Why does a cat meow often? Facts about Talkative Cats

Cats have firmly taken their place as human companions, along with dogs. These pets cannot be trained, but at the same time they perfectly understand when they are addressed. Some animals may even respond in their own cat language. There are even cats that not only communicate with humans, but also comment on what is happening around them.

Most owners are happy to chat with their pet, play and pet them, and those owners who have talkative cats are doubly lucky. But there are a number of cat breeds that speak more often than others. Therefore, if a person wants to choose a more silent friend, this is worth paying attention to.

The cat gets your attention

Despite the fact that many people think that a cat is an independent animal, it does not like to be alone for a long time. Therefore, he encourages you to play with her, caress her or talk to her. Cats are very social animals: they need the company of their beloved owner or mistress. But if you want the animal to meow less, attracting attention, then simply do not react to its trick and pay attention to it when it is silent. If she meows again, look at her and do nothing or walk away. But still spend time with your cat every day: play, scratch and talk to her. If a cat gets tired during the day, it will behave quietly.

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The most common are the Canadian and Don Sphynxes. It is noteworthy that according to genetic parameters, these breeds are not related to each other. At the same time, in addition to the lack of fur, sphinxes are also similar in sociability, love, cheerfulness and tenderness. Sphinxes are real talkers. The owners of these cats only have time to shoot videos and post them on the Internet, where hairless breeds of cats talk while eating and answer questions that the owner asks them. Peterbalds are considered the most talkative among the sphinxes. In their pedigree, two breeds of cats are closely intertwined, distinguished by their talkativeness - the Don Sphynx and the Oriental.

wants to eat

Also a pretty obvious option. Cats always want a snack, so they go with each family member to the kitchen in the hope that they will be given some kind of bun. And cats get louder when it's time for their lunch. If this is a problem, then do not feed your cat when she screams, only when she is silent. The principle is the same as with attention. Don't give her treats when she meows. If this wisdom does not work, then buy an automatic feeder that will open by the hour. It is impossible to come to an agreement with her or to pity her with screams.

Egyptian Mau

The vocality of this breed is legendary. The owners of these cats clearly know that “meow” comes in very different forms. The obsessive, sociable cats, descendants of cats from ancient Egypt, are capable of producing real trills. In their everyday life there is a huge number of sounds that they are capable of making in the process of communicating with their owner, when showing interest or dissatisfaction. The owners of these cats can see for themselves the melodiousness of the Egyptian Mau's voice. These cats do not tolerate loneliness and always try to be the center of attention of the owner. This should not be forgotten if a person plans to get a kitten of this breed.


Some cats greet their owner this way when he comes home from work or when they simply welcome him home. This habit is difficult to wean, but you can look at it from the other side: this is how a pet expresses its love, devotion and affection, isn’t it wonderful?

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Japanese Bobtail

A small face-faced cat, maneki-neko, is considered one of the symbols of the Land of the Rising Sun. This figurine looks like a cat with its paw raised up. This symbol is believed to bring wealth and is called maneki-neko - money cat. The symbol was clearly copied from an Aboriginal breed. Japanese bobtails, which served as an example for the creation of a national statue, are distinguished by their talkativeness, sociability and friendliness. This pet is always not averse to receiving a portion of affection and talking with its owner, so to speak, maintaining a conversation.

The cat is lonely

If an animal spends a lot of time alone, it is not surprising that it “talks” to you a lot. To reduce your cat's "talkiness," you can find someone who will check in with him, and he won't be so lonely. There is an option - make a bird feeder outside the window, and while you are away, the animal will have fun watching the birds. You can leave toys for your cat with treats inside to brighten up his leisure time.

But it’s wiser, if you don’t have time for an animal, don’t get a cat at all.

How cats communicate with their owners

Experts say that such amazing communication between cats and humans is due to the fact that these pets settled with people many hundreds of years ago. Over this considerable period of time, they managed to adapt to life with humans. In order to communicate with other cats, certain movements and smells are enough for them, but this is a little more difficult to do with their owners. That is why cats had to come up with a new way to communicate with two-legged animals. They began to recognize their owners' reactions to various sounds, so that they could then use them to communicate with them.


