Fosprenil for cats: purpose of the drug, properties, application

Fosprenil is an innovative medicine of natural origin to relieve cats and dogs from viral infections. Excellent results are shown by the preventive use against epidemics in distributors and nurseries. The product is administered to animals before a long trip, exhibitions, mating and after contact with sick pets. Administration of the drug orally, in the form of injections, or nasal drops is sufficient to protect the animal from the disease.

If the animal is in constant contact with other sick individuals or in an infected environment, then the medicine is given twice over two days . The drug combines well with interferon, which makes it possible to use fosprenil for cats against viral infections. Instructions for use are included in each package, this allows the owner to properly treat the pet.

What is Fosprenil?

In recent years, the tendency towards the introduction of medicinal products and substances of natural, including plant origin, into the domestic and foreign markets has become more and more clearly and vividly manifested.

The healing properties of coniferous trees (cedar, pine, spruce) have been known since ancient times.

Substances synthesized in the needles of coniferous plants have a wide range of biological activities.

More than 20 years ago, a group of domestic scientists began large-scale studies of polyprenolic compounds, found in large quantities in pine needles. The test results of their effects on the immune system exceeded our wildest expectations. Very soon, the drug, which has sodium polyprenyl phosphate as an active ingredient, began to gain more and more popularity. Fosprenil turned out to be one of the first drugs with direct antiviral activity, including in the treatment of canine distemper.

According to its pharmacological properties, Fosprenil refers to drugs with immunomodulatory (that is, having a direct effect on the immune system) and antiviral activity.

Let's look at in what cases it is advisable to use Fosprenil to provide sometimes necessary assistance to the immune system of pets.

Effectiveness of fosprenil for cats

The medicine cures feline rhinotracheitis of herpetic origin, puts pets suffering from calicivirus and cat flu on their feet. High rates were obtained in the prevention and treatment of panleukopenia, 90% of cats overcame the disease, and studies after treatment did not reveal even traces of viruses.

Previously considered incurable, infectious peritonitis resolves in half of the cases in cats. If treatment with fosprenil is started at the first symptoms of plague, then cure occurs in 98%, intestinal and pulmonary forms are cured in 90 and 85% , respectively. The nervous form shows positive treatment results in more than half of the cases.

Composition of the drug

Fosprenil is available in the form of a colorless or yellowish transparent solution without sediment or impurities. The drug is obtained by phosphorylation of coniferous polyprenols. The composition of the drug includes:

  • active healing component - disodium salt of polyprenols phosphate in the amount of 400 mg per 100 cm3, this is 0.4%;
  • auxiliary components are represented by ethanol (2.9%), glycerin (3.0%), Tween-80 (0.25%), water for injections (100%).

Pharmacological effect on the animal body

The antiviral medicine actively fights parvovirus, coronavirus, adenovirus, canine distemper, and other infections. The drug relieves inflammation, has a hepatoprotective effect and reduces toxic manifestations in the body of animals. Fosprenil, within a natural physiological framework, activates the resistance of the system, increases immunity by increasing antibodies in the blood and phagocytes.

The medicine is successfully used as a component of complex treatment. Fosprenil improves metabolism in the body of cats and is considered a low-hazard substance (4th class in accordance with GOST 12.1,007–1976). If you take the drug according to the instructions, allergic, toxic and irritating effects on the walls of the stomach and intestines are excluded.

