What cat foods help remove hair from the stomach?

What will you learn from the article?
  1. The best cat food for hair removal Optimal Cat Adult Duck Hairball Control
  2. Monge Cat Hairball
  3. Hill's Adult Feline Hairball Control
  4. Eukanuba Adult Hairball Chicken
  5. IAMS Adult Cat Hairball Control rich in Chicken
  6. Royal Canin Intense Hairball 34
  • Natural food for hair removal
  • Cats are one of the cleanest animals. They can lick themselves for hours and do this several times a day. But during grooming, your pets inevitably swallow hair, which accumulates in their stomach and can cause serious harm to their health. This is why it is important to understand what food to feed your cat to remove hair.

    Ingested fur is naturally eliminated from the body in two ways:

    1. During the act of defecation.
    2. By vomiting, when the cat independently regurgitates the matted hairball.

    Cat hair is not subject to dissolution by gastric juice, it is not digested, but clogs the gastrointestinal tract. Your fluffy may experience a feeling of false satiety or, on the contrary, hunger, often approach the bowl, constantly beg for food, but not finish even the usual portion.

    All this leads to a lack of nutrients and exhaustion of the body. In addition, a large amount of hair in the gastrointestinal tract can cause obstruction, in which case surgical intervention is definitely not possible.

    It is impossible to teach a cat not to swallow fur, but it is quite possible to minimize the risk of negative consequences.

    Ready-made dry food not only prevents fur from accumulating in the body, but also affects the appearance of the pet: its fur becomes smoother, shiny, and the molting process is almost unnoticeable. By the way, read about the top professional cat foods.

    Why is fur in the stomach dangerous?

    Cats shed fur by regurgitating, and this normally happens up to four times a month. The most difficult time is the molting period in autumn and spring, when too much hair accumulates in the stomach. Using a furminator alone will not solve the problem. This is where special products come to the rescue that facilitate the removal of hairballs (trichobezoars) in a natural way. If you do not help the animal, unpleasant problems will appear:

    • Appetite will decrease - the lump inside creates a feeling of fullness. As a result, the animal will not receive enough nutrients;
    • digestion is disrupted - hairballs cause irritation of the mucous membranes, constipation occurs;
    • problems with the intestines will appear - there is a risk of developing obstruction in the small part.

    Particular attention to preventing the accumulation of hair in the gastrointestinal tract should be paid to owners of long-haired cats, weakened and aged animals, sedentary animals, those suffering from metabolic disorders and obesity.

    To avoid health problems, monitor your cat’s behavior. If she spits up too often, sometimes with mucus or particles of undigested food, if her fur begins to look worse, she needs help. Without timely prevention of the accumulation of trichobesars in the stomach, bloating, hard stools will appear, and the animal will look depressed.


    In order not to trigger the removal of hair from the gastrointestinal tract of cats to a level where it is already very difficult to do anything, it is necessary to use at least minimal preventive measures; These include daily brushing of the pet. This procedure minimizes the penetration of dead hairs into the animal’s body, and the better it is carried out, the better. It's no secret that cats don't particularly like to be brushed, especially those who are not trained, so it is recommended to use professional combs, which are distinguished by their effectiveness. These include: the original Furminator or the Trixie rake. These are special metal combs that literally remove up to 90% of lost hair with one movement, while reducing hair loss.

    How to help a cat get rid of fur in its stomach?

    Targeted actions in the matter of getting rid of a cat's stomach clogging with hair include the use of:

    • special foods - you can buy them from the assortment of brands 1-st Choise, Royal Canin, Pro Plan, Brit, Hills, Club 4 Paws;
    • special pastes - Beaphar, Gimborn.

    Each of these products is suitable for different types of nutrition. For cats that are fed exclusively an industrial diet, that is, dry food and canned food, cleansing industrial food is suitable. For animals whose diet consists of natural products - fish, cereals, meat, vegetables, cleansing pastes are used.

    How does cat food help eliminate hair from the stomach?

    The principle of operation of special food and paste for hair removal is based on the addition of plant components to the ingredient composition, which contribute to the removal of hairballs. They serve as something like a lubricant, which painlessly allows the hairs to leave the animal’s body.

    Foods that help remove hair

    The line of industrial foods includes special ones designed for the safe removal of hair from a cat’s body with a high content of indigestible dietary fiber. They prevent the formation of lumps and promote their release naturally with feces. Such food does not differ in color or smell from regular food, and cats eat it like regular food. You can choose dry or wet option. To be effective, the percentage of fiber in the composition must be high.

