Purevax vaccine: protecting cats from five dangerous diseases

Purevax for cats is a drug produced by a French company. This is a fairly high-quality vaccine that has received quite a lot of positive feedback from experts and cat owners.

The drug is live and modified, does not have a therapeutic effect, and can stimulate the body’s immune response against the causative agents of many diseases that a cat can suffer from: calcivirosis, panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis.

Composition and release form

The vaccine in its commercial form is called Purevax RCP. The vaccine is packaged in glass vials of 1 ml (1 dose). The bubbles are sealed with rubber stoppers and covered with metal caps on top. Each bottle has a label indicating the name and purpose of Purevax, its volume in the bottle, manufacturer and expiration date.

The vaccine in vials is packaged in boxes of 10 doses.

The Purevax vaccine is valid for 18 months from the date of production. It must be stored and transported at a temperature of 2 - 8 degrees. Freezing Purevax is prohibited. It must be remembered that a spoiled vaccine can cause illness and even death of a cat.

Purevax contains two components:

  1. Dry powder, beige in color, which includes weakened antibodies of certain diseases.
  2. A sterile solution is a clear liquid used to prepare a suspension for injection.

The vaccine is mixed with a diluent at the time of use. Biological effects The Purevax vaccine causes the formation of an immune reaction in cats to the pathogens of panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and chlamindia 14 - 28 days after administration. The duration of the effect of Purevax is a year.

How is Purevax used?

Veterinarians and reputable breeders recommend using multicomponent preparations for vaccination. Purevax is one of them.

Purevax is a modified live vaccine containing specially weakened viruses of five common cat diseases. The mechanism of the immune response of animals is similar to that of humans. The body remembers the “aggressors” and develops specific protection, forming artificial active immunity.

The drug is produced by the French corporation Merial SAS, which offers products for the treatment and prevention of animal diseases. The company conducts serious research and has a strong reputation in the market for manufacturers of veterinary drugs.

The Purevax vaccine creates effective protection for cats against several common diseases at once.

What diseases does Purevax prevent?

A number of cat ailments cause serious harm to health, cause serious complications or threaten the pet’s death:

  • Calicivirus infection. Calicivirus is a viral disease that affects the respiratory tract and causes complications on the musculoskeletal system in the form of lameness. There are forty strains of the virus. Veterinarians register up to 30% of deaths.
  • Infectious rhinotracheitis, or feline herpes, is a viral disease accompanied by severe damage to the eyes and respiratory system. Contagious, spreads quickly. The mortality rate is up to 20%.
  • Panleukopenia, or feline distemper, is a viral infection of the gastrointestinal tract. Severe dehydration and intoxication develop, and in 70% of cases, death occurs in adult animals.
  • Leukemia is a disease that attacks the blood, lymph, brain and causes tumors. Up to 85% of sick pets die. The animal remains a carrier of the virus and is dangerous to other animals. Research confirms the possibility of the microorganism multiplying in human tissues, although there is no data on infection.
  • Chlamydia. Chlamydia causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth and sinuses. There have been rare cases of infection in young children.

    Chlamydia is something between a virus and a bacterium, so fighting this microorganism is not so easy

There are three types of the drug:

  • Purevax RCP - for indoor cats (against calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis and panleukopenia).
  • Purevax FeLV - for pets that go outside (against calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia and viral leukemia).
  • Purevax RCPCh - for animals kept in the nursery (against calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, viral leukemia and chlamydia).

    Different types of Purevax vaccine protect against a certain number of infections

Purevax does not cure the disease, it is used only for prevention. The body's full immune response is achieved four weeks after vaccination and lasts for a year.

Dosage form, dosage and method of administration

The vaccine is a dried mixture of cultures, dissolved in water for injection. The drug is supplied in one dose. Ten bottles are packed in a box, each containing a detailed annotation. Shelf life: 18 months.

After the expiration date, the vaccine cannot be used. There is a risk of not receiving the expected protection and causing irreparable harm to the pet’s health.

One milliliter of vaccine is administered subcutaneously to cats of any weight twice with an interval of three, maximum four weeks. Repeated vaccination is carried out annually.

The vaccine is administered subcutaneously strictly according to the scheme

Healthy cats over two months of age are subject to vaccination. The prepared drug is not stored, it is prepared immediately before use.

It is better to carry out the initial vaccination of a pet in a veterinary hospital, eliminating possible risks.

Video: how cats are vaccinated

Follow your vaccination schedule. Violation of the deadlines threatens to reduce the effectiveness of immunity formation.

I have been vaccinating my cat since I got her. After studying the information on the Internet, I choose medications. I give him an anthelmintic and ten days later I bring him to the clinic for his first vaccination. The veterinarian examines the animal, injects the vaccine and evaluates the pet’s condition after vaccination. I revaccinate at home. It is important to strictly control the timing so as not to lose the accumulated active immunity. Re-vaccination at home offers a number of benefits. This is convenient because the cat does not experience stress when visiting a veterinary hospital, and additional time is not spent on visiting the doctor. Home vaccinations are economical and safe, because the effect of the drug on the animal has already been studied during the first injection.

