The kitten is crying: why is the baby constantly squeaking and looking for his mother, what to do about it?

Tip #2

If you cannot curb an overly active pet with attention and affection, you will have to be strict.
Remember that under no circumstances should you hit a kitten: after just one time, it will remember it and will experience fear and mistrust of its owner, and this is fraught with serious consequences. Due to a constant sense of danger, the animal may experience mental disorders that will make it inadequate. In addition, cats are very vindictive. Therefore, being strict with a kitten means a gentle click on the nose or a splash of water from a spray bottle. Another method is to lightly grab him by the scruff of the neck, as his mother did with the kitten recently. But all this needs to be done only at the moment of prank: cats have a very short memory, and within a few minutes after the prank the animal will not understand why the owner is doing this to him.


This is the name for blood incompatibility between a cat and its cubs, in which erythrocyte breakdown occurs in the blood of newborns.

Manifestation of the disease:

  • Yellow mucous membranes.
  • Reluctance to breastfeed.
  • Lethargy.
  • Brown color of urine.
  • Death of tail tissue (at the end).

No treatment has yet been found for this disease, which means the baby is doomed to death. For preventive measures, blood type diagnostics and brown urine testing are used. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, babies are weaned and artificially fed.

How to help a small pet

The owner's recommended actions depend on the cause of the baby's anxiety.

Cry factorOwner actionsNotes
Loneliness, early weaningIt is necessary to devote as much time as possible to the pet so that the baby does not feel abandoned and adapts to new conditions. Toys, live communication, affection will help. You should take the kitten in your arms more often, stroke it, let it go to bed while it is small: it will feel the presence of a friend even in a dream and sleep peacefully until the morning You should not take a kitten from its mother under the age of three months, until the end of the socialization period
Feeling hungry and dietCubs with undeveloped feeding behavior must be taught to eat. Food must be adapted to age and physiology. For the smallest pets there are special milk formulas that resemble cat milk in composition. When feeding natural food, you should remember that the cat is a carnivore and the basis of its diet is meat. But other components - cereals, vegetables, eggs, dairy products and vitamins - should also be present in the kitten’s diet. Eating industrial feeds involves a combination of wet and dry foods according to age. The diet is adjusted according to age: the smallest ones eat six times a day (during the neonatal period, kittens need to be fed around the clock). Closer to six months, babies are transferred to four meals a day, by one year - to two meals a day The kitten should always have fresh water in unlimited access
Lack of communicationCats will demand increased attention until they receive it. For growth and development, a young body requires not only food, but also active movements: kittens learn and develop when they play. Affection, conversations - all this will help the baby calm down and feel like a member of the family. Over time, people begin to understand the “language” of their pets and determine their mood and desires by the intonation of meowing.
Problems with the toiletUp to a month old, kittens need help: the abdomen and genital area must be massaged every time after sleeping and eating. When babies begin to defecate on their own, they are trained to use a tray. If the kitten is already going to the toilet, he may not find a place in his new home and will cry. To help your pet, you can take some of the cat litter from your previous apartment. The baby will find the potty by smell. It is not difficult to determine that a kitten is crying because he wants to go to the toilet: he is spinning around and looking for a place
Age-related changesDuring puberty, in a situation where further breeding is planned, cats are given sedatives and hormone-based medications: breeding kittens until the formation of organs and systems is completed is strictly not recommended. The best way to solve the problem in a situation where matings are not planned is castration and sterilization of animals. Games and proper nutrition often help relieve stress. Drugs to reduce sexual activity are sold in veterinary clinics and pet stores: any consultant will offer a choice of drops or tablets
DiseasesIt is impossible to exclude the disease factor. But the owner can reduce the risk of diseases in kittens. It is necessary to carry out regular antiparasitic treatment, vaccination and establish high-quality nutrition. When you take your pet into your home, you should conduct a superficial examination of the skin, look into the ears, and check the eyes for discharge. It's better if a veterinarian does this.

