Do you want to have a cat and a dog at the same time? 7 rules to remember

Although dogs and cats are very different, they can become friends.

Still from the movie "Garfield"

Do you want both a cat and a dog to greet you at home after work, but you just can’t choose? Then the answer to the dilemma is obvious: you need to get both pets.

But the question is: will they get along? And how to organize the first acquaintance of your tailed guest with a new companion? A word of warning: There's no guarantee that a cat and a dog will like each other, and there are some things veterinarians say you need to know before making the big decision to add more furry neighbors to your family.

Conversation “Pets. Cats and dogs are man's friends"

Irina Zhilikhovskaya

Conversation “Pets. Cats and dogs are man's friends"

Purpose of the conversation :

introduce children to the life of cats and dogs , consolidate knowledge about domestic animals ;

develop cognitive activity;

cultivate a humane attitude towards animals , a sense of responsibility for those who have been tamed.

Game "Mosaic"

Educator: Guys, look at the cards that show parts of the animal and add up the image of this animal .

Name the animal that is in your picture.

Children: In the picture we have a cow, a goat, a horse, a chicken, a sheep.

Educator: What benefits do these animals bring to humans ?

Children: The cow gives milk, from which cream, cottage cheese, and sour cream are obtained.

The goat also gives milk, and even wonderful warm fluff.

The horse helps the owner transport various loads.

Chickens give eggs and feathers.

The sheep gives wool to man . Mittens, socks, hats, and sweaters are knitted from wool.

Educator: Guys, what do these animals ?

Children: These animals are called pets .

Educator: Why are they called that?

Children: These animals live next to a person , in his home , the person takes care of them .


1) If you stroke it, it caresses you; if you tease, it bites you. ( Dog )

2) This beast lives only at home . Everyone is familiar with this beast.

He has a mustache like knitting needles. He purrs and sings a song,

Only the mouse is afraid of him... Did you guess it? It's a cat)

Educator: Guys, who do you think we will talk about in class?

Children: We will talk about cats and dogs .

Educator: Today we will continue the conversation about those animals that live nearby - in the same house with us, in our yard. The conversation will be about pets - cats and dogs . We will find out how to treat pets . For a very long time, cats and dogs have lived next to humans . In ancient times cats were wild animals ; people hunted them to get meat for food and skins for clothing. And only when people noticed that cats deftly deal with rodents did they truly appreciate this animal . native to Africa . A cat is an ordinary pet , but with extraordinary qualities. I will tell you about some of them.

has very sensitive hearing : she hears the slightest rustling noises made by mice. And then it turns its ears like satellite dishes and pinpoints exactly where the prey is hiding. A cat has very good eyesight. A cat's eye can be compared to the reflectors of a car: in a cat you can notice a greenish reflection in the eyes. The cat 's eyes are large and look in one direction. The cat correctly determines the distance to the object. Despite good eyesight, in complete darkness the cat , of course, does not see anything, and then the whiskers become the main sense organ. Thanks to them, the cat senses the slightest vibrations in the air and can confidently move in the dark without touching surrounding objects. The cat is very clean and washes itself often. She licks not so much her dirt as her scent. All cats are hunters , and they hunt from ambush. And if the prey smells a cat , the cat may remain hungry. Listen to stories from the lives of cats.

I'll tell you a story about how cats saved a pilot . During the Great Patriotic War, a Soviet fighter pilot was shot down in an air battle with enemies. The plane caught fire, the pilot was injured, but he managed to bail out. However, he landed on territory captured by the Nazis. Somehow, with the last of his strength, he made it to the old mill, climbed up the shabby steps inside and lost consciousness. And when I woke up, I saw some green moving dots in the darkness. At first I thought it was out of weakness, but, looking closer, I realized it was cats . The pilot spent two days at the mill among the cats, periodically losing consciousness. And suddenly I heard voices. I was happy, I thought they were villagers. However, when the voices got closer, I realized: the Germans were coming. Cold sweat appeared on the wounded man's forehead. Hiding, through the gap between the boards, the pilot watched the Germans. The brave sergeant major stepped onto the creaky steps and hit the door with his fist... And then a wild cat scream shook the air, forcing the fascist to back away. But that was not all. The leader of the cats, a black cat, instantly jumped on the German’s head and began tearing his face with its claws. The Germans left. And the next day the partisans took the wounded man. And when they were getting ready to leave, at the pilot’s request, they left for the cats : after all, they, like the partisans, were saviors. In London, cats worked at the post office , saving newspapers and letters from rodents. For this they were paid a salary in the form of a delicious lunch. The cat is a good doctor . She lies down on the sore spot and the pain goes away. But people who love cats don’t think about the benefits cats bring to humans . They just love this beautiful, graceful animal

Game "Cat and Mice"

Educator: Guys, didn’t you hear anything? It seemed to me that someone was meowing. Who is this?

