Euthanasia of cats: indications and how it happens - how to decide and survive + Photos and Videos

Euthanasia of cats is a difficult procedure from a psychological point of view, which some owners of furry pets have to resort to.
Not everyone can decide on it. But in a situation where the animal is forced to spend its days in constant torment, unfortunately, this procedure may be the only correct solution. Euthanasia is permissible only when the animal’s pain reaches such a degree that it becomes incompatible with life. In other situations, it is considered a crime. But since in our country there are no specific laws regulating this process, it remains on the conscience of the owner.

Indications for euthanasia

This procedure is a last resort, and the doctor can recommend it only if treatment of the animal does not bring results, or the cat has developed an illness that cannot be treated. Just like that, at the owner’s request without justified reasons, the veterinarian does not have the right to carry out the procedure. The price for this procedure differs in different regions and may depend, for example, on the weight of the cat. On average, it will cost 2-3 thousand rubles.

Situations in which euthanasia is recommended and approved by a specialist include:

  • Serious and complex injuries incompatible with life. However, this reason is sometimes quite controversial, since many cats are able to recover even from the most complex injuries. In this situation, you should not rush and listen to the advice of doctors, sometimes even several are better;
  • Rabies. There is still no cure for this disease. This means that the animal is doomed to suffer and is dangerous to its owners and other pets;
  • Oncological diseases , including cancer detected in late stages. In a situation where metastases have spread throughout the cat’s body, it will no longer be possible to save it. You can prolong its life by constantly giving painkillers, but there is a high risk that they will eventually stop helping and the animal will suffer from severe pain;
  • Chronic diseases such as kidney failure;
  • In rare cases - old age . But only if it interferes with the cat’s normal life and causes it to experience regular suffering or if it develops chronic diseases.

Other cases are not grounds for euthanasia. And if the animal owner doubts the need for this procedure, it is better to consult with several specialists and listen to their opinions.

The process of euthanizing a cat

The owner of the animal has the right to choose where exactly the pet will be euthanized - in a veterinary clinic or at home. One of the advantages of euthanasia at home is that the owner does not have to transport the cat himself, since this is not easy psychologically.

Most often, euthanasia of cats consists of administering anesthesia to make the animal feel insensitive and feel no pain; a similar condition is general anesthesia, when the cat breathes on its own and has a heartbeat. Then the cat is injected with a special drug that stops the heart and respiratory system. In cases where euthanasia takes place in a clinic, the doctor may recommend that the owner leave for a while.

When everything is done (about 10-15 minutes), the owner will be able to pick up the animal and say goodbye to it and bury it. In this case, the journey from the clinic with a dead friend will be difficult when the warmth of the cat’s body is still felt (sometimes euthanized animals have convulsions and involuntary urination). Sometimes owners leave euthanized cats at the clinic, perhaps this makes sense when the cat's owner has small children who will be very worried when they see a dead pet or for other reasons.

The cat owner should always first discuss with the doctor the administration of anesthesia before directly using euthanasia drugs so that the animal does not feel pain. Sometimes veterinarians inject a cat with a lethal drug that blocks the cat's respiratory muscles, leading to the animal's painful death from suffocation. That is why you should ask your doctor about the procedure for euthanasia and the drugs administered.

Where is it held?

The procedure for euthanizing a cat can only be carried out by a veterinarian. But the owner has the choice of the location: in the clinic or at home. From the point of view of animal psychology, it is better to do this at home, in the conditions familiar to the cat, where she spent most or all of her life.

The additional journey to the clinic can cause stress and add to the anguish of the last moments of life. But if the cat has often been to the clinic for preventive examinations or vaccinations and knows the doctor well, it can go there too. The fact is that for some owners, euthanasia at home can cause a certain emotional blow, and after the procedure, the place in which it will be carried out will become associated with the loss of their pet.

Each owner must analyze all psychological aspects and choose a place where euthanasia is least likely to traumatize his pet and himself.

ATTENTION! It is forbidden to euthanize an animal yourself, even if you buy special medications. This can only increase his suffering.

