Choosing cat litter: types, characteristics, review of companies

The importance of choosing cat litter is undeniable. If the cat does not like what is in the tray, it may choose a completely different place to perform its natural needs.

The modern pet products market is diverse. Therefore, choosing a suitable substrate for a cat litter box is not so difficult: you just need to evaluate the pros and cons of each and make a decision. If the product you purchase does not suit your cat, you can always try other options.

Which filler is clumping?

Clumping cat litter, as the name suggests, is capable of forming a lump. This process is based on the property of hygroscopicity. When wet, the granules swell and stick together, forming a lump. Lumps can be removed from the tray with a special spatula. It is very comfortable. In this case, replacing the entire mixture is not required.

The production of hygroscopic compositions requires materials with high absorption capacity. Products made from bentonite clay have proven themselves to be the best. Bentonite is absolutely safe for animals. During production, the material undergoes special processing to increase its hygroscopic properties.

Sometimes the mixture may contain aromatic additives. Their purpose is to mask the unpleasant smell of cat litter. But it is worth noting that not all cats will like litter with chemical additives.

Let's look at what a good clumping litter looks like in practice:

Tips for cat owners

When cat lovers choose cat litter, the first thing they pay attention to is the cost. Of course, this is an important aspect, especially since cat litter is a consumable material and money is literally thrown away down the drain.

However, the high price is often compensated by the efficiency; some brands, with a small volume, are consumed in a few months. Agree, it's nice. Pay attention to large packages, they are much more profitable than small ones.

Economical options are wood, corn and clay, but they also have more disadvantages than more expensive materials. The leaders in the economy category are the brands “Supercat”, “Comfort”, “Chistye Paws”, “Golden Cat”. Slightly more expensive, but quite affordable - “Fresh Step”, “Katty”. The most expensive fillers (silica gel) are “Cat Step”, “No. 1 Crystals”, “Fresh Step Crystals”.

Many cats don’t care what their litter tray is filled with, but there are also some who are very picky. If you think that silica gel litter is an ideal option for you in terms of convenience and comfort, but your cat only wants clay litter, which she then carries on her paws to your bed, then there is nothing you can do about it. Humble yourself and submit to your pet, otherwise it could be worse; the wayward animal may find another place for the toilet and show you who’s boss.

To prevent particles of granules from spreading throughout the apartment, lay a rubber mat in front of the tray; most of the debris will linger on it.

When choosing a filler, pay attention to:

  • good moisture and odor absorption;
  • safety for your pet’s body;
  • ease of disposal.

Types of clumping litter

Depending on the material from which the hygiene product is made, its properties may differ. Compositions are classified according to a number of characteristics.

Compound. Materials can be the following: synthetic (silica gel), mineral (bentonite, zeolite) and vegetable (wood, grain).

Granule size. Depending on the size of the granules, the composition may be similar to sand or small stones. Small granules are approximately 1-2 mm in size, average size is 3-6 mm, large granules can be 1 cm in size.

Weight of granules. Depending on what material the granules are made of, the product can be light or heavy.

Additional properties. These properties include: special aroma, odor absorption ability, and the presence of a bactericidal effect. Some granulates have a hypoallergenic composition. They also produce fillers intended for certain breeds.

There is a type classification of clumping filler.

Woody. The material for such compositions is compressed sawdust. Wood clumping filler is absolutely safe for animals of any age and breed. When wet, the granules break down into sawdust and can spread throughout the house.

Cereals and paper. They are environmentally friendly and low cost. Paper ones absorb quickly and must be changed frequently. Cereals have a longer lifespan. These products perfectly absorb unpleasant odors. The granules are light and can spill out of the tray.

Mineral. The most popular among owners. The absorption capacity is well expressed. Bentonite granules, after being irrigated with liquid, swell and stick together. But mineral clumping filler cannot boast of the ability to mask the odor.

Soy. This composition contains soy pulp, corn starch and soda. Thanks to starch, the granules stick together when wet. Clumping corn litter is safe and economical. Doesn't generate dust when poured. Absorbs liquids and unpleasant odors well.

Silica gel. Synthetic material made using a special technology from polysilicic acid. It is highly hygroscopic. The clumping silica gel filler absorbs odors very well and locks them in securely even during long-term use. The cost of such a composition is high, but it is justified by its efficiency. Replacement is carried out on average once a month. Ideal for busy owners. The downside is the specific noise when the cat starts digging in the tray. Some pets may get scared and refuse to go to the litter box.