Children: Cat !

(The teacher takes out a cat mask and puts it on one of the children)


Educator: Here is our cat, and you are mice. Hide from the cat.

Children are squatting. The cat is "sleeping"

on the chair.

The mice sit in their holes and look at the cat, scratching the floor with their claws.

Oh, how many mice there are here! Hush, mice, the cat is coming. He will wait for you all!

(The cat comes out, walks around the holes, meows loudly.)

The cat didn’t find any mice, took a walk, and went to bed.

As soon as the cat falls asleep, the mice begin to dance.

(Dance music sounds, mice dance)

Hush, mice, the cat is coming. He will wait for you all!

Educator: Guys, do you know cat language?

1. The cat purrs affectionately - what does this mean?

Children: This means that the cat is in a good mood .

2. The cat meows - what does it mean?

Children: The cat either greets you or asks for something.

3. The cat rubs against its legs - what does this mean?

Children: The cat says “thank you”

, or maybe he’s asking you for something.

Educator: But cats really can talk. But their language is not always clear to you and me.

Listen to folk signs.

The cat washes itself - to the guests.

The cat is looking for where it is warmer - expect cold weather.

If you want to know which place in the house is the coziest, follow your cat .

Educator: Guys, who wants to tell you something interesting about their cat ?

Children: talk about their cats .

Educator: Listen carefully to the rules for caring for a cat .

1. Cats need to develop their claws; for this you can use a board or make a special roller on a stand.

2. Combs and brushes are used to care for the coat. This has a good effect on the cat’s and serves to massage and breathe the skin.

3. Dishes for eating and drinking should be stable and shallow. Dishes need to be washed regularly.

4. It is better to feed an adult cat 2 – 3 times a day. Kittens need to be fed 6 times a day.

Educator: And now our conversation about the dog .

The dog has been man's faithful assistant since ancient times . She was the first to come to him from the forest thicket and accepted his protection. It was a long time ago. Primitive man lived in a cave and was constantly afraid for his life. He listened to every rustle and unfamiliar sound: was a beast, an enemy, creeping up? And a dog hears a person cannot hear , smells odors that are inaccessible to the human sense of smell . It is especially sensitive at night: after all, in the past the dog was a nocturnal predator. It took millennia before the predator forgot its wild habits and became man's . A man tamed a dog to guard a house - a cave, bark to give an alarm signal, help in hunting and protect livestock. Everywhere a person , next to him is a dog - a faithful friend .

dogs run through the snow of the tundra . There are 8 - 10 dogs . They transport various cargoes.

A dog makes the shepherd's hard work easier. A well-trained dog, at the sign of the shepherd, will drive up lagging animals , turn a flock of sheep left or right, and warn about a stranger or animal.

For a person who has lost his sight, a dog seems to replace his eyes: he guides him home and to work, and protects him on the way.

There are firefighting dogs . They find victims in the smoke and fire and take them out of the dangerous place.

The dog helps to find the criminal by smell.

Guys, do you know how to care for a dog ?

(The teacher listens to the children’s answers and summarizes the children’s answers)

1. The dog should be allocated its territory. The place must be kept clean.

2. You need to have a bowl for water and a bowl for food. The dog's bowl must be washed after each feeding, and the water bowl - once a day.

3. It is necessary to have grooming items: combs, a brush, a collar and a leash, and a muzzle for walking.

Guys, if you ever want to get a cat or dog , first learn the rules of keeping, feeding, and caring for the animal .

They say that a person by how he treats animals . How do you understand this?

Children: give their answers

Educator: Unfortunately, people often take a pet into their home and then mercilessly throw it out into the street.

Poem "Kitten"

The kitten kept meowing in the yard under the bush,

The kitten just wanted someone to call him into the house.

Suddenly a lonely yellow leaf rustled from a bush,

It seemed to the kitten that they called “kitty”


Frozen with happiness, he rushed to the call,

Only the door was bolted.

Educator: Sad poem. Unfortunately, people do not always behave with dignity towards pets . The price for human is feral and dangerous packs of dogs . Guys, remember: we are responsible for those we have tamed. Now answer me -

What interesting things did you learn during the lesson?

