How to quickly get rid of fleas at home?

Fleas are ectoparasites that are often found in dormitories, change houses and in rooms with unsatisfactory sanitary conditions. They spend most of their time on the host's body, feeding on blood. Ectoparasites attack cats, dogs, farm animals, and rodents. But sometimes annoying individuals appear in the apartment, annoy the residents, cause discomfort, and interfere with peaceful rest and sleep.

In a person's home you can find earthen fleas, bed fleas, and sand fleas. Choosing one owner, they easily change it to another. That is, a flea can jump from a cat or dog to a person. These are small bugs measuring 1-5 cm that are capable of jumping long distances. Getting rid of fleas on your own is extremely difficult due to their small size and secretive lifestyle. But the main obstacle in the fight is the high resistance of parasites to negative external factors. They easily withstand changes in temperature and humidity and are capable of entering into suspended animation if necessary. Next, we’ll look at how to quickly and permanently get rid of fleas in an apartment, prevent their reappearance, and create a protective barrier.

Where do fleas come from in an apartment?

Faced with ectoparasites, city residents become perplexed; they have a question: “Where do fleas come from in an apartment?” There are several main sources of their appearance:

  1. The parasites caught on the fur of a cat or dog during a walk, and then successfully multiplied in the apartment to a large population.
  2. One of the family members returned home from a business trip. In cabins, hostels and hotels with a low level of service, fleas are common inhabitants.
  3. In a private home, fleas can be brought in by rodents that live in the attic, basement, or technical buildings.
  4. Residents of the first floors of city high-rise buildings can become victims of earthen fleas. They inhabit basements with a constant source of heat and high humidity, and can migrate to nearby apartments.
  5. Fleas can move not only from the technical room, but also from a neighboring apartment if its residents decide to carry out disinfestation.

Sometimes a person brings fleas into an apartment along with furniture and other household items that had previously been stored in a warehouse for a long time. The likelihood of an event increases when purchasing used goods. Ectoparasites can also migrate into an apartment on shoes and clothes from a park or work warehouse or basement.

Preventive actions

Having encountered a problem and resolved it, it is necessary to take care that the flea infestation does not recur.

Prevention of infection of an apartment or private house can be called:

  • maintaining normal air humidity readings;
  • protecting animals with flea collars or special medications;
  • periodically disinfecting an apartment or private house using available means.

Flea bites can be very dangerous because the parasites are carriers of many serious diseases. For this reason, it is imperative to fight them and completely remove the flea colony.

Where do fleas live

Disinsection involves the complete treatment of the apartment, but special attention is paid to places where flea nests are located. Finding specific habitats of small parasites is not easy. How to determine where fleas live? They prefer to build nests:

  • near the ventilation grille;
  • in the space under furniture;
  • on the wrong side of a pet's bed;
  • in mattresses and sofa folds;
  • behind the baseboard;
  • on the underside of the carpet.

Fleas spend most of their time on the host's body. You can verify this by examining the fur of a cat or dog in an apartment inhabited by ectoparasites.


When an infection reaches terrifying proportions, you cannot hesitate, you need to call in professionals. Nowadays, there are many services that professionally carry out pest control of premises, eliminating pests for a long time. In addition, such services provide a guarantee that the insects will not return again. Of course, this will require certain financial costs, but the result will please you for a long time. Therefore, if you find large clusters of parasites, we advise you not to put off calling specialists.

Why are fleas dangerous?

An unpleasant painful bite of an ectoparasite is the cause of constant skin itching. Such sensations arise due to the fact that the flea pierces the skin, but does not secrete pain-relieving enzymes that clot the blood. She does not have a proboscis, and to gain access to a blood vessel she is forced to penetrate the layer of skin. This increases the pain and promotes the formation of a swollen area.

But discomfort is not the main thing that makes fleas dangerous. Their enzymes cause an acute allergic reaction in sensitive people in the form of fever, itching and inflammation. In addition, fleas carry pathogens of dangerous diseases: encephalitis, plague and typhus, salmonellosis, hepatitis, and fungal infections.

Ectoparasites can feed on the blood of sick and dead individuals. In the Middle Ages, fleas caused the bubonic plague, which killed millions of people. At that time, rats contributed to their spread.

What to do if there are children at home?

Attention! If not only adults, but also small children live in a house where there are fleas, you need to act immediately. Bites of blood-sucking parasites can provoke the development of serious allergic reactions in young children, accompanied by itching, redness of the skin, rashes, and even anaphylactic shock. It doesn’t matter what means are used to destroy parasites - traditional methods or industrial chemicals - it is necessary to remove children from the house during treatment.

