List of rules that will help you stop waking up in the morning

Some furry owners complain that their beloved pet has a habit of waking everyone up early in the morning. All this to beg for food or get a dose of affection. As a result, every day in the morning you can hear stomping, creaking doors, and the scratching of claws on door frames in the house. There are also other signs of activity. Early in the morning the animal begins to beg for food, meow almost in the ear, and climb on the bed. The owner has to get up to feed his animal. But this is wrong - the cat should wait until everyone wakes up, pays attention to it and feeds it. How to wean a cat from this behavior?

Reasons for cats waking up early

Turning to history, we know that cats have lived next to people for more than 10 thousand years. This period of time was more than enough for the tailed animals to learn to coexist with their owners without conflicts. Moreover, cats are very territorial, but they perceive people as members of the pack, protect and protect them. If this algorithm has been embedded in the behavior of cats for centuries, for what reason could the “failure” occur?


It’s not in vain that we talked about the territory. One of the first reasons why a cat may sleep poorly, constantly worry and wake up the owner is the lack of clear boundaries.

In the pet's understanding, the living area should be divided into:

  • Shelter.
  • Place for eating.
  • Protected area.

Unlike dogs, cats tend to separate their sleeping area from the owner’s, so if a comfortable lounger is equipped for the pet, it will not fit into the owner’s bed. However, if your pet does not have a place where he feels completely safe, he will not sleep all night. Until the moment the sky turns gray, the night remains quiet, but with dawn, birds and insects wake up, reaching for the warmth of the sun. Birds hunt insects, and this is a whole bustle, inaudible for you and very noisy for your pet.

If the natural course of nature is joined by bad weather, wind, noisy people going to work early in the morning, a period of wakefulness begins for the cat. A pet simply cannot sleep if it does not feel safe, and he wakes you up to make sure that he is not alone on the “barricades of defense.”

Rhythm of life

Cats are very constant, they prefer to live their lives according to a certain schedule. Simply put, if a cat is used to getting up at 5 am, then there are reasons for this. Let's not forget that the cat is a nocturnal predator . Our pets' sleep at night is a favor, an adaptation, but not a natural norm. Of course, if a cat had to forage for its own food, it would not be able to afford to sleep at night. As long as you keep your cat's diet balanced and nutritious, it is more beneficial for her to adapt to your daily routine.

You may know that cats sleep up to 18 hours a day, that is, at least 6 hours the pet needs something to do. Part of this time will be spent eating, washing, performing natural needs, communicating with the owner or passively observing his behavior.

Whatever one may say, at least for several hours, the pet has nothing to do and this moment is decisive. If the cat does not need to do anything during the day or evening, it will go to bed and, naturally, wake up earlier. If you find something to keep your pet occupied, he will get tired, go to bed at about the same time as you and sleep for 8–9 hours straight.

Note! Many cats do not sleep at night due to instincts, but they behave quietly and do not cause inconvenience to their owners.

Several free hours a day can be spent sleeping without consequences in the autumn and winter seasons. The colder it is outside, the more the cat strives to conserve energy - this is an instinct. In addition, in the fall, pets try to gain weight in order to comfortably survive the cold.


Any event that does not happen constantly is stressful for the cat. How the changes will affect the pet depends on the psyche and external circumstances. For example, moving is a very serious stress. Severe shocks include the appearance of a new pet in the house, a change of furniture, or renovations. Very often cats are embarrassed about the arrival of a child in the family and they can be understood. Stresses of a lesser degree include the arrival of guests, the owner being late at work, a quarrel in the family, or loud noise from neighbors.

If a cat wakes up early in the morning and appears agitated, it should not be pitied or punished. The pet needs to be equipped with a shelter and given the opportunity to adapt on its own.


Many cat owners share their own disappointing experiences on forums. The stories begin the same way - he yelled, and we punished. Only every time it turned out that the pet was sick and he was screaming because he was calling for help. Before taking any action on your pet, make sure it is healthy.

A cat may scream in the morning in pain due to:

  • Urination – urolithiasis or cystitis.
  • Trying to eat - diseases of the teeth, gums, and oral cavity.
  • Changing posture - arthritis, arthrosis, problems with the spine.
  • Meteor dependence is a headache.

And this is not the entire list. Watch your pet night owl carefully if its behavior comes as a surprise. If your cat starts waking you up early in the morning, but has never done this before, this is a reason to contact your veterinarian for a routine examination. In the best case, the doctor will not find anything and you will have to start raising your pet.


The most common and commonplace reason for the owner waking up early is the cat’s hunger. As mentioned above, your pet has more acute hearing and always wakes up before you. If the cat is fed, warm and in a comfortable environment, it will drink water, go to the litter box and go to bed before you wake up. If the pet is hungry...he will look for ways to solve his problem.

Note! Adding food for future use to solve the problem of waking up in the morning is not a solution. The cat should receive food on a schedule.

The solution to this problem lies in the basic rules for keeping animals - feeding on a schedule. A cat's digestive system works at a specific pace. After eating food, it takes 6-8 hours for your pet to become hungry. If you time the last feeding correctly, you won't have to get up at 5 a.m. for your cat to have breakfast.

How to distinguish cardiac edema from renal edema

Swelling in diseases of the heart and blood vessels develops slowly - from several weeks to 2-3 months. Especially noticeable in the evening. First it appears on the legs and lower abdomen, the next stage is swelling of the abdominal cavity and enlargement of the liver, noticeable upon palpation of the abdomen.

