Why does a cat meow in its sleep? Pathology or not? Causes.

If the owner has a pet for the first time, he may notice that the cat meows in its sleep. This causes some concern, since the owner may decide that such a phenomenon is a deviation from the norm, because the animal should sleep at this time. In fact, cats most often do not need any help, since vocalizing in their sleep is a simple response to dreams. It will not be possible to somehow interpret these dreams if you rely solely on the animal’s reaction. But in some cases, meowing serves as a signal that the pet is experiencing some kind of discomfort; it may even indicate the manifestation of a certain disease or problem.

Is a cat really sleeping when it meows?

Pets can deceive their owner by pretending that they are fast asleep, while they themselves are simply resting, with their eyes almost completely closed. In such a situation, if the cat has decided that it is time for him to get his portion of attention, the request will be expressed as follows: he begins to meow without opening his eyes.

At this moment, the person is completely confident that his friend is fast asleep, and the cat may begin to meow even hysterically - the way it is used to doing this during moments of activity.

  • It is also not uncommon for animals to only doze, without completely switching off, and can
  • hear what is happening around, to which they often react by meowing, do not open when
  • this eye. In this case, the cat does not meow loudly. Sometimes even meowing is more like
  • purring at high notes.
  • This behavior is especially common in free-ranging cats, since
  • They waste a lot of energy while walking. Pets feel comfortable in the house
  • security and are not afraid to reveal their presence with their voice. Cat meowing in a dream
  • usually associated with dreams.

Breeds that are inherently predisposed to snoring

You need to understand that representatives of some cat breeds are considered avid “snoreers”, and in their case, snoring is normal (in most cases), and there is no need to worry when it appears. These include:

Snoring is associated with brachycephaly. Pets have a flat muzzle, the volume of the respiratory tract and nasal cavity is small, which is why various wheezing and whistling sounds may occur when breathing. But! The problem can be much more serious, and in some cases, “cute snoring” is a harbinger of expensive and unsafe treatment. Moreover, its absence can be fraught with death or a significant reduction in the life of the pet.

Important! Snoring itself is not a normal phenomenon for cats, and we would strongly advise you to immediately determine its specific cause!

Dreams are what causes meowing

It is known that cats can have dreams just like humans. They can be good or bad, and it is quite difficult for the owner to understand which ones. Depending on the emotional state of the animal, in a dream it perceives visions calmly or becomes active. It happens that a cat purrs, sometimes meows in its sleep, and often also moves. The animal can move its paws or tail. Often, in addition to meowing, a cat also hisses and snarls. Such a reaction will mean that she cannot see anything good in her dream at the moment. In this situation, she needs help to awaken.

If the cat sleeps calmly, even meowing, and kneading the air or bedding with its paws, this is an indication that he is dreaming of his childhood, when he suckled his mother. The cat only gets pleasure from such dreams and should not be disturbed.

Hearing a kitten meow in a dream, the meaning of the dream

The meowing of kittens in your own night vision is an indication of troubles and care for children, both your own and your children’s children and grandchildren. If you hear the meowing of a white kitten in a dream, you will be betrayed by people from whom you did not expect this, but the purring of a black one - the mines of enemies will show themselves in all their beauty.

Try to remember what the meowing kittens looked like - if they are thin and dirty, or multi-colored, then in reality you can harm yourself. How exactly - through your own inattention and carelessness. What else could such a vision promise?

If you hear a cat meowing in the fall or during the winter months, this is a sign of the dreamer’s wild life and rash actions. But as they say, the dragonfly sang red summer, didn’t have time to look back, and here… payback for a wild life. If such a dream occurs in the spring or summer, this is a direct indication from above that the dreamer doubts the fidelity of his other half.

When interpreting a night vision involving meowing animals, also take into account the day of the week on which you saw such a dream. Why so? Whether the dream will come true or not depends not only on the storyline, but also on what day of the week you dreamed about it:

  • if you see such a vision on the night of Sunday and on Monday, Tuesday and up to Wednesday, these are light and often prophetic visions;
  • if you see a similar dream in the kingdom of Morpheus on Thursday night, this is a direct indication of questions regarding career and financial issues;
  • Friday has always been considered a day of love and prosperity, and accordingly, visions on the night of this day touch on issues of relationships and the dreamer’s personal life;
  • Saturday is the day of the week when a dream warns of future problems;
  • a vision on Sunday night is a direct hint from above for future events that will happen in the very near future.

And be sure to take into account your own mood after sleep - if you feel relief and joy, then you should not prepare for the worst, since it will pass you by. And if you feel fear and an unpleasant aftertaste, get ready for problems that you may not be able to overcome on your own.

But don’t get upset right away - if you have a bad dream, it’s enough to say thank you to the higher powers for warning you. Just go to the door or window opening and say out the window or open door - Where the night goes, so does sleep, and all the good things will stay with me, and all the bad things will go beyond the threshold. Alternatively, you can simply wash your face under running, cold water and tell her your dream. Better yet, at least until lunch, don’t tell anyone about your night vision, and after that, dissolve a pinch of salt in water and sprinkle salt water on your bed.