What did it teach you?

Educator: Guys, now, I want to invite you to draw your favorite animal on paper .

Let's summarize the drawings about animals . Let's highlight the best. Let's listen to the children's stories.

Educator: And now we are waiting for an excursion to the Khvostik


Ideal age

The easiest option for such cohabitation is pets of the same age. A kitten and a puppy growing up together will easily bond and become playmates. In this case, only one problem arises - the cat gets used to the absence of a threat from the dog. If the pet goes out for a walk on its own, it will not consider street dogs as a threat, which can end sadly.

Adult dog and kitten

An adult dog most often treats a kitten with friendliness. But excessive enthusiasm can scare the baby. To introduce pets without harm to the cat’s psyche, you should pay attention to a number of points:

  • Animals must get used to each other's smell. To do this, for the first days it is better to keep them in different rooms, arranging a meeting for a while every day. Before a new resident arrives, you can give the dog something with the baby’s scent so that his appearance is not regarded as a threat.
  • If the pet is very old or angry, special cat-scented pheromones should be used a few weeks before the kitten arrives. This way you can reduce the level of stress and, accordingly, anger.
  • Dogs are jealous of their food, so food intake areas should be separated. In the future, the dog should always be fed first.
  • Everyone should have their own corner. If the owner does not create conditions for rest and does not designate zones, the animals will figure it out on their own, which will worsen the relationship between them.

Adult cat and puppy

Puppies are easy-going by nature and aggression will not cause them any special psychological trauma, which cannot be said about physical ones.

The owner should limit the time the pets communicate, because even if the cat normally accepts the appearance of the baby in the house, he will still quickly get tired of noisy games and want to retire.

If animals have separate places for resting and eating, then acquaintance and further life will go smoothly.

Adult cat and dog

It is difficult to breed adult animals, but it is possible. This will take a very long time. The first meeting should take place under the full control of the person, since a dog that is not accustomed to living with a cat may regard it as prey or an object for play. Therefore, the dog must be muzzled and on a leash.

You should not let the dog get close, otherwise the cat will decide that he is being attacked and will begin to defend himself.

Every day you need to bring your pets together for a couple of minutes, monitoring their communication and possible manifestations of hostility.

Mr. Cat recommends: tips for first meeting

Even before meeting, pets should be taught to adequately perceive representatives of another species. So, when walking, you need to scold them for barking towards cats or reward them for being friendly. In the future, the success of reconciling pets will depend on following the following tips:

  • It is necessary to teach your pet the “Near” and “Sit” commands as early as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to control him.
  • Cat's nails should be trimmed regularly.
  • You cannot physically punish your pets.
  • At the first signs of friendship between pets, you should not rush to arrange for them to live together. Animals left alone can quarrel and fight.
  • When choosing a puppy in a shelter, it is important to find out from the workers which of the wards reacts calmer to cats.
  • The most aggressive dogs towards cats are hunting dogs. Owners of such breeds should think carefully before making such a serious decision.

At what age is a child ready to take care of an animal?

According to psychologists, it is best to get a pet when the child has already started school, that is, at 7–8 years old. Until the age of four, a child will hardly be able to consciously interact with a pet. Small children can accidentally harm the animal or get hurt themselves. In addition, the baby is not able to fully care for his new friend. After five years, you can already trust him with the simplest manipulations under your control: feeding the fish, cleaning the cage.

An important point that must be taken into account initially is the possible death of the pet. This is especially true for small-living rodents and aquarium fish. Children 6–8 years old are already able to understand what death is, and it is easier for them to explain that the passing of an animal is a natural process.

Cooperative games

A kitten and a puppy in the same apartment will run and play together, which means there is a high probability that they may accidentally harm each other. To prevent this from happening, it is important to monitor the length of the animals’ claws and trim them in time.

Games of small pets are usually a competition during which they learn to communicate and show their speed and dexterity. If you see that one of your pets has gone too far, bites hard or attacks, then you should intervene. However, you should never single out one pet and belittle another. Both should be punished for dangerous games. The leader of the pack should be the owner, and not any of the pets.

From a scientific point of view

Science has proven that cats have better vision. And the sense of smell is a dog’s trump card. Both have excellent hearing. Much better than a human.

There are 12 laboratories around the world studying the intelligence and physiology of dogs. Nobody deals with cats to such an extent. Therefore, they remain mysterious creatures.

The life expectancy of both animals is the same. Unfortunately, only 12-17 years old. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s Murka or Sharik, loss is always difficult.

