Why does a kitten constantly scream for no reason, what to do, which is why the baby meows silently?

What a kitten's meowing could mean: 6 reasons

All domestic cats in the world speak the same language. In some situations, the cat's voice brings tenderness, in others it irritates. A kitten doesn't just meow. He gives his voice when he wants to communicate, ask or demand something.

Among the reasons that make a cat meow are the following:

  1. Adaptation to new living conditions. A kitten adapts to coexistence with a person when its mother teaches it. Personality is fully formed when the cub spends up to 100 days of age interacting with its mother and littermates. Even in this case, it takes 2-3 days to get used to the new conditions. When a baby appears in the house, during the daytime he feels increased attention to himself and explores new places. But when night comes and everyone falls asleep, the kitten experiences stress and remembers its mother. He tries to find her and calls her all the time.
  2. The cat is a solitary night hunter. The biological clock is set for daytime sleep and nighttime activity. If the owners do nothing to coordinate the cat’s life rhythm with theirs, sleepless nights await them.
  3. The animal slept in the evening, he is bored and wants to play.
  4. Hunger.
  5. The animal felt that family members treated him differently. Some household members allow him something, others prohibit him. If there is a row in the family, the pet tries to take advantage of the situation and take a higher place in the hierarchy of the pride.
  6. The kitten is sick and asks for help.

Be sure to read: Cat tangles, what they are + video on how to get rid of hair that has gotten into a ball.
The owner of a kitten needs to learn to understand the language the pet speaks. Act strictly but fairly in order to gain the authority of the dominant individual in the human-cat family.

Let's get out of the box...

As a rule, kittens are brought home in special carriers or boxes. A very thoughtless step would be to immediately allow children (and adults) to drag the baby out of a secluded place into a new “world” and be deafeningly happy to meet him.

The kitten will definitely get out of the box on its own, but it needs a little time for its fears to fall asleep and the cat’s natural curiosity to awaken. First, the baby will show its mustache, then gradually stick its head out and look around. If there are no frightening factors nearby, the kitten will go to explore the room. And of course, the household will also get his attention. It is important not to frighten the kitten with sudden movements and loud sounds, otherwise the baby will hide in a corner and will be very tense in the future. Give the “child” time to get comfortable and get used to the new environment a little.

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Kittens brought home for the first time lose their appetite due to stress. For the first 2-3 days, the baby will refuse even tasty food; there is no need to worry about this. The appetite will definitely return, and the owner can help this. The kitten should be seated next to the bowl, gently stroked on the head, and spoken in a soft tone. Most likely, the previous owner’s kitten ate not only its mother’s milk, but also other “dishes.” It’s worth asking about them so that you don’t change the kitten’s diet for the first 10 days. This will make it easier for him to adapt to the new place. The owner should play with the baby more often in order to charge him with positivity, which is so necessary in a “moving” situation.


Animals make loud noises during periods of active sexual desire. This is typical for both males and females. Experienced owners are well aware of this state of their pet. However, if estrus occurs for the first time, then the owners often do not understand what is happening to the growing kitten. They are interested in the question: “Why does a cat meow loudly for no reason?” Owners feel that their pet is still too small.

However, kittens enter puberty at the age of 6 - 8 months. The following signs indicate that a cat has entered her first heat:

  • rolling on the floor;
  • loud meowing and purring;
  • raising the back of the body and trampling with paws;
  • friction of the body against various objects.

What to do in this case? After all, a cat's heat can last up to two weeks, and the owner is often irritated by the constant cries of the animal, especially at night. If you do not plan to breed your cat, then it is better to sterilize your pet. Special medications for estrus should not be given; they can be dangerous to the health of the animal.

Why does a cat meow for no reason near the door? This behavior is usually characteristic of animals during the period of estrus. At this time, animals actively ask to go outside. However, other reasons are also possible. Cats are very curious. They are interested in the world around them outside the home and may beg for walks.

Why can a cat yell?

