attention to how regularly he eats and goes to the toilet. If the kitten is active, eats with appetite, and goes to the toilet regularly, then most likely health problems are not your case, carefully re-read the first two points again. Most often, kittens “complain” about problems with digestion, because in the new home he has switched to new food, and the body needs to somehow get used to it. Stroke the kitten's tummy often, just as the mother cat did when she licked him. This massage perfectly stimulates the digestive system.

When a long-awaited mewing creature appears in the house, in addition to joy, many worries emerge. One of which is why does the kitten constantly meow? Most owners become concerned when the timbre of the voice changes or if the pet begins to meow at night. Zoologists say that a change in timbre may indicate that the animal is hungry or is bothered by something, or wants to go to the toilet. In our article we will talk about what to do if a cat constantly meows, and how the owner should react to this.

The reasons why kittens meow are different from why adult cats meow:

  • Sometimes he says that he is stressed, especially if he has just been taken into the house. In this case, you need to let the animal get used to it and leave it alone.
  • A common reason if a kitten has just been taken into the house is that it feels hungry. The fact is that the animal does not know where the bowl or toilet is; the baby is not yet accustomed to the location.
  • When a kitten meows, it means that you need to play with it, as if in this way it attracts attention.
  • If kittens meow outside the door at night, then you shouldn’t indulge them in this. Otherwise, it may become a habit; he will understand that he is being played with. Then the cat will react in a similar way.
  • Most of all, it is an expression of love.

Cat asks for attention

There are times when a healthy and well-fed cat meows for no reason. Why is this happening? Our pets, like little children, love attention. Animals vocalize when they want to be held, played with, or stroked.

Some cat breeds do not tolerate long absences from their owners. Left alone, they can meow for a long time and pitifully. Sphinxes have this character trait. It is not advisable to leave these animals alone for a long time; it will be very stressful for them. In this case, it is advisable to take a second cat into the house.

Reasons for frequent meowing in adult cats

  • Common causes are when the pet is in heat, his voice becomes louder and shriller. When there is a cat at home, during sexual activity, he will scream in such a heart-rending voice that if the pet is not used for breeding, then it is better to castrate it.
  • It happens that a spoiled pet will follow you and yell until the food he doesn’t like is replaced. What to do in this situation is up to the owner to decide. Maybe the owner will change the food to something else that is more beloved by the animal, or maybe he will offer to eat what they give.
  • Sometimes the pet screams and walks at night, because cats are predatory animals, and night is hunting time for them. In this case, you can try not letting your pet sleep during the day or try getting another kitten. Maybe they'll have more fun together.
  • When a cat meows a lot, you need to check if she needs help, maybe something hurts? This can be checked by touching the tail, paws, back, and tummy. If he doesn't react to touch, then he's fine.

What functions does the meowing of a cat or cat perform?

Cats literally meow from birth. For what? This is a way for kittens to tell mom that they are hungry or cold. Adult cats use meowing during the mating season when they are looking for a partner. Animals can “talk” to the owner or another pet, and the intonation of the voice changes depending on the mood of the cat. Thus, a loud “meow” expresses a certain demand, and a drawn-out “mrrauu” expresses a greeting for a pet. Cats use meowing to complain, be indignant, ask to be fed, and attract attention.

Anxiety in your cat that requires you to see a veterinarian

If your cat is worried when going to the toilet, then there is no need to worry if it has been dewormed. However, all necessary conditions must be met:

  • If a cat meows and scratches its ear at the same time, then you need to go to the veterinarian, he may have a mite or an allergy.
  • If your cat is trembling and meowing, then you should pay attention to whether she is feeling hungry or cold. If not, then you need to visit a veterinarian to check if he has a spinal injury.
  • If an adult animal goes to the toilet and meows, then this is a reason to visit the clinic; it may have urolithiasis.
  • It is necessary to visit a veterinarian if your pet meows, goes to the toilet frequently and refuses to eat.
  • If your pet makes hoarse sounds, as if he is experiencing interference, then you definitely need the help of a specialist; perhaps he has worms in his heart, or there may be a viral disease.
  • If the cat makes a heart-rending cry, then perhaps he has some kind of injury or pain in the abdomen. If the stomach is hard, like a swollen drum, then you should immediately consult a veterinarian. In a normal position, the tummy should be soft and light pressure should not cause any discomfort to the animal.

