Review of cat food Kitekat: types, composition, reviews

What will you learn from the article?
  1. Types of cat food Kitekat
  2. Compound:
  3. Which position should you choose for your pet?
  4. Reviews of Kitiket cat food
  5. Conclusion

What should you buy your beloved pet to eat? Maybe Kitiket cat food? Let's look at the composition of this food, find out the opinions of experts and those who have already had experience feeding kitite to their cats. So, is it worth giving Kitekat to your animal as a regular food?

Let's talk about Kitekat: what kind of food is it?

Kitekat food is produced by the international corporation MARS. She made sure that the brand became recognizable and was on the shelves in all stores. Own developments, production facilities and many years of experience of the parent company in promoting its own products have allowed TM Kitekat to occupy the minds of our citizens.

The main character of the good videos created in support of the brand also played an important role in this. Boris the cat - charming, playful and bursting with health - could not help but provoke a response from the audience. He became the main symbol of the brand and gave it unprecedented popularity.

Despite the fact that opinions on the quality of food differ, it forms the basis of the diet of tens of thousands of seals in our country. And this is not surprising: Kitekat has occupied a place of honor on store shelves for many years in a row. The food is available and approved by the Association of Veterinary Practitioners, which means it contains everything you need to keep your pets healthy. Reviews from veterinarians and experienced owners on the Internet speak for themselves. And we will definitely address them as part of this review.

Is it worth purchasing Kitiket food for cats?

Such a terrifying number of negative reviews from cat owners is simply alarming. In addition, the manufacturer guarantees a healthy life for cats who consume these foods, but it is not clear from the composition what exactly this health will bring. Neither the appearance, nor the smell, nor the ingredients on the packaging inspire confidence in the manufacturing company. If the owner does not have the opportunity to purchase high-quality food for the animal, it is better to feed the pet home-cooked food. Perhaps such food is not always the healthiest, but it will not lead to death either. In other words, Kitekat is a cheap, popular and harmful cat food. Often owners turn a blind eye to its quality precisely because of the price, because the cat has been eating it for many years, and everything is fine. But serious and terrible diseases are not immediately visible to the naked eye, and a visit to a veterinary clinic may not save the animal. Unfortunately!

Types of Kitekat rations

Kitekat produces dry and wet cat food. Dry rations are packaged in bags of different sizes from 150 g to 15 kg.

The food can be found on store shelves in five varieties:

  1. Fisherman's catch.
  2. Meat feast.
  3. The chicken is delicious.
  4. The veal is delicious.

Single servings of Kitekat wet food are produced in pouches:

  • in jelly - with beef, chicken, rabbit, fish and lamb;
  • in sauce - with duck, beef, chicken, lamb, rabbit.

Kitekat feed composition

Kitekat cat food does not contain flavorings or flavor enhancers. Without a doubt, no industrial food can do without preservatives in its composition, which help the product to be stored longer. However, all additives used by the manufacturer have been tested in laboratory conditions and will not harm your cat’s health.

The Kitekat line of dry food is distinguished by the fact that in the list of ingredients it contains cereals first, followed only by meat and offal. Dry food contains protein plant extracts, dehydrated vegetables, fats of animal and plant origin, as well as mineral compounds and vitamins.

The packaging provides data only on the analytical composition. It is difficult to find out the exact content of each of the components, but this state of affairs in general has been in the animal food market for a long time.

Kitekat wet food consists of high quality meat and offal purchased only from trusted suppliers. In addition, the recipe contains cereals, oils, mineral compounds, and vitamins. Kitiket food lines contain taurine, an essential amino acid that your pet’s body cannot produce on its own, so it must be obtained in sufficient quantities from the diet. This element ensures sharp vision and proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Wet spiders are recommended by veterinarians as a daily addition to the cat’s “menu”: they are higher in calories. For example, each piece of Kitekat wet food contains 71% meat ingredients - what a predator, even a domesticated one, needs.


We had a good cat, beautiful, mischievous, affectionate and completely healthy. We fed him homemade food, and sometimes I bought him cheap sausages. Vaska was happy with everything, and so were we. But when I changed jobs and didn’t come for lunch, Vaska remained hungry all day. That’s when the store advised me to buy dry Kitiket; I sprinkled it on the cat for the whole day, put some water on it, and I don’t have to worry.

