Cat breed with red eyes - reality or fiction

Black cats with blue eyes look noble. Even no less noble than the snow-white beauties. Therefore, they are worth learning more about these coal-black beauties, including the difficult fate that befell them because of their black color.

Blue eye color has always attracted the attention of breeders. Well, as for black cats with blue eyes, they seem to be some kind of magical, mystical creatures, which aroused more and more interest among some people, and superstitious fear among others. However, if you yourself are not the source of harm to the cat, there is no reason to be afraid of it.

Black color in various combinations is present in almost all breeds. But before, and even now at times, absolutely black cats are unlucky, and they are accused of everything, trying to avoid them.

Although for the Egyptians these animals were considered sacred, in the Middle Ages they were less fortunate - black cats were burned at the stake along with “sorcerers” and “witches”.

Many scientists are of the opinion that it was black cats that were the ancestors of today's pets. In addition, their black coloration gives them an advantage when hunting at night, which likely contributed to their high prevalence and survival rate.

Genetics of black color

Many Internet pages are full of photographs of black cats. What gives these animals such a beautiful color? The pigment eumelanin, which is responsible for the formation of black color, is responsible for this. This pigment is present in the cat’s hair in the form of granules, and the shade of the cat’s color depends on what shape they are, how much they are contained and where they are located. For example, the rich black color of the coat is given by the B (Black) gene in a dominant state. In this case, the eumelanin granules have a slightly elongated shape at the poles and are placed very tightly. In other, recessive conditions, the gene contributes to the appearance of calmer shades. Thus, species b pulls out pigment granules and separates them over long distances, resulting in a chocolate color. And the bl form further expands and moves the granules away from each other, resulting in a cinnamon color.

In most cases, black cats give birth to black kittens.

Perfect black cats are rare. At least minimally lightened areas are still present on the body, but they are often very well hidden and not noticeable.

Black cats are not a separate class. This color can be found in any breed. But blue eyes among them are a very rare phenomenon. Here are some of the cases where black cats have been observed to have blue eyes:



Canadian Sphynx

White Persians

White Persian cats are a great rarity, but at the same time they are the greatest beauty. They are like angels descended from heaven. Blue-eyed girls are truly exclusive among Persians. The reason is that the coat color of representatives of this cat breed does not guarantee the desired blue tint of the eyes. Kittens inherit a noble color only if both parents have this trait. Therefore, blue-eyed snow whites are very valuable and cost fabulous money.

With all their advantages, White Persians have a significant drawback. The genome that determines the white color often provokes the development of deafness. But thanks to the efforts of breeders, most white Persians can still hear.

Blue-eyed black cats - Ojos Azules

Ojos Azules is the only breed that combines black coat color and blue eyes, not as a huge exception. At first these cats had a tortoiseshell color, but after numerous crossings individuals with black fur were obtained.

Temperament and behavior

These cats are very calm and attached to their owner. They love attention, but will not attract it too intrusively and distract others from their work. Okhs cannot spend time without the company of their owner for a long time, but they are not entirely sociable with other pets. They love to play and when interacting with children they are not dangerous to them (of course, until they consider the children themselves dangerous to themselves - in this case, they will undoubtedly defend themselves without regard to the age of the person in front of them).

Features of care

It is enough to brush cats of this breed several times a month, because although they can have both long and short hair, at the same time they have a sparse undercoat. In addition, it is important to trim the claws on time, firstly, so that the cat does not hurt itself, and secondly, so that it does not start sharpening them on everything it sees if there is no scratching post.


The most important feature of the breed, which should not be forgotten, is that representatives of this breed cannot be crossed with each other, as well as with other breeds if they have blue eyes - there is a high risk of sick, inferior or even dead offspring. In other cases, there is no need to worry, since representatives of the Ojos Azules breed have good immunity and good health. At the moment, no diseases characteristic of her have been identified. With proper nutrition and care, they can live up to seventeen years, and in some cases longer.

Thai cat

This breed became famous in history; there are many legends and beliefs about them; it was believed that they drove away evil forces. Pets are relatively small, strong and slender. This breed is distinguished by good health and long life. They become strongly attached to their owners and cannot stand loneliness, and can appear stubborn and independent. They themselves are very smart, cheerful, playful, energetic and never sit still, noisy, they find it easy to communicate with other pets, but only in the role of leader.