Your pet's loud cries can be heard at any time: in the middle of the night or in the morning. Some vocalize during the day. And there are also those who are able to scream around the clock. For animals of the Oriental breed this is the norm, but for other pussies there is always a good reason for such behavior.


During the period of heat, all non-sterilized cats scream without exception. The desire to have offspring is so strong that it causes the animal not only psychological, but also physical torment. The same fate awaits a cat if it is not neutered.

In addition, during mating, a loud cry is a signal for an individual of the opposite sex. The cat reports that he is full of strength, energy and longs for love. Of course, a constantly screaming animal causes discomfort to the owners, especially if concerts take place in the morning or at night. But this is a natural phenomenon that cannot be fought. All you have to do is wait patiently for the difficult period to end.


If an old cat constantly yells, he may have Alzheimer's disease or a nervous disorder. This is a consequence of irreversible age-related changes in the animal’s body. The owner should consult a veterinarian. There are a number of medications that can alleviate your pet’s condition and help him calm down, at least for a while.

The heart-rending cry of a young cat may indicate some kind of injury or severe pain. Perhaps the animal is experiencing acute pain in the abdomen. The owner will be able to determine this by carefully palpating the cat. Normally, the abdomen should be soft, and gentle pressure should not cause concern. If the abdomen is hard, swollen, resembles a drum, and the animal furiously scratches the owner’s hands, then you need to immediately go to the veterinarian.

Helminth infections can also cause previously calm purrs to scream at night. Worms cause pain in the intestines and often even lead to intestinal obstruction. Preventive treatment of your pet against worms should be carried out regularly, starting from the third week of life.

With urolithiasis, furry cats also feel acute pain. They meow pitifully and loudly every time they try to go to the toilet. If such signs are noticed, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

To attract attention

Sometimes a pet walks and yells for no serious reason, just attracting attention. Adult cats quickly understand that a person is reacting to a loud cry, and thus try to achieve what they want. Sometimes this is persistent begging for a treat. Some vocalize when they are hungry. If it’s not clear why your pet started yelling, you should try giving him a treat. Perhaps he will calm down after this. But if this phenomenon occurs again, ignore your pet's requests. Otherwise, the cunning creature will get used to it and will constantly terrorize its owner.

It also happens. Your pet spends most of the day alone at home, and simply lacks attention. He tries to attract the owner's attention by shouting in order to get his share of affection. Calming a kitty is simple - you need to play and talk to it so that it does not feel forgotten. When leaving your cat alone at home for a long time, provide him with toys and food so that he can keep himself occupied with something.


The cat expresses its anxiety with heart-rending screams and incessant meowing. This could be a premonition of some event, even a natural disaster. Fluffies also react strongly to changes in weather. Among them, as among people, there are weather-sensitive individuals.

Fight for territory

From their wild ancestors, modern cats have received many instincts that do not disappear, despite the changed conditions of existence. One of these instincts is the fight for territory.

To claim its rights, it is not enough for an animal to put marks. It is necessary to declare oneself with a loud cry so that rivals do not even risk entering into a fight with him. This behavior is often observed after moving to a new place of residence. This is not a pathology, but a completely natural phenomenon that will pass over time.


A small kitten that has just appeared in the house can also scream loudly in the first days. The reason is longing for the cat mother, who was nearby just recently. The baby meows very loudly and pitifully. To calm him down, try to distract him with an interesting toy or just be nearby.

Reaction to inappropriate behavior of the owner

Not all cat owners are madly in love with their pets. Of course, a small and fluffy kitten evokes affection in most people. But over time, the baby grows up, becomes an adult wayward animal and begins to irritate its owners. Constant slaps, kicks and loud screams force the cat to defend itself. He actively marks his territory and screams loudly, instinctively trying to scare you and drive you out. The problem has a solution - you just need to change your attitude towards your pet.

Why does the kitten meow for no reason?

Cats don't vote for no reason. They are hunters after all. In order not to scare away the prey or attract a larger predator, you need to keep quiet. When an animal walks on its own, this is exactly how it behaves.