Indeed, the cat really liked these dry crispy lumps. He pounced on them so greedily that we thought there really was meat there, because cats are very sensitive to food and won’t eat bad food. We didn’t even bother to find information about this food, and always bought it in bulk.

Gradually, the cat became so addicted to this food that he stopped eating our food altogether. But I understood that dry food is dry food, and it alone can ruin your stomach. Therefore, I constantly poured milk for Vaska. This went on for a year and a half or two. Vaska felt great, played, and only went to the litter box.

But gradually his mood began to change, he became lethargic, sad, and something was bothering him. We removed this Kitiket and tried to feed him food from the table again, but he started yelling and demanding dry food. I don’t know what the manufacturer impregnated it with, but the cat liked the smell. And then we began to notice bloody drops here and there in the house, bald spots appeared on Vaska’s fur, and it became painful for him to go to the litter box.

The veterinarian immediately asked what we were feeding, and when he found out, he said that we had ruined both the cat’s stomach and kidneys with this rubbish. He prescribed various medications, but Vaska was getting worse. He almost stopped eating, and soon died. This was, of course, a blow for us. Kill your favorite animal with your own hands.

Later, I looked for information about the company that produces this poison. This is the famous Mars Petcare corporation, which includes 42 well-known brands. They produce most of the animal feed. But the most important thing is that dry food such as Kitiket, Whiskas and Purina, which are so popular among pet lovers, are of the lowest quality. They consist of flour from cattle hooves, bones and feathers, and there is no more than 5% meat. If it's even there at all. Although there was so much written on the food label that if it were true, then this food would be golden.

Therefore, the company suggests that both manufacturers and sellers conduct aggressive advertising of these feeds to promote them on the market.

I really regret that I didn't read about this earlier. How could you think that the manufacturer would put something useful in cheap industrial food? And all our gullibility and naivety. Any company has one goal - profit at any cost. That’s why they produce various poisons from cheap raw materials. I will never buy any commercial food again in my life.

In the summer we adopted a terrier puppy, a girl, now she is already 10 months old, but from the first days we accustomed her to home-cooked food. And now she eats absolutely everything, even cucumbers, apples, onions, raw potatoes and feels great. We mostly feed her what we eat ourselves.

I tried to buy her sausages, and not cheap ones, but she sniffed them and left. This means that there is no meat there, but only all sorts of substitutes and flour. And we, idiots, eat it. And then we want to have health.

In general, I have long been convinced that finding high-quality sausage or frankfurters now is very problematic. And not because they forgot how to do it. It’s just that in Soviet times, meat processing plants were on a budget, and possible savings in raw materials would not have affected either the enterprise’s income or the salaries of workers. Now, there is a direct relationship: the lower the production costs, the greater the profit of the enterprise. So everyone tries to save on everything. So, whether you take an expensive sausage or a cheap one, the taste is the same.

The same can be said about animal feed. Expensive food may contain something healthy, but for that kind of money you can buy meat and give your pet normal food.

I have read other reviews about dry food and they are almost all negative. So, it's better not to take risks. Although it will take some extra time to prepare homemade food, your pet will be healthy.

Pros and cons of brand lines

The popularity of Kitekat food is primarily due to the human factor. Bright bags and a proven brand inspire trust and loyalty. However, if we put aside the emotional component and turn only to the facts, we understand that such a prevalence of food is also due to the fact that it is accessible and perfectly suitable for most pets.

What categorical advantages does this food have?

Let's look at them in a little more detail:

  • relatively inexpensive;
  • widely known;
  • present on the shelves of most stores;
  • offers a large selection of flavors for adult cats - even picky eaters and gourmets will find something “of their own” among these options.

Kitekat also has disadvantages - however, we will not deny that every manufacturer has them. Let's give some examples:

  • the manufacturer does not produce specialized lines: for kittens, elderly pets, medicinal or dietary;
  • Kitekat is shrouded in a lot of myths and speculation about its composition, but popularity always has two sides.

Customer reviews about Kitekat food

On trust sites with reviews, buyers share their opinions and, as you can see, they are very contrasting. However, many negative reviews are based on the fact that the cat either did not like the taste or had an allergic reaction to the protein. The latter case cannot be an argument in favor of low quality, because the reaction to the same component (protein) in any other food will be no less obvious.