Requests for help Write your story Hello! My name is Dima, I’m from Chelyabinsk and I’m 21 years old. I was 2-3 years old when my mother, father and I walked near the school together and saw a cat (mongrel) sitting on a tree, we picked her up, brought her home, washed her, and she began to live with us... my father left me back in 94. And my mother lived until she was 98, then died of cancer (((we were left alone with my maternal grandmother and live like this to this day. My cat Musya fell in love with me and my mother very much. When my mother died, she screamed very loudly, not even naturally to say... well, then I kind of got used to it. Life went on. I fell in love with this cat very much and was ready to give everything I had if only she was alive (((and this was the only thing I had left! the axis from the mother... Time passed and With the onset of May, my grandmother and I began to notice that Musya’s left side of her cheek was swelling. Day after day passed and drool began to appear running from her mouth. Musya’s cat’s mouth had already stopped closing completely. We thought for a long time what to do (for which I I will never forgive) and in the end, on May 11, my friend and I took her to the veterinary hospital in the evening after work. The veterinary doctors told me that she had a tumor of the oral cavity and, due to her old age, she would not survive the operation.... In general, with tears in my eyes, I made a decision put her to sleep... And now I ask you all... How can I continue to live??? What should I do?? Now I don’t see the meaning of life at all... I hope you understand me, because she lived with me almost all her life... I’m writing now and crying... It seems that there is nothing else in life, the best idea is to die yourself... thank you.

Dmitry_1990, age: 21 / 05/14/2012


DIMA, YOU HAVE YOU AND GRANDMOTHER. I feel sorry for the cat, but this is not the end of the world, you know how many abandoned kittens are on the street, a lot of them after a certain time, when the grief passes, take a new pet, it will brighten up your life. It’s hard now, but it will get easier, the cat was very lucky with her owners, I think she was happy.

Yuka, age: 20 / 05/14/2012

God bless you!!! you are a jewel yourself, to live no matter what. thank God that you can still cry about someone. Nowadays people don’t cry about them anymore. it's good that you exist!!!!

Angela, age: not important / 05/14/2012

Dmitry, no matter how hard it was for you, you made the right decision - the animal was freed from suffering. I say this with knowledge of the matter, since I am involved in the supervision and placement of homeless animals. do not Cry. you have a grandmother - a loved one whom you love and should take care of, and you will always find a new favorite - it’s a matter of time, you just have to look around))

Marina Yaltanskaya, age: 20 / 05/14/2012

Great Well, just understand that everyone will live as long as they have been measured. The fact that you don’t get better won’t make the cat feel any better... But I’m sure that your mom and dad would want you to live and try to enjoy life, to enjoy every day. After all, they gave you life and they would hardly want you to do such a thing. Maybe start going to church? For many people over many centuries, this has changed their lives for the better. People healed wounds, found incentive and meaning to live. In any case, this is your personal business. God bless you!

Rusik, age: 22/05/14/2012

Hello, Dmitry. In any case, I would like to advise you to take another cat, cat or kitten from the street. And the sooner the better! Be strong! Your mother looks at you from heaven and prays to God that you don’t do anything to yourself. Your mom is in heaven. And if you kill yourself, you will go to hell and you will never meet your mother again....( I really, really sympathize with you and mourn your grief with you.

Gulya, age: 35 / 05/14/2012

I really, really sympathize with you and mourn your grief with you.

Gulya, age: 35 / 05/14/2012

Dima, I understand how bad you feel now! Please try to bear it, because grandma needs you, and you also have a friend. It’s a pity, of course, that animals don’t live long... And especially if he lives with you for many years, you already perceive him as a person... But, I think, this is the best thing you could do for Musya, otherwise she would have suffered. Not all people are so worried about an animal, and this characterizes you as a very good person, so I am sure that everything will be fine with you! You are still so young, you still have everything ahead of you! You are a sensitive person, and there will definitely be people in your life who will love you, and you will love them! I wish exactly this for you. You'll be all right!

Anya, age: 23 / 05/14/2012

A familiar situation... Your cat is amazing, she lived for more than 18 years, and this means that you really took very good care of her and gave her love. But no one can live forever, and, unfortunately, our little friends live less than us... sometimes it’s hard to accept, it’s hard to imagine when you love someone so much. But death is a part of life, it’s worth remembering. And don’t blame yourself - believe me, you behaved as you should have, you saved Musya from suffering, she died calmly, without pain, she just fell asleep. Unfortunately, such diseases are inevitable and cannot be predicted. You showed real sensitivity and care, which not every owner would do. Yes, people often become attached to their pets, even closer than to their closest friends. They are part of our soul, and it is difficult to come to terms with the loss. Imagine what would happen if you left? Would you like Musya to die of grief? No! You would like her to fall into kind and caring hands, so that she would be happy. Don’t kill yourself - you gave Musa a whole life, and you can give him another one, because now, unfortunately, many little kittens are looking for their shelter, but they don’t need much, just a little affection, attention, and in return they will endlessly and unselfishly love you. You will see!