You can overcome all the difficulties associated with continuous cat meowing by showing care and patience. Paying close attention to your pet will help determine the cause of his anxiety. By eliminating it, the owner will be able to enjoy communication with his little four-legged friend.

Viral pneumonia

A dangerous disease for fragile small organisms. It occurs as a result of viral infections suffered during illness and lack of vaccinations.

Manifestations of the disease in kittens:

  • The animal meows pitifully, does not eat breast milk, and refuses to attach to the nipple.
  • Body temperature rises.
  • Coughing and sneezing begins.
  • Mucus is discharged from the nose.
  • The oral cavity becomes covered with ulcers.
  • Conjunctivitis and lacrimation develop.

Immediate seeking of professional medical help is required. To prevent the occurrence of viral pneumonia, you need to follow the vaccination schedule, exclude contact of the animal with other pets and people, and monitor the cleanliness and temperature of the room.

Diseases, pain

So, a baby cat will not meow without a reason. There is always a reason for this, but it can be difficult to recognize it, identify it accurately and eliminate it alone. So, if a young furry has become a member of your family, then you should always have a good veterinarian who can help.

A small kitten is primarily a growing organism that may encounter some problems

If the baby shows concern, you, as the owner, should immediately pay attention to this. Often breeders are faced with the question, why does a kitten constantly meow? In this article you will find the answer to it

There may be several reasons for this behavior; as soon as you figure out which one applies to your pet, you will be able to quickly find a solution.

1. Difficult adaptation Moving to a new home is stressful for a kitten. If you have just taken him away from his mother and other kittens, then he may meow for this very reason. Very young kittens, which are not yet two months old, are especially susceptible to this stress. The solution to the problem is not difficult - you need to create conditions for him similar to those in which he lived with his mother cat. Prepare a warm heating pad for him, wrapped in a soft cloth, preferably fluffy. This way he will feel warmth similar to his mother’s and will be able to quickly fall asleep. Give him as much attention as possible, and then he will understand that instead of his mother, she has a new breadwinner and protector - a person. As a rule, it takes several days to a week to adapt, then the kitten will be able to completely relax and understand that he is at home.

2. Lack of attention If the kitten has been living with you for more than a week, but still shows signs of anxiety and constantly meows, this is a reason to think about whether you are paying enough attention to it. Domestic cats are mostly social creatures; they constantly need to feel that they are not alone. Play with the kitten more, talk to it, make contact, even if it is a little afraid of you. In the latter situation, you should not be zealous and communicate with the kitten only when he himself shows interest in you. Buy or make toys for him so that he can have fun when you are not at home. Cats need very little to be happy!

3.Health problems As sad as it may be, such restless behavior may indicate health problems. The kitten feels bad and wants to somehow show it to the owner to the best of his ability. You need to observe your pet, first of all, paying attention to how regularly he eats and goes to the toilet. If the kitten is active, eats with appetite, and goes to the toilet regularly, then most likely health problems are not your case, carefully re-read the first two points again. Most often, kittens “complain” about problems with digestion, because in the new home he has switched to new food, and the body needs to somehow get used to it. Stroke the kitten's tummy often, just as the mother cat did when she licked him. This massage perfectly stimulates the digestive system.

When a long-awaited mewing creature appears in the house, in addition to joy, many worries emerge. One of which is why does the kitten constantly meow? Most owners become concerned when the timbre of the voice changes or if the pet begins to meow at night. Zoologists say that a change in timbre may indicate that the animal is hungry or is bothered by something, or wants to go to the toilet. In our article we will talk about what to do if a cat constantly meows, and how the owner should react to this.

The reasons why kittens meow are different from why adult cats meow:

Sometimes he says that he is stressed, especially if he has just been taken into the house. In this case, you need to let the animal get used to it and leave it alone. A common reason if a kitten has just been taken into the home is that it is feeling hungry.

