Gamavit for cats: purpose and use - Instructions

Composition and action

The main active ingredients of Gamavit are denatured emulsified placenta and sodium nucleinate. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the drug contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids that will help restore metabolic processes in the animal’s body and increase defenses to fight infection.

PDE (denatured emulsified placenta) is a natural preventive and stimulating drug developed specifically for veterinary use as a general tonic. It has preventive and therapeutic effects, helps strengthen the immune system. PDE has a positive effect on many body systems of domestic animals: genitourinary, digestive. The placenta stimulates the enzyme digestive system, restoring the balance of the natural microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sodium nucleinate actively supports the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. It increases the body's nonspecific resistance and has an immunostimulating effect. The substance has a wide range of biological activity, stimulates the activity of the central nervous system and metabolic processes in the body, including intracellular metabolism and nucleic acid metabolism.

The drug contains all the amino acids, nucleic acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements, mono- and dipeptides necessary for the animal’s body. Among them:

GlycineA vital amino acid that participates in intracellular metabolic processes, activates cellular respiration and binds toxins;
ArginineAn important amino acid, the deficiency of which can lead to serious consequences for animal health. It is necessary for the production of ornithine, a substance that binds ammonia. The latter, accumulating in the blood, causes severe intoxication, and the animal dies in a matter of hours. Arginine is involved in protein synthesis and strengthens the immune system;
LysineNecessary for normal brain function, calcium absorption, and the production of antibodies that are involved in protecting the body during attacks by foreign agents. Without L-lysine, proteins cannot be absorbed in the pet’s body;
L-glutamic acidMaintains the health of the central nervous system, improves metabolism;
GlucoseA source of energy for the body, it stimulates the synthesis of enzymes and hormones, supports the immune system; vitamins of group B, A, C, D, E.

Kittens need vitamin A for proper growth and development, and pets, regardless of age, need it for cell renewal, maintaining visual acuity and immunity. B vitamins affect almost all vital processes of any organism. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive, nervous, cardiovascular systems, and the development of muscle tissue. A lack of vitamins negatively affects a pet’s appearance and well-being:

  • A lack of vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid) in the body results in intestinal problems. It provokes frequent diarrhea, deterioration in coat quality, and skin problems;
  • With a deficiency of vitamin B6, cats lose hair in the head and abdomen, and damage to the central nervous system may appear. Lack of vitamin is one of the factors contributing to the formation of stones in the urinary tract and kidneys;
  • Vitamin B12 affects metabolic processes in the cat’s body and is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin. With a lack of vitamin, blood counts worsen;
  • antioxidant – vitamin C – provides the body’s protective functions, improves the absorption of minerals;
  • Vitamin D promotes the absorption of phosphorus and calcium and is necessary for the growth of bones and teeth. Especially important for kittens and pregnant cats;
  • Vitamin E is also an antioxidant and contributes to the normal course of pregnancy in cats.

Minerals are no less important for a cat’s body than vitamins. Vital macroelements include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and others. Important microelements - iron, iodine, manganese, fluorine, etc.


Thanks to its natural composition, Gamavit is harmless to cats of any age, including small kittens.

Gamavit's analogs

The cost of Gamavit is relatively low and varies significantly depending on the volume offered by the manufacturer. The average price of the drug is:

  • ampoule with a volume of 6 ml - 65 rubles;
  • bottle of 10 ml - 110 rubles;
  • bottle of 100 ml - 800 rub.

It is also advisable to consider a number of analogues of Gamavit, which have similar medicinal properties, but differ in cost.

