Birth control for cats - 4 types of drugs that prevent pregnancy


Absolutely any animal has a natural need to reproduce, this also applies to cats. But the owner is not always happy about the pregnancy of his pet, because there is a problem with where or to whom to give them. You may be wondering what to do in this situation and whether there are birth control options for cats.

Today there are a number of contraceptives for both male and female cats. Among them are: injections, tablets, drops and much more. They will help you avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Injections as a means of contraception

Many veterinarians use a drug such as Covinan in their practice; it allows you to eliminate estrus for six months or a year. The first injection should be given by a veterinarian, and subsequent injections can be done independently . The drug must be used shortly before the onset of estrus. Doctors do not recommend using this drug if the animal is pregnant, because this drug is not used for abortion. Many people prefer contraceptive injections for cats; they begin to act quickly and for a long time. Pros and cons of this method:

  • easy to use;
  • in case of drug withdrawal, the pet will be able to easily have offspring;
  • there are a number of side effects;
  • The injection cannot be used on animals over five years of age.

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Surgical sterilization or injections from walking

When choosing the type of sterilization, you should weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the method.

Veterinarians believe that the most optimal age for sterilizing cats is 6 months.

In addition, the general condition of the pet and its age are taken into account.

Preoperative preparationRequiredAbsent
AnesthesiaRequiredNot required
Postoperative careRequiredAbsent
Violation of the skin and integrity of internal organsPresentNo
Inflammatory complicationsHigh levelMedium threat
The presence of the reproductive ability of the bodyCompletely disappearsRecovering
Hormonal imbalanceAverage levelHigh level
Frequency of applicationOne timeRepeatedly
Complexity of the procedureHighLow
Applicability to animal genderBoth sexesFemale only

The option that is suitable for the pet can only be determined by the owner and the veterinarian. It is impossible to say for sure what is better or worse, since the choice is individual.

Types of oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptive pills for cats are divided into two classes. The first include drops that contain a hormone. Such drugs provoke false pregnancy in animals. This drug can only be used after consultation with a veterinarian.

Oral contraceptives of the second class contain fewer hormones and reduce sexual desire. Such products are made in drops or tablets. The most effective are

  • gestrenol,
  • libidomin,
  • sex barrier,
  • stop intimate,
  • counter-sex.

Doctors believe that such products should not be used, because they are harmful to the animal. It has already been proven that they have a bad effect on the cat’s body. Veterinarians have observed cases where a completely healthy pet exhibited side effects. Imagine if such a drug was used on a sick pet. In such cases, they are simply categorically contraindicated.

Often, after using contraceptives, cats become ill and various types of complications arise. For example, there were cases when, after taking such drugs, pus was removed from the uterus.

But even after the operation there is no guarantee that the animal will recover completely. Therefore, absolutely every owner should take this issue seriously, and before giving any contraceptives, you should consult a veterinarian.

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Effective drugs

On the recommendation of a veterinarian, you can purchase Antisex drops for your animal.
To avoid pregnancy and childbirth in a cat, it is recommended to contact a veterinarian, who will select contraceptives that are suitable in form and composition. When carrying out treatment, it is important to strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage and monitor the pet’s condition, since adverse reactions often occur. The table shows the most used anti-festival drugs in cats:

Tablets and drops"Libidomin"
"Sex barrier"


Pregnancy pills for cats come in several types: natural and unnatural.

Most often, doctors recommend natural ones, because they contain beneficial properties. But, as a rule, the effect of such drugs wears off very quickly and there is a chance that your cat will become pregnant. The advantage of such medications is that they have a positive effect on the animal’s body and certainly will not harm.

Non-natural remedies are more effective, and your cat will calm down within 24 hours after taking it. There are manufacturers who recommend constantly giving your pet birth control. But it is also known that non-natural contraceptives can negatively affect a pet’s body.

Sterilize or deliver?

Of course, the most convenient way for the owner and the most humane way for the animal to solve the problem is sterilization. Having undergone a simple operation once, the cat will be free from natural urges and will be able to feel normal, living in the limited conditions of a city apartment. But for those who are going to let their pet outside, it will be much more convenient and less troublesome if the cat is sterilized. First of all, this will get rid of the crowds of fans who will definitely gather at certain times of the year in the yard and under the door. They can seriously fray your nerves both by staining all the walls and with their endless nightly serenades.

After sterilization, the cat will not produce kittens

But the most important advantage of sterilization is that the cat will no longer produce kittens. That is, its owner will not have to rack his brains about where to place the babies.

If the owner of the animal decided not to go against nature and refused sterilization, he should know what to do if the cat gives birth, because more than once he will have to watch how little kittens are born. As a rule, cats easily cope with this task without outside help, but sometimes childbirth can occur with complications. In this case, all hope lies only with the person who is obliged to help his pet. And if a cat gives birth for the first time, every owner should know what to do in this case.


