Gray cat with blue eyes - what breed?

Gray cats have always been the center of attention, and their silver-blue coat has long been associated with moonlight and was considered a sign of aristocracy. And today, animals with a smoky color are recognized as the personification of internal harmony and emotional stability. It is not surprising that they are in great demand among ordinary owners and professional breeders.

Let's find out which cat breeds are characterized by gray fur.

Features and genetics of color

The blue shade of wool is a lightened version of black. It manifests itself when certain conditions are met, which is why there are much fewer gray cats than patterned or dark ones. To obtain blue coat color, the kittens need to inherit from both parents the lightening gene and the non-agouti gene, which is responsible for suppressing the manifestation of the pattern.

In addition to the completely gray color, which completely lacks red pigment, cats have a so-called lilac color. Individuals with this coat have a dominant “red” gene, which gives their coat a warm tint.

From a genetic point of view, gray cats have a dominant black gene B (Black), diluted with a recessive light gene d. Under the influence of the latter, the carbon pigment zumelanin is unevenly distributed in the hairs. White spaces appear between the sticky granules, which create a brightening effect. The more black pigment a cat's hair has, the darker the color and vice versa.

Sometimes a mutation occurs in which charcoal is concentrated in the lower part of the hair, and its tip is colored white and vice versa.

Bicolors with genetically linked blue eyes

There are only two such breeds: Ojos Azules (Spanish) and Altai Blue-Eyes (native to the Russian Federation), these cats can have short and semi-long hair.

Ojos Azules

Both cat breeds are very rare and are not recognized by official international felinological systems; breeding work with these breeds is carried out at the experimental stage.

In both breeds, blue eyes are associated with the white spotting gene, that is, the color outside of white can be any color, but the eyes are only blue. Enthusiasts are breeding to reduce the amount of white hair in order to obtain a blue-eyed cat with a few white hairs.

Breeds for which only gray coat color is acceptable

Among the varieties of cats, there are those that are characterized only by an ash-colored coat. These breeds include:

  • Russian blue;
  • chartreuse;
  • Nibelung;
  • korat

Russian blue

Representatives of this breed are medium in size and have a slender build. But the main feature of Russian blue cats is considered to be their unique color, emphasizing the bright green color of their eyes. Their coat has silver ticking, which gives their short, thick coat a snowy effect.

According to the standard, a Russian Blue cat must have uniform fur without yellowness, streaks or inclusions.


These are large, well-built cats with well-developed muscles, a cheeky muzzle, a round head and small ears. Their soft, plush coat with a thick undercoat is colored only a uniform gray.

Blue cats' irises can be dark orange or bright yellow. And each chartreuse paw has soft gray-blue pads.


This is a long-haired variety of Russian Blue cats that has inherited all the characteristics of its ancestors with the exception of the structure and length of the fur. The Nibelungs got their name (translated from German as “creature of fog”) due to the unique color of their fur coat.

The thin silky coat of the breed is colored blue, in harmony with the green eyes. According to the standard, these gray cats have weak ticking.


These elegant gray cats were brought to Europe from northern Thailand over a hundred years ago and were long considered a cull of the Siamese. Korats are medium in size, flexible muscles and have an unusual heart-shaped head.

The hallmark of the breed is its olive-green eyes and short, silky coat, the color of which varies from blue-gray to lavender.

Acromelanistic (Siamese or pointing) colors

Siamese cat: an elegant beauty with cornflower blue eyes, has won the hearts of many cat lovers. Here, blue eye color is genetically associated with a color in which the body remains light (ideally almost white), and only the “points” - limbs, ears, muzzle, tail - will be colored.

The Siamese color was introduced by interbreeding into many other breeds - Persian (in American feline systems, a Persian cat of Siamese color is called Himalayan), British shorthair and longhair, Scottish fold and straight, Highland fold and straight, in Rex breeds (cats with curly hair), into hairless (Sphynx) cat breeds.