But when there are people, cats, and other creatures around, the pet needs communication, and, above all, self-affirmation. That is, in order to take the place you deserve and, if possible, higher, you need to vote from time to time.

Kittens do not have developed sexual behavior, so the owner has time to raise the pet. Otherwise, living together can turn into a nightmare.

The cat wants to eat

A hungry cat is a nervous cat. If your pet constantly yells throughout the apartment when no one is home, make sure he has enough food. Or maybe you completely forget to leave it? It is important to remember that a cat does not know how to get food for itself within an apartment without human help. He is not as independent as you might think.

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Talkativeness and age

Kittens under 3 months are more talkative. Newborn animals are vulnerable and cannot take care of themselves, so meowing is the only way for them to attract attention. In this way, animals can get warmth, food, etc.

Kittens under 4 weeks of age feed frequently, up to 8-10 times a day, which is why they meow more often. Up to 3 months, animals have an acute fear of loneliness; later the situation gradually normalizes.

The psyche of small kittens is not yet fully formed, so they may be afraid of loud sounds, new things and unfamiliar smells, which they will report by meowing.

What to do if the kitten does not sleep at night, walks and meows

When the adaptation period has passed, the time has come to gently force the kitten to its biorhythm. If the pet is bored, then in the absence of the owner he will sleep and gain strength for nightly adventures. If there is no one at home, you need to ensure that the kitten does not overeat at this time, does not sleep, but has fun.

For this purpose, there are toys that should be changed every 3-5 days: scratching posts, multi-level cat furniture, houses in which you can hide. Cats love enclosed spaces. Therefore, a tunnel made of rustling material may become a favorite place for games.

The kitten will be provided with a place to rest. It’s good if it is away from the radiators and closer to the window, so that the pet does not sleep, but finds out what is happening behind the window glass.

You should delineate the area accessible to your pet and keep it out of the nursery and bedroom. If penetration has occurred, a lot of effort will have to be made to wean the animal from visiting prohibited places.

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Finally, the pet just needs to be tired. Organize active games, it is important for the kitten to play enough. For the first time, a candy wrapper on a string will do. Then they offer him fishing rods, teasers, and squeaky mice. You can open a plastic bag for the animal, he will happily jump into it. It is necessary not only to provide your pet with toys, but also to take part in the game with him.

After playing, the tired pet is fed well. The food puts you to sleep, and the animal will not bother anyone at night.

Stressful state

The constant meowing of a kitten when it has just arrived in a new home is associated not only and not so much with longing for its mother, but with stress from the new space and smells, and the need to master an unusual environment. In the first days, a kitten may be simply scared in a new apartment; he experiences loneliness and feels helpless.

If other animals arrive at the same time, this is a source of additional stress. After all, you need not only to master the space, but also to seek contact with new animals.

The owner needs to calm the animal down, talk to it affectionately more often, pick it up, and stroke it. Over time it will get used to it. To make this happen faster, experts recommend that when picking up a cat from a breeder or cattery, ask for something with a familiar smell to the animal. This could be the bedding on which the kitten is laid when it begins to meow pitifully. The native smell, reminiscent of his mother, will calm him down.

Spring came

So we figured out why a newborn kitten meows constantly. Adult cats also sometimes “voice” for similar reasons. But there are several more options for answering the question posed.

True, the next point will explain the behavior of only adult individuals. But it’s worth taking it into account. The thing is that in the spring, cats' sexual desire increases. During this period, they begin to meow very loudly. This behavior applies to both females and males.

The explanation is very simple: cat hormones are acting up. To calm down an animal that has developed a sexual desire, you will have to either use special hormonal drugs (they help, but temporarily), or castrate/sterilize the cat. This is the only way to defeat the annoying yelling from your pet.

Mother's Call

When kittens are separated from their mother, they experience severe stress. After all, a mother is a means of calm, protection, safety and immune support for babies.

At first, cat cubs simply do not know how to behave without their mother and suffer from the lack of her warmth. They're scared. It is during this period that they meow, greatly in need of the care of the mother cat. During the period of adaptation to the owner, such crying may not subside at all for hours. What should the owner do in such a situation?