When something changes in the house: another animal or child appears, the cat often becomes more “talkative” than it was before. Stress factors for an animal can also be illness or a broken heart (this is not a joke). First of all, you need to find out what is bothering the cat, then try to solve the problems. If this does not help, then pay a little more attention and give the animal time to calm down.


Why do cats respond to "kitty-kitty"?

There are many reasons why a cat began to remain silent, namely:

  • Upper respiratory tract infections;
  • Tumors or polyps in the throat or airways;
  • Laryngeal paralysis;
  • Hyperthyroidism.

In addition, it is possible that the cat has a wool ball stuck in its throat, which it is trying unsuccessfully to get rid of, and it simply cannot cope without veterinary intervention.

Thus, in the animal world there are not only talkative cats, but also silent ones. Pets that meow frequently should not be a reason for human aggression, so they simply communicate, since people are their parents. If the cat was closed in terms of communication from the very beginning, then there is no need to worry about this. But in the case when this happens suddenly, it is recommended to urgently contact a veterinary clinic, since the sooner the veterinarian identifies the problem, the easier it will be to deal with it.

Older cats

Just like people, cats sometimes get sick as they age. Animals also have various age-related mental and cognitive disorders. With age, a cat may cease to navigate well in space and meow pitifully for no apparent reason, especially at night. If this is because the cat is scared or doesn’t understand where she is, veterinarians advise leaving her with a night light, and they also prescribe medications to relieve symptoms of disorientation.

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Why are some cats “talkative” and others are not?

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All cats are different. There are modest, quiet and inconspicuous purrs in the world who calmly doze in the corner, and do not create much noise around them during wakefulness. There is another extreme - restless animals, in the most literal sense of the word, stepping on the heels of their owners. They loudly comment on their every step and demand constant attention. There is also a “golden mean”: when necessary, they will remain silent, you must turn to the owner with a request - they will not be shy. Let's figure out why this happens.

My cat meows a lot and very loudly. Let’s immediately clarify which vocalizations are considered normal and which require the intervention of a specialist. Let’s not rush and attribute everything to “talkativeness.” Of course, all cats are different, but if the meowing has become too loud, intrusive, incessant, and there is no hiding or hiding from it, the animal should be shown to a veterinarian. Perhaps the pet is simply getting old. Strength and health are gone, and it is difficult for the cat to accept new realities. Age-related ailments creep up. A number of diseases are manifested by increased appetite, thirst, as well as irritability and anxiety. Meowing in a raised voice, the cat is trying to reach the owner, to suggest that something is bothering her.

You remember your pet as a kitten; you saw him in his best years. Was he always this talkative? We also advise you to analyze situations when meowing becomes especially disturbing. For example, a mustache meows pitifully after climbing into a tray. You have only one way - to the veterinarian. The doctor will check the thyroid gland, the functioning of the urinary system (in particular, the kidneys), and perform other tests.

Perhaps the situation is simpler than you and I think. The month of March is approaching - a harsh time for uncastrated/unsterilized cats and female cats.

Age matters. Experienced cat owners have repeatedly noticed that the tone of their pets' meows changes with age. Over the years, new notes appear. Many readers will be interested to know that meowing is mainly intended for us humans. The purrs think that these sounds reach us better. Although there are some exceptions: kittens, for example, meow when communicating with their mother, saying that they are cold or hungry. With age, communication fades away. But older cats, as a rule, become more “demanding” and, accordingly, talkative.