Ekaterina, age: 19/05/14/2012

Hello Dima. Firstly, men don’t cry... Although I understand you and this has happened more than once. Hang in there, you need to come to terms with this. This has happened to everyone, is happening and will happen again. In the meantime, love your grandmother, kiss her, hug her more often.

SaptaN, age: 15/05/14/2012

Dmitry, you have a kind soul! My dear, what a rarity and value this is now! Grieve, cry, the grief needs to come out. It's good that you treat animals kindly. You did the right thing: in life you need to be able to make difficult decisions. You also need to be able to survive grief and move on. Through grief the soul is cleansed. I wish you peace of mind and long life.

Galina, age: 38 / 05/14/2012

Dimochka, the first thing you need to do is pull yourself together and stop grieving. Yes, this happens in life. But set yourself up to get used to difficulties. Once you calm down, try to find some kind of soulful activity, a job, so that it makes you happy. It is possible that this will help homeless animals. For example, in my city volunteering is widely developed - people help a shelter for homeless animals, take animals into their homes for temporary housing, etc. You can get yourself another kitten. You will see that you will quickly get used to it. Dima, I think you feel somewhere deep in your soul that your mother is alive, that she is in heaven. In fact, many people know about this, they know that there is a God, that life does not end with the act of physical dying. Think about it - why don’t you ask God for your mother, do some good deeds on earth for her sake, and please her with your actions. This is a completely different memory of people close to us, an act of true love for them. This is important for you, for God, and for mom, much more important than the memory embodied in a kitten (although the kitten is also very important!). Dima, I hug you tightly, may everything be fine with you. Be strong

Sveta, age: 29 / 05/15/2012 Musya...and live can’t drag the past with you...let the new kitten remind you of your mother...but the best and kindest memories.

Nobody, age: 13/15/05/2012

Dimochka! I also had Musenka, we took her with her mother, and then we moved to another city, and she was given into good hands, but I still have great sadness for her ((but I don’t lose heart. You know, everything passes, and you will calm down with time. When I just moved, for about 3 years I sometimes cried and remembered her. Now I remember her too. But as the best cat in the world, and I don’t cry anymore. She has gone to another world. She was a kind kitty even now looks at you from the sky - she’s doing well there, I’m sure. And she wouldn’t want you to be upset. Take another kitten and love him like Musya. Then after 3 years we adopted a kitten, and we named her Musya too. Now I will always call my cats Musya. And this kitty also turned out to be very good and smart) You just need to understand that everything does not last forever. And Musya is doing well there. Communicate more with people - don’t sit on the Internet, at home. Here sadness and melancholy are building up. And you need to unwind. Go out with friends more often. Don’t leave us, granny - don’t do bad things. Try to help granny, and yourself. Fate never tests us, and everyone suffers their own losses, but don’t lose heart! Although we don’t know you, we really want you to pull yourself together and stop being sad. This takes time, of course. So wait a little. The pain will subside. After all, you are very young and a brilliant future opens up before you! Moreover, you are good! We believe in you! We are with you.

Elya, age: 23 / 05/15/2012

Dim, I sincerely sympathize with you - I have two cats and I love them very much too. But, Dim, you understand that we are not all eternal. Both people and cats. You did the right thing by not prolonging the animal’s torment. Your cat will always be in your heart, you love her. But killing yourself because of her is wrong and unnecessary. You can’t return the cat, it will completely ruin your poor grandmother, you will upset your mother (she sees and knows everything). It’s better to take and shelter another animal in memory of your pussy - you’ll do a good deed and warm your soul! How wonderful that you have such a kind and sympathetic soul! You need to help people!

