White cats with yellow eyes: breed is different

The color of cats is characterized by a wide variety of shades and patterns, but pure white cats are quite rare. To form such a color, the presence of a specific gene is required that hides all other colors in the genetic makeup of the animal.

White pets may belong to a specific breed or be a mixture of several. Their fur can be both long and short, and their eyes are colored predominantly in light colors.

If you decide to definitely get a white cat, below are 10 breeds among which these amazing animals are found.


There is a link between white cats with blue eyes and deafness, although not all pets with this combination are deaf. If you are the owner of a hard of hearing animal, help your furry friend - do not let him outside the apartment and teach him to use visual signals and vibrations in the process of communication.

American Shorthair

Representatives of this breed are relatives of domestic shorthair cats. They are distinguished by their friendliness and calm character. A cat's "fur coat" comes in a variety of colors and patterns, including plain white.

American Shorthairs easily adapt to different living conditions. They prefer to spend time with their beloved family members, but are also able to entertain themselves with interactive toys.

Breed overview

Height: 20-25.5 cm

Weight: 4.5-6.8 kg

Physical characteristics:

  • athletic build;
  • short thick fur.

Devon Rex

Large eyes and prominent cheekbones make the Devon Rex look like a cartoon character. This cat's short, wavy coat can be colored white or other colors.

Representatives of the breed are active and playful. They are friendly in nature, making them suitable pets for families with children and other pets.

Breed overview

Height: 25.4-30.5 cm

Weight: 3.6-4.5 kg

Physical characteristics:

  • big ears;
  • thin neck;
  • prominent eyes.

How to care for a white cat's fur

How to care for a white cat's fur? The key to an animal’s beautiful coat is high-quality nutrition and constant care for its “coat.” Everything that a pet receives in food is reflected in its coat. If the food is balanced and has all the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients, the coat will be shiny and shiny.

If the cat does not have enough vitamins or the food is not suitable for its type, the fur will be dull, sparse, and prone to loss. In some places, bald spots and bald spots may appear, which will not be easy or quick to heal.

From the first months of life, the cat needs to be taught to brush itself, especially if the animal is a long-haired breed. If the process is started, the fur will begin to roll into tangles, and the cat will stop brushing it out. Three types of combs should be used: for long, medium and short hair.

White cats get dirty with food while feeding, which can stain the fur around the mouth, eyes and on the paws after washing. You should choose the right food for your cat, which does not contain a coloring pigment.

White cats often suffer from allergies. This is a feature of the color. Seals lick themselves more often, this procedure changes the color of the saliva, the fur becomes dull and acquires a yellowish tint.

To avoid this effect, you need to carefully monitor the animal’s health and promptly eliminate the causes of illness, without waiting for the cats’ appearance to deteriorate.

In addition to these procedures, you should:

  • periodically bathe the cat using gentle and conditioning products,
  • do not walk the animal when it is slushy outside, and do not let it out alone,
  • take care of your eyes and ears, clearing secretions in a timely manner,
  • keep the cat's litter box clean: wash it in time and fill it with fresh litter,
  • do vaccinations and give antihelminthics on time,
  • Do not allow contact with street and sick animals.

See also: Russian Blue: a cat in a plush coat with emerald eyes

European Shorthair

This breed is one of the oldest and most widespread in Europe. In addition to white fur, cats can come in a variety of colors and patterns, and their eyes are most often amber, blue and green.

Representatives of the breed are affectionate, playful, intelligent and thrive in a variety of living conditions.

Breed overview

Height: 30.5-35.6 cm

Weight: 3.6-6.8 kg

Physical characteristics:

  • stocky, muscular body;
  • short and thick coat;
  • round muzzle.

Why are cats with white coats and blue eyes often deaf?

With the combination of white fur and blue eyes, 45% of cats experience severe hearing loss , and 5% are completely deaf.

This is due to the fact that the gene that is responsible for the color combination often disrupts the process of proper formation of the hearing organs.