    Hair removal food is not medicinal; you should look for it in lines designed for cats with special needs, including those with excessive hair loss. This is a preventative product that should be given alternately with regular food. It is enough to make a replacement during the molting period or if there is no regular regurgitation, give it once a month until the problem disappears. It is advisable that both regular and specialized food come from the same manufacturer.

    This food should be given on an ongoing basis with the approval of a veterinarian. If the cat is generally healthy, then feed it for preventive purposes. If the problem is serious enough, consult your doctor first. You may need treatment according to a specific regimen prescribed by a specialist.

    Basic Rules for Preventing Hair Buildup

    To prevent fur from accumulating in your pet’s body and causing problems, you must follow a number of rules regarding food management:

    • feeding should be balanced - this will avoid increased hair loss;
    • when feeding natural food, do not forget about the sources of fiber - the cat’s diet must contain vegetables and herbs, in particular beets, lettuce, parsley, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, etc.;
    • the cat must have constant and unlimited access to clean water - a lack of fluid has a bad effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and makes it difficult to defecate in general, not to mention the productive output of fur;

      The cat should receive clean water in unlimited quantities.

    • cats on a dry diet should receive food constantly or periodically to facilitate the process of moving hair through the gastrointestinal tract;
    • It is necessary to provide the animal with access to fresh grass. It is not necessary to let the cat outside; it will be enough to grow a small garden bed for it right in a pot on the windowsill.

    Our family has had a furry pet for 16 years now—the Persian extreme cat Katrina. We know firsthand about the problem of fur - in its best years, the pet looked like a huge ball of fur with a tail. Out of ignorance, at first they weren’t worried about shedding hair, but when episodes of regurgitation became very frequent (almost daily), they went to the doctor. On the advice of the veterinarian, we planted grass on the windowsill for Katrina and bought a special paste.

    In addition to nutrition, caring for the coat itself is of great importance. Be sure to comb your pet regularly to help remove lost hairs, and special attention should be paid to this procedure during shedding. For example, Persians sometimes have to be thoroughly combed 2-3 times a day in the off-season.

    Use of malt paste and tablets

    Malt paste is a medicinal supplement with a pleasant taste that cats like. Pastes do not dissolve hair, but help remove hairballs from the body, preventing them from greatly increasing in size. The product will contain oils and malt, which envelop the hairballs and help them pass through the stool, making bowel movements easier. Thanks to vitamins and macroelements, malt paste will improve the health of the cat’s body and will not cause addiction.

    The therapeutic effect of using the product is immediately visible. It is convenient to mix with food and can be combined with other medications. Malt paste has no contraindications, it is hypoallergenic, but it is still better to consult a veterinarian first to select the dosage and specific drug. There are various malt pastes on sale, differing in price and composition.

    With all the advantages, this remedy also has a disadvantage - it must be used over a long period of time.

    Veterinary pharmacies offer tablets and fortified supplements. Preparations with herbal ingredients are in demand. Such complexes are given to cats from the age of two months. They have a gentle effect on the digestive tract and promote hair removal.

    How to choose the right vitamins?

    So, you noticed that your cat's hair is shedding a lot. What to do? If you are sure that the pussy is healthy and there is no reason to visit the veterinarian, you can simply buy a special vitamin complex. The choice will depend on several factors:

    • age of the cat (vitamins are different for kittens and old cats);
    • presence of pregnancy;
    • preservation of the ability to reproduce (castrated and sterilized animals need a special complex);
    • release form of the drug (gel, tablets, drops, paste);
    • availability of a product certificate.

    Russian analogues of fortified complexes for cats

    Russian analogues of vitamin complexes are not as popular among owners of furry animals, although domestic preparations have one advantage - a relatively low landing page. Experts advise adding Russian-made medications to the diet. The indicator is presented in three names.

    1. Doctor Zoo "Health of skin and coat." The product is produced in the form of tablets, the content of which is saturated with a variety of microelements, approximately manganese, magnesium and copper, various vitamins and amino acids.
    2. Vitamin-rottisite complex "Radostin", produced by the Agrovetzashchita enterprise. The product range of this drug has a wide range. On the windows of veterinary pharmacies you can see various types of the drug, developed in accordance with the age characteristics of furry animals. Rubbing the drug "Radostin" is endowed with useful vitamins, ascorbic acid, selenium and zinc, lactulose, iron and calcium.
    3. Farmavit Neo has been manufactured by Farmaks for six years. Release form: tablets. The product is enriched with biotin and taurine, calcium and phosphorus, riboflavin. The product protects the animal from vitamin deficiency, regulates metabolic and cellular processes. Veterinarians recommend adding it to the diet of pregnant cats to preserve the fetus. For kittens, in order to improve development and growth, strengthen the immune system, the fortified association “Farmavit Neo” is not only desirable, but also vital. The drug will also help with hair loss.