You need to be patient and take maximum care of the baby. Take him in your arms, stroke him, talk to him, hold him close and warm him. The warmth emanating from you will to some extent replace the mother's. Adaptation stress in a kitten can last several days, and maybe longer if you take the baby into the house too early. It is recommended to do this no earlier than he is two months old.


The desire to eat is the most typical reason for a kitten’s dissatisfaction and prolonged meowing. A young pet asks for food in this way, and this is normal. Perhaps you are giving him too small portions or feeding him rarely?

A well-fed kitten will sleep a lot and feel content. Maybe the baby you are feeding with dry food needs water? It should always be freely available to him.

To attract attention

Many owners believe that a young pet can stay in the house on its own for a long time and still feel good. No! Kittens need attention just like children. They really need communication, affection, and games. And if your baby stays home alone all day while you are at work, then it is natural that in the evening he will want to “tell” you how he missed you, how sad and lonely he was. By meowing, he simply attracts attention to himself. Give your baby some time, talk, play - and he will calm down.

Expression of love

Many owners are surprised: when a cat feels good, he shouldn’t meow, he purrs like a tractor. But some animals express their love for their owner loudly, and kittens simply do not yet know how to purr quietly. Again, thank the baby with reciprocal attention, stroke it, take it in your arms.

The arrival of spring

It would seem that with the onset of the first warmth of spring, instincts awaken only in adult cats. But if your kitten is no longer a baby, but a teenager who is 6 months old, then it is quite possible that he, too, is beginning to show the first signs of sexual behavior; hormones are making themselves felt. Veterinarians recommend preparing for such a period in advance. If you do not intend to have offspring from your ward, then he should be sterilized in time. In this case, the owners will be able to avoid not only inviting spring meows, complete ignorance of the owner, but also damage to household property. Sterilization is a radical way to avoid such problems. There are more acceptable options, for example, hormone therapy. Your veterinarian will help you choose a reliable remedy.

How to quickly calm a meowing kitten?

The following techniques will help you stop meowing:

  • take the pet in your arms and gently stroke it;
  • switch attention: while meowing, make a distracting sound - throw a bunch of keys next to the kitten, clap your hands;
  • snap your fingers near your ear;
  • if the meowing is associated with extortion of a treat or a request to be let into the bedroom, you should not respond to provocation.

You cannot scold a kitten, much less beat it. The cat will no longer perceive the offender as the dominant individual in the pride and will transfer him to the category of enemies from whom he needs to hide.

Should the baby be examined to see if he is bothered by fleas? If this is the case, the pet is treated with insectoacaricidal shampoos or I use a drug that is suitable for the kitten’s age.


Tumors can cause severe pain to the animal by affecting nerve endings or causing intestinal obstruction. If a cat has lost weight, refuses to eat, has stopped “communicating” with its owners and most of the time either lies or wanders around the apartment and screams loudly, you should contact a veterinary oncologist.


Why does a pregnant cat meow for no reason? During this period, the animal undergoes serious hormonal changes in the body. Pets often vomit in the morning. The cat feels discomfort. At the same time, the pet does not understand what is happening to it and reacts to a change in its physical state by screaming.

Some cats may go into heat while pregnant. It usually occurs between the third and sixth weeks of pregnancy. This phenomenon is associated with hormonal disorders. Therefore, if a pregnant cat asks for a cat, she should be shown to a veterinarian.

In late pregnancy, cats meow when they sense that labor is approaching. Sometimes pets make quiet but constant sounds, as if talking with future cubs.

Possible causes of screaming

When your cat starts singing songs that last for an eternity, do not rush to scold her. There are problems that the mustachioed simply cannot cope with, which is why they appeal to those who tamed them.

It has long been known that cats acquired the sound “meow” during their domestication by humans. And this sound is addressed specifically to a person. Murkas communicate with each other using completely different “words.” Therefore, if you are in doubt about whom the cat is yelling at, rest assured - at you.