Effective ways to get rid of fleas

Fighting fleas is difficult due to their biological and physiological characteristics. They reproduce quickly, turning from larvae to adults in two weeks. The lifespan of one individual reaches two years. During this period, the female manages to lay several hundred eggs. If fleas are not detected at the initial stage of their appearance, the scale of the disaster will become catastrophic. It will take a lot of time and effort to destroy a large population. They cannot be attracted by food bait, like other insects, since fleas are only interested in blood.

Depending on the number of fleas in the apartment and the neglect of the situation, different control methods will help get rid of ectoparasites. In the initial stages, you can solve the problem yourself. But if the parasites have already managed to multiply, then effective ways to get rid of fleas will include an integrated approach and professional help from pest control services.

Independent options for killing fleas

The greatest effectiveness in self-extermination of fleas comes from an integrated approach, which involves the use of traditional, physical and chemical control methods. Let's take a closer look at each of the options.

Chemicals against fleas

In the store you can find insecticidal preparations in the form of aerosols, liquids, powders, gels, and granules. The release form greatly influences the effectiveness of the chemical.

The maximum result is obtained by preparations in the form of aerosols, since the working solution is sprayed into them in the form of a mixture of tiny particles and air. This allows the insecticide to penetrate into all joints, cracks and openings. Spraying is a quick and effective way to treat large areas of the apartment. Among aerosols, Raptor, Get, Dichlorvos, and Reid show good results.

When using aerosol insecticides, the apartment will need to be left for some time - several hours or days (depending on the recommendation in the instructions). At this time, there should be no animals or people in it.

Dusts - powder preparations - are actively used to combat fleas. The process of treating an apartment will be more labor-intensive and expensive, but it is suitable for pet owners. Dust must be scattered under carpets, along cracks, under baseboards. It can be left for a long time until all the fleas are killed.

Before purchasing an insecticidal product, study its effectiveness and analyze user reviews. The product should be used strictly in accordance with the instructions, observing all safety rules:

  • prepare the working solution in a well-ventilated area;
  • Before using the insecticide, put on gloves, a respirator, and safety glasses;
  • strictly adhere to dosages;
  • close all doors and windows while spraying;
  • leave the insecticidal preparation after spraying in the apartment for the time specified in the instructions;
  • at the last stage, carry out a thorough wet cleaning to remove residual pesticides and ventilate the apartment.

After the first treatment, repeated disinsection is often required, since the shell of flea eggs is highly resistant to the action of chemical components.
Traditional methods of repelling fleas

Traditional methods of control are not able to cope with a large population of fleas. They will be useful for scaring away individual individuals and will help prevent the reappearance of insects in the home. Most folk methods of fighting fleas are based on the use of substances, plants and mixtures with a pungent odor. These can be herbs, household preparations, chemical components, vegetables, fruits:

  • fresh and dry bunches of tansy, mint, wormwood and eucalyptus;
  • fresh garlic cloves;
  • solution with soda and salt;
  • lemon and orange zest;
  • ammonia.

To protect your home from fleas, fragrant bunches of plants can be placed in rooms, in closets, near beds.
If it is not possible to use herbs, they can be successfully replaced with essential oils or concentrated tinctures. Scented solutions can be applied to all surfaces using a rag or a spray bottle. A solution of soda and salt must be left for at least 12 hours before use. After this, it is applied to toys, carpets, upholstered furniture and other textile surfaces and left for several hours. Upon completion of processing, the mixture is removed with a vacuum cleaner. It should be noted that soda and salt are not able to destroy flea eggs.

Other ways to control fleas yourself

Modern manufacturers and popular ingenuity offer several more options for killing fleas:

  1. Electronic ultrasonic repeller. The developers indicate that the action of the device is based on the generation of waves that irritate the nerve endings of parasites. Fleas are in a hurry to leave the room. The effectiveness of this method has not yet been proven and is highly questionable.
  2. Disinfection with kerosene. The method is only applicable if residents will be able to leave the apartment for several days. Kerosene is a chemical substance that negatively affects human and animal health.
  3. Fleas and larvae on textile items can be combated using extreme temperatures: use an iron or steamer, take things out onto the balcony for several days in winter, wash clothes in hot water. This method will not destroy flea eggs.

Only an integrated approach will allow you to independently remove fleas from your apartment. The owner of a residential premises must determine and eliminate the cause of the appearance of ectoparasites, treat the house from adults, larvae and eggs, and organize a protective barrier that will prevent the insects from reproducing.

Professional pest control

The only way to be sure to get rid of fleas in your apartment is to seek help from a professional insect extermination company. If you decide to treat your apartment for fleas, you should warn your neighbors. They may also schedule pest control at that time. This will prevent the migration of parasites to other apartments.