Birth control drops for cats are quite convenient and easy to use. They have exactly the same properties as injections with tablets. Just like tablets, they can be natural or chemical. As a rule, natural ones are made on the basis of various herbs and decoctions. The drops are not aimed at regulating hormones, but at simulating hormonal levels. This means that the cat does not lose desire, and she gets pleasure without sex. It is because of this that the pet becomes calmer and balanced.

This contraceptive is very convenient to use, because you will agree that it is easier to drop the drug into the pet’s mouth than to stuff a pill.

What to prepare for childbirth

The closer the kittens are born, the more attention the cat owner should pay to preparing for this event. First of all, you need to prepare a bed for the expectant mother; it is advisable to place it in a warm place. It’s better to lay down old things that you won’t mind throwing away, as they will definitely get dirty. It should be noted that synthetics can have a bad effect on the condition of newborns, so it is better to use natural fabrics.

In addition to the fact that the owner must know what to do when a cat gives birth, he must know what may be needed during childbirth.

A powdered cat's milk replacer may be needed if the birth is difficult.

You should prepare a set of necessary things. This includes:

  • surgical gloves;
  • scissors;
  • clean cloth or towel;
  • petrolatum;
  • warm heating pad;
  • dry cat milk replacer;
  • antiseptic, for example alcohol.

Milk will be needed in case the cat has a very difficult and protracted labor, that is, she may not feed the babies at first. In this case, a person will have to take on the role of the cat's mother.

It is very important that the place where the cat will give birth is quiet and not too bright. You don't need to gather a whole crowd to deliver an animal. In most cases, cats cope well with the task on their own, and those present will only irritate her.

Before giving birth, the cat begins to meow loudly


Of course, contraceptive injections and pills are easy to use and absolutely harmless, but they are only good to a certain extent. Many doctors believe that contraceptives negatively affect the pet's health , because, as a rule, hormonal interference cannot go unnoticed. Therefore, if you do not want your cat to give birth, then it is best to sterilize.

The advantage of this method is that you do not have to constantly buy contraceptives and this method reduces the chances of developing cancer.

In the modern world, sterilization can be carried out in three ways:

  • medicines;
  • chemistry;
  • radiation.

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How to understand that labor has begun

If a cat begins to give birth, its owner will immediately notice. The animal will begin to behave strangely as it begins to look for a suitable place.

On a note! You can determine the approach of childbirth by such signs as loud meowing, which will be accompanied by the cat throwing from corner to corner.

If a cat begins to give birth, every owner should know what to do. To make your pet feel calmer and more comfortable, you can take it to a pre-prepared place. The cat needs to be petted so that it finally calms down.

Before giving birth, the animal will constantly lick itself and breathe very heavily. Considering that during this period the cat will feel severe discomfort, it can constantly roll on its back and expose its belly to be stroked. At this time, it is very important for many cats that there is a person nearby whom she loves, with whom she has an established emotional connection.

The effect of contraceptives on the cat's body

Most owners think that contraceptive injections and pills are much better than sterilization, but this is not so. And the question is often asked on the Internet when to start giving birth control to your cat. Never. If you want your pet to live a long time and not get sick, then it is better not to use such products, because they are a time bomb.

Even with short-term use of such a drug, problems can arise.

It doesn’t matter what you give your animal, drops or tablets, they help regulate hormonal levels. Thus, the drug affects not only the production of those same hormones, but also the entire body. If you still decide that you do not want your pet to produce offspring, then it is better to sterilize it, it is effective and safe for the animal’s body . And if you decide to give your cat birth control for some time after giving birth, it is better to consult your doctor.

Popular drugs for cats from estrus

Drops that regulate sexual desire in cats are applied to the withers or the root of the tongue. You can pour the required amount of the drug onto a small piece of treat and offer it to the animal.

Tablets are given to pets only orally. To do this, the animal is fixed, and then its mouth is opened and the medicine is placed on the root of the tongue. There are also special syringes on sale with a rubber spout that make the process of feeding tablets to cats easier.

ATTENTION! Before treating your pet, you should read the instructions, study the rules for taking the drug, contraindications and side effects.


The drug is available in the form of a pale yellow oily liquid. The active ingredient is megestrol acetate. It goes on sale in bottles of 3 or 5 ml. The medicine is also available in tablet form.

The drug suppresses the expression of sexual desire in cats. If the medicine is given to the animal before estrus, ovulation does not occur. In males, the drug reduces the amount of testosterone and inhibits sexual activity.

The medicine is given to pets orally in the following dosage:

  • to increase the period between heats - 3 drops (1/2 tablet) once a week, or 5 drops (1 tablet) once every 14 days;
  • to completely interrupt the hunt (but not later than a couple of days from its start) – 5 drops (1 tablet) once a day for 4-7 days;
  • cats are given 5 drops (1 tablet) daily in the first 7 days, and 2-3 drops (1/2 tablet) in the next 2 weeks.