Thai cat

Rules for caring for black fur

Black fur can fade in the sun, so if you want to maintain the jet black color of your cat's fur, you need to control the amount of time he is exposed to direct sunlight.

Black wool partly requires a special approach. So, you should not let your cat walk for a long time under the scorching sun, as the fur may fade and red spots will appear on the fur coat.

A cat's fur is an indicator of its health. If the fur coat begins to fade and fall out a lot, you should reconsider your pet’s diet and show it to the veterinarian.

Otherwise, the rules of nutrition and care are generally similar for all types of cats, but you need to follow the care features of each breed. For example, Manx cats have a thick undercoat, and therefore need to be combed thoroughly, but bathed no more than twice a year, using special shampoos and conditioners to enhance shine. Maine Coons need to be brushed at least once a week, while Persians and Siberians with long hair require special care. They need to be combed daily in three stages: first with a wide-toothed comb, then with a slicker brush, and finally with a fine-toothed comb. You can bathe them four times a year, after which you treat the wool with a special product to make combing easier.

What determines the white-blue-eyed combination?

Snow-white fur in cats is also not a very common color in nature. There are three main reasons why a cat may have blue eyes:

  1. Gene dominance. The gene that provides the animal with a snow-white color often also becomes the cause of the cornflower blue color of the iris. The chance of an unusual iris color is the same for pure white pets and for those in which white predominates in the overall color. However, gene activity usually reduces hearing acuity, sometimes to the point of complete deafness.
  2. Genetic code of albinos. In cats, albinism manifests itself in the form of white fur combined with aquamarine eyes.
  3. The color of the fur on the face. Cats that have white spots on their faces around their eyes are more likely to have blue irises.

For the same reasons, cats have eyes of different colors. Kittens are always born with gray or blue eyes, which change color as the pet grows older.

Myths and signs about black cats

Many myths and superstitions about black cats originated in the dark era of the Middle Ages. And the attitude towards them was, to put it mildly, unkind. Black cats were considered carriers of misfortune and disease, the reincarnation of bad people, messengers of troubles and misfortunes, and during a thunderstorm these poor fellows were kicked out into the street so that they would not attract lightning to the house.

In honor of the animals that were killed during the Inquisition, Italian animal activists have introduced a new holiday for black cats. It is celebrated annually on the seventeenth of November.

However, it is gratifying that there were much fewer such prejudices than positive signs and beliefs associated with black cats. For example, in Egypt they were considered messengers of the goddess Bastet and symbols of moonlight. Among the Celts, black cats were identified with Artemis (goddess of the hunt), and among the Romans - with Diana (goddess of fertility), and even today. Also, the presence of these cats in a home in Ireland promises good luck, in Scotland - wealth, in England - admirers, and in Russia - protection from thieves (not surprising, since many cats quite fiercely defend their territory). And sailors happily take cats on a voyage, and if she is black, the trip promises to be successful.

Temperament and behavior

No matter what breed a black cat belongs to, it will always be sociable and cheerful. Owners of such pets note their openness and loving nature. These animals get along well with children and generally get along with everyone in the household.

Black cats are active, playful and do not like to sit in one place for a long time. They prefer to spend time actively; they simply need to move. As a kitten, an animal in a dark fur coat will endlessly chase a ball, and as it grows up, it will begin to switch to larger objects. With age, black cats' hunting instinct becomes more intense, and their physical activity only increases from this.

What is special about blue eyes

As a rule, in his life a person meets cats that are distinguished by a yellow iris, but one cannot be surprised by the presence of an amber tint or green eyes. Eyes of blue or deep blue color - this phenomenon is rare, although not exceptional. Blue eye color can be considered some distinctive feature of various breeds. When felinologists describe the breed, they indicate that blue eye color is preferred, although other shades are also allowed. It is known that nature is distinguished by its uniqueness, therefore there are individuals with different eye colors. Moreover, there are eyes when one iris consists of two shades that do not mix with each other.