Possible reasons why a cat yells:

  • Disease is the most common cause. The cat is in pain, so it seems to “turn” to the owner for help;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Anxiety, stress or excitement;
  • Feeling of hunger, thirst;
  • Appeal to the owner, attracting him to action.

There are many reasons why a pet vocalizes. To discover the true one, you need to watch the cat.

Anxiety in your kitten that requires you to contact your veterinarian

It is necessary to contact a veterinarian in the following situations:

  1. All educational methods of weaning off screaming did not help.
  2. Additional symptoms of the disease have been discovered.

If you notice at least one of the following signs of a meowing pet, you must show it to a veterinarian:

  • refusal of food;
  • thirst;
  • problems going to the toilet;
  • the kitten tries to hide;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • aggression;
  • increased licking;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • dyspnea;
  • change in gum color.

Why do cats scream?

The reasons for crying in cats vary depending on gender and age. Small kittens are more likely to scream in fear, and young cats howl during periods of hormonal surges. The cause of an elderly cat's screams may be illness or a bad mood.

Little kittens

A kitten separated from its mother and found in an unfamiliar environment experiences fear. He bristles his fur, presses himself against the walls or hides behind furniture, from where he meows plaintively and protractedly. The best way to deal with your baby's screaming is to leave him alone for a while, and then distract him with a game or treat.

The kitten adapts to its new home in 7 days. If your pet continues to cry periodically after a week, look for other causes of stress.

When you bring a kitten home, the first thing you need to do is organize a place for him to rest - a house or a bed

Possible reasons for meowing:

  • hunger or thirst;
  • cold in the apartment, lack of a comfortable place to sleep;
  • lack of master's attention;
  • pain, digestive disorders.

A kitten remains hungry even with a full bowl if it is used to eating milk and does not understand how to eat dry food or solid food. Try soaking food in warm water or milk and offer it to your pet. Soon the hunger will be satisfied and the screams will stop. If after feeding the cat continues to meow and clings to the radiators, he does not have enough warmth.

The animal experiences pain and may meow pitifully due to intestinal disorders. At the same time, he has problems with stool - diarrhea, constipation, and sometimes vomiting. If you notice signs of disease, make an appointment with your veterinarian.

Adult cats and kittens

Unsterilized adult cats and female cats scream during periods of sexual heat, signaling to potential partners that they are ready for mating. The sounds that a cat makes due to hormonal changes are different from regular meowing - they are low and uterine. The cat simultaneously screams and marks the corners in the apartment.

Drops from heat should be placed on the cat's nose so that she can lick them off.

Cats often scream to get their owner's attention. Particularly cunning ones approach the feeding area and stage “concerts” to beg for food

Having seen that the owner once succumbed to provocation, they systematically repeat the tantrums at the bowls. If your cat meows pitifully at the bowl, do not feed it right away!

It’s better to step aside, and when she stops screaming, come back and pour food. The animal will quickly understand that screaming does not lead to results.

The reason for the screaming of an adult cat or female cat can be a dirty litter tray. If you see that the animal is walking around the toilet and screaming, clean it and change the litter.

Elderly animals

Cats over 7 years old suffer from diseases of the joints, teeth, and digestive system. Their visual and hearing acuity decreases, and coordination deteriorates. After 10 years, Alzheimer's disease develops - the cat gets lost in space, periodically shows aggression, crashes its head into the walls and meows pitifully.

Alzheimer's disease develops in 40% of cats over 11 years of age, one of the symptoms is a blank stare

Aging cats scream because of the changes occurring in their bodies. They feel pain, fear, confusion and need care. After 7 years, take your cat to the veterinary clinic every year and get tested, do an ultrasound of the internal organs if necessary. If you notice signs of a disease, do not wait for it to develop, but consult a doctor.


Why does a one-month-old kitten meow constantly? The reasons, as you can see, can be different. But among them one cannot fail to highlight another extremely important factor. If your pet is in pain, he will try to show it. And the only thing he can do is meow.

