White cat with green eyes - what breed is it?



White color in the cultural traditions of any people signified purity, innocence and a new beginning. A white cat with green eyes is mentioned in ancient texts as a symbol of good news, good luck and peace. Pedantic and neat people try to have white cats; a snow-colored beauty will give harmony and comfort to the home. Any cat breed has a lot of characteristics, and cats with white fur are no exception.

Genetic studies do not provide a reliable answer to the question: does the character and behavior of pets depend on color? However, over many centuries of coexistence, people began to endow felines of a certain color with their own character. White cats are characterized by deep devotion to their owner and a calm disposition; they value comfort, silence and coziness.

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Naturally, different breeds of white cats differ in their habits:

Persian cats

The first mention of the breed appears about 400 years ago, but they gained the greatest fame thanks to their high-ranking admirer, Cardinal de Reshelier. His Majesty's Minister became the first breeder of charming cats in France and Europe. Persians are quite large cats, with short powerful paws, a large round head with small, widely spaced ears. A distinctive feature is a rich silky coat, up to 12 centimeters long, and a slightly flattened muzzle .

Among the representatives of the breed there are animals of both single-color and multi-colored colors, but the calling card is a fluffy white cat with green eyes. Persians are true guardians of the hearth, devoted to their owner and will not leave him with their attention. They get along well with children, are calm and affectionate. Meanwhile, caring for Persians is quite complicated; their luxurious wool requires special attention. Due to the structure of the nose, cats can sniffle and snore, and their eyes must be kept clean at all times. Life expectancy 10-15 years;

White cat of oriental breed

Orientals look like unearthly aliens - just look at their unusual, triangular-shaped muzzle. In two corners of the triangle are the tips of large wide ears, crowned by a thin nose. The cat's body is of medium length, mobile, its paws are long and thin, its hair is short, without undercoat. The breed standard for white cats is determined by green eyes. In a variety of Oriental cats - Foreign Whites - they can be blue or multi-colored.

Orientals have a soft, good-natured character. They are infinitely devoted to their owners and can die if they experience betrayal or separation. Cats get along well in the same territory with other animals of their species and even with dogs. In the nursery you can buy a purebred cat for an amount from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.

Angora cat

Modern Türkiye and Iran are considered to be the birthplace of the Angora cat. They, like Persian cats, gained fame and popularity all over the world thanks to their famous owner Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Unique snow-white cats had eyes of different colors, which was highly revered in the Islamic world. According to legend, cats with different colored eyes were even allowed into the mosque.

The Turkish Angora belongs to medium and small cats, has a wedge-shaped head with large triangular ears decorated with tassels. The body is slender and muscular, the legs are elongated, the hind legs are slightly longer than the front ones. The coat is medium length, silky, but without undercoat, the tip of the tail is decorated with a luxurious edge.

According to the breed standard, different eye colors are allowed, including bluish and greenish tints, and even gray and orange. The signature white color of Angora cats appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, and the breeders were right. Pure white cats of this breed have become the most popular all over the world.

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The character of snow-white pets is truly feline, phlegmatic and serious. They are not talkative and playful, but are loyal to their home. They love different secluded places. Cats' fur does not require special care; to maintain its whiteness, it is enough to follow the diet and not feed food containing natural or artificial dyes, otherwise the luxurious fur coat may acquire a yellow tint;

Variety of white breeds

Snow-white cats can be completely different. After all, it all depends on the breed. What types of snow-white animals do residents of our country prefer to have in their homes today? The breeds of white cats are presented below.

Turkish Angora

Very often, a white Turkish Angora cat comes across different eyes. Therefore, there is no single standard regarding eye color. On average, the weight of an adult is about 3-4 kilograms. A male can weigh up to 5 kg.

The color of such animals can be absolutely any, with the exception of brown or Himalayan color. But, naturally, the most valuable color is white. Breeders do not recommend mixing this breed with any non-white pets. Moreover, snow-white specimens are always more valuable. The fur of such an animal has no undercoat. Its length may vary. As a rule, the fur on the collar and tail is long. There should be so-called panties on the hind legs.

This breed is easy to train. White kittens are smart, well-mannered, affectionate, and quickly become attached to humans. The fur of such pets should be carefully combed. In the off-season, white. In practice, pets with different eyes often have hearing problems.

Foreign White

Foreign Whites are a type of Oriental cat. This white cat first appeared in 1965 in the USA as a result of selection. His ancestors in the Middle East can be found in almost every home. But in Europe and the USA it is not so popular. This variety should have snow-white fur, and there should not be a single sign of yellowishness on it. By the way, this color of Orientals is the only one in which the eyes should be blue. If a white cat has eyes of different colors, then such pets are often not allowed to mate.

Khao Mani

This snow-white beauty has been known since ancient times, and has been an indicator of status and wealth since the times of ancient Siam. For the first time, historians discovered a mention of this breed in a Thai chronicle of the 13th century, telling about the sacred cat - All White. The ancient monarchs of Siam at the state level revered and protected cats of the Khao Mani breed. Only the highest nobility of the kingdom were allowed to have them in their home. Thanks to tradition, cats of this breed took part in the coronation of all the monarchs of Sim until the end of the dynasty.

