Review of Organix coma for cats: composition, types, price and reviews

Composition of the product

As an example, let’s take the composition of dry food “Organix” - Adult cat salmon (for adult cats) with fresh salmon and rice for cats with sensitive digestion. Below is the composition of the product.

Dry food

  • Fresh salmon 20% is a source of animal protein and fat, just like the following dehydrated (dried meat and will not cause harm) salmon. In total, this is just over 20% animal protein.
  • In second place is rice - it is very rich in carbohydrates, and it also helps to improve stool and reduce max. cholesterol levels. Compared to other grains, it is less allergenic.
  • Next comes chicken fat - this is animal fat.
  • Fiber is a source of carbohydrates and helps with digestion.
  • Beet pulp and flax seeds are pretty good sources of carbohydrates.
  • Yeast - mainly used to create a more pleasant taste, but can cause an allergic reaction in the animal.
  • Next comes the ingredient inulin - in other words, it can be called a “sweetener” (since inulin tastes sweet) and is a carbohydrate that is harmful in large quantities.
  • As for L-carnitine, everything is simple - it is a fat burner (it is present in the body - therefore it is not harmful), that is, it will not allow your pet to eat and gain weight quickly.

Recommended reading:

Carnilove cat food: composition, varieties and price

Advantages and disadvantages

The cost of such products is not too high.
Organix cat food has the following advantages:

  • good composition of minerals and vitamins;
  • wide range of products;
  • relatively low cost.

The disadvantages noted by users are:

  • probable use of meat by-products rather than meat as protein (according to literal translation);
  • lack of accurate information on preservatives and antioxidants;
  • significant content of vegetable protein as the main source of protein;
  • inaccurate translation into Russian, resulting in distorted information about the composition.

Positive and negative sides

The main advantages of Organix cat food are:

  1. In addition to canned food, it is also available in dry form.
  2. The price-quality ratio is higher than that of many cheaper feeds.
  3. Highly enriched with various vitamins and minerals.

It also has its drawbacks.

  1. The likelihood of using not pure meat, but its offal.
  2. Using ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction in your pet.
  3. Exceeding the ash content in the product (the norm is 6-7%). This may cause poor feed digestibility.

Product range overview

Today on the market you can find food of this brand with the following ingredients:

  • with lamb (hypoallergenic);
  • with rice and fresh salmon;
  • with duck, chicken, salmon;
  • with turkey (for kittens);
  • with natural chicken.

The products are sold in two versions:

  • dry food in the form of a variety of croquettes: pads (for removing hair), sticks (for cleaning teeth), stars (for shine of wool), fish and chicken delicacies, cuts from various types of meat, as well as steamed meat pieces;
  • canned wet food. Available in two varieties: stew and soufflé.

Dry food is aimed at already adult individuals. Here is a hypoallergenic recipe that is suitable for feeding animals with sensitive intestines and stomachs.

The composition of the food minimizes the risk of your pet developing allergic reactions. Ingredients (for example, beet extract) of hypoallergenic food have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and help reduce histamine levels.

Reviews from veterinarians and buyers

Here are comments from users who buy Organix for their pets.

Maxim, veterinarian, 39 years old. Personally, in my opinion, Organix food can be classified as average quality. But the presence of taurine, which is found in meat, begs the question: “Is there meat in there?” There is meat, yes, but in very small quantities, which means the amount of taurine needed for cats is also small. Also, the excess of ash content is also sometimes questionable. Normally it should be 6-7%. It can be used as a budget option, but not too often. It is quite worth its price in terms of quality.

Natalya, buyer, 46 years old. My cat liked this diet using Organix. The composition is very pleasing, and the change in wool for the better is very noticeable. I recommend.

Lyudmila, buyer, 34 years old. The price is very reasonable and the quality is good. I would recommend it as a main food. I myself have been feeding my cat Organix for a year and her fur has noticeably improved. Higher-class food is expensive, but this food is just for those who do not want to spend a lot, but want a good quality product.