The fact is that the animal does not know where the bowl or toilet is; the baby is not yet accustomed to the location. When a kitten meows, it means that you need to play with it, as if in this way it attracts attention. If kittens meow outside the door at night, then you shouldn’t indulge them in this. Otherwise, it may become a habit, he will understand that he is being played with

Then the cat will react in a similar way. Most of all, it is an expression of love.

How to accustom a cat to your hands

It is worthwhile to tame a cat gradually. The younger the animal, the easier it is to do this. If the kitten responds to affection, then as soon as he starts to worry and hit his tail, you should immediately let him go. These are signals that he is tired of it and has a lot of urgent matters to deal with. If he responds to affection, you can use the following techniques

    You should not pick up a cat if you smell of alcohol, citrus fruits or perfume. Any cat does not like a strong smell and will never sit on the lap if the owner smells strongly; You can attract his attention with food that is tasty for him. Cats instantly react to edible smells and jump into your arms if they see that something tasty is in store for them; An affectionate kitten will happily sit in your arms if you play with him. If the cat starts to fuss, attract his attention with food. The cat does not like to be grabbed and for this reason does not sit in your arms. Avoid sudden movements and do not try to hold her by force - she will remember this; If a cat is afraid of heights, you need to hold it under the armpits with one hand and support its hind legs with the other. She will not experience a feeling of weightlessness and fear; Another reason why a cat does not like to sit on hands is sudden movements and pinches. The cat can sit quietly on your lap when it is not being squeezed. Therefore, it is better to gently stroke him, but not to press him to yourself; Another way to get a cat to sit on your hands is to smear your hands with valerian or another cat aphrodisiac. But this method does not work if the kitten is under one year old; Don’t drive the cat away if he starts wanting to jump on your lap, even if you don’t have time. If you alternately caress him and then chase him away, it will be difficult to get affection from him; Teach children to carefully handle animals, especially adults. A cat may be afraid of children and will not sit on their lap; The treatment should be smooth and friendly. The cat will sit with an owner who does not scream, is calm and is not an angry person. The cat does not like to sit in the arms of aggressive individuals, especially males.


A kitten may give a vocal signal for a completely natural reason: it is hungry. This is the most common reason why animals meow. This applies to both children and adult pets. First of all, any living organism tries to satisfy its nutritional needs. And the kitten, once in a new place, first learns where the “food source” is located. Not finding food, the small animal begins to worry, and then declares its needs to the person.

In some cases, the cause of meowing is pseudo-hunger. That is, the kitten is full, but with the help of its voice it tries to beg for tidbits. Usually this characterizes the pet in a certain way: he wants to dictate conditions, tries to beg for something tasty, and thereby force the person to follow his lead. As with children, you need to be firm. You cannot indulge your pet's first desire. This does not mean that an animal should not be pampered at all, but in childhood this is especially fraught with consequences. If a person does not want to constantly endure impudent extortion from the cat, then he should make it clear from the very first attempt who is boss in the house. The pet must understand that nothing will be given to him upon request, and the decision as to whether he will receive a treat or not will be made solely by the “senior”.

How to quickly calm a meowing kitten?

The following techniques will help you stop meowing:

  • take the pet in your arms and gently stroke it;
  • switch attention: while meowing, make a distracting sound - throw a bunch of keys next to the kitten, clap your hands;
  • snap your fingers near your ear;
  • if the meowing is associated with extortion of a treat or a request to be let into the bedroom, you should not respond to provocation.

You cannot scold a kitten, much less beat it. The cat will no longer perceive the offender as the dominant individual in the pride and will transfer him to the category of enemies from whom he needs to hide.

Should the baby be examined to see if he is bothered by fleas? If this is the case, the pet is treated with insectoacaricidal shampoos or I use a drug that is suitable for the kitten’s age.