Silica gel fillers must be stored in an airtight container, otherwise they will begin to absorb moisture from the air.

Let's look at an example: Green Tea wood filler is clumping and does it really not crumble?

What to look for when choosing

To choose a product that would satisfy both your pet and you, you should consider the type of filler.

  • Clay. The advantages include its natural composition. The product is also suitable for cats of any age and is best accepted by them. Reminds me of regular soil. However, sometimes the product becomes dusty and sticks to the fur. It is worth considering that this filler cannot be disposed of in the sewer. Pipes may become clogged. Dust remains at the bottom of the package. Care must be taken.
  • Silica gel. This type absorbs moisture best and copes well with unwanted odors. This filler should be changed once a week. The granules do not stick to the animal's paws and fur. There is no dust. But often the composition contains acids, so it is not advisable to buy such a product if you have a kitten.
  • Woody. The most environmentally friendly type of filler. It can be flushed down the drain. The product has a natural aroma and is suitable for animals of any age. The disadvantages include frequent cleaning of the tray. In addition, the product sticks to the paws.
  • Corn. This product can be flushed down the toilet and even used as fertilizer. The product absorbs moisture and odors well. However, there is a chance that the pet will scatter the granules outside the tray, because they are quite light in weight.
  • Paper. This type is produced by processing paper raw materials. The advantages include rapid absorption of liquid and moisture. The granules will not stick to the paws. But such a product requires frequent replacement, and rustling noise is also heard when the cat is in the tray.
  • Carbonic. Effectively absorbs all odors. Has antimicrobial effects. It absorbs moisture from the air, so it is not recommended to place a tray with this filler in bathrooms.

Advantages and disadvantages

Clumping cat litter has its pros and cons. However, many owners prefer them.


  • Absorbency. Due to their hygroscopicity, granules perfectly absorb moisture and reliably lock it inside.
  • Safety. Natural composition, and from different materials. If wood is not suitable, then you can try mineral.
  • Economical. The ability to remove only the contaminated part in the form of lumps. Significantly saves the consumption of hygiene products.
  • Easy to use. Cleaning the tray does not take much time. It is enough to remove feces and formed lumps. If necessary, add fresh composition.
  • Choice of animal. Usually cats are happy to go to this mixture. Its structure reminds cats of sand or earth.
  • Versatility. Can be used for both kittens and adult cats.
  • Adequate cost. Belongs to the average price category (300-450 rubles for 5 liters).


  • Pollution. The woody species can be carried throughout the home on animal fur. Light granules may fall over the sides of the tray. Mineral soils can stick to the animal's paws.
  • Smell. Not all representatives of clumping litters are able to absorb unpleasant odors.
  • Dust. Clay compositions generate dust when poured into a tray.
  • Number of animals. The clumping type of litter is intended for use by only one animal. If there are several pets in the house, then you need to put another tray.

Not only the litter is important, but also the cat litter box itself.

However, any cat lover will tell you that you need to start preparing the litter for your mustachioed and tabby cat not with the litter, but with the tray - the container into which you will pour this litter. Focus on the age of the animal (kitten or adult cat), the area of ​​the room in which you plan to place the tray, and your personal preferences in appearance.

Closed cat litter boxes

They resemble a small house with an entrance hole or a full door. They may look like cat carriers or have fancy designs that masquerade as pieces of furniture.


  • perfect for cats who need privacy at important moments;
  • the contents of the tray are hidden;
  • the filler is scattered exclusively inside the tray;
  • the smell also remains inside;
  • convenient when the tray needs to be installed in a walk-through area, for example in a corridor.


  • Not all cats like it;
  • not suitable for toilet training a kitten;
  • difficult to clean (will have to be disassembled);
  • may be too bulky for standard bathrooms and toilets;
  • not all fillers are suitable;
  • the price is higher than that of classic trays.

The advantages of a closed litter box for humans sometimes turn out to be disadvantages for the cat himself. For example, the tray may seem cramped and smelly (the walls absorb odors). Not all cats can appreciate the door, and sometimes owners have to remove it, leaving a simple hole.

Open cat litter boxes

A regular rectangular container, often sold with a removable plastic grid. Open trays differ in size and height of sides. The smaller the cat, the more compact the tray it needs, and vice versa.


  • suitable for all cats;
  • compatible with any fillers (the main thing is to choose the correct tray configuration);
  • compact;
  • easy to clean;
  • affordable, sold in any pet store and marketplace.