How to use fosprenyl

The veterinarian prescribes treatment depending on the severity of the infection and the pet’s individual tolerance to the components of the drug. If the specialist deems it necessary, he will prescribe a second course of therapy. Severe clinical infections require the combined use of antihistamines and antibiotics. In parallel, symptomatic treatment is actively used, aimed at normalizing salt, water, acid and alkaline balance in the pet’s body, removing toxins, and supporting important internal organs.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment with fosprenyl, simultaneous use of inducers and direct interferon preparations , while the use of additional agents to enhance immunity is not required. On the 2nd or 3rd day after normalization of the condition, the drug is discontinued. The main form of treatment is intramuscular injection:

  • in case of viral infection of dogs, a one-time injection is given at the rate of 0.1 ml per kilogram of weight;
  • infections of the cat's body require a dose of 0.2 ml per kilogram of weight;
  • severe degrees of clinical diseases require an increase in the single dose - for dogs up to 0.2 mg, and for cats up to 0.4 mg per kilogram of weight;
  • if instead of intramuscular injections, fosprenil is used orally, then the single dose is doubled compared to intramuscular injections per kilogram of body weight;
  • when treating canine distemper in dogs, only 40 injections are used, reducing the number of injections from 4 times a day to 1 dose on the third, tenth, fourteenth days;
  • the same therapy is used in the treatment of infectious peritonitis in cats;
  • treatment of adenovitaminosis in dogs and rhinotracheitis of viral origin in cats, the basic treatment remains the same, but the duration of therapy is reduced to 4–7 days; it takes about 14 days to get rid of the plague.

Visit the exhibition.

So, you have decided to take your animal to an exhibition. Although there is veterinary control at any licensed exhibition and when registering for each animal, the owner is required to provide a certificate received in advance from a veterinary institution (form No. 1 or No. 3 depending on the region), unfortunately, there are often cases when a sick animal is still included in the list. participants.

In addition, any exhibition is an additional stress for the animal (from preliminary preparations and transportation to mass gatherings of unfamiliar people and animals). In addition, under the influence of stress, chronic or hidden diseases can “raise their heads”.

Therefore, any exhibition puts an additional burden on the animal’s immune system.

To prepare the animal's immune system and minimize the effects of stress, it is recommended to use an immunomodulator.

For preventive purposes, before visiting an exhibition, Fosprenil is used twice: 2 days and the day before the exhibition at a dose of 0.05 ml per kg of animal body weight. The third injection can be given at the same dose after returning home.

Features of the drug use

  1. "Fosprenil" is acceptable for all age groups of cats;
  2. The drug can be combined with symptomatic medications (for example, painkillers) prescribed by a veterinarian;
  3. Once you start treatment with Fosprenil, it is not recommended to deviate from the schedule prescribed by your doctor. Otherwise, the effect of treatment may be reduced;
  4. "Fosprenil" is not recommended to be taken simultaneously with steroid drugs (the effectiveness of "Fosprenil" is reduced);
  5. Sometimes the drug can cause allergies (you should stop taking the medication and consult a veterinarian);
  6. The correct dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the veterinarian. The manufacturer's instructions provide generalized values ​​regarding doses and duration of treatment;
  7. The medication should not be frozen. The shelf life is 12 months.


Vaccination refers to preventive measures designed to prevent pets from becoming ill with the most common and severe viral infections. Certain substances have the ability to enhance the effect of the vaccines used and contribute to the formation of longer and more intense immunity (adjuvant effect).

Fosprenil has adjuvant properties and during vaccination is used at a dose of 0.05 ml per kg of body weight simultaneously with the vaccine, but always in different syringes and at different points (for injection), or the drug is taken, but in a double dose.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Fosprenil for dogs and cats is used to treat and prevent viral infections, intensify the immune response to the vaccine, stimulate nonspecific resistance and reduce morbidity.

Veterinarians prescribe the drug for diseases such as:

  • herpes;
  • hepatitis;
  • rhinotracheitis;
  • peritonitis;
  • coronavirus;
  • panleukopenia;
  • food poisoning;
  • Gastrointestinal disorders of unknown etiology.

Important! Revaccination is not an indication for the use of Fosprenil for cats.

Prevention of secondary immunodeficiencies.