Khao Mani, medium size, short-haired, elongated and lean head. The ears are large with short hair . The body is medium in size, strong and muscular, the legs are medium and proportional. Cats come with green and various almond-shaped eyes with a small black rim.

Khao Mani has a friendly character, they are friendly and easily become attached to the owner, quickly find a common language with other animals, but are demanding in return attention. They love to play and hunt, and can attack an enemy who has “offended” the owner. Cats are unpretentious and only need preventative grooming.

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Devon Rex breed

It is impossible not to fall in love with this miracle. Soft curly fur, large ears on the heart-shaped head. And all this is complemented by the touching gaze of green eyes. The royal look is completed with pink paw pads and a nose of the same color.

Cats of this breed are loving, sociable - they find pleasure in communicating with children and adults. These are intellectuals who are able to carry out simple commands. In the nursery, the price of a kitten can reach 30,000 rubles.

Turkish Angora

Incredible charm and charismatic character - this is exactly the combination that owners will receive if they decide to get a Turkish Angora cat.

A little background

The Turkish breed is an indigenous cat species that is more than several centuries old. The first representatives of the tribe were the furry inhabitants of Turkey. Until the 16th century, a kitten of this breed was considered the most expensive gift presented to the Sultan. Later, the breed conquered Europe, winning the hearts of cat lovers.

The world learned about the Turkish Angora thanks to the Russian-Turkish war

Breed standard

Today, the Turkish Angora remains popular. The main features of its exterior are presented in the table.

Table 1. Turkish Angora: breed standard

Body typeLean, muscular, slender
LimbsLong, graceful, with rounded paws
TailLong, tapering to the tip
HeadWedge-shaped, medium size. The muzzle is narrow
WoolFine, medium length, no undercoat
ColorAny options are allowed except chocolate; lilac, cinnamon, fawn color.

The classic color of the Turkish Angora is white. Some inclusions of contrasting colors, such as red or black, are also allowed. However, the snow-white version remains the most revered. In addition to its color, the Turkish Angora is valued for its grace, aristocratic habits and capricious character.

Color options with colored splashes are quite rare


Despite the apparent aloofness of the white-haired Angora, it conceals within itself the most tender soul of an exquisite cat. This pet will not tolerate rudeness and disrespect towards itself. From the first days of their stay in the house, representatives of the breed determine their status, which the owners will follow without even knowing it.

When getting a Turkish Angora, remember that she will want to be the center of attention all the time.

Turkish cats are very curious. They care about everything that happens in the house. Therefore, attempts to limit the inquisitive mind of your pet with closed doors will fail. Angoras are touchy. The greatest damage to their tremulous consciousness is caused by ignorance. Representatives of the breed will never accept the role of sofa decoration. This fact should be taken into account by those who are looking for a beautiful cat, but cannot pay enough attention to it.

Angora cats are restless, they will not like a monotonous lifestyle

Attitude towards children

In a home where there are children, safety instructions should be given before purchasing a cat. For only in peaceful conditions will the Angora become a true friend for the baby. She will not tolerate encroachments on her freedom, as well as on her tail, so she is suitable as a companion, but not as a nanny.

When communicating with children, representatives of the breed can allow themselves to be excessively harsh.

The willful and refined Turkish Angora will become a faithful pet for those who respect the cat's disposition and its quirks.


First of all, it is important to remember that, despite the fact that all gray-white cats are united by color, they themselves are individual animals that are not similar to each other. Therefore, the character and behavior of one cat may differ significantly from these indicators in another.

It is easiest to predict and analyze the character of purebred animals, because they are well researched and studied by scientists. It is much more difficult to judge the character of yard gray-white cats.

Despite this diversity, many owners of gray-white cats still highlight some similar features of these animals. Thus, in terms of their behavioral patterns, such pets are quite calm and docile. Some of them may show increased activity and playfulness, but such characteristics are due to the characteristics of a particular breed.

Therefore, you should not show unreasonable aggression and anger towards your pet. In addition, such animals are easy to train and learn; they quickly begin to use the tray and know their place. Such signs are due, first of all, to the high intellectual abilities that nature has endowed gray-white furry pets with.

Turkish Angora

Features of the White Angora breed of animals are:

  • white color;
  • fluffy tail;
  • lush wool;
  • blue or multi-colored eyes.

Cats have a medium-sized body and well-developed muscles. On a wedge-shaped head of medium length, ears are set high with sharp tips. They are well pubescent inside, although they appear almost transparent.

The animal's fur is medium in length and fine in texture. There is no undercoat. The guard hair is shiny and strong to the touch.

Turkish Angora cats do not like to be left alone at home. They are friendly, energetic, affectionate, and curious. They have a high level of intelligence and love procedures in water.

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