Nature and breed. When telling readers about a particular breed, we certainly mention the level of talkativeness: there are naturally “loud” cats. However, we will not be mistaken in pointing out that each purr is unique and inimitable; each develops its own original style of communication with its owners. As we noted above, there are absolutely invisible cats in the world, from which every “meow” must be pulled out with pincers. Still, a lot depends on the breed. Thus, cats of “oriental” breeds have long been considered talkative. Of all of them, Siamese cats stand out, famous for their sharp mind and intelligence. “Siamese” are rightfully considered “master-oriented” - they follow them like tails. And they talk, they talk almost incessantly. But: the tonality of the vocalizations of Siamese cats varies depending on the meaning that the mustaches put into their speech. When they ask for something, their meowing sounds like a baby crying. Accordingly, the owner will do everything to ensure that his beloved pets get what they want as quickly as possible.

Lifestyle and habitat. Experts have long noticed that socialized pets are less talkative compared to those who are not accustomed to people. By the way, many owners like it when their mustachioed pets talk to them. Therefore, as soon as you take the kitten, reward it every time you hear it meow. And vice versa: you have acquired a kitten of a sociable breed and want him to behave a little more quietly. It's simple: give a treat every time there is silence in the apartment.

Don't forget that talkativeness tends to change with age. If you notice that your pet has become overly nervous and restless, and all this against the background of increased vocalization, contact your veterinarian.

And one more piece of friendly advice: all tailed pets (young, adult, and elderly) require their owner’s attention. Don’t forget to come up, talk, caress and stroke the aged animal. Old people especially value attention.

We invite readers to continue the conversation and share their own observations. Is everything presented correctly, are important details missing? Leave comments, it is important for us to know your opinion.

Quoted in : Why Do Some Cats Meow More Than Others? Author : Vanessa Salvia. Source : cuteness.com Photo: pixabay.com

What exactly should you not do to stop your pet from being overly active?

  • Don't ignore your cat's desperate calls until you are sure there is no problem. Sometimes cats meow because they can't find their litter box, or are locked in a room, or there is no water. First check if the reasons for the activity can be ignored. Suddenly this is not just a whim of the beast, but an urgent necessity.
  • You cannot punish animals for “meowing”. Yes, various violent measures can silence your pet for a long time, but after that the cat will stop trusting you, and maybe even hate you.
  • Do not give up. If the cat’s “meow” manipulation goes through, she will scream even louder. But just be patient and encourage only quiet behavior, and it will eventually work. The main thing is not to despair.

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Kurilian Bobtail

Based on the name, we can assume that this breed is the closest relative of the Japanese Bobtail. Previously it was believed that the Kurilian Bobtail was obtained by crossing a Japanese Bobtail and a Siberian cat. But a series of genetic tests refuted these assumptions. But there is still a similarity between these breeds - their sociability and talkativeness. In some sources you can find a comparison of Kurilian Bobtails with dogs. And all because of their character. These cats are not only sociable, but also try to follow their owner everywhere.

How to respond to a growl

Several rules will help relieve tension between you and your cat, the choice of which depends on the cause of the conflict:

  • if aggression is associated with illness, take your pet to the clinic;
  • when demonstrating a fighting spirit, wait 10–15 minutes until the pet calms down (it is better to go to another room during this time);
  • after the cat has come to its senses, pet it, talk to it and treat it to something tasty;
  • do not stop the cat from growling at your brood - this is one of the methods of education;
  • if the cat’s fighting qualities are innate, just come to terms with this fact - you won’t influence the genes, so accept and love your bully for who he is.

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Cat "speech"

However, recognizing the meaning of meow is only part of learning cat language.

Their range of sounds—from soft purrs to seething hisses—let us know whether a cat is happy or angry. Cats make a variety of sounds that range from expressing contentment to calling for help, from begging for food to expressing absolute terror.

An angry, scared or aggressive cat may hiss, which is a clear warning that you should not come any closer. The hissing is often accompanied by a scream, a guttural warning sound. If you don't suspect that your cat is suffering from pain or injury, then it's best to stay away from her.

Is purring a sign that your cat loves you? Rest assured. The velvety, vibrating sound is one of the best sounds you can hear from your fur friend! A cat's emotions can be a mystery, but hearing purrs is a clear sign of happiness and affection in your pet.

However, in some cases, purring can be a sign of pain, so if you notice that the sounds are unusual, take your pet to the veterinarian for a check.

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