The color of an animal's eyes is related to genetic background. After kittens are born, they open their eyes only after a couple of weeks. At the same time, the eye color is always blue. Experts believe that blue eye color is associated with a lack of melanin, which is responsible for the color of the pigment. When the kitten’s own cells begin to produce melanin, it is already too late, because until that moment the kitten’s body ate what its mother could provide it with.

When a kitten begins to grow and develop, its body begins to produce all the necessary components for life. As a result, the eye color may change and take on the color of its parents. In fact, the body does not always repeat exactly everything that is characteristic of its parents. In connection with this fact, it is worth noting that this is what makes our world so diverse.

In some kittens, the body fully produces coloring pigment, so the color may be more saturated, darker. Some individuals have enough pigment to have normal yellow or greenish eyes.

In kittens with a predominant white tint, who are carriers of the albino gene, this pigment is only enough to make their eyes blue. Often such breeds are born with different eyes. Many people don’t know, and don’t really think about the fact that the reason for everything is a lack of coloring pigment, which is directly related to the level of melanin.

For some reasons, blue eye color indicates various congenital defects or pathologies. In fact, this is not so and the presence of blue eyes is not evidence of the presence of any disease, especially of a genetic nature. In addition to blue eyes, these pets retain all the basic characteristics of cats: acute hearing and vision, a cheerful playful disposition, a desire to hunt, etc.

Interesting to know! It is believed that all-white cats, distinguished by blue eyes, have poor hearing. Unfortunately, this is a myth, since the presence of hearing has nothing to do with eye color. At the same time, about 5% of white cats are indeed somewhat deaf, but this is within the acceptable range.

In any case, when purchasing a white cat (or any other), it doesn’t hurt to have his eyesight and hearing checked. In this case, you need to know that a pet with hearing and vision problems simply will not survive without a person. Therefore, you must always be close to him and not leave him unattended.

When eye color begins to change after some time in life, then special attention should be paid to this fact, since it can be very serious. This may indicate that your pet has begun to develop a serious illness.

Many people attribute magical abilities to cats with blue eyes, are afraid of these cats or expect miracles from them. What the future offspring will be like depends on the genetics of the family, and all we can do is witness the fact of this miracle, protect it and take care of it.

Those owners who love and care for their pets always produce irresistible beauties that evoke surprise and admiration.

The black cat is an animal that evokes admiration and fear at the same time. In ancient times, cats with black fur were feared and considered fiends of hell, accomplices of witches and sorcerers. Meeting a black cat is still considered a harbinger of trouble. But do these wonderful animals deserve such treatment? Felinologists claim that the fear of black cats is completely unfounded, and their disposition is much more docile than that of most felines.

Sacred Burma, Ragdoll and Ragamuffin

These breeds have family ties, when compared with human ones, like grandmothers, daughters and granddaughters: the Burmese cat is the “primary source” from which ragdolls and ragamuffins originated. Moreover, if the Burmese and Ragdoll have blue eyes, then the Ragamuffins can have them of any color; blue and dark blue are simply more common.

The Burmese cat is an ancient Tibetan breed, whose representatives lived in monasteries and were considered the reincarnation of the souls of deceased monks. Their distinctive feature is white “socks”, which are not typical for Thai and Siamese cats, which Burmese cats resemble.

According to legend, “sacred Burma” acquired them as a result of a miracle - when a cat, guarding a golden statue in a temple, jumped on the head of a harrier-haired monk. The whiteness of his hair was transferred to her paws, and since then all representatives of the breed have worn this insignia.

Ragdolls, descended from Burmese and Persians, are distinguished by a very even and non-militant disposition. In the hands of a person, they completely relax and are very loyal to the caresses of their owners, hence the name, which means “rag doll”.

The breed became so popular due to its gentle character and charming appearance that breeders decided to increase the number of such cats and diversify their colors, so they began to cross Ragdolls with outbred cats, selecting kittens of interesting colors for breeding. This is how the ragamuffins (“ragamuffins”, English - Ed.) appeared. Their eye color is often blue and blue, but for some Ragamuffin colors (such as sepia) this is not allowed.

Color options

According to international standards, the black color is assigned the code n (sil, wild, ebony, sable). The guard hairs and undercoat should have a uniform color: each hair is completely dyed, without colored or white inclusions.