Recommended reading:

Pro Plan cat food: varieties, composition, reviews

Dry food

Alexey, buyer, 28 years old. I don’t know why others might not like it, but for me this is a very good option to save money and get a good quality product.

Nikolay, veterinarian, 41 years old. The composition contains a lot of useful vitamins, substances, and is also natural, which is very acceptable for this price. I was also pleased with the presence of essential amino acids for pets in the composition. I didn't expect to notice them in the experimental part.

Olesya, buyer, 25 years old. The cat did not particularly tolerate the food - she had an allergy. Maybe this is just the case here; judging by the comments, the food really justifies its price.

Organix cat food - reviews

There are many pages on cat owner forums with discussions about Organix dry and wet food. We have published some of the latest opinions and reviews below.

Reviews from veterinarians

In online discussions, some cat owners note that their veterinarian has approved Organix food. However, we were unable to find direct reviews of this food from veterinarians.

Customer Reviews

Katerina writes:

I have an Abyssinian cat, she used to eat exclusively Royal Canin food, and recently she has been eating Organix. I had to change it because the price of the first one was high, everything is getting more and more expensive. Organix's composition is no worse, and the price is more than half as much. I have already bought “with chicken” and “chicken, duck and salmon”.

The food is made in single-color medium-sized granules, moderately fatty. The cat liked it and has been eating it for almost two months. There are no negative effects, digestion, fur, activity - everything is normal. Overall, I recommend this food. Health to you and your pets!

Lida writes:

My cat and my cat have tried many different pates, pates and stews, and recently I bought two jars of Organix beef and liver pate to try. We were attracted to them by their good composition and affordable price. By the way, the largest jar of 410 g costs only 114 rubles. This low price is explained by the fact that production is carried out here, the costs of delivery and import are lower.

This pate suits both cats and cats; they eat it very appetizingly, I would even say greedily! The smell of canned food is natural, pleasant even to humans. There were no digestive disorders from feeding this pate, the stool was normal. At this price the quality is excellent, you won't find anything better. I recommend trying it!

Victoria writes:

I have known Organix for a long time; for a couple of years my outbred cat has been eating food with three types of meat from this company. Recently, kittens appeared in the courtyard of the entrance, already grown up, I decided to feed them, and took a separate formula for kittens. As always, packaging without a zip lock is inconvenient. Because of this, I previously had to buy a container for food, but it is full of food for my adult cat. So I just use clothespins to seal the package more tightly.

Yard cats are far from picky; it is expected that the kittens will happily eat the food offered. The 1.5 kg package has already been almost used up, the kittens seem to be growing healthy and definitely very cute)) As for the food for kittens itself, its composition is not much different from the formula for adults. The smell is also similar, not sharp, I would say it smells distinctly of offal. The croquettes are small (as they should be for kittens), smooth, and brown in color.

Organix food is produced in the Netherlands, the quality of the components is European, and the price is “national”. This food will be an excellent replacement for various whiskeys.

Feed manufacturer Organix

The Organix trademark is owned by, located in St. Petersburg.
However, there is one caveat - the company has outsourced all the production of dry food, and this is done by a plant in Holland. This guarantees high quality, compliance with European production standards, and also gives confidence in the quality of the raw materials used in the feed. Organix canned food for dogs is produced in Russia - this production was mastered by the Naro-Fominsk cannery, located not far from the capital, in the Moscow region.

As for quality, the website states that the food is made from the highest quality products, and they are completely free of chemical dyes, flavors and preservatives

Attention is also focused on the fact that the feed contains no wheat, soy and GMOs. Is this really so, or are these just advertising gimmicks? We’ll see.

What should be in cat food

High-quality cat food should primarily contain meat. The presence of several varieties is welcome if the pet does not have problems with food intolerance. The use of different types of animal products allows you to provide the cat’s body with all the necessary amino acids and trace elements. It’s good if the manufacturer indicated that the composition includes fresh meat. This means that it was not subjected to preliminary heat treatment and long-term storage. However, it should be taken into account that fresh meat also includes a large amount of liquid (about 70–80%), which in the case of low-quality dry food with fillers distorts the overall picture.