Why does a cat meow very loudly and what to do about it?

If a cat meows loudly at night, this may signal an desire to mate. There are a number of other reasons. For example, the pet lacks attention or is stressed. Perhaps the cat has a sociable character and is naturally “talkative.” If such behavior is not typical for your pet, you should be more attentive to it - a change in behavior often signals an illness.

Cats are screaming - the cat is being called, cats are screaming strangely - they are looking for the cat

If an adult cat screams all the time in a bad voice and walks around the house, not finding a place for himself, it means he is looking for a cat to mate with. If the animal is not castrated, the “concerts” will be repeated periodically. There are two solutions: castrate (sterilize) the pet or wait until the end of the mating season. A male cat without reproductive organs (and, accordingly, sex hormones) will not stop screaming, since such behavior is inherent in nature. In this way, animals communicate to members of the opposite sex that they are ready to mate.

The animal signals that it is unwell

When a cat yells at night, the reason may lie in health problems. With a hard stomach, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract may occur. Plaintive screams when going to the toilet indicate the development of cystitis or urolithiasis. With a helminthic infestation, the cat screams at night and scratches under its tail, while its stomach is swollen. Perhaps the pet was injured and is telling its owner about its pain.

When constant meowing is accompanied by small tremors throughout the body, this signals a spinal injury or severe intoxication caused by helminthiasis or poisoning. If your pet exhibits restless behavior, accompanied by constant scratching of the ear and shaking of the head, the animal should be checked for the presence of ticks. When a cat meows pitifully and hoarsely, this indicates a viral or bacterial infection. To diagnose the animal's condition, you need to contact a veterinarian.

The pet is bored and requires attention

If your cat starts screaming constantly, the reason may be to attract attention. This behavior is often provoked by the appearance of a new pet or family member in the apartment, who receives more attention. You shouldn’t follow your cat’s lead and get up at night to pet him or play with him. You need to do this during the day, trying to pet your pet whenever possible and treat him with his favorite treats. You can buy your cat a soft bed or house on which she will rest at night. At the same time, it is important not to let your pet get enough sleep during the day, then by night he will get tired and fall asleep.

How to calm a screaming cat

What to do if a previously calm and even lazy cat is constantly yelling at home? The owner has only one option - a consultation with a veterinarian. If an animal has any disease, the doctor will cure it and make life easier for the owner.

Perhaps the pet is showing anxiety due to unsatisfied sexual activity. The use of hormonal drugs that reduce cravings in a pet is harmful to its health. There are two options here: either let the cat go for a walk or castrate him.

You can try feeding your pet more nutritiously at night; it will require more energy to process food. Consequently, the cat will sleep peacefully at night.

You need to be careful with drugs such as Kot-Bayun or Feliway. They can only be used in extreme cases, as they are dangerous for the animal; first you need to be sure that the pet does not have any health problems.

An attentive owner will always determine by the timbre of his pet’s voice whether he has any health problems. The necessary attention and care will help to survive this difficult period not only for the cat, but also for the owner.

How to quickly calm a meowing kitten?

The following techniques will help you stop meowing:

  • take the pet in your arms and gently stroke it;
  • switch attention: while meowing, make a distracting sound - throw a bunch of keys next to the kitten, clap your hands;
  • snap your fingers near your ear;
  • if the meowing is associated with extortion of a treat or a request to be let into the bedroom, you should not respond to provocation.

You cannot scold a kitten, much less beat it. The cat will no longer perceive the offender as the dominant individual in the pride and will transfer him to the category of enemies from whom he needs to hide.

Read also: How to make a cat out of clay ~

Should the baby be examined to see if he is bothered by fleas? If this is the case, the pet is treated with insectoacaricidal shampoos or I use a drug that is suitable for the kitten’s age.

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