Causes of rapid breathing

Frequent breathing in an animal can occur due to pathological and physiological reasons. If we are talking about hot weather or the postpartum period, the cat’s condition is quite justified: its body is experiencing a stressful situation. Over time, breathing will stabilize, so you just need to wait a while and help your pet as much as possible. But often frequent breathing can mean that the animal has some pathologies or diseases. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Cat with ascites


Rapid breathing in a cat may indicate the presence of pathology

It is worth paying attention to other symptoms in order to say with confidence what kind of disease the animal has. It is recommended to contact your veterinarian first if your kitten begins to pant rapidly.

The following are related to rapid breathing:

  • blood diseases;
  • pathologies of the heart, lungs;
  • an increase in the size of internal organs due to the presence of certain pathologies;
  • ascites;
  • increase in abdominal pressure.

For your information! Lung disease can be considered the entry of a foreign organ into the respiratory tract, trachea or bronchi. But often a cat’s breathing becomes faster due to narrowing of the airways due to spasm or the presence of tumors. There may also be problems with the expansion of the lungs.

If breathing problems occur that are accompanied by additional symptoms, it is necessary to keep the cat under constant observation so that its condition can be assessed. You should not make a diagnosis and start treatment yourself, as this can harm your pet.


Heavy breathing may occur in a mother cat who has just lambed. The animal’s body is experiencing stress at this moment, since childbirth is a difficult process. Do not be alarmed by the cat's shortness of breath at this moment, since breathing should soon stabilize.

Your pet may breathe quickly and stick out its tongue due to overheating. They don't have as many sweat glands as humans do, so they have to open their mouths to cool off. Also, rapid breathing in an active cat appears after physical activity. In this case, dilated pupils can also be observed.

Blue mucous membranes in a cat

If a cat is breathing frequently after surgery (even if it was castration or sterilization), then you should not panic right away: the animal is going through the process of recovery from medications. If gradually the depth and frequency of breathing begin to return to normal, then you should completely postpone the alarm.

However, there are cases when this process gets worse. It is necessary to check the animal's gums, lips and nose. If they acquire a bluish tint, you should immediately contact a veterinarian, since such symptoms are a complication of the respiratory or cardiovascular systems.

When worried, cats also begin to breathe heavily. It is necessary to look at how the animal looks: it flattens its ears and looks frightened, it hides or attacks in a stressful situation; a sick animal does not behave this way.

Note! Animals can dream too, so if your pet begins to breathe rapidly during this dream, there is no need to worry. Not everyone can sleep without dreams, but everyone will react to what happens in dreams

Could it be a health problem?

Definitely yes. If your always active and vocal cat suddenly becomes silent, you should be concerned. Start with a trip to the veterinarian, this could be a serious upper respiratory tract infection or acute respiratory viral infection. If there are symptoms: tears, lethargy, apathy or runny nose. There are also more unpredictable reasons, for example, a lump of hair in the throat, a complete lack of appetite. If a doctor intervenes in time and the cat is prescribed antibiotics, after a few days your pet will be healthy.

The main thing is to monitor your pet’s health: the best doctors are to keep it well-fed and well-groomed. So, if your cat is simply silent by nature, then don’t be upset: take care of her and love her, that’s all.

Reasons for crying in cats

I would like to say right away that there is no need to be afraid. A cat’s tears are not always the cause of some terrible illness, which is why it’s time to take the fluffy one to the doctor. Without knowing for sure the reasons why a cat is crying, it is impossible to begin to “treat” it.


Remember little kittens. You can almost always see discharge on their eyes. And their color, and their structure, and quantity are also not always the same. Transparent liquid streams from someone's eyes. And the other has reddish, stretchy “snot.” And the third kittens cry today, but not tomorrow. And what is it? Disease? Or is it just physiology? Or maybe the characteristics of some age-related hormonal changes in the body. But most often the reason why baby cats cry is that they simply haven’t learned to wash themselves yet. And they can’t take the tears away from their eyes.