Nika, age: 29 / 05/15/2012

Dimochka, hold animal can be so close and dear, its loss for a sincerely loving and kind person is a very heavy blow of fate!!! I had the same love for my dog, I will never forget his last look... I don’t get another animal because I don’t know if I can love a new pet as my faithful friend... It’s very difficult for me, just like you, just like many people to experience the departure of close beings... but I force myself to think about it this way: before birth, this being was somewhere (its soul), then it was born, then it left AGAIN. Because if you think he lived and died, we are not saying something here!!! And that's why it's so sad. This eternal mystery - who has it easier - the one who leaves or the one who sees him off?!! It’s not easy for both of you... understand that your cat will remain yours and with you until the end, even if she is not completely present next to you, but she gave a part of herself to you and you can’t take that away...

…. , age: 30 / 05/15/2012

Dmitry, hello. I had a similar situation in my life. I won’t go into details, but I’ll just write that I, like you, experienced the pain of loss from the death of a cat. And although 11 years have passed since his death, I still I continue to mourn him less. And I am also familiar with the feeling of guilt. When you lose a loved one or a beloved pet (cat, dog), the person probably still has a feeling of guilt: he didn’t say something, overlooked something, didn’t have time to say “sorry” or “I love you,” and so on. On the second of May it was exactly 11 years since my cat died, and I, wow!, it was on that day that I had a serious fight with my brother over nonsense. And the next day my current cat , who turns 10 this year, gave birth to a dead kitten. I saw it and cried. Then I got sick. My brother then and still asks for forgiveness, he understood and realized his guilt. That’s my story, Dmitry. So don’t become limp and live on. Be stronger than the current circumstances. And they advised correctly here: adopt a stray kitten. Of course, it won’t replace your cat, but it will brighten up your life. God bless you!

guest, age: 35 / 05/15/2012

I sympathize with you, Dmitry! Take courage and be strong!

Julien, age: 41 / 05/15/2012

Hello, Dima. Please accept my sincere condolences. Losing a beloved animal can sometimes be just as difficult as losing a loved one, especially when loved ones and relatives are lost. But, believe me, everything will calm down, calm down, this pain will dull and... will pass. And the idea of ​​dying yourself is not at all optimal, as it seems to you, it is erroneous, temporary, crafty. You are now covered by a wave of pity, despair, grief, so you rush to extremes. Remember, in 1998 you lost your mother. After all, thank God, you did not commit suicide, because you were able to survive, withstand, and perk up. So won't you get out now? After all, it seems that you also have a grandmother, she is probably already old, is it really possible to leave her alone? This would be an unforgivable betrayal on your part. I hope that you will never do this. And now I want to talk to you about your cat. You know that the age of cats is much shorter than the age of humans. Your pet lived with you a very long (how old were you when you picked her up, 2-3 years?) and prosperous life in love and care. And it’s not your fault that you put her to sleep. You did everything right by ending her torment. After all, cats do not understand that pain and illness will soon pass (and in your case this would not have happened); they perceive pain and torment only in the present tense. And the owner must make the decision for them. If the disease is curable, then he decides for the animal - let it be patient, it will soon become easier, and if not, he must stop the unnecessary suffering as quickly and painlessly as possible. Just imagine what could have happened next, when the cat would not be able to eat, drink, breathe, would begin to scream in pain, look at you with pleading eyes and not understand why she was suffering so much. Sorry, I don’t want to upset you with possible heartbreaking pictures. Thank God nothing happened. Calm down, Dima, you did everything right, as a caring, loving owner should have done. Cry if you cry, but slowly, let's calm down. I’m writing to you now, and in front of me on the table is a photograph of my beloved cat Leshenka. He also died this fall... And in the spring, my mother and I’s beloved dog, a German shepherd, died... And in the summer, our beloved dad died... And there is no person in the world who would not have experienced the loss of loved ones, relatives and friends. So, Dima, you are not alone, you are together with everyone. You are a good person, Dima, and with age you will definitely strengthen your spirit, become stronger, more courageous, but I hope that you will still remain as sensitive and kind. Dima, my advice to you is to adopt a new kitten. Look around, probably somewhere in the gateway there is a small cat cub freezing or starving, who is waiting for your affection, care, warmth and kindness, which will help you believe that living in this world is still worth living.

Elya, age: 44 / 05/15/2012

Dima! My condolences. I understand you very well. We also now have a cat that we took from the street three years ago... I remember how she once became very seriously ill, and the doctors hinted at euthanizing her. And we fought and treated until the last, there was no hope. But a miracle happened and our Koszul survived. And you need to live... for your grandmother. After all, you are the only and main man in your, albeit small, family. You are her support, support and hope. And the pain will pass over time and the wounds will heal. Strength and patience to you. And great luck to you, Dima, in life!!!