Fish contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, so its presence in the composition is a significant advantage, but for castrated animals it is better to choose a different food: a high concentration of minerals provokes the development of urolithiasis

Dehydrated meat is almost as good as fresh meat, and in some cases it is even better. When a dried ingredient appears first in a grain food, it lets the consumer know that the diet contains enough amino acids. Of course, grain-free food is preferable, but owners do not always have the opportunity to give their pets such products. For example, my friend’s cat developed nausea and vomiting when transferring from economy class to holistic.

Whole carcasses without by-products (“chicken”, “turkey”, “duck”) are also an acceptable ingredient. Internal organs are removed during the preparation of raw materials, leaving only meat and skin. Sometimes, along with carcasses, a small proportion of cartilage, bones and other impurities enters the feed, but in the case of high-quality products this is even useful: a small amount of offal is included in the natural menu and helps meet the daily needs for microelements. If we are talking about budget rations, the situation may be worse. Unscrupulous producers may process carcasses less carefully or introduce additives, so the quality of the ingredient depends on the feed manufacturer.

Beef tripe is a healthy by-product: it contains probiotics and enzymes, therefore improves digestion

Vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, plant extracts, etc. can be included in the food as a vitamin-mineral complex. In small quantities, they help obtain microelements that are better absorbed in their natural form. Additionally, plant components contain fiber. It stimulates the movement of feces, improves peristalsis and cleanses the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract from rotting food debris. Many such supplements also promote the normal development of microflora, creating an optimal environment for the growth of beneficial bacteria. This prevents food from rotting and increases resistance to infections.

Some cat foods (Pronature, 1st Choice) contain ginger: it improves immunity and has a general strengthening effect

The presence of preventive additives in the feed is encouraged. With the right choice of complex, nutrition will prevent the appearance of age-related problems and the development of certain pathologies. For example, berries and many fruits normalize the acidity of urine, which prevents the formation of stones in the urinary system. Cartilage is a natural source of glucosamine and chondroitin, which are essential for maintaining musculoskeletal health. Clams, crab shells and some other analogues can replace this ingredient. Beans in small quantities improve digestion.

Any food must contain preservatives. In the case of high-quality products, rosemary and a mixture of tocopherols are used to reliably preserve them. The combination of these two components prevents early spoilage and is not harmful to health.

The broth is a natural flavoring additive: the liquid is sprayed onto the granules at the end of cooking

To increase taste and aroma appeal, manufacturers can include natural additives in the composition. For example, chicken liver. Such additives are safe in most cases, although if possible, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with a detailed analysis of the composition. Increasing the attractiveness of food is necessary if the pet has health problems that are accompanied by a deterioration in appetite. This will also help to “agree” with finicky animals. The presence of flavoring and aromatic additives makes the transition to a new food easier.

Spiders Grandin

“Grandin” spiders already have a target orientation not only according to tastes, but also the age and characteristics of cats. The manufacturer claims that these foods contain 70% meat ingredients, represented by only one type of animal, that is, the composition of these products is monoprotein, which should help the animal avoid allergic reactions. In addition, the food does not contain grains. The consistency of the product is described by the manufacturer as “tender meat pate in jelly.” The food is declared as complete.

There are 6 types of food in the line, its gradation according to intended purpose almost completely repeats the line of dry food:

  • senior (for cats over 6 years old) with beef;
  • sterilized (for sterilized cats) option with turkey and lamb;
  • kitten (for kittens up to one year old) with chicken;
  • adult (for adult cats from one year to 7 years) option with chicken and veal.

So, let’s not beat around the bush, in the first place for these foods are meat and meat by-products, consisting of 70% beef, turkey, chicken, lamb or veal. What can you say about this component?