What other reasons are there why you shouldn’t sound the alarm:

  • After sleep, almost all cats collect some fluid, which makes the cat appear to be crying;
  • Just like in humans, cat tears perform the function of cleansing the eye;
  • Cats are incredibly emotional creatures. And sometimes this affects their facial expressions and physiological functions. A cat may cry when it is happy or upset for some reason;
  • Any active activity of a cat, from pulling up to playful jumping, can lead to the animal “crying.” In fact, this is the result of more active work of the mucous membranes during the cat’s movements;
  • And even onions in food, or if you cut them in front of a cat, can cause a similar reaction.

These reasons why cats cry are not serious. Nothing bothers the fluffy one. He is actually healthy. But there is also cause for concern when the owner sees that his cat is crying. What are these reasons:

  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Other infectious or viral diseases of the orbit, canals and tissue around the eye;
  • Injuries (this also includes the fact that a foreign body has entered the cat’s eye, causing a reaction - the eye cries, and the cat itself can behave restlessly and meow);
  • Turn of the century;
  • Allergy;
  • Worms.


Many reasons are serious enough to promptly consult a doctor. For example, conjunctivitis is a disease that occurs most often. The infection, infecting one eye, quickly spreads to the second. And very soon both of the cat’s eyes begin to water. What comes before this? Most often, a cat will often restlessly scratch its eye with its paw. By the way, it is these actions that contribute to the spread of infection. After all, then, as the cat rubs the infected eye with its paw, it licks this paw and immediately licks the second one, which it will use to wipe the other, still healthy eye. What are the consequences of conjunctivitis? The discharge will very soon become purulent. Unfortunately, everything can end in loss of vision if you do not notice in time that the cat is crying.

Why does the cat stop meowing and silently open his mouth?

Voice loss in cats is rare. When examined by a veterinarian, the owner will be asked two main questions, on which the further resuscitation plan depends:

  1. Does your pet walk outside? Street cats can overstrain their vocal cords when they yell during a showdown with neighbors or get injured in the larynx. For domestic residents, this reason is almost impossible.
  2. Was vaccination carried out? For walking cats, the question is extremely relevant. If there are cases of rabies in the region: loss of voice is one of the symptoms of this terrible, fatal disease for both animals and people.

After an initial conversation, the veterinarian can diagnose several diseases and determine why the cat has no voice:

  • Particular attention should be paid if the voice suddenly disappeared, and then the whole body began to cramp. The shaking spreads from head to tail. The cat could have contracted tetanus. The disease does not occur in indoor cats, but outdoor cats are susceptible to this danger. Tetanus cannot be transmitted to people, but an animal that burrows in the ground can carry the tetanus bacillus. Accordingly, during battles for territory, they can infect each other.
  • Another reason when a kitten meows without a sound, opening its mouth, is found both among those walking on the street and among domestic representatives - a foreign body in the mouth or larynx. Most often these are sewing needles or threads. This is an extremely dangerous condition that poses a threat to life. It requires an immediate visit to a veterinarian. It is much more difficult to remove the thread from the gastrointestinal tract than from the larynx. Foreign objects in the mouth often cause excessive saliva or foaming from the mouth, but this is not a necessary symptom.
  • It is believed that cats lose their voice due to otitis media. Those who have seen a cat treated with acute otitis media will say: animals with diseased ears have a voice. This weapon of defense is no worse than claws. People who do not have a veterinary education often confuse severe otitis media with ear mites, but not with muteness.
  • A cat may lose its voice as a result of poisoning or a chemical burn. However, the lack of meowing will not be what worries the owner the most. Animals feel very bad after such incidents and salivate profusely.

In such situations, emergency veterinary care is required.

The main reasons for a kitten meowing:

  1. Hunger;



Abdominal pain;

He wants to see his mother.

Let's consider each reason separately:

  • When kittens are small, they constantly need food. They eat little, and therefore the food is quickly digested. If the kitten is very small, then you need to feed it 8-10 times a day. A one-month-old kitten is fed 6-8 times a day. Give food at room temperature. Do not give food cold or hot. It is better to give the kitten a special kitten formula and warm water. You should not give cow's milk to small kittens; the milk will give them a tummy ache. It is better to replace cow's milk with goat's milk. If the goat is not nearby, the milk can be replaced with milk powder for kittens, which can be purchased at a pet store.

