All about silica gel cat litter

Among the fillers offered by pet stores, a special place is given to silica gel. Users note that silica gel for cat litter effectively eliminates strong urine odors, absorbs sufficient volumes of liquid, and is economical due to the need to replace it up to 2 times a month. But to experience all the benefits of silica gel filler, you need to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for use.

Description and features

Industrial or technical silica gel differs in chemical purity, amount of dust and shape from what is packaged in fillers. Therefore, when worrying about the health of your furry pet, it is better to use proven brands.

The basis for the production of silica gel is a solution of supersaturated silicic acid, which during the drying process takes the form of a gel and hardens. After crushing, balls are obtained that are endowed with high absorbent activity. The production of such a product is multi-stage, and undergoes quality control at each stage. The result is a good silica gel cat litter with fullness indicators.

Which tray is best for silica gel?

The number of trays for cats is amazing in its diversity. Among them you can see open and closed, deep and shallow, with and without bars. And there are also trays created in the form of houses, snail shells, etc.

But in order not to get confused when choosing a tray, it is very important to remember its intended purpose - it must have not only aesthetic properties, but also practical ones. The animal should have free access to the tray, it should feel calm in it

And it is important for the owner that he can easily wash it if necessary and replace the filler.

When choosing the depth of the tray and its shape, it is recommended to focus on the size of the pet and its behavior. So, if the cat likes to rummage through the litter, then it is better to take a tray deeper, with high sides or even a roof, otherwise silica gel crystals will then have to be collected throughout the apartment.

For cats who like to sit on the edge of the tray, a flatter tray is suitable so that it does not tip over under the weight of the animal.

The toilet for a cat is an individual matter, and it is better to choose it so that both the pet and its owner do not experience any feeling of discomfort.


There are several brands of silica gel for the toilet. Product differences are only in size, shape, color of indicators, type of fragrance and amount of dust. You can buy silica gel at a pet store, which offers the following types:

In the store you can find such products with large granules.

  • for adult cats and/or kittens;
  • flavored and unscented;
  • transparent with balls painted in different colors - indicators of filling;
  • large, small or medium in size.


The best silica gels are presented in the table:

"Siberian cat""Elite"Suitable for toilets with grateEco-friendly, inexpensive with high absorption and bactericidal properties, with the ability to eliminate odors
No dust, no odor
A special form of granules that are blue and transparent
"For the picky"Also suitable for trays with grids
Balloons transparent and pink
"Elite IVF"Extended period of use
The crystals absorb and then evaporate moisture, retaining odors
Allowed from the first days of the pet’s life
White-green balls with bactericidal effect
Smart CatWithout smellFor sensitive catsEco-friendly, does not stick to paws, safe
FlavoredWith apple
With lavender
With orange
SanicatNo fragranceFor sensitive noses and small kittensClumping in a variety of colors with 100% absorbency and extreme odor control
With smellThe scent of flowers
Amber of freshness
Number 1For kittensMulti-colored granules of special shapeEconomical price, special shape, ultra-fast absorption
FlavoredWith sakura

Other popular brands

When using Crystals, your animal's paws will always be dry and clean.

  • Silica gel cat litter Crystals. Belongs to a new generation with high moisture absorption. The crystals do not crumble and do not stick to the cat's fur and paws. Available in several types: flavored with lavender and sakura;
  • antibacterial;
  • used from the birth of kittens.
  • Silica gel "C. C. Cat". Economical and safe, without unpleasant fragrance. Change after changing the color of the granules. The best in terms of bactericidal effect and safety even when swallowed.
  • Antibacterial filler “Cats”, “Super Cat” and “Murzik”. According to reviews, they win in terms of cost-effectiveness and price.
  • Silica gel "Tape". Belongs to the middle price segment, absorbs moisture in 7-10 seconds.
  • Siberian cat

    “Siberian cat” is a cat litter produced in Russia. The brand produces various products for animals, including several types of hygiene mixtures (including silica gel).

    Silica gel granules have a rounded, fine fraction, transparent or translucent color. They perfectly absorb liquid and vapor. Their surface always remains dry, so the animal does not experience discomfort the next time it steps into the tray.


    • silica gel filler “Elite”;
    • Elite IVF.

    Approximate price:

    • 1.8 kg – 500 rubles;
    • 3.7 kg – 800 rubles;
    • 7.3 kg – 1600 rubles.

    How to use?