Table: analogues of the drug Gamavit

Drug nameCompoundIndications for useContraindicationsManufacturerEstimated cost
Maxidin (0.4% solution for injection)
  • pyridine 2,6-dicarboxylate;
  • Excipients.
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • prevention and treatment of viral infections.
Not installedGermany200 rubles for a 5 ml bottle
  • disodium phosphate polyprenols;
  • Excipients.
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • a wide range of viral infections;
  • general strengthening of the body.
Not installedRussia150 rubles for a 5 ml bottle
  • sodium dodecyl sulfate;
  • Excipients.
  • immunocorrection;
  • viral, fungal and bacterial infections;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • sepsis;
  • treatment of tumors.
  • pregnancy;
  • DIC syndrome;
  • cardiac, renal or respiratory failure;
  • metastasis to the brain;
  • toxic shock;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug.
Ukraine270 rubles for one ampoule 50,000 units
  • vitamin complex;
  • calcium pantothenate;
  • calcium chloride;
  • magnesium chloride;
  • zinc chloride;
  • L-tryptophan.
  • prevention of vitamin deficiencies;
  • growth and development problems in kittens;
  • participation in complex therapy of various infections.
Not installedIreland40 rubles per bottle of 10 ml
  • butaphosphan;
  • cyanocobalamin;
  • Excipients.
  • anemia and decreased body tone;
  • viral infections;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • skin diseases;
  • weakened reproductive function;
  • slow development of young animals.
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • disorders of the kidneys;
  • hypervitaminosis;
  • neoplasms and prerequisites for oncology;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.
Germany500 rubles per 100 ml bottle
  • sodium nucleinate;
  • placenta extract;
  • Excipients.
  • anemia;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • poisoning;
  • reproductive problems;
  • slow growth and development.
Not installedUkraine100 rubles per 10 ml bottle


Gamavit is used as a preventive and therapeutic agent for anemia, hypovitaminosis - to compensate for the deficiency of important substances (vitamins, minerals and amino acids), to support the body in case of viral infectious diseases, helminthiasis, intoxication. During pregnancy and after childbirth, the drug will support the cat’s health, improve the absorption of calcium and other important macro- and microelements.

Useful properties of Gamavit:

  • normalizes metabolism in the body;
  • improves the cat's health;
  • increases the body's resistance to diseases;
  • improves blood formula;
  • helps eliminate toxins.

The biotonic drug can be used simultaneously with antibacterial and antiviral drugs as part of complex therapy.

Feedback from cat owners

If your pet is practically healthy, cheerful and cheerful, and you regularly give him anti-worm medications for prevention, then, most likely, Gamavit is not needed. Why give any medicine once again? But if the animal is weakened, or is allergic, or you have picked up a sickly kitten, who probably has a whole “bouquet” of diseases, then Gamavit will still not hurt. There are a lot of worms in the intestines, and if they die, severe poisoning will result. And here the drug will help. But this is my opinion, of course.


In my opinion, the vets love gamavit very much. For any illnesses - for us it’s vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, sneezing, colds, etc. - “Please “Gamavit” 120 rubles.” But for me, this is colored water - there is no medicine that can be taken for any illness. I have already accumulated 7 bottles from veterinarians - it’s inconvenient to refuse.

Yulia and Alexander

The drug really works wonders - I inject it into mother cats, kittens, and adult cats. And all of them have never objected.


Gamavit can be taken in a double dose. I have used it more than once, everything is fine. I gave it to my cat before deworming, he often vomited when I gave him deworming, but he doesn’t vomit with Gamavit


Saved a cat from being poisoned by Leopard! I am very glad that I reacted in time, that such medicines exist at all, even now tears come to my eyes because my cat suffered so much

Elza Bonita

After the first heat, my cat began to shed terribly, lost weight, lost her appetite... and besides, a week after the heat, I took her for sterilization. And there, after consulting a veterinarian, we switched the cat to professional food and told her to inject Gamavit to correct it. It is usually injected into cats after childbirth, surgery, etc. 2 weeks have already passed and my girl has started to look noticeably prettier: I don’t know. that the reason for this is either good food, or the vitamins helped, or maybe both... I inject 2 cubic syringes of 1 ml every other day, it turns out that one bottle of 10 ml is enough for 20 days. The fur began to shine, an appetite appeared, and it became active and playful.