The nose, paw pads, and whiskers must be exclusively black.

Possible eye colors

The iris of the eyes often plays with all shades of yellow and green: bright emerald, bright green, orange, olive, light sand.

Reference. Black kittens are born with blue irises.

See Black in a dream

Are there internal issues that you need to explore? The expression "in the dark" means confusion.

Do you feel uncertain about what path to take in your life? Blackness can also symbolize the calming covers of the night.

Obviously, it's time to indulge in relaxation and dreams of life. The color black is also associated with despair and depression.

Are you suppressing anger and frustration? You should feel all the emotions.

There are no bad emotions, but suppressed feelings can turn into depression and despair.

If you are depressed, you need to release the emotions that are causing your condition.

Analyze them and take action.

If this is not possible for you, find someone who is willing to help you. In Western culture, black is associated with mourning.

Is there an area of ​​your life that you are grieving? For some people, the color black symbolizes strength.


Top best black cat breeds

There are no exclusively black cat breeds in nature. These include perhaps a variety of Burmese cats - the Mandalay breed. This bright black beauty with piercing yellow eyes has not yet been recognized by international organizations, however, due to the growing popularity of the Burmese, we can expect their official recognition in the near future.

Black colors are found in the following breeds: Maine Coon, British and Scottish cats, American Curl, Bombay, Manx, Chausie, Cymric.

Persians and Egyptian Mau are characterized by smoky colors: the tips of the hairs are dark gray or black, and the base is light.


The only cat breed whose standard allows only black color. Externally, the animals resemble a panther. The breed was developed in the USA in the 50s. XX century. The coat should be dark, without streaks or marks. The nose and paw pads are only black.

Kittens are born with blue eyes. As animals mature, the iris turns gray and then acquires a rich golden-amber hue.

The color variability of Persians is amazing. One of them is raven color, without red. The undercoat is slightly shorter, but the shade is the same. The coat is luxurious, long, iridescent. Paw pads and nose are black-brown or black. The skin has a gray-blue tint. The iris of the eyes is dark orange or deep copper.

The fur is thick and easily tangled, so it needs regular brushing. A lush collar adorns the neck, shoulders and chest.

Devon rex

A young breed of English origin. One of the color options is black with a gray or blue tint. At the same time, the coat is very short, soft, curly, without hard guard hairs. The eyes are slanting, expressive, of any color: golden, green, yellow, hazel, orange, olive.

The black color is also included in other colors: mackerel, silver-black, tabby, bicolor.

American Bobtail

Short-tailed cat of American origin. There are various shades of black: ash, charcoal, dark chocolate. The eyes are large, almond-shaped, hazel, green, and light yellow in color. The nose and paw pads are black or dark brown.

The American Bobtail is closely related to the Kurilian Bobtail. The breed received official recognition in 1989, although the breed characteristics were established in the 60s. gg. XX century. Representatives of the breed have strong bones and a powerful build. The character is flexible, which makes the “Americans” everyone’s favorites.

Norwegian forest

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a real beauty, the national pride of the United States, and has an external resemblance to the Siberian cat. There are numerous colors, but the most spectacular is black. The iris of the eyes can be green, amber, hazel, or golden.

The coat is thick, double, repels water well, the neck is decorated with a “collar”, and the hind limbs are decorated with “socks”.

A fur collar on the neck protects from severe frosts, and powerful paws help to move quickly. The Norwegian Forest loves freedom and is suitable as a companion for those who will not limit its actions.


Representatives of the breed are born with short tails or without them at all. The coat is two-layered, the black guard hair is lined with a dense dark-colored undercoat. The iris is colored in yellow and orange shades. The nose and paw pads are also black.

The dark color is variable: tabby (dark stripes on gray or fawn), smoky, dark chocolate, dark gray.

Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is a large cat with a long, smooth coat. The black color is deep and rich. The skin is gray or light with a blue tint. The paw and nose pads are deep black. The iris is copper or red.

Pure color is rare; often the fur coat has a dark striped, marbled, spotted pattern.

Maine Coons love to be the center of attention and interact with family members. Animals are extremely delicate, do not impose themselves, and do not get underfoot.