Cats' sense of smell, touch, and taste are not affected. The animal easily adapts to life without sounds and navigates by vibrations. Because of this, some owners may not understand that the pet cannot hear in one ear or is completely deaf.

Be sure to read:

Tabby color in cats: what it means, features, types of pattern, popular breeds

With the combination of white fur and blue eyes, 45% of cats experience severe hearing loss

When selling, the breeder must provide the buyer with a veterinary opinion regarding the condition of the animal’s auditory system. The absence of a document indicates the seller’s dishonesty.

In purebred pets, the risk of deafness is higher than in domestic ones, since in the former, during breeding, the genetic fund was somewhat disturbed by selection, aimed primarily at exterior rather than health.

Maine Coon

Known for their thick, long hair, cats come in a variety of colors, including tortoiseshell and striped. Traditionally, the Maine Coon's coat is brown-striped.

These cats are friendly to everyone and get along well not only with family members, but also with strangers, as well as with other pets.

Breed overview

Height: 25.4-40.6 cm

Weight: 4.5-11.3 kg

Physical characteristics:

  • stocky, muscular body;
  • thick and heavy wool.


A white cat with yellow eyes, the breed is considered one of the most ancient on Earth. Because of their slightly flattened muzzle, they snore very cutely. Persians are not prone to aggression and are suitable for those who are afraid of scratches, bites and the tough temperament of cats of some other varieties. However, the Persian cat requires a lot of attention and has difficulty surviving the long absence of its owner. In order for the fluffy fur to continue to look luxurious, it needs to be looked after for a long time every day, which “eats up” a lot of free time.


Slender and athletic, Orientals can come in a variety of colors, including plain white. These animals are active, talkative, attractive and love attention. Some pets become so accustomed to people that it can be difficult for them to accept being separated from any family members.

Breed overview

Height: 20.3-25.4 cm

Weight: 2.7-5.4 kg

Physical characteristics:

  • smooth body;
  • angular head shape;
  • big ears;
  • almond-shaped eyes.

What happens if you have a white cat at home?

There are many superstitions about white cats. People believe that they absorb negative energy, protect against the evil eye, and protect from illness and trouble.

  1. If a white cat crosses the road. It is believed that if a black cat crosses a person’s path, then misfortune awaits the latter. This belief exists in many countries. A white cat in this case, on the contrary, promises good luck. In Ireland, it is believed that you need to say hello to her, and if Snow White answers, then this is a sign of an imminent win or major success.
  2. White cat in the house. In many countries, it is believed that with a white cat good luck in business and prosperity comes to the house. Especially if it is a pet with one blue eye. If such a female gave birth to snow-white kittens, then well-being is guaranteed forever. In England, on the contrary, if a strange white cat enters the house, financial losses lie ahead. As soon as he comes out, he will take with him luck and money.
  3. How to behave around white cats. The British never offend their snow-white pets - otherwise you will bring misfortune on yourself. You need to pet the cat, treat it with a treat, and then the day will turn out great.
  4. See it in a dream. A dream involving a snow-white beauty promises a woman an early pregnancy. Another superstition is that she needs to pay attention to her children.
  5. White wool. Touching the long white wool in Albania means that you will soon get better, gain weight, and for a woman, you will soon become pregnant.
  6. White cat and marriage. If a person finds owners for seven white kittens, then his personal life will soon develop. In this case, women must accommodate females, and men - males. Newlyweds who meet a white cat along the way need not worry; their family will be strong and happy.
  7. Bad luck. Interestingly, in the countries of the Middle East everything is exactly the opposite. If a white cat crosses the road, especially at night, there will be trouble.
  8. Child and snow-white cat. North American Indian beliefs prohibit keeping a white cat in the house if there is a baby in the family. And in the Mediterranean countries, an animal of this color in the house is the key to a future happy life for the baby.

Also read the article about signs about white cats.

All these signs, of course, have no scientific basis.