I pricked the withers twice a day with insulin syringes (a thin needle, the cat doesn’t even kick, no lumps remain). My kitten came to life as if before my eyes. GAMAVIT saved us from certain death, helped us cope with the disease, put us back on our feet, and facilitated easy vaccination and deworming.


Gamavit is not vitamins, it is an immunomodulatory agent that increases immunity, reduces the effects of various intoxications (whether it is ordinary poisoning or helminthic infestation). In general, the thing is quite irreplaceable. Gamavit is produced in the form of a sterile red solution (as soon as the solution turns yellow, it is no longer suitable for use).

Dmitriy Letvinov

“Gamavit” helped my cat in the summer, with heatstroke. After an injection of Gamavit with glucose (into the withers, subcutaneously), her appetite appeared and she became much better - this was visible within 20-30 minutes after the injection. But we received the most significant help from this drug during the recent poisoning with Prazitel, when we were driving away worms.

Alena Kashirina


The prepared injection solution can be administered to cats subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously, including in the form of a dropper. If it is impossible to inject the medicine, it is allowed to administer it using a syringe without a needle.

The single dose and duration of treatment depend on the purpose of use of the drug. The prophylactic dose is 0.1 ml of solution per kilogram of animal body weight. The therapeutic dose is higher – 0.3-0.5 mg/kg.

The duration of the preventive course of injections is 2-4 weeks; if necessary, the veterinarian can increase its duration. To prevent anemia, hypovitaminosis, strengthen the immunity of elderly and weakened animals, as well as cats that have undergone surgery and severe infectious diseases, the drug is administered intramuscularly 1-3 times a week for 1-2 months.

When using Gamavit to neutralize stress factors, the medicine is administered in a prophylactic dose once before the event or 8, 6 and 4 days before it. Gamavit will have a calming effect on the animal during a long trip, a change of habitat, before vaccination, an exhibition, or a visit to the veterinarian.

Gamavit has a positive effect on the cat’s reproductive system, so it is used by breeders in nurseries to increase fertility. The medicine is administered in a volume of 0.025-0.05 ml per 1 kg of cat’s body weight. In order to facilitate childbirth and prevent complications in the female, the drug can be used 7 days before and during the birth process. In case of difficult childbirth, the medicine is administered once in a double dose.

Newborn kittens can also use Gamavit to prevent early mortality, as well as increase immunity and strengthen the defenses of the growing body. In addition, the drug promotes metabolic processes in the body and the absorption of micro- and macroelements and vitamins necessary for kittens. The dose of the solution is 0.1 ml/kg. The regimen involves administering the drug on the 1st, 3rd and 5th (or 7th) days of the kitten’s life.

Use of Gamavit for medicinal purposes:

  • for viral and bacterial infections, helminthiases - twice or thrice a day for 3-5 days;
  • in case of poisoning - injections into a vein or droppers are given as an emergency once in an increased (3-5-fold) dose;
  • in case of helminthic infestation - together with anthelmintics - twice: on the day of treatment and one day after it;
  • for gynecological pathologies in cats - 1 time per day for 5-7 days.

Indications for use of Gamavit

You need to understand that Gamavit is not a cure for any specific disease. But it should not be regarded as a panacea either. The good thing about the drug is that it is universal - it can participate in complex therapy for almost any problem in the animal’s body. There are the following indications for the use of Gamavit:

  • prevention and reduction of stress;
  • rehabilitation after infectious diseases;
  • in case of poisoning of various natures - to quickly relieve intoxication;
  • for post-traumatic tissue regeneration;
  • to quickly remove a pet from a state of shock;
  • to improve physical fitness and life potential;
  • in the reproductive sphere - during mating, during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • in weakened animals of all ages - to stimulate development and weight gain.

How to use the product correctly

Gamavit can be used in various ways:

  • oral - in the form of drinking;
  • subcutaneous - injections most often in the withers area;
  • intramuscular - it is most convenient to make such injections into the cat’s shoulder or thigh;
  • intravenously - this is the most difficult method; only professionals should administer the drug in this way.