The British cat is better known by its blue color. The image of a gray plush murka appears in the head when the breed is mentioned. The animal's fur is thick and soft to the touch. The length of the undercoat coincides with the length of the guard hairs, the black tone looks velvety and deep.

The British have a yellow-orange iris. Available shades range from nut to bright orange. The nose and paw pads are black or a shade lighter.

Reference. The peculiarity of plush fur is its complete absorption of color.


A distinctive feature of the Scottish Fold cat is its round head, flattened muzzle and drooping ears. The wool is fluffy, “cloudy”, very soft and pleasant to the touch. There are 1-3 folds on the ears. Black color is rare.

It is considered real luck to have a charming Scotsman with resinous fur. The irises of the eyes are the same as those of the British - the color varies from hazel to bright orange.

Siberian cat

The Siberian cat is large, fluffy, with massive bones. There are many color options, but black is the least common color. The dark color is rich and deep. The fur is dense, the undercoat is double. There is a frill on the chest, and pants on the hind legs. The tail is luxurious, anthracite in color, fluffy, like a broom. The iris is yellow with a light edging.

The magic of purebred cats in black

Today, black cats are not uncommon, although breeders of purebred animals say that it is quite difficult to obtain a perfectly even color. This is connected, of course, with genetics. A cat will be one color only if both chromosomes in the cell are responsible for the same color - in our case it is black. And for this, exactly such a chromosome must pass from both mom and dad. However, often the parental genes turn out to be different, while the same ones are considered rare.

On a note! For cats, the natural color is considered to be derived from two pigments: black and yellow. As a result of this mixing, the wool turns out to be gray, often with dark stripes, or variegated. And black color is formed as a result of mutations that occur at the gene level!

Next, we suggest looking at photos of the most charming black cats of various breeds.

    Persian cat. Due to the fact that the outer coat and undercoat of representatives of this breed are different in length, their black coat shimmers very beautifully. At the same time, it is very important that the color is uniform, like a raven’s wing, from the roots to the very tips and always without gray undercoat. The eye color of Persians with this color is either smooth copper or dark orange. When keeping exhibition specimens, it is important to remember that prolonged exposure to sunlight can have a detrimental effect on the color, so it is advisable not to let the black Persian cat go outside in clear weather and not allow him to bask on the windowsill for a long time.

A true panther among domestic cats

This is the Bombay cat. Her fur has absorbed all the depth of black color, while it is impeccably smooth and shiny. When this animal moves, it appears as if the resin is slowly boiling. But the Bombay cat stands out not only for the ideal color of its black coat - it also has a rather bright temperament and a pronounced personality.

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Breeds of long-haired black cats

List of long-haired black cat breeds:

  • Neva Masquerade;
  • Siberian;
  • Maine Coon;
  • British Longhair;
  • Persian;
  • American Bobtail.


List of shorthaired breeds with dark coats:

  • chausie;
  • Bengali;
  • oriental;
  • Cymric;
  • Manx;
  • British Shorthair;
  • Scottish lop-eared;
  • Devon Rex;
  • Bombay.


Hairless cat breeds are hairless, but such animals have dark skin. These are the Peterbald, Don and Canadian Sphynxes. In elves, Ukrainian Levkoy, Dwelf, Minskin, dark skin color is less common.

Breeds not included in the top ten most famous

Among the variety of cat breeds with blue eyes, there are also breeds that exhibit blue eyes, although not so often.


This is an easygoing breed, which was bred artificially and specifically for those families with many small children. Although they have a calm character, they are easy to get involved in all sorts of games. Their body is strong and proportionally developed, covered with medium-sized hair. Adults can weigh up to 10 kg, while children perceive them as plush toys that can never, under any circumstances, offend children.

Russian white

The breed has a rather fragile build and a calm, balanced character. The body is covered with white dense hair of medium length. There are individuals with blue, amber and green eyes, but blue-eyed offspring are in great demand.


This breed was bred artificially by crossing an Abyssinian cat and a Siamese. The result is a breed that has the grace of the Abyssinian and the independence of the Siamese, as well as a variety of coat colors.

Blue-eyed offspring appear with a pure white color, as well as individuals who have inherited the coloring features of the Siamese.