Video: how to vaccinate your pet yourself


Interaction with other drugs

The Purevax vaccine is used only separately. The simultaneous use of the vaccine and other immunobiological compounds is prohibited. An exception is the Rabisin rabies vaccine. The simultaneous use of Purevax and Rabizin is acceptable if they are administered separately. Other medications may be used 165 days before and after Purevax is administered.

The effectiveness of vaccination may be significantly reduced due to the use of immunoglobulins, sulfonamides and anti-inflammatory drugs a few days before the Purevax vaccine is vaccinated.

The vaccine is not applicable:

  1. When a cat is pregnant and in lactation period;
  2. If the cat is very exhausted;
  3. When a disease is suspected or when the cat is sick;
  4. In the case where the animal has not undergone deworming;
  5. When a cat experiences hypersensitivity to the components of Purevax.

After vaccination, negative reactions in animals are rarely recorded. This is due to the lack of auxiliary elements and low protein load. However, it is not possible to completely exclude local manifestations. Mostly side effects are short-term in nature.

The vaccine may cause the following side effects:

  • The cat may refuse to eat. The pet may exhibit drowsiness and general weakness;
  • Rarely, there is an increase in temperature, which returns to normal within a maximum of two days;
  • Seals are noticeable at the injection site;
  • Local swelling and itching are possible.

Features of using the vaccine

As an immunobiological drug, Purevax has a number of conditions for use.


Do not vaccinate a sick animal, wait for complete recovery. Ten days before vaccination, give your pet a suitable anthelmintic, for example:

  • Milbemax;

    The drug Milbemax is a complex-spectrum anthelmintic, and its popularity among cat and dog owners is due to its high level of effectiveness and relative safety for pets.

  • Drontal;
  • Vacation.

Immunization is indicated for healthy, helminth-free cats. The following are not subject to vaccination:

  • sick animals;
  • kittens less than eight weeks old;
  • pregnant and lactating cats.

If you doubt the health of your pet, contact your veterinarian. The doctor will determine the optimal period during which the pet should be vaccinated.

Side effects

When the vaccine is used correctly there are no side effects.

Rarely found:

  • quickly disappearing swelling at the injection site;
  • short-term loss of appetite;
  • slight drowsiness and lethargy of the animal;
  • passing slight increase in temperature.


Vaccination is allowed if the cat is completely healthy. Each animal is injected with a sterile needle. Just before use, the vaccine in the vial is diluted with 1 ml of solvent using a sterile syringe. Then shake well until the Purevax vaccine acquires a homogeneous consistency. The vaccine is administered subcutaneously, in the area of ​​the shoulder blade, one dose (1 ml), regardless of what breed the cat is or how much it weighs.

A cat can be vaccinated at 8 weeks of age. The primary vaccination is carried out twice, repeated after 3 weeks.

If a veterinary examination of a cat reveals elevated titers of specific maternal antibodies, the primary vaccination is delayed until the cat reaches 12 weeks.

The cat should be vaccinated every year, with the above dosage. For allergies, when a cat shows hypersensitivity to one of the components of Puravax, symptomatic treatment is prescribed. If several susceptible cats live in a room (when the cat has reached the age allowed for vaccination), it is recommended to vaccinate all animals at the same time with Purevax.

Instructions for use of Purevax for cats

Administration by intramuscular or intranasal route is not permitted. Purevax is administered only subcutaneously. The vaccine, diluted with a solvent, is stored for no more than 2 hours before use.

The Purevax vaccine is used strictly according to the instructions:

  1. Do not allow the mixture to come into contact with the skin. After vaccination, you need to treat your hands with disinfectants.
  2. The cat receives its first vaccination at the age of 2 months - with Purevax without additional rabies medication.
  3. The cat receives a second vaccination at 3 months. Two injections are made - the Purevax vaccine, intended to prevent four diseases, with the addition of Rabisin against rabies. The agents cannot be mixed; they must be administered separately.
  4. If the cat missed the vaccination date, you should hurry and do the procedure as soon as possible.

If you adhere to the basic requirements specified in the instructions, the vaccination procedure takes place without harm or complications for your pet. The list of vaccinations performed is recorded in a special veterinary document. It is required for participation in exhibitions, when traveling abroad, and, very importantly, for proper vaccination in the future.

Advantages and disadvantages

Purevax is a live vaccine, that is, it contains a weakened live virus obtained from apathogenic pathogens.