It is so arranged that little kittens have fur from birth, and they lie next to their mother. But if there is no mother, they freeze, despite the fur they have. This may be another reason why the kitten meows. You need to hold a heating pad close to you or place it nearby, wrap it in some soft towel and pet the kitten. When the kitten gets warm, it will stop shivering and fall asleep.

And the kitten is afraid of loneliness. He is afraid of sharp sounds, bangs, and may even be afraid of the new owner. Starts to hiss and tries to run away. There is no need to speak in a loud voice and say “why are you shouting?” It is better to make a cozy place for the kitten where he can warm up and sleep. If a kitten meows at night, then most likely he wants a little attention, you need to hug and pet the kitten. Then he will sleep peacefully.

Abdominal pain often bothers kittens. They have constipation. Cats usually lick their kittens to relieve pain. But if the mother is not around, you need to stroke the kitten’s tummy clockwise. If the kitten is constipated, then you need to give 2-4 drops of Vaseline oil. You can add it to liquid food, so it’s easier to get inside. You need to make sure that the kitten is suffering from constipation. Kittens can get infectious diseases. They can be recognized by the kitten's lethargy, reddened mucous membranes, the fur becomes dull, the nose is hot and dry, and the kitten stops eating. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian, he will determine the disease and prescribe treatment. It is also worth checking the kitten for the presence of worms. They cause terrible pain to the animal. If there are worms, the kitten will experience vomiting or urge, bloating, and blood in the feces.

When a kitten is separated from its mother and its siblings, it begins to miss them. This is another reason for constant and loud meowing. You need to know how to properly care for a kitten. It is advisable to hug and pet him. Talk to him about something. This way the kitten will understand that you are not a stranger to him, but someone he can trust. You can treat your kitten to some tasty food. Just not sausage. It should not be given to young kittens. Sausage can be replaced with ground beef or chicken. To make sure that the kitten lacks attention, you need to spend about two days with more tenderness and hugs. And if this is so, then the kitten will quickly calm down. And he will stop complaining that he lacks his master’s attention. To keep your kitten from getting bored, you can play outdoor games with him. Make a mouse on a string from soft fabric. Kittens usually love to play these games. When the kitten gets used to its beloved owner, it just stops meowing. But first you will need to be patient for 4-5 days, and then enjoy the pleasant company and soothing purring.

There are also kittens that really love to just talk, that is, meow. This is how they express their love for their owner. Knowing these signs, you can determine why the kitten meows, they will help you at least somehow understand your little pet.

Obvious reasons

Meowing of varying degrees of volume, and sometimes frankly persistent yelling, can be heard at any time of the day: in the middle of the night, early in the morning or during the day. And if for oriental breeds such behavior is considered within the norm, then for other cats it is a signal that something is bothering them.

The cat meows and asks for a cat

Hormones. This is the first thing that may come to mind when a cat that has left childhood begins to bother you with its frequent meows. Absolutely all mature, non-sterilized cats, as well as non-castrated cats, behave this way. Not only psychological, but also physical discomfort is caused by the lack of opportunity to have offspring.

In addition, a loud cry is a signal to individuals of the opposite sex that they are ready to mate. Such “concerts” will be repeated regularly, and when adopting a kitten, you should immediately decide for yourself whether you will sterilize it, or will have to put up with loud meowing and patiently wait for the end of the difficult period.

The cat does not leave the owner due to attention deficit

Cats, like all animals, love affection.

Attention deficit

Sometimes cats may meow in hopes of attracting the attention of their owners. They quickly begin to understand that people immediately react to loud sounds, and thus try to achieve what they want, most often - some favorite treat

But it happens that a cat is forced to spend most of the day at home alone, and when his beloved owners meet, he begins to meow loudly

In this case, it is enough to simply pay attention to him: play, pet him, communicate affectionately, honor him behind the ear. If your pet is left alone for a long time, you should provide him with food and toys so that he has something to occupy himself with.