White sphinx

Recently, it is increasingly possible to see a white sphinx in a person’s home. These animals, distinguished by their pinkish skin color, have blue eyes, which is evidence of their purebred. This breed requires special care and attention, but they are affectionate and calm, especially if the owner is near them.

Nuances of care

Caring for cats depends on the length and thickness of the coat, the presence or absence of undercoat. A long, luxurious fur coat needs careful care. The purr with its undercoat must be combed regularly, especially in winter, when the fur grows intensively under the influence of heating devices. The same applies to periods of seasonal molting.

Hairless cats have nothing to comb; instead, owners should pay due attention to moisturizing the skin and removing sebum and sweat.

Breeders recommend accustoming animals to hygiene procedures from an early age, so that later bathing and brushing do not cause aggression.

Cats with thick undercoat are brushed with a furminator twice a week. The tool easily removes fluff, and animals do not perceive the procedure as an execution.

Persians are brushed with a slicker brush due to the special structure of their coat. The tool untangles but does not pull out airy cat fur.

It is not advisable to neglect the procedure for combing long-haired cats, because their hairs often become tangled, and the tangles then have to be cut off.

To maintain healthy coat and skin, veterinarians advise adding vitamin and mineral complexes to the diet.

Characteristic diseases

Representatives of aboriginal breeds (Siberian cat, Maine Coon, Neva Masquerade cat) have excellent health and rarely suffer from infectious diseases.

Breeds bred by breeders are prone to genetic diseases. For example, Scottish Fold cats suffer from cardiovascular diseases and have kidney problems.

Persians have difficulty breathing due to the incorrect structure of the nasal septum; diseases such as:

  • retinal atrophy;
  • viral rhinotracheitis;
  • renal failure;
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Orientals suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, bronchial asthma, heart pathologies, retinal atrophy, and strabismus.

The Sphynx is often diagnosed with urticaria. And this is not surprising, because his delicate skin is very sensitive. The Don Sphynx is treated for acne, seasonal dermatitis, lichen and dermatophytosis, corneal ulcers, conjunctivitis and scleritis.

Signs about black cats

A black cat crossing the road is a harbinger of bad luck. This belief is actively circulating by word of mouth in the post-Soviet space, some European countries and the USA. But for a resident of Great Britain and Japan, this portends a good sign and unexpected joy. If you still believe in folk omens, if you meet a black cat on the road, spit three times over your left shoulder or grab a button.

The British believe that a black cat protects a person’s home from thieves, and also helps single women find their soulmate.

A cat sitting on the threshold needs to be let into the house and warmed up - in gratitude it will attract wealth and peace into the house. The animal cannot be driven away. In any case, such behavior characterizes a person from the bad side.

If a cat gives birth to red and black kittens, according to popular belief, it is better to place the red one in good hands, and leave the black one in the house for good luck.

If a black cat sneezed not far from the bride, it means the marriage will be happy.

In ancient times, black cats were kept in temples and were considered amulets.

This is interesting! In the Middle Ages they believed that a cat was an enchanted witch. Women who dared to have a black animal were burned at the stake.

The Chinese, on the contrary, warded off evil spirits with the help of cats.

Scandinavian fishermen took fluffy animals on boats, thereby insuring themselves against storms.

The Slavs were not afraid of pitch-black cats, but, on the contrary, attracted them to their homes. The mustaches quickly caught mice.

As you can see, there are not so few good omens. What to believe is the choice of each of you. The main thing is not to forget that animals should not suffer from prejudice, because kushki do not spread negative energy and do not wish harm to anyone.

Who had the dream

A woman who has been dreamed of a black cat characterizes her as an insecure, shy and indecisive person. Because of these qualities, you cannot build a successful career, be creative, improve your family life, or become an authority figure with your children. Daily work on yourself will help you attract well-being and personal happiness into your life.

a man will face difficulties in business and disappointment in people. You will be demoted, deprived of a bonus, upset by the sudden closure of a project, betrayed by a business partner, or abandoned by your spouse. Learn from what happened - this will never happen again.

For a pregnant woman , such a plot promises a slight malaise. It will manifest itself due to recent experiences, poor nutrition or non-compliance with the daily routine. Calmness and taking care of your health will help you gain strength before childbirth and carry a strong baby.

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