Purevax is more advanced than other live vaccines; many experts choose this drug based on the fact that:

  • The infection artificially caused by the administration of this drug continues for the calculated time without provoking the clinical picture of the disease;
  • A cat vaccinated with this drug remains healthy and does not show any pathological changes. Almost all animals that have undergone this procedure tolerate vaccination well;
  • Purevax actively and for quite a long time stimulates the formation of immunity to painful strains of microorganisms;
  • The Purevax vaccine creates stronger immunity than others;
  • The inactivated vaccine has been successfully used to vaccinate animals from eight weeks of age.

There are certain disadvantages inherent in live vaccines, including Purevax.

After vaccination, the following negative manifestations are possible in an animal:

  1. Unexpected mutations. During the period of virus reproduction in the body of a furry animal, transformations of the genetic structure are possible, as a result of which the virulence of this microorganism can return and the cat will become truly ill.
  2. Mixed infection with a “wild” virus. This is too dangerous, but such variations are very rare.
  3. The cat must be absolutely healthy at the time of vaccination. If your pet's immune system is weakened, the vaccine may trigger the development of the disease.

Rules for storage and use

To ensure that the vaccine does not lose its biological properties, or rather the ability to form immunity in cats against viral diseases, certain storage conditions must be observed:

  1. Vials should be stored at temperatures ranging from 2 to 8 degrees Celsius.
  2. Temperature conditions must also be observed when transporting the vaccine.
  3. Containers with the product should not come into contact with food or animal feed.

If the product has been stored incorrectly, it is strictly prohibited to use it to vaccinate pets. You should also stop using Purevax in the following cases:

  • the color and consistency of the contents of the bottles has changed;
  • there is no label on the container indicating the batch, date of manufacture and manufacturer;
  • the seal of the packaging is broken;
  • the diluent has become cloudy.

Important! If Purevax has not been used within 20 minutes after opening the bottle, it must be disposed of, but first disinfected. The mixture is boiled for 10 minutes. A chloramine solution can also be used for these purposes.

Expert opinion

The Purevax vaccine is a reliable and effective drug for vaccinating cats of all ages, starting from the earliest period of life. This fact makes Purevax a leader among other live vaccines. After all, the kitten’s immune system is not yet stabilized and there is a risk of infection, which can have serious consequences for the animal. Vaccination carried out annually with this drug, subject to compliance with all the norms and rules specified in the instructions, already on the 14th day forms immunity to dangerous diseases. The Purevax vaccine guarantees your cat’s health throughout the year without any risks.

Price and analogues

One dose of Purevax (Purevax RCP) costs 480 rubles. You can purchase the drug at veterinary pharmacies or animal clinics.

Modified live vaccine generates a powerful immune response

Table: analogues of the Purevax vaccine

NameType of vaccineManufacturer countryWhat diseases does it protect against?Price, rublesCompared to Purevax RCP
Nobivac Triquet TrioLiveNetherlands
  • calcivirosis;
  • rhinotracheitis;
  • panleukopenia.
360Lower priceHarder to bear
  • calcivirosis;
  • rhinotracheitis;
  • panleukopenia;
  • rabies.
680Rabies protectionSignificantly higher price
  • calcivirosis;
  • rhinotracheitis;
  • panleukopenia;
  • chlamydia.
229Lower priceThere is no international certificate; the animal will not be released outside Russia
  • calcivirosis;
  • rhinotracheitis;
  • panleukopenia;
  • chlamydia.
515Protection against chlamydiaHigher price
Felocel CVRLiveUSA
  • calcivirosis;
  • rhinotracheitis;
  • panleukopenia.
359Lower priceHarder to bear
Biofel PCHRInactivatedCzech
  • calcivirosis;
  • rhinotracheitis;
  • panleukopenia.
197Significantly lower priceLess common

Veterinarians recommend sticking to one type of vaccine throughout the animal's life. Therefore, choose proven drugs from well-known manufacturers.

Feedback from cat owners


On the advice of the veterinarian at the clinic where I go with my cat, they vaccinated me with Purevax. He warned about possible manifestations and recommended avoiding walks and cold air after vaccination. Before vaccination, he examined the general health of the animal, and we carried out deworming before vaccination, as it should. I didn’t notice any particular negative phenomena. Only on the first day my Mona was sleepy, her appetite was not as usual. The temperature did not increase. There were small bumps at the injection site, which resolved after a day. Since my cat is healthy and well-groomed, the Purevax vaccination only benefited her. Now I have peace of mind for her throughout the year.


A friend of mine vaccinated her cat with the Purevax vaccine. She was very pleased as the procedure went well and she took her cat out for walks without fear. We have two small children and a cat at home. They play together, the cat leaves the house and walks on its own, and we don’t know who she meets in the yard. They were afraid that she herself would become infected and were also worried about the children. I decided to get vaccinated. The specialist conducted all the necessary research and set a vaccination day. After the injection of the Purevax vaccine, the cat was in good condition. She purred when the injection site was touched, but this went away after two days. The Purevax vaccine is an excellent remedy, thanks to which immunity lasts for a whole year, now we are calm for both our pet and our children.

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