This is exactly how a cat will behave if something hurts. A common phenomenon that owners rarely pay attention to. However, it is also wrong to blame the owners for this, because identifying the cause can be very difficult. After all, as practice shows, there are many reasons for a cat’s crying. It's easy to get confused.

Diseases and conditions requiring medical attention

A kitten may cry and meow loudly because something hurts. The cause of pain may be poor digestion or a serious illness. It is necessary to carefully examine the pet and observe its behavior.

The following symptoms should alert the owner:

  • increased body temperature, dry nose (in cats the normal temperature is about 38 degrees, in a kitten this figure can vary significantly, since the process of thermoregulation has not yet been established);
  • prolonged cleanliness in the tray or, conversely, diarrhea;
  • blood in the urine or stool;
  • vomit;
  • loss of appetite or complete refusal to eat;
  • discharge of various types from the eyes, ears;
  • swollen, hard tummy;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

You should also observe how often the kitten itches. If he constantly bites himself, gnaws something in his fur, or scratches himself heavily, this is a sign of infection with ectoparasites. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately show the animal to a veterinarian. He will determine the cause and prescribe the necessary treatment.


Why does a little kitten constantly meow? The most common reason for this behavior is... hunger! This is how your new family member will show what he wants to eat.

This phenomenon is quite normal. After all, when a person is hungry, he talks about it. So the animals do the same. Only instead of the speech we are used to, the cute fluffies meow.

Please note: a small kitten will constantly ask its owner to feed it while it is hungry. But adult cats try to meow clearly and only a few times, as if to call their owner to the bowl. Thus, due to hunger, all animals vocalize. It doesn't matter at what age.

Methods of helping a kitten

The kitten should be taken away from its mother no earlier than 1.5-2 months. By this age, animals are already sufficiently socialized and trained in all the necessary skills. At first, the baby will still look for his mother, so the owner needs to pay more attention to the pet and talk to him more often. The animal should be provided with toys that will distract its attention and help pass the time while it is left alone. Returning home, you can hear the kitten's pitiful cries. This can mean both a joyful greeting and complaints of loneliness and hunger. In any case, you need to immediately pick up the kitten, pet it, and then feed it. Over time, a caring owner will learn to understand what exactly the pet is “telling” him.

If circumstances were such that the kitten had to be adopted very young, then for some time the person will have to become its mother. A newborn cat needs to be fed constantly, once every two hours. At 2-3 months the cat is switched to six meals a day. By 6 months, the number of feedings is reduced to 4 times, and by a year - to two.

A small kitten also needs abdominal massage to keep its bowels moving smoothly. You need to do the procedure after eating, and then put the baby in the tray.

The owner will also have to solve the pet’s sexual problems. When meowing expresses the animal’s desire to procreate, you should contact a veterinarian. It is recommended to castrate and sterilize cats between 8 months and a year. If the vocalizations that indicate puberty have begun early, your veterinarian may recommend hormonal or sedative medications for cats. It is advisable not to prescribe medications to the animal yourself, but to leave it to a specialist.

Is Valerian safe?

Important! The herb valerian has long been considered a mild sedative of plant origin, but not for cats.

Valerian acts on cats as a stimulant that can increase aggression, sexual desire, and hallucinations. In case of overdose, an epileptic seizure may develop.

Catnip is also not a sedative for cats.

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What to do when your cat's eyes are watery

A crying white cat is the fastest way to let its owners know about the disease. With some ailments, tears have a brownish tint, so they can be easily seen on the pet’s fur.

If it is noticed that the cat’s eyes are watering, then urgent measures need to be taken. Let's look at three cat owner behaviors to determine which one is correct.

  1. Some people believe that this is a natural process, so nothing needs to be done. This is wrong, because cats never cry for no reason.
  2. Others quickly begin rinsing the animal's eyes to combat the infection. But this illness is not always the cause of tears.
  3. Still others go for a consultation with a veterinarian. And this is the most correct decision. Self-medication is not recommended.

Onset of puberty

Different breeds of domestic cats reach puberty at different times. Most young individuals are ready for intercourse by 6-7 months. In some breeds, such as Maine Coons, it may begin at this age, but last slightly longer, up to about 15 months.