Renal edema is typically localized on the face; as the disease progresses, it spreads to the extremities. The contour of the face sags and shifts, the skin becomes loose, and under the eyes it becomes bluish. The liver is not enlarged. Reliable differential diagnosis can only be carried out by a qualified doctor during an examination.

What to do and how to wean a cat?

Violence and punishment will not help solve the problem, but will only nullify all efforts and aggravate the situation.
To eliminate the problem, you must first find out what worries kittens and adults in the morning, and, if possible, eliminate the influence of this factor. Experts categorically do not recommend putting your pet down forcibly or locking him in another room, since such actions will not correct the situation, but will only worsen its course. An ineffective method of weaning a cat from waking up in the morning is the use of physical or any other punishment. If your pet wants to eat, then you should review the feeding schedule and feed it late in the evening. The problem may be associated with insufficient communication between the cat and the owner. Representatives of the feline family love care and attention, so before going to bed it is recommended to lie down with the cat for a while, pet it and chat.

If, after regular contact with the animal, satisfying hunger and other needs, the cat continues to wake up the owner in the morning, then it is worth taking a closer look at his behavior during the daytime. If your pet behaves restlessly during the day, meows and moves little, then perhaps the problem lies in the disease. In this case, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian, who will identify the pathological process and select the necessary treatment.

Play with your pet

Not all cats have a calm character. Many of them like to lead an active lifestyle. An energetic pet definitely needs to move during the day so that by the end of it it gets tired and sleeps peacefully at night. Play with your cat before bed. It is best to play with hyperactive animals several times a day - morning and evening. If you don't have enough time to pay attention to your cat every day, get a second one. The two of them will have much more fun. They will be able to run after each other and will not be bored when they are alone at home.

Reasons for cats crying in the morning

Vocal exercises are not always a result of hunger or a desire for attention. The reasons for cat screams are varied - from the most harmless need to communicate with the owner to serious pathologies. Therefore, it is advisable for the owner of a vocal cat to monitor not only the fact of screams, but also their frequency, the conditions in which the screamer manifests itself, and so on. The most common reasons for cat arias are presented below.

Table 1. Causes of morning cat crying

Hormonal backgroundHormones have a particular effect on uncastrated individuals. Changes in behavior accompanied by a prolonged loud meow may be associated with the onset of sexual heat in females. The calls of females are an important ritual for attracting males for the purpose of having offspring. Males prefer marking corners to acoustic manifestations of sexual need. This problem can only be solved by timely castration, since no educational influences can lull the sexual instinct in a pet. However, it is worth considering that residual elements of sexual heat may remain even when the reproductive organs are removed

Give your cat enough attention

Lack of attention may also be the cause of loud screaming in the morning. Be sure to caress your pet and scratch the places he exposes to you. Do not refuse the communication that he so needs. If a cat jumps onto your lap, don't shoo it away. Show her a little care and warmth, even if you have a lot of other things to do. In the morning, a cat may scream because it feels lonely. It is enough to take her to your bed, scratch her belly, back or neck. As a rule, this is enough for the animal to calm down and begin to purr loudly. When your pet gets tired of lying next to you, he will silently leave and will not wake you up again. Because the cat will receive what it so needed - attention and affection.

Nocturnal lifestyle

Before moving on to the reasons for unwanted behavior in cats, it should be remembered that all felines are active primarily at night or in the early morning hours. This rhythm of life gave wild cats an advantage over prey and other predators, which were less active after sunset.

Cats' visual organs are also geared towards a nocturnal lifestyle; they function even worse in illuminated conditions than in twilight. In a word, even cat physiology is on the side of their activity from dusk to dawn.

For wild cousins ​​of domestic cats, night hunting is a way of survival

However, the millennia lived side by side with humans were not in vain for cats. Pets, in the process of long evolution, have learned to adjust their rhythms of life to human rhythms. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to find cats sleeping side by side with humans. But you need to keep in mind that cat sleep has little in common with human sleep.

Instead of sleeping once a day, cats take short naps of a few minutes each.

Cat owl - grief in the family

You may have seen a funny cartoon about Simon the cat, which shows all the brightest features of our harmful, but so beloved cats. One of the most popular cartoons depicts the morning scene of owner Simon waking up. Moreover, it all begins with a gentle poke of the cat’s nose, and ends with a blow to the head with a bat.

Of course, the picture is a little exaggerated, but if you analyze the forums of cat owners and their numerous complaints, it becomes a little uncomfortable. Pets go to great lengths to get their owners out of bed... they run their claws on the glass, bite the face, arms and legs, pee on the pillow, and this is not the end of the list. All these strange manipulations are performed with only one purpose - to get the owner out of bed early in the morning or even at night.

Don't use aggressive parenting methods

Don't yell at the animal or hit it. Severe stress will negatively affect his health. Mental illness can also lead to physical illness. Gradually accustom your cat to her sleeping place if you do not want her to sleep with you. The incentive method is quite suitable for this. For every correct action, give the animal a treat. For pranks, you can be deprived of a treat, but not the main food. It is best to start training if your pet has problems with discipline.

Current problem

For most people, heartburn is simply an occasional discomfort. Approximately 20% of the population of highly developed countries experience it at least once a month.

But for the 6% of people who have a chronic form of heartburn known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), unresolved (untreated) symptoms can lead to various health complications. People with erosions in the lining of the esophagus due to acid reflux often do not realize the harm of GERD until they have advanced stages of the disease.

If you experience frequent or prolonged heartburn (twice a week on a regular basis), consult your doctor. Here are nine reasons why you shouldn't ignore the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

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