Here are examples of some reviews:

I feed my cat Kiteket. She's an ordinary yard girl. He has been eating with pleasure for 6 years now. To be honest, I don’t understand why there is so much fuss about these foods. We are fine. She gets a piece from the table and catches mice. Svetlana Vladimirovna, 40 years old

I didn’t buy it regularly at first; I fed the cat natural food. To pamper, I bought inexpensive canned food. Out of curiosity, we tried moisture from Kitiket - Marusya really liked it. The veterinarian told me that I then need to completely switch to ready-made food. As a result, we took it still dry, we’ve been eating this way for a year now, and everything suits not only Maruska, but also me: we don’t have the frequent problems with stool and bad breath on natural food, everything has returned to normal! Masha, 26 years old

My cats, whom I adopted from the street, are not very picky about food, but sometimes they refuse the offered food. But they eat “Veal” from Kitiket with alacrity! They eat right down to the last crumb, but usually they don’t ask for more - they eat enough, I feed them according to the recommendations on the package. Everything is fine with health, the food does not have a repulsive odor. I was worried that there might not be enough protein, but the vet reassured me: my weight is normal, there are no problems! Irina, 32 years old

I didn’t have much hope when I first gave Kiteket to the cat - I thought she would refuse or it would affect her health. But my fears did not come true!))) No sores, beautiful fur without bald spots, just some kind of increased playfulness, he constantly runs after his balls. We only eat moisture, just 2 bags a day is enough! Rinata, 28 years old

Duck in sauce food from Kitekat is our salvation! Both for the budget and for the cats))) They eat with great pleasure, no matter how much you put in (I don’t overfeed). For some reason other flavors didn’t work out, but this one is top notch! By the way, there are no consequences - it’s all like old wives’ tales)) In general, I recommend it! Christina, 24 years old

There are also more detailed reviews about the food, which you can see using the links below.

Reviews of Kitiket cat food

Vladimir : “If there is a negative rating of food, then it is headed by Kitiket. A rare thing. It’s just a pity that you come to understand this through sad experience. Our cat ate kitite for three years. And then, at one point, urolithiasis appeared and he was gone in a few weeks, despite treatment, IVs, and expensive medications. Today I’m ready to stand with a banner near pet stores - PEOPLE, DON’T POISON YOUR PETS WITH THIS CRAP!”

Inga : “I’m ready to argue with those who pour buckets of dirt on Kitiket - people, you simply do not follow the rules of feeding ready-made food. Get your vaccinations on time, take care of worms and fleas, and don’t forget about easy and constant access to water and everything will be fine! We feed our cat kitite from birth and every six months we always take it to the veterinarian, where we take a blood test. The cat is 5 years old and everything is fine!”

Lyudmila : “My review is a warning. I would never believe that just food could cause rabies in a cat. No, this is not the classic rabies for which vaccinations are given, this is some kind of breakdown of the nervous system, when a cat really runs all over the furniture, walls, curtains and ceiling day and night without a break! As soon as you change the food, the cat becomes the same – playful, affectionate and calm. I don’t want this cruel circus to happen again!”

Reviews from veterinarians about Kitekat

You can have different attitudes to the reviews left by the owners: after all, the selection of food is a very individual matter. But it’s not easy to challenge the reviews of nutrition experts - here those who know exactly what food should form the basis of your furry’s diet get down to business. We have collected several reviews from veterinarians who shared their opinions about the Kitekat food lines.

Having extensive experience behind me, I can say one thing: ideal food simply does not exist. Any bag, even at a huge price, may simply not suit your pet, because their digestion and body characteristics are different. However, if we look at the facts about the basics of cat nutrition, we can draw a simple conclusion - Kiteket food has a fairly balanced composition and can be the main diet for every day.

Nutritional value, the presence of a satisfactory protein content, fats, grains and vitamins in the composition - all this ensures the high nutritional value of these diets. R. Solomonova, veterinarian

At work I heard a lot of reviews about economy class food. First of all, I note that the division into classes is quite incorrect, especially considering that the division is made by price category.

For example, Kitekat food, despite its low cost, is characterized by a composition that meets existing pet nutrition standards. After analyzing the ingredients, we can say that this food cannot harm your health. However, it is able to maintain the pet’s health and immunity, which means it can be recommended on a permanent basis. I. Reutova, veterinarian

Do you feed your cat Kitekat food?

Not really

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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