New Scientist magazine tried to find out who has more advantages in keeping a dog at home - a dog or a cat - from the point of view of scientists involved in the study of animal behavior - behaviorists and animal psychologists.

Brain volume and number of neurons.25 g/760,000,00064 g/2 253 000 000
Both in terms of brain weight and the number of neurons, dogs are far ahead.

Plus in favor of the dog.

Who was domesticated first?9.5 thousand years ago.16 thousand years ago.
Although these numbers vary greatly among many sources, dogs are undeniably domesticated earlier.

Plus in favor of the dog.

Attachment to a personSelects place of residence or relatives.The person always comes first.
Dogs also win on this point, although the criteria for assessing this parameter are not entirely clear, and there is no data on the statistics of experiments.

3:0 in favor of the dog.

Popularity (number of individuals in families)204 million173 million
The assessment was made based on the total number of individuals living with humans in the countries of the European Union.

The score is 3:1 in favor of the dogs.

Intelligence (number of commands learned)No more than 20About 200
Although an important factor in assessing this parameter was the desire of the pets to perceive and carry out commands. The cat simply does not have such a need.

We give a point to the dogs. The score is 4:1.

Selection of an algorithm for solving assigned problems, ability to make decisionsDo not know how.They can do it with a stretch.
Scientists gave primacy to dogs only on the basis that they serve as guides for the blind and, therefore, are able to make decisions. All the experiments proposed by animal psychologists (eating pieces of food in the right order, opening doors one at a time) failed miserably - neither the dogs nor the cats completed the task.

Dogs get another plus. The score is 5:1.

Sounds madeMeow. Feature: purring. Barking.
All pets are divided into “silent” and “talkative”; some simply bark, while others meow. But cats became the winners in this round because of their purring, so beloved by all people.

Cats get a well-deserved plus. The score is 5:2.

Education, trainingThere is no exact data.Training abilities.
Of course the dogs win. But there are simply no schools for cats, not counting the Kuklachev Theater, the only one in the world. Nobody really tried to train them.

Dogs practically tear out their plus point with their teeth. The score is 6:2.

Sense organs:

  • vision;
  • sense of smell;
  • hearing.
  • 5;
  • 3;
  • 5.
  • 3;
  • 5;
  • 3.
Despite the fact that the dog’s senses have been used by humans for many centuries and have been actively developing, cats are the leaders here, they see better in the dark and have perfect hearing.

Plus cats. The score is 6:3.

Ecological impact: average land area required per individual0.15 ha0.82 ha
Both pets are hunters, exterminating certain types of zoomass for many centuries. But the assessment of the degree of land contamination with biowaste was considered by scientists to be more important.

Cats get their well-deserved plus. The score is 6:4 in favor of the dogs.

Benefits for humansThey destroy rodents.Hunting, security, police work, guides and guides for blind people, etc.
According to this parameter, dogs win, but the power of influence of love for a pet on a person was clearly not assessed here.

The dogs turned out to be more useful, for which they receive their final plus. The score is 7:4.

As a result, dogs scored 7 points, and cats – 4. It turns out that according to certain criteria, it is better for a person to choose a dog as a pet.

According to scientists, dogs are better than cats, although it is difficult to agree with such biased criteria, due to the obvious controversy of their assessment. In addition, dogs are more difficult to keep than cats, at least from the point of view of the need for daily walking.

Rather, a global survey of the owners of these pets living in all corners of the planet would help here. But there are no such statistics.

Pros and cons of dogs

Now it's time to talk about dogs. These companion animals, like cats, have their strengths and weaknesses. First, let's talk about the advantages:

  1. Dogs are loyal animals.
    Suffice it to recall the stories about the devoted Fido or Hachiko. Having established a friendly relationship with the puppy, the owner can be sure that until the very end the animal will be a true, loyal friend. It is probably difficult to find another creature who is so selflessly and sincerely attached to a person;
  2. Even the most slender dog is capable of driving away enemies from the home by barking loudly.
    What can we say about a large dog? A cat's meowing won't scare anyone;
  3. Walking the dog is a great exercise for the owner.
    Yes, it’s a waste of time, having to get up and go outside in both heat and cold. However, daily walks in the fresh air benefit the owner, or rather his heart and blood vessels, respiratory organs, and brain;
  4. Dogs are not only watchmen, but also guards.
    With them it’s not so scary, say, to go out late at night to buy bread. You can’t do that with a cat;
  5. Well-trained dogs are good nannies for children.
    They will happily play with the kids without showing aggression. As we mentioned above, you won’t be able to play with cats for long;
  6. Dogs are real hard workers.
    They can be rescuers, shepherds, hunters (more precisely, hunters' assistants), guides, even geologists. In addition, dogs are good doctors, they help fight depression and loneliness, and have a positive effect on the condition of people with Down syndrome and autism;
  7. A dog can accompany its owner on travel, walking or driving around the city.
    Let's say you can take a dog out into nature, but a cat will simply run away.