    The dangers of excessive cat licking

    Filling the stomach with hair pellets can cause blockage of the intestinal lumen.
    However, filling the stomach with hair pellets is fraught with some difficulties:

    • internal fullness does not allow the pet to get enough, resulting in exhaustion;
    • a large amount of hair inside can cause blockage of the intestinal lumen;
    • the remaining hairs behind the fangs gradually grow into the gums, causing inflammation.

    The question arises how to protect your pet from the formation of hairballs in the stomach cavity. Unfortunately, a person is powerless against this, but you can help the lumps come out. There are several ways to get this help. First you need to figure out how to understand that a cat needs help.

    Recommended products for treating and removing hair

    Cliny paste has good reviews. The composition includes malt extract, corn oil, vegetable fiber, whole milk powder, distilled water with silver ions, potassium sorbate. It is acceptable to use both adult cats and kittens for therapeutic and preventive purposes. Eliminates constipation, vomiting, improves digestion, increases appetite.

    Cliny toothpaste is suitable for kittens and adult cats.

    Beaphar Bits Mix

    Beaphar Bits Mix pads are a treat for pets. Inside the brown Malt Bits pads there is malt paste to cleanse the digestive system. Used for prophylactic use. Green Catnip Bits contain catnip.

    Beaphar Bits Mix pads to cleanse the digestive system.

    This delicacy can be given to animals of all breeds, including babies over six weeks of age, pregnant and lactating females. Along with mint, it contains a complex of vitamins and minerals to increase activity and overall immunity.

    Phytocomplex "Nature"

    Phytocomplex "Nature" is a complex of natural phytomins, which include extracts of medicinal plants and allopurinol. In addition to its cleansing effect, it is used as a preventative against urolithiasis in cats.

    Phytocomplex “Nature” is a complex of natural phytomines.

    Prophylactic mixture "Nutri-Vet"

    Preventive mixture “Nutri-Vet”, which includes omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins and microelements. Give to pets to avoid intestinal blockage.

    Prophylactic mixture "Nutri-Vet".

    Vitamin complex Malt-Kiss

    Vitamin complex Malt-Kiss, which includes: malt, a special fat component, ballast substances and milk sugar. Promotes normal belching, which helps remove lumps.

    The Malt-Kiss vitamin complex promotes normal belching.

    Recommended in doses of up to four tablets every day. It is acceptable to mix it into food or give it in its original form. Combination with other nutritional supplements is possible.

    Vitamin supplement

    Hartz fortified supplement contains vitamins E, omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids. It is used both as a therapeutic measure and as a prophylactic agent.

    Fortified supplement Hartz.

    Dry food

    Royal Canin dry food, balanced with vitamins and beneficial microelements. Contains fiber and psyllium seeds, which improve the removal of pellets from the body.

    Types of Royal Canin dry food for cats.

    Canned balanced food Hairbaal Care. The composition includes dietary fiber, plantain seeds. Helps cleanse the intestines of pellets. Give to your cat as an extra snack.

    Optimeal Cat Adult Duck dry food is a fully balanced diet for adults based on duck meat. Promotes metabolism and intestinal transit of hair from the inside.

    Castration and sterilization

    Many owners are unsure whether to sterilize their pet. If you don’t want to see the “offspring” regularly, it’s better to do this procedure.

    If you castrate a male, he becomes less excitable and aggressive, does not fight with rivals, does not look for a female, and does not leave the house. The risk of death under the wheels of a car disappears. The operation eliminates the habit of marking the premises in which people live with urine with a strong odor, which is undoubtedly liked by all owners.

    When it comes to hair loss, veterinarians say that surgery and baldness are not directly related. However, castration for a cat is very stressful and even against this background, he may become somewhat bald. There's no need to worry. Gradually, the emotional state will be restored and the cat will become fluffy again.

    A cat, as a predator, will never show that it is in pain or that it is not feeling well. Nature forces them to hide and suffer alone. Therefore, if you notice a difference in the appearance of your pet’s skin, you should contact your veterinarian.

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