Olya, age: 25 / 05/15/2012

Dima, I understand you very much.. my cat was euthanized at the age of 18 (I was 14).. I cried for several days.. But I think that the point is not only in the cat itself, but in the fact that it was a link to the parents - you took her from the street TOGETHER.. it’s very hard.. but I want to advise you to take a cat, she will be completely different, but if you take her from the street (and not necessarily a small kitten), then she will be the most grateful animal in the world .. over time the pain will pass and you will love your new cat no less.. life goes on, no matter what happens on your way..

Evgeniya, age: 21 / 05/15/2012

Hello, Dima. Musya will always be by your side! She is now running around the Rainbow and is very sad that her beloved friend wants to die... My Musyonka died at the age of 11, 3.5 years ago (she was sick for a long time, but the disease practically did not make itself felt for many years, but suddenly everything became very bad, neither the doctors, nor the pills and injections helped, Musenka faded away in just a week...) I took her departure very hard. It was as if a part of me had disappeared... It seemed to me that this wound would never heal... It’s not for nothing that they say that time heals. Our pets do not leave us even after their death. They are invisibly present nearby. And someday we will meet them again and will never let them go. Die? Or maybe it’s still worth living on? Volunteer and help other cats, cats and kittens find homes. How many of them are homeless now, and many are also due to the fault of their careless owners... But you’re not like that! You can help them, and save many! Musya will be good for you! Hold on, Musyonok is always with you)

Shin, age: 21/05/16/2012

Get another cat...

Yana, age: ... / 05/16/2012

I believe that you will survive all difficulties. You are a strong and resilient person. And most importantly, you are a KIND and caring guy with a huge soul! You have had a great grief, don’t be shy, cry, grieve... let all your worries come out of you. Someone wrote here that boys don’t cry... that’s nonsense. Strong and sincere men cry! And for this we have great respect for them. And you have reasons for your tears... I wish you all the brightest, so that on your way you will meet only kind people like yourself.

Angelina, age: 34 / 05/16/2012

Dima, I sympathize with you. I am sure that you will become a real man, a support for your grandmother and for your future happy family, your children, your son. Good luck

Elena, age: 43 / 05/16/2012

Save an abandoned little kitten from death - it will be a continuation of your Musya. Unfortunately, animals do not live long. But you have the opportunity to save another life, just as you once saved Musya. Do it for her.

Bab Yag, age: they don’t live that long / 05/20/2012

Hello, Dima. I can imagine how hard it is for you right now. Sorry for the “you” word. It’s very difficult for you now also because it seems that your loved ones and acquaintances are unlikely to understand - it’s just a cat... It’s even indecent to grieve. And your experiences at the moment are absolutely normal. The death of a family member (furry or not) is scary. But, alas, it is inevitable. I'm a cat breeder myself. More than 10 years ago, my best, dearest gray tabby died. Not a day goes by without me remembering. Been my friend for almost 13 years. He died terribly. I did not dare to put him to sleep, but simply prayed that his suffering would end quickly. I have been carrying the same burden on my heart for more than 10 years, only in a different way. I constantly think that I should have stopped the cat’s suffering earlier, but I hoped, but he suffered (in a coma for a month - he moaned through the coma). I'm not saying that you are right and I am wrong or vice versa. There is probably no right solution here. The most important thing is that Musi had a good and long life. Remember the joyful moments spent with her. This is a fond memory. Someday you will tell your children about a wonderful cat, and they will want to adopt a kitten. And this will be their cat and their story. About the new pet now: a month after the death of the cat, we picked up a kitten - a girl, but I could not love her. My sister took this cat in and she lives with her. There's probably no need to rush, because it will be a different cat. Or maybe you will see the animal and understand that this is it, and you were waiting for each other. And there will be a new story. Now hold on and live. The last two lines from the poem “Remembrance” (1827) by Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky (1783-1852): About the dear companions who gave life to our light with their companionship, Do not say with sadness: they are not, but with gratitude: THERE WERE.