Although dogs have a lot of significant advantages, these animals are not without their disadvantages. Here are some of them:

  1. Caring for a dog is an energy-intensive business.
    Consider at least the daily washing of paws after a walk and the need for regular bathing. And if your pet also has long hair, then it’s worth mentioning frequent brushing. At the same time, not all dogs, unfortunately, are distinguished by cleanliness, and therefore the owner may have to wipe his pet’s eyes and fur on the face every day after eating;
  2. Some dogs literally cannot be let off leash because they may run away.
    In addition, a reckless pet can chase a neighbor’s cat and end up under the wheels of a car;
  3. An ill-mannered dog is a real living weapon.
    Suffice it to recall the stories when animals mutilated their owners, although no one expected aggression from them;
  4. A dog should be given much more time compared to a cat.
    The owner will inevitably have to spend his precious minutes walking, training, and playing with the dog;
  5. Many of the dogs of small breeds, regardless of training, have a rather quarrelsome character
    and do not tolerate it when the owner has other favorites besides themselves (for example, children or other pets);
  6. The dog makes more fuss.
    Unlike cats, these animals are more active and restless. They are unlikely to be able to stay in one room all the time; most likely, the whole house will be at their disposal;
  7. A dog makes a lot of mess if it lives in an apartment.
    The owner must be prepared that the pet may covet shoes, a TV remote control, curtains, carpet and other things from idleness;
  8. A dog can put its owner in an awkward position
    by making a pile in the wrong place (for example, in the entrance) or barking, or even biting a neighbor. Of course, this applies to not very well-mannered dogs, but still.

Conclusion: the dog is suitable for people with a lot of free time, for patient and active owners with a moderately tough character. Those owners who want to buy a fighting or hunting dog (they definitely need strict training) will have to think carefully about buying a four-legged pet.

Rules for keeping in one room

The first and main law of such a community is the equal distribution of love and attention to both pets, so that thoughts of jealousy do not arise. In addition, each of them must have their own place for rest and food. Pets must understand that there is only one leader, and that is the owner. There are examples when people allowed one to punish the other, and the hostility between them did not stop. There must be one punishing hand.

In this case, it is important to understand that physical punishment must be avoided: the animal will remember the pain from the punishment and will associate it with its neighbor, directing all the anger and resentment towards him.


First of all, the eldest is fed. Eating areas and bowls should be kept away from each other. If there is not much space in the apartment, you can leave the cat's bowl on the windowsill. From the very first days, pets must understand that stealing from a neighbor’s bowl is followed by punishment.

We recommend reading the article about who is better, a cat or a dog. There you will find a table with scientific facts, as well as a vote.

How to understand that you are ready for a pet in your home

Let's say you've been planning to get a dog, cat or aquarium fish for a long time. You are confident in your abilities and understand that even the smallest animal requires a lot of time, care and financial investment to provide this care. You have an apartment area suitable for the chosen pet, and if you leave, you know exactly who can look after it. In a word, if you need the animal first of all, go ahead!

However, if the desire to get a pet comes only from a child (even if he is already quite old and independent), then think about how ready you are to get involved in the care. Due to their age, children are not able to fully care for an animal, and schoolchildren may eventually lose interest in a new friend, especially when it comes to morning walks with the dog or cleaning a rodent’s cage.

This does not mean at all that in such cases one should abandon the idea itself. But if you, as a parent, understand for sure that there is no one in your family to walk the dog, then you should choose another animal whose care will be comfortable for you.

It is also important to wait time and figure out what caused the child’s need to have a pet - a feeling of loneliness, a desire to take care of someone, or imitation of a friend who already has a cat, turtle or fish. Tell your child in detail about the nuances of communicating with animals and the future responsibilities that he will have to perform.

Cat breeds that easily get along with dogs

These furry friends have a “dog-like” character, but at the same time remain real representatives of the cat family, affectionate, playful, sociable, curious and friendly to other animals.