Silent from birth

There are as many characters as there are cats - perhaps you just became the owner of a particularly taciturn kitten. If the baby eats well, plays well, and there are no strange things observed in his behavior, the chances that he simply does not like to communicate using his voice are very high. Perhaps, over time, the kitten will become more sociable and will begin to remind itself of itself by loud meowing. There are also “dumb” cats that never vocalize. If the health of the animal is not in doubt, then the owners can only accept it.

Some cat breeds are especially silent - for example, phlegmatic Persians, short-legged munchkins. Many representatives of the Scottish Fold breed, as well as Maine Coons, are taciturn.

If a kitten is picked up on the street, perhaps he is simply afraid to make his voice, trying not to attract unnecessary attention to himself. If the new owners are affectionate and patient, the baby will soon begin to trust them.

You can often see cats opening their mouths silently - it is believed that these animals are able to communicate with each other in the ultrasonic range, emitting sounds of a frequency that people cannot perceive. The kitten, having become accustomed to communicating in this way with its mother, tries to “talk” to people, not yet realizing that it is not being heard.

If you are still alarmed by something in the behavior of an excessively silent pet, it is worth checking his hearing - deaf cats can either meow loudly, often and out of place, or not make any sounds at all.

How not to behave

Of course, the patience of any person is by no means unlimited. Your cat has been treated kindly, fed, watered, neutered - and still continues to scream? Do not rush to grab a broom or, even worse, raise your voice at your pet. Violent measures will not help here. The cat may become frightened or offended, and in this case he may begin to take revenge. It is almost impossible to predict exactly how. Animals are subtle psychologists. They know your most vulnerable spots very well. Rest assured, this will not end peacefully. New wallpaper torn to shreds, puddles in the bed and unattractive piles in shoes are just a small part of what an angry cat is capable of.

Reasons for a kitten's constant cry

The reasons are different, both physical and psychological.


Demanding food from the owner, the little fluffy ball expresses concern and begins to meow loudly. Treat your pet to something tasty, he will calm down and won’t bother you

you with our “cry”. Below is an approximate diet for a small kitten.

  1. Meat. When preparing food for a small pet, you can only use poultry, beef, lamb or horse meat. The meat must be boiled first. Do not buy pork meat for your kitten
    under any circumstances , it contains a lot of fat and may contain helminths.
  2. Fish. Despite the fact that all representatives of the cat family are partial to this seafood, you should not get carried away with it. Frequent use can cause urolithiasis in a kitten. Fish should be given to kittens boiled, without seeds, and no more than once a week. Eggs can be given either raw or boiled.
  3. Dairy products. Instead of whole cow's milk, give your baby fermented milk products, such as fermented baked milk, yogurt and kefir.
  4. This mixture of cottage cheese, milk and chicken yolk is sure to please your furry friend. Sometimes you can treat him with a small piece of cheese.
  5. The kitten should receive chicken eggs at least 2 times a week. Their consumption has a beneficial effect on the growth of the pet and the shine of its coat.
  6. Be sure to include a variety of cereals in your diet
    , except for “rolled oats” and legumes.
  7. Clean water should always be available.

After eating, the kitten will stop meowing and you can calmly go about your business.

Difficult adaptation

A kitten, finding itself in an unfamiliar environment, experiences severe stress, anxiety and fear of the unknown. The baby, who has just been separated from his mother and his brothers, misses them greatly and begins to meow loudly and pitifully. This situation is especially acute for very tiny kittens (up to 2 months of age). In this case, you will need maximum patience and calm.

Young tailed pets, like children, require from the owner not only attention, but also knowledge. After all, the presence of kittens in the house does not always mean peace, games and the joy of communication. Sometimes owners suffer from not knowing how to help their young charges, because they do not understand what is happening to them. This also happens when babies meow constantly. What do they want to communicate with this? What kind of help do they require?