The play of hormones, the powerful instinct of procreation felt by a young animal, makes it restless. It will scream loudly at any time of the day, roll on the floor, and demand to be let out into the street.

During this difficult period, some individuals may show aggression towards humans. Cats begin to mark their territory, and their smell at this time intensifies several times thanks to hormones.

The owner of a domestic cat should immediately decide on a solution to this problem. There are actually two of them: castration (sterilization) or providing the opportunity for the realization of instinct. In all other cases, the animal will experience real agony during periods of sexual heat. There is no need to be afraid to sterilize an animal if the owner’s plans do not include breeding cats. Veterinarians believe that this simple procedure not only does not cause harm, much less moral suffering, to the animal (they simply have no morals), but even prolongs life and preserves health.

What causes a cat to cry?

There are several main reasons why an animal's eyes begin to water. And this does not always indicate the presence of some kind of disease. For example, after sleep, most cats accumulate fluid in the corners of their eyes. You can remove it using cotton swabs dipped in eye drops. However, in most cases, a crying cat indicates the need to think about his health. Many owners go for consultations with a veterinarian to make sure that their pets are not in danger.

The reasons that a cat cries can be different, namely:

A crying cat can't help but cause concern among its owners. This is especially true for purebred animals. For example, Scottish Fold cats cry because their tear ducts are often blocked or narrowed. It is important to contact a veterinarian in time. After all, if the disease is detected in the early stages of development, it can be treated with medications and massage. But if it starts, surgery may be required.

A long-haired purebred cat cries mainly because fur gets into its eyes, causing irritation. To avoid this problem, you should comb your animal daily and wash its eyes. British and Persian cats may cry due to the characteristics of their body.

What should the owner do?

If your cat has a calm character, but now screams all the time and even after a meal, you should visit a veterinarian. Timely treatment will help quickly correct the situation.

If you need to reproduce, you should think about castration or sterilization. If this is not part of your plans, you should be patient and give your pets the opportunity to “walk” to their heart’s content. You should not give medications that reduce sexual activity.

To avoid waking up from meowing at night, you should pay attention to your pet during the day. Cats need active games and jumping, because they are hunters. After playing, you need to feed your pet well, then a tired, well-fed and satisfied cat will sleep sweetly all night. Some owners deliberately wake up cats during the day in order to play with them and get a good night's sleep.


Why does my Scottish kitten meow constantly? And not only Scottish, or Siberian, or Persian, but also an ordinary mongrel? In this way, the animal can simply attract attention to itself. A common method, very effective. If someone wants attention, they talk about it. And small children usually cry. Kittens do the same thing - they are the same babies. They also beckon to you. Now do you understand why the kitten meows constantly?

You should pay attention to the fact that in this way they attract the attention of not only children, but also adults. Only they, as already mentioned, try to make poises between “phrases”. If an animal is too bored and longs for communication, it may not shut up for a long time.

What to do in this case? There is only one way out - to pay attention to your pet, even if it seems to you that you have already been fussing with him a lot. Only in this case will the animal stop reminding itself of itself. Otherwise, you will have to listen to the “cat concert” for days on end. We’re exaggerating, of course, but... As long as an animal craves communication, it will not shut up.


Why else would a kitten meow constantly? Surprisingly, in this way he simply talks to you. Animals, like people, can be sociable and not so sociable. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised that someone is silent all day, while someone “talks”, you shouldn’t be surprised. No one can say for sure what kind of character your pet will have!

It is impossible to silence the cat in this case. After all, he will still crave communication. The only way that will help here is to talk to the cat. No matter how strange it may sound, you need to communicate with your pet. Then he will answer you when you need it.

Interestingly, cats only communicate with people by meowing. This sound was invented exclusively for us. It is almost impossible to see cats “communicating” with each other in this way.

We hope you now understand why the kitten constantly meows. Yes, there are many reasons. And you must get to know your pet better to understand this issue.

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