To combat parasites, specialists use proven, certified insecticidal preparations with proven effectiveness, which do not leave a persistent odor or marks on walls, flooring, or furniture upholstery.

To treat the room, special equipment is used - a hot or cold fog generator. This is a device that sprays a working solution in the form of an aerosol, that is, a mixture of air and tiny chemical particles. Sometimes the drug is preheated. The insecticide hovers in the air for some time, gradually sticks to all surfaces, and penetrates into all cracks and joints. The effect is further enhanced by the prolonged action of the chemical, which continues to have a detrimental effect on parasites after treatment for several more weeks.

Preparing the apartment for flea treatment

Before treating the apartment, you need to find out where the fleas came from. If the source is not eliminated, then some time after disinfestation the parasites will reappear in the apartment. In an apartment building, fleas often migrate from the basement. In this case, you should contact the management company for help. She should hire a professional service to exterminate the ectoparasites. If the cause of fleas is a pet, special veterinary preparations will help clear its fur of fleas.

Recommended Links

Here you will find detailed instructions for preparing an apartment for flea treatment.
Preparing an apartment for flea treatment begins with general cleaning and treatment of textiles:

  • Pet beds, blankets, toys, bedding and other items must be washed at high temperatures and treated with a steam generator or iron.
  • Large items that cannot or cannot be washed should be dry cleaned.
  • Thoroughly vacuum the carpet, upholstered furniture, baseboards, cracks, joints and openings.
  • Clean out the pantry, get rid of unnecessary junk and old clothes.
  • Treat cabinet shelves and furniture surfaces with a disinfectant solution.

You should free up space as much as possible from small objects, clear out cabinets and shelves. Only after this can you begin to disinfest the premises.


Many folk remedies that repel and destroy fleas may also become unsafe for people prone to allergies. This primarily applies to herbs with a strong aroma - they can provoke allergic reactions. All components of antiparasitic agents should be carefully analyzed for individual intolerance to those who come into contact with them.

Fragrant herbs can cause allergic reactions

Some home remedies for fleas - such as vinegar, garlic, dust soap, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide - can be harmful to your pets in an overdose, and hellebore water is also dangerous for humans. Treatment with hellebore tincture should not be given to children and pregnant women, and it is better to carry out this procedure in a ventilated area. Remember: ingestion of even a very small amount of this toxic drug can lead to serious poisoning. Be careful and careful.

Flea prevention

After exterminating fleas, it is important to prevent their reappearance. To do this, it is enough to follow simple rules. Preventing your apartment from fleas involves regular inspection and proper care of pets, keeping the house clean, and using natural and artificial repellents.

If your work activity involves being in a basement or other places with a warm and humid microclimate, you must leave your work clothes in the work closet. After leaving a room where fleas may live, you should inspect yourself for the presence of ectoparasites.

Separate recommendations should be given to owners of pet four-legged friends. To help prevent fleas:

  • Regular treatment of animals with special sprays and drops.
  • Using a flea collar.
  • Regular washing of cat and dog beds, clothes and other textile items.
  • Using anti-flea shampoo.
  • Inspect your pet after every walk.
  • Regular combing with a special comb.

Residents of the first floors of apartment buildings are most likely to become victims of fleas.
It is to them that ectoparasites often migrate from the basement through the ventilation system. A protective barrier using repellent scents and chemicals will help reduce the risk of insects. Particular attention to this issue should be paid in the summer - during the mass reproduction of ectoparasites. If you want to guarantee and quickly get rid of fleas in your apartment, contact the professional pest control service “Des Group” for help. Specialists will thoroughly treat the room using a fog generator and an effective long-acting insecticide. To prevent recurrence, the team will organize a protective barrier and give recommendations on preventive measures. To clarify the cost, free consultation and fill out an application, fill out the form on the website or contact the Dez Group manager by phone.


Calculate the cost of exterminating insects in the house

Number of rooms:
(Cold fog)

(Cold Fog + Barrier Defense)

(Hot fog + Premium drugs + Barrier protection)

(Hot fog + VIP drugs + Barrier protection)

Total cost: 01

Order processing

Table: prices for the products presented in the article

Product nameapproximate cost
Pyrethrum200–500 rubles (this gap is due to the relative rarity of the product in some cities)
Phenaxin30–45 rubles
Fas-Double150 rubles
Raptor275 rubles
Clean house200 rubles
Bolfo400–500 rubles
Delcid130 rubles

Carbamic acid derivatives

Among carbamic acid derivatives there are such well-known substances as thiophos, kroposkur and dichlorvos. The principle of action is to block the protein receptors of insect nerve cells.

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