A dream in which a cat appears brings a warning to a person about deception, failure, quarrel, or betrayal of a significant other. If a cat’s meowing was clearly heard at night, the negative meaning of the dream intensifies. Dream books will help a person figure out what a cat’s meowing means in a dream.

Pathologies in which meows

In rare cases, when a cat may meow at night, this indicates trouble with his health. A restless, painful cry at night may be an indicator that the animal has one of the following problems :

  • worms;
  • inflammation and tumors that cause pain;
  • mental disorders.

In all these cases, the cry is a complaint and a request for help that must be fulfilled. It is best to show the animal to a veterinarian and provide proper treatment.

If a cat meows in its sleep, it is imperative to find out the reason for this phenomenon.


Messages [4]

1 Topic from Mayusha 02/03/2015 22:29:45 Edited by Mayusha (02/03/2015 22:33:28)

  • Mayusha
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Topic: The cat moans in a calm state, there are no signs of pain

Hello! Can you please tell me what to do? We brought a cat that was brought to the veterinary clinic 3.5 months ago. Now the cat is 6 months old. The cat had sore ears (mites) and lichen (I found out later in another veterinary hospital). We treated both successfully, and now everything is fine with the ears and fur. However, since his arrival, the cat has been moaning with a low chest groan (lower than meowing) in a calm state when he lies down. It seems that the groan somehow happens on its own, because... The cat is absolutely calm at this time and there are no signs that it hurts anywhere. He is very playful in the mornings and evenings, running around like crazy. He eats well (mostly dry food Proplan or Royal, sometimes I give him boiled chicken or chicken liver). He goes to the toilet regularly and normally (the feces are formed, not liquid). I dewormed with Drontal and two worms came out. We recently visited another veterinary clinic specifically for my issue with moaning. The cat was carefully examined and felt - as luck would have it, he did not make a single sound. It wasn't clear that he was in pain anywhere. They took a biochemistry test, and based on the results they said that there was a suspicion of a viral infection, although the cat had no cough, no runny nose, and no suspicious discharge at all. Roncoleukin was prescribed according to scheme 1,2,3 and 5,7,9; amoxicillin every other day for a week; legafiton 2 tablets. per day - 20 days. They did everything, but the groans remained. What could it be?

2 Reply from Irina-Vet 02/04/2015 16:58:45

  • Irina-Vet
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Re: The cat moans in a calm state, there are no signs of pain

Hello! I'm afraid that it will be very difficult to determine the cause of the "moans". But there is no particular need for this if the cat feels normal, is active, cheerful, and has a good appetite. It is extremely unlikely that these sounds cause discomfort to the cat and interfere with his life.

3 Reply from Mayush 02/04/2015 17:36:01

  • Mayusha
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Re: The cat moans in a calm state, there are no signs of pain

Thank you, it still worries me, although it’s more pleasant for me to think that it’s him who communicates with me like that. On the other hand, after three months he doesn’t get sick, I don’t observe any pathological changes, maybe this is really his peculiarity. Or maybe they should do an ultrasound of all his organs?

4 Reply from Irina-Vet 02/04/2015 21:26:42

  • Irina-Vet
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Re: The cat moans in a calm state, there are no signs of pain

It’s possible to do something, but it’s unlikely to explain the reason for the “moans.”

The kitten is moaning, help me with advice - what could it be?

Page 1 of 1[Posts: 16]
_________________ Comrades, offended, unhappy, smart and fair! I almost love you all!
_________________ Everyone on the right has the right to what is ..on the left and what is ..on the right!
The kitten is wild, it is very problematic to carry for blood. Although they would probably come up with something. And alas, there is no money, although I understand what is needed, but there is no place to get it from
He had Rhino for quite a long time; he had been treated for about two months. How can it be so long without other manifestations? Grows, develops, eats?

_________________ Comrades, offended, unhappy, smart and fair! I almost love you all!

_________________ Cats come and go, but they never leave you forever. Martha Curtis I love, remember and keep you in my heart, my girls, Glashenka and Murochka, my angels. Don't believe it if they tell you that cats have 9 lives. She is the only one they have and she is very fragile.
_________________ Comrades, offended, unhappy, smart and fair! I almost love you all!
well, why, polyps are removed, and the sooner the better, before they cause purulent inflammation
hyperplasia cannot be cured, it is for life

_________________ Cats come and go, but they never leave you forever. Martha Curtis I love, remember and keep you in my heart, my girls, Glashenka and Murochka, my angels. Don't believe it if they tell you that cats have 9 lives. She is the only one they have and she is very fragile.

_________________ Comrades, offended, unhappy, smart and fair! I almost love you all!
polyps can be in the nose and ear, here either rhinoscopy, if you are sure that it is in the nose, or otoscopy, if it is in the ear
but if it really looks like a whistle, and not like groans, which are caused by the fact that his internal organ hurts

my kitten moaned when he had purulent otitis media, he was in a lot of pain, he had a fever

so it would be good to have the kitten examined by a doctor

_________________ Cats come and go, but they never leave you forever. Martha Curtis I love, remember and keep you in my heart, my girls, Glashenka and Murochka, my angels. Don't believe it if they tell you that cats have 9 lives. She is the only one they have and she is very fragile.