Acquired (secondary) immunodeficiencies can occur in the body as a result of the influence of many factors. These include, first of all, previous infectious diseases, severe injuries and operations, general exhaustion of the body, chronic stress, increased background radiation, long-term use of certain medications, helminthic diseases and some other factors. Most secondary immunodeficiencies are reversible and treatable. To prevent the occurrence of secondary immunodeficiencies, Fosprenil is used once in a prophylactic dose.

Operating principle

The drug Fosprenil for cats is an immunomodulatory, antiviral drug. The disodium salt of polyprenols phosphate included in its composition acts against coronaviruses, herpesviruses, togaviruses, orthomyxoviruses, paramyxoviruses and several other viruses. It activates natural resistance systems (phagocytosis and bactericidal activity of blood serum) and enhances the humoral immune response to vaccines, increasing the body's resistance to infections and reducing morbidity.

Disodium phosphate salt of polyprenols helps to activate metabolic processes in cells, increasing weight gain and reducing feed consumption. After parenteral administration, it enters the bloodstream and accumulates mainly in the tissues of the spleen, liver and reproductive organs. The maximum concentration of disodium phosphate polyprenols is achieved after 30-180 minutes and remains at a therapeutic level for 10-16 hours. It is excreted from the body mainly in feces and urine.

In terms of the degree of influence on the body, Fosprenil for cats belongs to class 4 and is considered low-hazard. In recommended doses, the drug does not have carcinogenic, teratogenic, embryotoxic, allergenic or local irritant effects.


Due to the fact that any infectious disease requires complex treatment (i.e., the use of several drugs), Fosprenil is recommended to be used in combination with other drugs (Gamavit, Roncoleukin, etc.) when treating animals. Consult your veterinarian when treating infections.

Therapeutic dosage of Fosprenil:

Animal speciesPuppiesDogsKittensCats
Single dose (ml/kg)0,30,20,30,2
Daily dose0,9-1,20,6-0,80,9-1,20,6-0,8

Composition and properties of the drug

Fosprenil for cats was developed by Russian. The drug is produced in the form of an injection solution and is a clear or slightly opalescent, colorless or slightly yellowish liquid. Fosprenil for cats contains disodium salt of polyprenols phosphate - 4 mg/ml. The auxiliary components of the medicine include glycerin, ethanol, Tween-80 and water for injection.

Fosprenil for cats is packaged in glass bottles with a capacity of 10 and 50 ml, sealed with rubber stoppers with reinforcing aluminum caps. Each of them is placed in an individual cardboard box, complete with instructions for use. Bottles with a capacity of 10 ml can be packed in packs of 5 pieces.

It is recommended to store Fosprenil for cats at a temperature of 4-25 degrees Celsius in a dry, dark place, away from children, feed and food. If all conditions are met, the shelf life of a sealed bottle is 24 months from the date of issue. The opened solution cannot be stored.

Feedback from cat owners about the drug Fosprenil

The overwhelming majority of reviews are about the domestic drug Fosprenil

owners of mustachioed pets are positive. The following are several quotes from reviews of people who purchased this medicine:

Review #1:

“The cat was suspected of having distemper: she was vomiting, refused to eat, and did not allow her to touch her tummy. Moreover, all this shortly after mating with someone else’s cat. How scared I was! Well, our doctor recommended Fosprenil, among other medications, although the diagnosis was not confirmed (Murka was simply poisoned). Within a few days the cat felt better. And I believe that it was “Fosprenil” that helped us ... "

Review #2:

“Fosprenil” was recommended to me by the owner of the nursery where I bought my dog, Peach. I appreciate it for its effectiveness in fighting viruses, the ability to maintain a cat’s immunity at its best, and its relatively low price...”

Review #3:

“I’ve been giving Fosprenil along with Gamavit to my cats for 1.5 years now and I don’t know any trouble. Previously, people would catch a cold or a virus. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, but my pets haven’t been sick for a long time (I have a 3-year-old nobleman, Barsik, and a 5-year-old Siberian, Yashka). By the way, the veterinarian praised our product as a good domestic immunomodulator...”

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