Fading kitten

This pathology develops in the womb.


  • Placental abruption.
  • Wrong choice of paternal line.
  • Infectious, viral diseases during pregnancy.
  • Incorrectly formulated diet for pregnant and lactating pussy.

Children exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Underweight (weight 25% lower than healthy members of one litter).
  • Dehydration.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Hypothermia.

Unfortunately, the disease cannot be treated, and the sick pet is doomed. To prevent this situation from happening, you need to take preventive measures even before the kittens appear:

  • Follow the expectant mother's vaccination plan.
  • Provide the pregnant animal with adequate nutrition.
  • Take a responsible approach to choosing the breeding half.
  • Maintain good care.

How to solve the problem of meowing at night?

As you can see, there are many reasons for meowing at night. Fortunately, in most cases it is quite easy to help you and your pet. Here are the simplest ways:

Visit your veterinarian to rule out any health problems in your pet.

Often vocalization at night in an older cat is a consequence of thyroid or kidney disease. If you have recently moved, it is important to remember that any change of residence is stressful for pets. To prevent the cat from feeling completely unsettled after moving, try to ensure that the cat’s routine does not change too much at the new place of residence.

At least in the first weeks after moving, feeding should take place at the same time as in the old place. Don't forget about games - even 15 minutes a day show the purr how much you love it and how much you care about it! And a cat that feels cared for is less likely to meow due to increased anxiety at night. If your pet is not active during the day, then he will most likely try to burn off excess energy at night. Therefore, your task is to help him do this before you go to bed! Try to offer him your favorite games at night - for some it’s a laser pointer, for others it’s a tumbler, and for others it’s an artificial mouse. Playing at night will, at a minimum, delay nighttime “meow-meows” to a later date, if not make them an extremely rare occurrence. A good way, if not to prevent, then to delay the night concert of your purr, is to give her food at night. Just like people, cats sleep better on a full stomach. Cats that suffer from increased anxiety need extra care and attention from their owners to little things. For example, many cats love to have a towel or blanket on the bed, on which they can sleep next to the owner. Additional comfort will help eliminate anxiety at night, which means night meowing will either stop bothering you completely, or at least will bother you less often. If your new cat often meows from loneliness, then the best solution would be to play with her more often before bed. In games, a cat or kitten will burn off excess energy and become closer to you. Also, you can take the cat to sleep with you in bed, a loved one next to you will calm the purr and it will worry less at night, and therefore will sleep longer and will not disturb you until the morning. Remember - a new cat at home is like a child who needs time to adapt and your care in order to integrate into the life of the new family. If a cat meows because something outside the window is bothering it, then curtaining the windows or closing the blinds at night is the easiest way out of this problem.

What to do if the kitten does not sleep at night, walks and meows

When the adaptation period has passed, the time has come to gently force the kitten to its biorhythm. If the pet is bored, then in the absence of the owner he will sleep and gain strength for nightly adventures. If there is no one at home, you need to ensure that the kitten does not overeat at this time, does not sleep, but has fun.

For this purpose, there are toys that should be changed every 3-5 days: scratching posts, multi-level cat furniture, houses in which you can hide. Cats love enclosed spaces. Therefore, a tunnel made of rustling material may become a favorite place for games.

The kitten will be provided with a place to rest. It’s good if it is away from the radiators and closer to the window, so that the pet does not sleep, but finds out what is happening behind the window glass.

You should delineate the area accessible to your pet and keep it out of the nursery and bedroom. If penetration has occurred, a lot of effort will have to be made to wean the animal from visiting prohibited places.

Finally, the pet just needs to be tired. Organize active games, it is important for the kitten to play enough. For the first time, a candy wrapper on a string will do. Then they offer him fishing rods, teasers, and squeaky mice. You can open a plastic bag for the animal, he will happily jump into it. It is necessary not only to provide your pet with toys, but also to take part in the game with him.

After playing, the tired pet is fed well. The food puts you to sleep, and the animal will not bother anyone at night.

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