The drug should not be given to pregnant or lactating cats, as well as to pets that have not yet gone into heat.

Apicenna Stop-Intimate

Stop-Intim is an oily liquid produced in glass or polyethylene bottles, or white tablets with a cross-shaped mark. The active ingredient is megestrol acetate.

Stop-Intim is given to pets orally in the following dosage:

  • to delay subsequent heat – 4 drops (1/2 tablet) every 7 days (no more than 18 months);
  • to completely interrupt heat - in the first three days after the first signs of estrus, 9 drops (1 tablet) once a day for a week;
  • cats are given 8 drops (1 tablet) for the first 7 days, and then 4 drops (1/2 tablet) for 2 weeks.

After the first dose, your pet may experience increased appetite.

REFERENCE! The drug can be combined with any medications, but long-term combined use of Stop-Intim with corticosteroids is not recommended.


The drug has the appearance of an oily liquid of a yellow-green hue. The active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and mepregenol propionate. Available in 1.5 ml bottles.

The medicine prevents ovulation in cats and also changes the composition of vaginal mucus, which leads to the death of sperm if sexual contact occurs. Gestrenol is given to cats to correct behavior during the heat period (territory marking, agitation, aggression, etc.).

Gestrenol is given in the following dosage:

  • to interrupt heat in males and female cats - from 4 to 8 drops (1-2 tables), depending on body weight, for 3-5 days;
  • to prevent pregnancy in case of unwanted mating – 8 drops (2 tablets);
  • to delay estrus during sexual rest - 4 drops (1 tablet) once a week, but not more than 18 months.

To completely interrupt estrus, Gestrenol is used no more than 2 times a year. In case of unwanted mating, the cat is given the drug strictly in the first 24 hours, and the dose is repeated a day later.

AVZ Ovostop drops on the withers

The medicine has the form of a yellow suspension. Active ingredients: melatonin, megestrol acetate and proroxan. It goes on sale in pipettes or tubes with a volume of 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8 ml.

The medicine is applied to the cat’s withers in an amount of 1 ml. After treatment in winter, estrus does not occur for six months. In summer, this period is reduced to 2-3 months. The drug not only blocks sexual desire, but also corrects the pet’s behavior.

IMPORTANT! Do not wash your cat for 2 days after applying the product to the skin.

Sex Barrier

A modern drug in which the level of hormones is significantly reduced. Available in the form of a suspension (bottles of 2 ml) and tablets (plates of 10 pcs.). Active ingredients: mepregenol acetate and ethinyl estradiol.

The medicine reduces sexual activity and has a calming effect. Sex Barrier can be used both to control estrus in pets and to prevent pregnancy in case of unwanted mating.

Drug dosage:

  • to interrupt sexual heat in cats and female cats - from 4 to 7 drops (1-1.5 tablets) for 5 days;
  • to increase the period between heats - every 2 weeks, 4 drops (1 tablet) once a day;
  • for unplanned mating - 8 drops (2 tablets) once during the first 24 hours.

The drug is prohibited for animals bearing or feeding offspring. You cannot give Sex Barrier to cats and female cats that have not yet reached the age of 10-12 months.

IMPORTANT! When purchasing, you need to pay attention to what gender the medicine is intended for. It is not recommended to give cats medications for cats, and vice versa, since the amount of active ingredients in them may vary.

Oral contraceptives are popular among cat owners, but such drugs should be used with caution. Before giving a tablet or drops to an animal, you must read the instructions and correctly calculate the dosage.

How do they do IVF without a husband?

In vitro fertilization is the most effective among all ART methods.

The essence of the method:

  • obtaining female germ cells (eggs);
  • connecting the egg with the donor sperm extracorporeally (outside the body), that is, in the laboratory;
  • obtaining embryos from the embryo laboratory;
  • transfer of healthy embryos into the uterus.

Before IVF, a woman undergoes a comprehensive examination, and a diagnostic program is also prescribed individually. If there are results of a recent examination, then you need to take all medical documents to the clinic for consultation; perhaps some studies will not need to be repeated. This is the preparatory stage of the program.

Stages of IVF with donor sperm

First stage. Ovulation stimulation

Hormonal medications are prescribed for daily use or injection so that several follicles mature and more than one egg can be obtained. Excess healthy gametes can be frozen in case the next program is needed. Then stimulation will not be needed, and the cryopreserved biomaterial has the same properties as the “freshly obtained” one. This stage takes at least a week or two. During stimulation, ultrasonography and tests are regularly performed to monitor the maturation of follicles and to adjust the dosage of drugs.