    To experience all the benefits of silica gel cat litter, you need to use the crystals correctly. Key recommendations from experts:

    The pet's dry tray should be filled with a hygiene product.

    • Silica gel should be poured into a clean and dried tray in a layer of 50 mm.
    • Remove solid feces immediately using a spatula with holes through which clean granules will be sifted.
    • The silica gel layer must be stirred daily to avoid the formation of puddles.
    • The filler should be changed on average once a month, as the instructions indicate. For large cats or if there is more than one pet - more often.
    • Do not flush used litter down the toilet, as the granules will swell and create a blockage.

    Rules for using filler

    To fully appreciate all the advantages of silica gel for cat litter, it is important to use it correctly:

    1. First you need to prepare a clean tray, which must be completely dry.
    2. Silica gel is poured out of the pack in a thick layer. The recommended thickness is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging, but usually it is at least 5 cm.
    3. Solid feces must be removed from the tray and disposed of as they appear.
    4. Once a day, the contents of the tray must be mixed - this is one of the main conditions for the long-term use of the gel. If the granules are not disturbed, the bottom layer will quickly exhaust its resource and stop absorbing urine and neutralizing its odor.

    As soon as an unpleasant odor begins to emanate from the cat litter, all its contents must be replaced. Typically this need occurs once every 3-4 weeks. Silica gel filler is chemically safe, but its ability to absorb moisture can cause blockages in pipes, so you should not pour it into the toilet. The best solution is to simply throw the used pellets in the trash.

    Silica gel tray

    Typically, the type of litter is not a determining factor in choosing a cat litter box, but in the case of silica gel there are some nuances. So, you should not pour granules onto a tray with a mesh - urine will pass through them and fall under the mesh, accumulating there and emitting an unpleasant odor without the ability to be absorbed. This type of cat litter is not suitable for the very type of “work” of silica gel litter. Automated installations that rotate after the animal exits, sifting out clean filler, are also not suitable - this option is designed only for clumping types. For silica gel, it is best to use a regular tray with high sides; if necessary, you can purchase a perimeter limiter for it - this will be useful if the cat likes to actively bury.

    For silica gel, a tray with high sides and, if necessary, with special protection against spillage is best suited.

    Introducing a cat to silica gel

    If silica gel is used for the first time, do not immediately shock your pet and pour in new filler. The characteristics of the absorbent granules can scare away the cat, and many problems will arise with training. The simplest way is to gradually mix in silica gel: over the course of a week, 25% of the granules are added to the usual filler, then the amount is increased to about a third, half, and finally, pure gel is added. Usually, when using this gradual approach, the animal has time to adapt and calmly accepts the changes in its litter box.

    Positive and negative sides

    The undoubted advantage of this product is that it prevents pathogenic bacteria from multiplying.
    The advantages of silica gel for cats include:

    • High moisture absorption, which allows you to change the filler less often. On average, 3.8 liters or 1.6 kg is enough for one cat for 2-3 weeks.
    • Safety due to chemical inertness and non-flammability.
    • Natural composition. Even if an animal eats a crystal, this will not cause its death - just give it more water.
    • No foreign odors even when 100% filled.
    • Clean and easy to care for tray. The crystals do not stick to the cat's fur and paws and do not form dust. There is no need to change the filler frequently.
    • Resistance to mold formation and antibacterial effect.

    According to the manufacturers, silica gel is safe, but only if the cat has swallowed one or two crystals.

    There are also some disadvantages to the filler. It is forbidden to flush used crystals down the toilet. Can only be disposed of with household waste. If the kitten eats everything, it is better to avoid silica gel - it can be harmful. When a cat has eaten a lot of litter, you should take him to the doctor, because it is harmful - it can clump and block the intestines, causing the pet to die. If your fluffy mustache likes to rummage around in the toilet, you will have to get used to the noise that silica gel creates. If you do not stir the granules every day, puddles will form in the tray.


    However, the use of silica gel filler also has disadvantages, although there are very few of them:

    • the high cost of silica gel (this is true, the packaging is not cheap, however, if you follow the instructions, this product will be used more economically than its other analogues);
    • It is not allowed to use small kittens for toileting, since eating mixture pellets, which is typical for babies, can lead to poisoning;
    • In the production of silica gel, substances are used that can be toxic if they enter the cat’s digestive tract, so this option is not suitable for cats that are prone to testing everything.

    When caring for cats, learn how to teach a pet to brush its teeth, why a cat needs a haircut, how to sew and put on a blanket, how to bathe a kitten and how to deliver a cat.

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