Bukh, age: 37 / 06/04/2012

Dima, I have never experienced anyone like you. Although my cat also died in May, and I still remember him and a snowball appears in my soul, which comes to my throat and tries to break out. You must understand that there are a lot of difficulties and obstacles in life! But everything passes! This too shall pass! Now you feel very bad, but this is the first time, and then you will get used to it, it will be much easier! The main thing is to live on! You are strong, you can do it! You've been through so much and you can handle this too! I'm sure you have a wonderful character and are a very good person to be so worried about loss. Remember only the good things associated with her, smile every time you think about her! Be glad that she gave you so many wonderful moments in life! And move on with your life, you have your whole life ahead of you!!! Good luck! The main thing is don't give up!

Dasha, age: 15 / 08/22/2012

Hello Dmitry, I’m 10 years old and my cat was also euthanized. From liquid in the lungs. She swallowed the film, she lived with me all her life, I cried. I was tormented by this question!!!! MOM told me she would buy a kitten and bought an exact copy and the same name is Lisa. And I measured it and you face it. Animals are not eternal, but this is a pain in the heart for every person! buy a cat like this and name it the same

joan2002, age: 10/11/19/2012

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How it happens

Before starting, the doctor must tell the owner how the procedure is performed. Also, the owner of the animal must sign all documents according to which he gives his voluntary consent to the provision of this service. Next, the procedure itself consists of 2 stages:

  1. A sleeping pill or anesthetic is administered , which puts the cat into deep sleep. The medications used at this stage are sodium thiopental, sodium hydroxydione succinate, intravenous Propofol. After the animal has fallen asleep and cannot feel any pain, they move on to the 2nd stage.

Important! If a clinic offers to carry out a procedure without immersion of anesthesia, they are scammers!

  1. Muscle relaxants are administered , which slow down and then completely stop muscle activity, breathing and heartbeat. The drugs used are Ditilin, Magnesium sulfate, Ketamine, or Lidocaine.

Next, cardiac activity is listened to and, if absent, death is declared.

The decision about whether or not to be near the animal during the procedure is made only by the owner and preferably after the doctor explains the stages. Most often, veterinarians recommend, and the owners choose to stay next to the pet at the first stage, and watch how he slowly falls asleep. During the administration of drugs that directly kill the animal, it is better for the owner to leave. This is done to preserve the person's emotional state and help them come to terms with the loss.

How to help your child cope with the death of a cat

Adults and children perceive the concept of death differently. If the cat was sick for a long time and the child saw this, most likely he was prepared for the fact that the animal would soon leave your family.

Don't scold your child for his emotions. He can get angry, blame, cry. His grief goes through the same stages as in adults. Your task is to teach the little person to show emotions and cope with them. Explain to your child that he is not to blame for the death of the pet.

Do not deceive your child by saying that the cat is lost. Talk about death as best he can understand at his age.

Avoid the word “euthanization” if the child is small. This can create sleep associations and contribute to fear.

Don't hide your emotions. You can reminisce about the cat together, look at the photos and tell them how you feel. Give your child more time during this period.

Don't try to numb the pain by buying a new pet. It is very important to live through the loss to the end and go through all stages of grief. When this happens, you will be able to fully enjoy communication with your new family member.

Talk to your child and try to find out how he feels or thinks about what happened. Watch the movie “All Dogs Go to Heaven” together: it’s about the death of a dog who came into the world again to finish unfinished business. This will help explain to the child that our pets are not eternal and death is a natural phenomenon.

What to do with a cat's body after death?

Due to the lack of special cemeteries for animals in Russia, some owners prefer to bury their pet in the yard or forest plantation. Not many people know that this is prohibited by law, as it is an unsanitary act.

An alternative option is cremation. After it, the owner can keep the ashes of his pet or scatter them in the places where he most often liked to walk. Most clinics offer this service, and cremation is also carried out 24 hours a day in some of them.

Cat mysticism

Cats are known to be natural psychics. They heal, predict weather and earthquakes, and discover new abilities in people. Great importance is also attached to how the cat passed away. It’s one thing if death occurred due to natural causes: old age, illness, accident. And it’s a completely different matter when a cat died suddenly, for no apparent reason. People prone to mysticism see here witchcraft, corruption, overwhelming human emotions and the influence of otherworldly forces.

Since ancient times, cats have been attributed magical properties.

It has been known since ancient times that cats do not die where they live. Anticipating their death, they try to hide away from prying eyes, closer to the other world. Neither scientists nor astrologers can explain this fact.