  1. Abyssinian (long-haired version of “Abyssinian” - Somali) is the noblest and oldest breed that shows amazing patience with any animal on its territory.
  2. American Curl - will accept any dog, it is important that in the process of play it does not damage the delicate cartilages on the Curl's folded ears.
  3. Anatolian, Angora and Turkish Van - all three breeds have a common distant ancestor and similar character traits. Soft and unobtrusive, having become accustomed to being close to a dog, they will even show maternal care towards it.
  4. The Burmese Shorthair (Burma) is a creature that “recognized the Buddha.” They are affectionately attached to all family members, including dogs.
  5. Burmese (Burma) - calm and friendly, never seeks conflicts, avoids acute situations, is delicate and unobtrusive.
  6. Bobtails (Karelian, Kuril, Thai) are truly paladins of the cat world, capable of not only being friends with dogs, but also physically supporting them in a fight with an outside offender.
  7. The Devon Rex is amazingly friendly to everyone who lives next to him, affectionate, affectionate, talkative, sociable... No wonder he bears the title of “dog in a cat’s skin.”
  8. The Don Sphynx, as well as the Canadian and Peterbald , lack aggression and need protection and close communication. Having made friends with a shaggy pet, they will try to stay close to him, but will never demand increased attention, irritating their barking friend.
  9. Maine Coon - aggressive giants are simply not allowed for further breeding, so all representatives of the breed are genetically not inclined to discord, be it a person, another cat, a parrot or a dog.
  10. Manx (Mani) - they rarely enter into conflicts, they are very tolerant of children and dogs, even if they have to endure inconvenience from such neighbors.
  11. Ragdoll is an angelic character! In addition, he absolutely cannot stand loneliness. In order not to be left alone with a heavy heart, I am ready to make friends with a dog of any breed and size.
  12. Siberian - well-developed intuition and self-confidence. He will always be able to “agree” with a representative of the canine family.
  13. Singapura (Singapura) is small and timid, seeking protection and patronage. Will become a gentle friend to a dog with a noble character.
  14. The Tonkinese cat (Tonkinese) is playful and friendly, always in the center and always needs an “audience”. An excellent companion for an active, gentle dog of any size who loves games and pranks.
  15. The Chartreuse is a breed that has seen everything over its centuries-old history, so it can survive its proximity to any animal without loss.
  16. The Aegean is intelligent, patient, socialized to humans and other domestic animals from birth. If the dog does not offend her, then long-term friendships will begin quickly and firmly.
  17. Javanese (Mandarin) - very attached to the owner, to whom he can forgive everything in the world. If there is a dog next to the owner, Yavanez will forgive him even this, just to be closer to the object of his adoration.

Having found out which cats will agree to share shelter with a “foul-smelling” dog, it is worth looking at which dogs the cats get along with, so as not to be disappointed later.

Main stumbling blocks

Fight for the owner's attention

Many have heard the phrase “The cat walks on its own.” I also diligently believed in this truth: my domestic cat is very affectionate, never rebels when trying to stroke or cuddle her, but she herself rarely seeks human attention, preferring to mind her own business. More precisely, she had this manner of behavior exactly until the moment when the second four-legged pet, the Pekingese, appeared in our house.

This is where a fierce struggle for the attention of all family members began: a competition called “Who can run to the door faster and meet the owners”; if they stroked or picked up one person, aggression on the part of the other immediately began.

Sometimes the situation can take more drastic turns: the cat, seeing that the dog is being taken for a walk, with its desperate meows will urgently demand that it be taken with them too.

Those who are planning to have a cat and a dog in the same house should remember how jealous animals are - almost like little children of the same age. Promise yourself to try to give the same amount of attention to both pets - this will prevent hostility between them.

If you have a cat at home, then you know how they eat: even if they have a full bowl of food, but no appetite, they will not eat against their will, but will leave it for later and will return to it throughout the day. Dogs have the exact opposite attitude towards food: they will eat everything in the bowl and ask for more.

Milles Away/

Coexisting in the same space with a dog, the cat will have to rebuild its gourmet habits: returning to the bowl during the day will not have the desired result, since the dog, having eaten its food, will also grab the cat’s portion.

“No” to punishments and emotional pressure!

Animals should not be punished in the presence of other animals. This may hurt their situation. For example, a dog defecated not in the designated place, but on the floor in the middle of the room.

Under no circumstances should you scold or make sudden movements in front of your cat. There are many other ways to help overcome such “embarrassments.” And these methods are much more effective.

The question of how to make friends between a cat and a dog in an apartment will never be resolved if one of the animals has been scolded or punished at least once in the presence of the other.

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