  • all contents are visible, the smell spreads faster;
  • the cat can scatter the litter when burying it (there are those who like to dig just for fun).

In addition, there are special toilet seat covers

, consisting of rings of different diameters (they are removed as the animal grows; some of them can even be filled with cat litter), as well as fully automated toilets that maintain cleanliness without human intervention. However, these options are not suitable for every adult cat, and even more so they will scare off a small kitten.

How to use and dispose of

The use of clumping litter for toilets may vary between manufacturers. The principle of operating mixtures is still the same.

  1. For the filler to work effectively, it is necessary to provide a thick layer of soil in the tray (5-7 cm). It is better to choose a tray with high walls, which will help prevent the granules from falling over the sides. Make sure it is dry before pouring the mixture into the tray. A wet tray can degrade the properties of the material.
  2. For a clumping mixture, it is worth purchasing a special spatula with holes. Using this tool, it is convenient to remove feces and stuck together litter when they appear.
  3. Monitor the amount of filling in the tray. If necessary, add mixture to desired volume. If the composition is less than the instructions on the package require, then lumps will form poorly.
  4. Once a month it is necessary to completely replace the mixture. The tray should be washed with disinfectants.

Dispose of clumping litter only in a trash bin. If you wash silica gel or mineral mixture down the drain, it will clog the pipes. The exception is wood composition and only in small portions.

Which is the best clumping litter?

It is very important to choose a high-quality filler that will perform all the functions characteristic of a clumping hygiene product. Preference should be given to proven brands. Now there are many different manufacturers on the pet products market, but not all of them produce good quality products. Before purchasing, you should carefully study the packaging.

You need to pay attention to the following indicators:

Compound. Choose natural compositions made from wood or clay (bentonite, zeolite). The natural composition will not cause allergies in the animal or the owner.

Aroma. No matter how much you like the smell of sakura or the sea, refrain from purchasing such a hygiene product. The pet may refuse to go to the toilet, which has an unnatural smell. In addition, aroma additives can cause an allergic reaction.

Granule size. For long-haired cats, it is better to choose large granules. Small ones, like sand, are good for kittens. The size of the granules can be determined by feeling them through the bag. It’s good when the packaging is transparent or has a transparent insert. In this case, it is possible to evaluate not only the size of the granules, but also their condition.

Additional properties. A useful addition is the antibacterial effect. Some manufacturers add bactericidal substances to the composition, which prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria.

You can finally make sure that a particular filler is suitable only in practice.

Top 7 rating of clumping litters

We present the best clumping cat litters, which we selected based on user reviews.

Even Clean

Unique filler. Perfectly absorbs odor, masking it with a pleasant fresh aroma. Thanks to activated carbon, it can suppress unpleasant odors for a month. Has an antibacterial effect. Contains clay of different types. The most remarkable thing about this mixture is the instant formation of dense lumps. You will have to pay an expensive price of 1,400 rubles per 10 kg for such a product.

Cat's Best

Cat's best clumping filler is presented in wood form, such as fir sawdust. Its advantage is that it is biodegradable, which means it can be disposed of in the sewer. There are two lines in different packaging: with odor protection and for long-haired cats. The cost of the Original line is 1400 rubles for 8.60 kg/20 liters.

Fresh Step

Safe natural composition. Reliably eliminates odor. Contains activated carbon. It has both clumping and absorbent options in its line. The cost for 10 kg of mixture is 800 rubles.

Clean paws

The basis of the composition of the clean paw clumping filler is bentonite. Safe, good product. The line includes absorbent and clumping ones, and you can also purchase scented ones. Very attractive for its price. The average cost is 550 rubles per 10 kg.

Canada Letter

Canadian made product. Made from clay or corn dust. The mixture is highly hygroscopic. Granules can absorb a volume of liquid 3 times greater than their own. Contains natural flavors. Safe for animals. Cost for 10 kg 850 rubles.


Pi-Pi-Bent clumping filler is a universal line. Mixtures are presented specifically for long-haired cats. A composition without chemical additives is suitable for kittens. Most of the mixtures in the line are scented, but there is also an unscented product. Cost 500 rubles per 10 kg.

Katty clumping cat litter is sold under such brands as Pi-Pi-Bent, Kotyara, Kotoff, and CC Cat.


Zoonik clumping filler is based on bentonite clay. Due to its high hygroscopicity, it forms lumps well and absorbs odor. Users note an acceptable price, but unstable product quality. The cost is 170 rubles for 5 liters.

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