  • Firstly, we are not talking about meat; the manufacturer implies a certain mix of not only soft, muscle tissue, but also other parts of the carcass, and this could be skin, bones, tendons, etc.
  • Secondly, offal is also a loose concept, because this category includes both valuable liver and heart, as well as less nutritious heads and paws. The main problem with this component is that the raw material can vary from batch to batch, because its composition does not have clear regulations.
  • Thirdly, again a statement about the reduced risk of food allergies in cats, despite the fact that an allergic reaction most often occurs to chicken, beef and other products obtained from these animals. A monoprotein food made from chicken will do nothing to reduce the risk of food intolerance in a cat with a chicken allergy, so this claim is nothing more than marketing.

In addition to the main ingredient, these feeds include:

Minerals are probably some kind of mineral premix averaged in terms of their indicators. Not the highest quality component, since its true composition is not known for certain.

Flaxseed oil is a source of unsaturated Omega 3 and 6 acids of plant origin - and this is its main disadvantage, because animal fats are much better absorbed by carnivorous animals. Moreover, it is not clear how this oil was extracted and how it was preserved.

Green mussels (in senior food) are a natural source of glycosaminoglycans, which help restore cartilage tissue. However, the exact amount of the component is unknown, so it is also unknown how expressive the effect of this ingredient is.

Fish oil (in kitten food) - most likely, this oil was obtained from various types of fish, because the manufacturer was silent about the primary raw materials, the method of obtaining the oil, the method of preserving it, but the quality of fish oil can vary greatly.

Guaranteed analysis corresponds to the complete product:

  • protein 10.3-10.9%;
  • fat 5.9-6.9%;
  • raw ash 2.3-2.5%;
  • crude fiber 0.3-0.4%;
  • moisture 78-80%.

Our verdict

The food left mixed impressions: the ingredients may not be of the worst quality, but not too high either. The manufacturer's assurances about reducing the risk of food allergies do not fully correspond to reality. Additives do not have a mass fraction indication

The product is sold in pouches of 85 g, the cost of a pouch is 80 rubles - the price is quite fair for this composition, so based on the results of the review, we can say that you can use this food, but with caution, especially if your cat has food intolerance to any of the types of meat

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This is a popular Canadian-made food that is available only in dry form. It contains no preservatives, dyes, by-products, or cereal products. But Akana food includes natural high-quality meat or fish, as well as healthy fruits. Special potatoes are used to obtain carbohydrates.

Veterinarians speak positively about this food, considering it balanced and healthy. It is suitable for all ages and breeds. Hypoallergenic food options are considered best in class. Veterinarians note that the content of Colombian cranberries in premium foods plays an important role, which helps reduce urine acidity.

Experts consider the only drawback to be the lack of canned food in the Akana line.

Organix nutrition types

Organix dog food is produced in Holland and belongs to the super premium class. The main feature of the food is the use of 100% natural ingredients and the presence of international quality certificates. The diet also contains no by-products or wheat.

Food is provided in the form of:

  • dry croquettes 0.8, 2.5, 12 and 18 kg;
  • wet canned food 125 g and 400 g.

The basis of the composition of each Organix food is the following components:

  • fresh poultry, lamb;
  • fish flour;
  • rice and barley;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • beet pulp;
  • phytocomponents;
  • fish products;
  • vitamin complexes.

It is important that the diet is completely free of chemical additives, flavors, soy, gluten and corn. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the development of allergies, dermatitis and digestive disorders.

Veterinarian advice

Experts recommend following some rules regarding cat nutrition:

  1. New food should be introduced into the diet gradually, replacing the usual food by 10% per day. If there is a sudden change, the animal may refuse unfamiliar food.
  2. For water and food, it is best to use ceramic feeders; they are easy to clean and do not emit harmful substances.
  3. For cats with health restrictions, special food should be used.
  4. It is not recommended to mix natural and industrial food, as well as dry food with wet food. Such mixing is allowed only if the menu is from the same manufacturer.
  5. It is a mistake to believe that constant change of food brings benefit and variety. Diet replacement is required only if there are compelling reasons for this.
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