_________________ Comrades, offended, unhappy, smart and fair! I almost love you all!
_________________ Comrades, offended, unhappy, smart and fair! I almost love you all!
_________________ 8-921-970-75-25
Inserting images into a message: https://pixs.ru https://savepic.su/index.php https://ifotki.info/ https://vfl.ru/
grunts and moans, it sounds kind of different
I have a cat who makes strange, frightening sounds when she sleeps, although over time the sounds have become quieter. I ran around with her to clinics, even had an MRI, in the end they diagnosed hyperplasia of the nasal mucosa, as they explained to me, the cat most likely once suffered from calcium, and the mucous surface of her nose is now not smooth, hence the sound similar to moaning, whistling and snoring at the same time, at first I even thought that she was suffocating. But nothing can be done about it, when she is very nervous, the sound intensifies, apparently the mucous membrane swells

_________________ Cats come and go, but they never leave you forever. Martha Curtis I love, remember and keep you in my heart, my girls, Glashenka and Murochka, my angels. Don't believe it if they tell you that cats have 9 lives. She is the only one they have and she is very fragile.

_________________ Comrades, offended, unhappy, smart and fair!
I almost love you all! Time zone: UTC + 3 hours [Summer Time]

Pathological causes of snoring

Infectious diseases of the respiratory organs

Why does a cat snore in his sleep? This can also be caused by pathological reasons. Snoring can often be caused by infectious diseases of the respiratory organs: bronchitis, pneumonia, pneumonia. A cat can become hypothermic if it has been in the cold for a long time, slept under a powerful air conditioner, sat in a draft, and become ill.

Dry air, especially in winter, during the heating season, dries out the nasopharyngeal mucosa of a pet. Viruses and bacteria easily enter the body because local immunity cannot cope with them. A runny nose begins - mucus forms in the nose, clogging the nasal passages, so air passes through with difficulty and with a characteristic sound. Other symptoms of a respiratory infection: coughing, sneezing, blue gums. Wheezing when inhaling, crackling when exhaling is a sign of pneumonia. The animal needs to be shown to a veterinarian.

Respiratory diseases of a non-infectious nature

The cause of snoring can be non-infectious pathologies. Most often this is swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and asthmatic bronchospasm. Swelling of the larynx is a consequence of an allergic reaction that was not noticed in time by the owner. A cat may be allergic to new food, cleaning products, or plants. With swelling, a hoarse sound occurs when inhaling, similar to snoring. This may later be accompanied by wheezing. It is observed not only in sleep, but also during wakefulness. This condition is dangerous and can threaten the life of the cat.

Another threatening pathology of the respiratory system is asthma. The cat experiences attacks of suffocation, accompanied by characteristic sounds. A cough may occur, which, due to spasms, causes a gag reflex. Later shortness of breath, apathy and poor appetite appear. The first stage of asthma (moderate) may remain unrecognized by the owner for a long time. The cat periodically coughs and snores at night, but overall remains in good health. With a suffocating cough, respiratory failure develops - at this stage the animal must be urgently taken to the veterinarian.

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system

A cat may snore at night due to diseases of the cardiovascular system: myocarditis, heart failure, arrhythmia. Symptoms of heart failure are similar to those of asthma or pneumonia: the animal suffers from shortness of breath, fatigue, and wheezing in the larynx. The mucous membranes turn blue due to lack of oxygen in the blood. The causes of heart failure are very diverse: congenital defects, hormonal problems, prolonged stress. All older animals, as well as young sphinxes, British and Persians, are at risk.

Obesity in a cat

Obesity entails disruptions in the functioning of all internal organs, including the heart. An animal with excess body weight puts a greater strain on the heart muscle, so over time it begins to suffer from heart failure. Night snoring, shortness of breath, and hoarse breathing are guaranteed for any fat cat.

Obesity is common in adult lazy cats who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Other causes of excess weight can be constant overeating, problems with the thyroid gland, metabolic disorders in the body, and diabetes. Obesity greatly shortens life, so the owner must feed his pet properly and promptly treat all pathologies.

Trauma, foreign body in the respiratory tract

Cats are active, playful animals that jump high, climb trees, and climb curtains right up to the ceiling. With such activity, it is not always possible to avoid injuries: the kitten sometimes falls from a height. As a result, he receives injuries of varying severity: bruises, sprains, fractures. Snoring can be one of the symptoms of a concussion, broken ribs, or damage to the cartilage of the larynx. You should contact a veterinary clinic for help immediately, especially if you are sure that your pet has been injured. Lethargy, refusal to eat, and an animal’s groans when feeling its body are a sure sign that it is in pain and needs help.

A foreign body that gets into the nasopharynx will certainly cause difficulty breathing, snoring and grunting, as it will interfere with the free movement of air flow through the respiratory tract. Young, curious cats can easily swallow parts from children's construction sets, rubber balls, beads, buttons and other small objects. Sometimes a bone or a large piece of meat or a vein gets stuck in the throat. A foreign object lodged in the larynx can partially block the airways, causing whistling and wheezing, or cause suppuration. In the worst case, the animal may suffocate and die.

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