The color white is often associated with Persian cats, although they come in a variety of colors and patterns. Their long, flowing coat requires careful grooming, which includes daily brushing and removing matted areas.

Persians are sweet and easy-going pets who prefer to be in a calm and predictable environment.

Breed overview

Height: 20.3-25.4 cm

Weight: 3.2-5.4 kg

Physical characteristics:

  • long wool;
  • short and strong legs;
  • Round eyes.

Features of caring for cats with snow-white fur

Even a small dark spot can spoil aristocratic whiteness. Therefore, you should take special care of it.

  • Radiant cleanliness is achieved through frequent bathing. And you will have to choose the shampoo very pickily. It should not contain any additional tinting elements.
  • Walking freely is very dangerous for a deaf cat. A car collision or a pack of angry dogs is the result of the fact that external stimuli are inaccessible to the animal.
  • Daily combing is a mandatory ritual. Otherwise, the sold tangles will greatly spoil the overall beauty of the cat.
  • Mating of two white cats is highly undesirable. As a result, their offspring suffer greatly.

Important! Prolonged sunbathing is contraindicated for cats with white fur. They have very sparse hair on their ears, which practically does not protect them from sunburn, which can lead to cancer.

You're probably wondering how much a white kitten with blue eyes costs. The range of prices is colossal - from 1000 rubles for a handsome Persian (if you look for it), to 100 thousand rubles for a Devon Rex kitten.

White cat breeds require additional attention and special care. But, if such little things don’t scare you, then in return you will receive the kindest and most affectionate creature in the world.


Siamese cats, which are called "foreign whites", do not have the usual dark spots on the body of the ears, face, paws and tail. Moreover, all representatives of this breed are born completely white, receiving the traditional color as they grow up.

Siamese love their family members and prefer to be the center of attention. They are overly “talkative” and enjoy using their voice to tell their owner about their needs.

Breed overview

Height: 20.4-25.5 cm

Weight: 3.6-4.5 kg

Physical characteristics:

  • smooth body;
  • almond-shaped eyes;
  • wedge-shaped head.

White spot gene

"White spot"

suppresses pigmentation in a certain area of ​​the body.
The area of ​​spotting is determined by the degree of expression of this gene. It is designated WS
(former designation S, s) and manifests itself only in a dominant state.

It has been noticed that animals with the WSwS genotype have less white areas in area than those with the WSWS genotype, where white occupies almost the entire surface of the body or the animal is completely white. The white spotting gene has no relationship with deafness. Considering the variety of options for combining white and main color, the presence of other genes (polygenes) is assumed to affect the area of ​​areas without pigment. Among cultivated breeds, it is customary to distinguish a group with 40-60% white in color - bicolors

, >60% white –
. Aboriginal breeds allow the presence of residual white in the form of “gloves”, “slippers”, “tie”. There are a number of breeds in which the presence of white markings is a mandatory feature, for example, the sacred Burmese cat and the ragdoll - “gloves” on their paws are required. The debate about the genetic origins of such a small number of whites is not over. Some suggest that this is a separate recessive gene, others suggest that it is the effect of polygenes on the white spotting gene.


Strong and agile, Siberian cats have a 3-layer thick coat that can come in a variety of colors and patterns. Their thick coat needs regular brushing (twice a week and more often during molting).

These pets love adventure. They can often be seen climbing onto all sorts of surfaces, which pets conquer during play or for research purposes.

Breed overview

Height: 23-28 cm

Weight: 4.5-9 kg

Physical characteristics:

  • stocky build;
  • thick coat.

Turkish Angora

The Turkish Angora is a natural breed that existed in Turkey several hundred years ago. These cats are often depicted in white, although their colors can be black, blue, red, etc.

Turkish Angoras are energetic, assertive, and require stimulating play to maintain a positive emotional state.

Breed overview

Height: 17.8-25.4 cm

Weight: 3.2-6.4 kg

Physical characteristics:

  • muscular body;
  • long paws;
  • thick “fur coat”;
  • almond-shaped eyes.
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