Cats are emotional animals, and many do not tolerate pain well. While defending themselves, they can show aggression and injure you, and at the same time injure themselves. Do not give injections yourself unless you have the proper experience - you may harm your pet. For injections, it is recommended to use an insulin syringe - its needle is the thinnest, which makes the procedure, which is unpleasant for the cat, as painless as possible.

Try to calm the cat first, and then quickly and very carefully insert the needle and squeeze out the contents of the syringe. During an intramuscular injection, the muscle must be relaxed so that the needle enters it softly and unhindered, no deeper than one and a half centimeters. Be sure to massage the injection site and pet your cat again and give her her favorite treat. It is better that you have an assistant who will hold the animal by the front and hind legs.

When injecting, the needle should enter smoothly into the relaxed muscle.

The subcutaneous injection technique is the simplest, and therefore it is used most often. It is important to remember sterility so that the procedure does not have undesirable consequences. Try to cause the cat as little discomfort as possible. Calmly but securely fix it on your lap or on some other surface, then with three fingers of your left hand, pull up the skin on the withers and inject with a confident movement.

The subcutaneous injection technique is quite simple.

If you have no one to help, try swaddling your cat tightly, like a small child, leaving only access to the area where the injection will be given. This will make it possible to perform the injection without any problems.

Any injection of Gamavit is much more effective than drinking this drug. The drug can be given orally in cases where for some reason it is not possible to give an injection. It is also advisable to use this technique for newborns or very small kittens, dripping a solution diluted with boiled water from a syringe (without a needle, of course) directly into their mouths.

For adults, Gamavit is added to the drink; its dosage is calculated depending on the weight of the animal. On average, the daily norm for a cat can be from 0.3 to 0.5 milliliters of Gamavit, diluted with water in an arbitrary proportion.

Video: how to properly give a subcutaneous injection to a cat


According to the instructions, Gamavit for cats is produced

packaged in 6 ml, 10 ml and 100 ml in glass bottles of appropriate capacity, sealed with rubber stoppers reinforced with aluminum caps. The bottles are placed in cardboard boxes. Each unit of packaging is supplied with instructions for use.

Other packaging is allowed, agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure. Storage of gamavit in packaging from the manufacturer, separately from feed and food, in a dry, protected place from direct sunlight and inaccessible to unauthorized persons at a temperature of 2°C to 25°C.

The shelf life of the product, subject to storage conditions, is 2 years from the date of production. It is prohibited to use Gamavit with a changed color, in the presence of foreign impurities, after the expiration date. The drug should be stored out of the reach of children. Unused drug is disposed of in accordance with legal requirements.


According to the instructions for use, gamavit contains a complex of biologically active substances

, thanks to which it optimizes metabolic processes in the cat’s body (in particular, protein, vitamin and mineral).

Gamavit in cats:

  • is a source of metabolic substrates
  • is a biogenic stimulant
  • helps accelerate growth in kittens
  • reduces postnatal mortality
  • resistance of cats to increased loads and stress
  • exhibits an adaptogenic effect
  • increases muscle performance
  • increases the viability of offspring
  • increases bactericidal activity of blood serum
  • has an immunomodulatory effect
  • general biotonic effect
  • normalizes the blood formula

Storage conditions for the drug GAMAVIT

The drug (according to the instructions for use) should be stored in the manufacturer's sealed packaging, separate from food and feed, in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, inaccessible to unauthorized persons and children at a temperature of 2°C to 25°C.

A medicinal product that has not been used after opening, has expired, has changed color (yellowing), or contains foreign impurities, is disposed of in accordance with legal requirements.


Gamavit belongs to the combined immunomodulatory drugs. The use of the drug stimulates natural resistance, increases the bactericidal activity of blood serum, the resistance of animals to stress and excessive loads, has an immunomodulatory effect, increases the safety and weight gain of young animals. In terms of the degree of impact on the body, Gamavit is classified as a low-hazard substance (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007). In recommended doses and concentrations it has no local irritating, allergenic, embryotoxic, teratogenic or carcinogenic effects.

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