Second phase. Ovarian puncture

Using tests and ultrasonography, the doctor calculates the exact time for oocyte collection. The follicles are punctured under the control of an ultrasound machine. The manipulation is performed under light anesthesia to avoid discomfort. In an hour you can already go home.

Ovarian puncture

Third stage. Fertilization

Artificial fertilization of an egg with a donor sperm in a laboratory, which is carried out in one of three options:

  • IVF or in vitro - the connection of gametes in a test tube. Male and female cells are placed in a laboratory dish, and the egg is fertilized in a way similar to the natural one.
  • ICSI is the introduction of sperm into the cytoplasm (ooplasm) of the egg using a special micromanipulator. The effectiveness of ICSI is enhanced by laser hatching, which improves the implantation capabilities of the embryo.
  • IMSI is an improved ICSI technique that includes morphological selection of sperm using multiple magnification (6-8 thousand times). After which a single healthy sperm with the best potential is introduced into the female gamete.

The difference between IVF and ICSI/IMSI fertilization

Fourth stage. Embryo transfer

The embryos are transferred to the uterus after 5–6 days using a plastic catheter. The manipulation is painless, takes a minimum of time, and is performed on a gynecological chair under ultrasound control. The remaining cells can be cryopreserved. The woman should rest for at least half an hour after embryo transfer. Next, the doctor prescribes medications to take over the next 14 days. This helps maintain the hormonal balance necessary for a successful pregnancy. After 12 days, you can do a blood pregnancy test (done in a clinic) or a urine test (done at home after 2 weeks).


If a woman does not want to have intimate contact with a man in the absence of a permanent partner, or has other reasons that do not allow her to conceive a child naturally, she can use reproductive technologies permitted by law, which today have reached a high level of development.

This method of becoming a mother has a number of advantages:

  • Safety - artificial insemination eliminates the possibility of infection of the genital organs or systemic infection.
  • The risk of having a child with genetic mutations is minimized or reduced to zero, since the donor is a man in good health who undergoes comprehensive comprehensive diagnostics before donating the biomaterial, including karyotyping, which eliminates chromosomal abnormalities.
  • Donor choice - a woman independently chooses her future biological father based on anthropometric indicators, eye and hair color, nationality, education, blood (type, Rh), profession, creative hobbies and other data provided by the clinic’s sperm bank.
  • Anonymity - personal information about donors is not disclosed, and no one will know about the patient any information that she does not want to disclose. This eliminates mutual blackmail and any claims. Only the woman who has undergone the procedure has legal rights to the child. A man who becomes a donor will not be able to demand anything either from the mother or from the children in the future.

First mating for males and females

Mating of purebred animals involves a number of conditions that the owner of each pet must fulfill.

Animals are not allowed for breeding in the following cases:

  • the pet has chronic diseases;
  • there is no passport and necessary vaccinations;
  • the animal is not purebred, but is only a crossbreed of a specific species.

The owner should pay attention that for the sake of the purity of the breed and safety, only pets are bred that have in hand all the necessary documents that confirm the status of the parent.

Cat after hormonal injections

Injecting a cat for heat is a quick and simple solution that would be ideal if it did not have dire consequences. Drug manufacturers indicate them in their instructions. Yes, they do not occur in all cats. Some people spend their entire lives on injections and nothing. But many face the consequences one way or another. Let's list them:

  • increased appetite and weight;
  • apathy;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • pyometra (purulent inflammation of the uterus);
  • breast tumors;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus);
  • ovarian and uterine cysts;
  • cancer.

After the cat has been given a “walking shot so that she doesn’t get pregnant,” various kinds of disorders begin in the body, because... sex hormones regulate not only reproductive function. At the same time, the hormonal background accumulates, although it is suppressed, and sometimes leads to irreversible consequences. After all, the need for reproduction does not go away; injections only drown it out. And suppressed hormones over time lead to a real explosion in the body. This can happen years after the first injection, or maybe as early as 2 months.

Artificial insemination for single women

A woman who decides to use reproductive technologies may be offered artificial insemination. If natural conception occurs when male and female reproductive gametes meet independently under favorable circumstances, then this procedure involves the delivery of donor sperm without seminal plasma to the patient’s uterus using a special catheter.

Insemination is carried out in a natural or stimulated cycle. If everything is in order with ovulation, then the reproductive specialist, taking into account the analyzes and ultrasonography data, calculates the most accurate time for the injection of sperm. The manipulation is painless, takes a minimum of time, and is carried out on a gynecological chair. After an hour you can leave the medical center. 2-3 cycles can be performed for greater effect. With a stimulated cycle, hormonal drugs are prescribed for daily use to mature several follicles and obtain oocytes. Excess healthy germ cells can be frozen in case the next procedure is needed. Pregnancy testing can be done 2 weeks after artificial insemination. As before IVF, a full diagnosis is performed.

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