Aboriginal breeds are free from the Siamese color gene, with the exception of Siberians, where this color is recognized, as well as monochrome and painted ones.

When a bicolor color is superimposed on the Siamese color gene, we get the Sacred Burmese breed (belongs to the long-haired group), and the Snow Shoe, a Siamese-oriental breed.

Separately in the Siamese-Oriental group of breeds stands the Forinwhite - in Siamese - an elegant white cat with blue eyes and delicate silky fur without undercoat. The Foreign White was obtained through selection by crossing a Siamese cat (blue eyes) with a white Oriental.

Other breeds of gray cats

In addition to varieties in which the standards allow only a gray coat color, there are breeds for which this shade is not the only possible one.


These large, squat cats with a round muzzle, broad chest and plump cheeks have a matte, dense coat with a thick down. The British standard allows for many color options, including any shades of gray. But most breeders give preference to individuals with a light blue coat.

According to the standard, a British gray cat should not have undyed hairs, rust, tabby markings, iridescence or patterns on the coat.


Representatives of this cat breed are closely related to the British. They can be straight or fold-eared, and have short or long hair. The Scots have many different colors, but the most interesting is light gray fur with a blue tint.

Defects include colored blotches and uneven coloring of the coat.


The fluffy cat with a flattened muzzle and upturned nose is medium-large in size and has a luxurious silky coat. The Persian's luxurious long fur comes in different colors. But the most popular are those with blue fur.

According to the standard, a Persian gray cat must have a uniform color without spots or inclusions.

American Curl

This beautiful, harmoniously built cat with original ears turned outward can have either short or long hair, which has a soft elastic texture. The American Curl has practically no undercoats. And the color range of gray cats varies from dark gray to light blue tones.


According to the standard, Siberians are allowed more than 200 color options. But the most spectacular are individuals with bleached blue fur without spots or splashes of a different color. The nose and paw pads of gray cats of the Siberian breed should be in harmony with the tone of the fur coat.

Turkish Angora

When this breed is mentioned, a blue-eyed white cat with semi-long hair pops up in the subconscious of many people. And indeed, at first the Angora population consisted of just such individuals. But then white cats with blue eyes began to rapidly lose popularity and experts had to expand the acceptable color palette of animals.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, gray cats with copper or green eyes appeared among the representatives of the breed. The nose and paw pads of angoras with this color are pigmented blue.


This big, friendly cat comes in many color options. Light blotches are allowed on the blue fur of the Ragamuffin. And gray cats with blue or green eyes are subject to culling.

Maine Coon

The cat of this breed is distinguished by its impressive size and sociable disposition. An adult Maine Coon can weigh up to 8-12 kg. It has a fluffy tail and neat tufts on its ears, and its fur can be dyed almost any color.

Gray cats with emerald green or lemon eyes are especially popular among European breeders. Individuals with flowing, rich, ash-colored fur exude a special magnetism and look more mysterious than their black-and-white or red counterparts.

Egyptian Mau

The coat of these cats can be a silvery-smoky color with a spotted pattern.

Australian smoke

These short-haired animals are endowed with an affectionate, good-natured disposition. Australian Smoke cats have beautiful fur with a unique coloring that consists of a background, a dark pattern and a haze.

Asian smoky

The Asian Smoky cat is a smooth-haired cat. Its beautiful blue-gray coloring harmonizes with amber or yellow eyes. And the light undercoat creates moire tints. When the Asian Smoke Cat moves, its fur appears to shimmer.

Bicolors with blue eyes

Spotted cats with blue eyes can be found in those breeds where bicolor and white spotting variations are allowed.

There are many such breeds, it’s easier to list where this color is prohibited:

  • monochrome breeds;
  • some breeds of the Siamese-Oriental group;
  • the eastern group of cats belonging to short-haired breeds - the Burmese and its derivatives;
  • breeds of hand-drawn colors.
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