Signs about the place of death of a cat

It was considered a very bad omen if a cat died at home; it was assumed that in this case the owners would face troubles, illness and even death. In our age of closed doors, when most domestic cats never leave their apartments in their lives, this ominous omen loses its relevance, and the death of a cat brings only sadness to the owners. In addition, now a completely opposite sign has appeared: a cat that dies in the house takes misfortune away from the family. Furry friends protect the peace of their owners: they cleanse the energy of the home, ward off the evil eye, and extinguish negativity directed at the family.

According to legends, after death a cat protects the house from misfortunes

Important symptoms

All owners of animals over 12 years of age should know the symptoms that portend the death of a cat!

Signs that determine the impending death of an animal are:

  • low pressure;
  • slow heartbeat;
  • decrease in temperature;
  • unpleasant odor from the animal;
  • labored breathing;
  • dyspnea;
  • lack of appetite;
  • refusal to eat and drink.

In case you had to euthanize a cat due to health reasons or age

No need to beat yourself up here! The action is correct; in case of age, it is worth considering that the animal lived a long, happy and interesting life with its owner and his care, attention, and affection. And how many cats go hungry, freeze, and get sick on the streets every day? In this case, there should be no feeling of guilt towards the cat. In a situation with a fatal disease and euthanasia, everyone is at risk, even people ask for euthanasia in order to end their earthly suffering. Therefore, the owner, in memory of all the joyful moments of life with the pet, must perform an act of humanism; if the cat could speak, maybe she would have spoken about her desires.

The advice of a psychologist will come in handy if a person is completely devastated from the inside, is in a state of deep stress, does not know how to live further, flooding the furnace with tears or alcohol:

  1. Do something useful to society. It is necessary to help with personal participation, and not with a facilitated transfer of funds. You can volunteer both in shelters for children and in homes for the disabled and veterans. If you have the strength, help homeless animals.
  2. Remove out of sight all objects that remind you of grief: photographs (hide); tray, bed, toys, scratching post, return the remaining food and litter with all other props to an animal shelter or throw it away.
  3. Share your grief and sadness with loved ones. Parents and friends are always on their child’s side and will not laugh at the “great loss.” You can cry in your vest on the cat breeders forum. Surely you can find similar cases there, hear the opinions and advice of people who have experienced similar things. Allow yourself the advice of a professional.
  4. You can vent your emotions in the gym by beating up a mannequin. Kicking empty boxes, running until your muscles hurt. But don’t keep your emotions to yourself, otherwise they will destroy you from within.

  5. Good, but time-bound advice is to get a new pet. There are nuances here. For example, you have not yet let go of thoughts about the previous animal, but the new one is not at all like it, it is annoying and does not cause a sinking feeling in your heart. This means the time has not come yet. Everyone is individual, but many take a period of about a year to accept and understand the death of a pet. The new pet should not replace the departed one. He needs education, affection, and habituation to a new home.
  6. Organize an evening of remembrance for your former pet. The main goal is to tune in to positive thoughts, drive away feelings of guilt, and think about “blood on your hands” from the euthanasia procedure. You can gather all family members and remember funny stories from life related to the cat, you can take out photos of them together or look through an album. If the cat was buried in a specific place or there is simply a place associated with it with memories, visit there too.

What does the church think about this?

First, a story about what the church thinks about this. The priests believe that it is not worthwhile to kill too much for a pet. And you need to read prayers for yourself, and not for the dead cat, and ask for peace and common sense for yourself. Lighting candles and commemorating things is also not included in Orthodox traditions.

According to the church, a person’s soul is united with the Holy Spirit at baptism, therefore for baptized believers there is hope of being reborn for “another life.” Cats and other pets have a soul, but its nature is different, different from humans. Orthodoxy does not allow cats into heaven (in fact, there is no evidence that there are no cats there). The priest's advice is to come to terms with death, no one is eternal.

Magicians, healers and similar charlatans, hiding behind the general definition of “psychic,” can appeal to forces known to them and show grieving people their pets, talk about how bad it is for them in the afterlife, etc. All this is the usual extortion of money by advanced manipulators with knowledge of the weaknesses and psychology of human nature. Such people will not tell you exactly where the cat’s soul goes; rather, they will offer to give her some money for food.

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