Vakderm for cats instructions for use of the vaccine, reviews

One of the simplest ways to protect your pet’s body from harmful microorganisms is timely vaccination. To carry it out, it is necessary to use drugs that have stood the test of time and receive positive reviews from veterinarians.

Let's find out what are the advantages of the vaccine for cats Vakderm-F against dermatophytosis, and how to use it correctly.

Description of the drug Vakderm-F

Vacderm-F is a vaccine that is used in veterinary medicine for the prevention and treatment of dermatophytoses (infectious diseases of the skin, claws and coat) in cats. The vaccine formula was developed by the Russian organization NPViZTs "Vetzverotsentr".

Vakderm-F is widely used by veterinarians to vaccinate cats.

Composition of the drug

Vakderm-F consists of the following components:

  • cells of dermatophyte cultures (Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum canis and Microsporum gypseum);
  • stabilizer (inactivator) formalin 0.3%;
  • immunomodulator - Ribotan 0.2%.

Features of the drug

By studying the annotation for Vakderm you can find out the following important information:

  1. The shelf life of the vaccine is 1 year at t +2 to +10 degrees. The contents of an open bottle can only be used within 30 minutes. When for some reason the color or thickness of the drug has changed, then it is not recommended to use it anymore. According to the instructions, the bottle with the unsuitable mixture must be allowed to boil for 1 hour, and then it must be neutralized.
  2. The substance can be injected into babies who are 3 months old.
  3. Before using the vaccine, you need to arrange for your cat to be seen by a veterinarian. You need to be especially careful about the injection if the animal is very young or, on the contrary, elderly, also exhausted.
  4. It is not permissible to take the vaccine when the cat has a high fever, is ill with infectious or other diseases, is pregnant in the last months, or is feeding milk. When a cat has diseases other than dermatophytosis, it needs to be cured and, after the veterinarian’s approval, can be treated with Vakderm F.
  5. When the injection is given, your pet may experience: drowsiness, poor appetite, hardening of the skin at the injection site. Such symptoms occur in a cat only for 1-3 days.
  6. When dermatophytosis in a cat is in its infancy, receiving a vaccine may cause symptoms of the disease (hair loss, peeling skin, ulcers).

How does the vaccine work?

The number of mushrooms in 1 cm3 of solution can reach 80 million; this concentration is harmless to the cat’s body, but it causes the development of immunity to dermatophytes. Resistance to these fungi appears approximately a month after vaccination and persists for a year.

Some veterinarians believe that the body’s resistance to fungal diseases after vaccination lasts only up to six months, but this may be due to unsuccessful experience with use. The effectiveness of the drug is not always in doubt, and it can only be verified in practice. Consult your veterinarian - if your veterinarian does not trust this vaccine, he will offer you a replacement drug.

Himalayan and Persian cats are especially susceptible to fungal infections of the skin and coat.


Let's look at a few reviews about Vakderma for cats:

  1. One housewife does not recommend Vakderm F to those who are inclined to self-medicate four-legged animals, as she did. Last year she adopted two kittens from the yard, then took them to the vet the next day. The doctor suspected they had ringworm, collected tests and asked them to come back for conclusions later. But she wanted to force things, purchased a Vakderm F kit and gave injections on the same day, without reading the instructions, and didn’t even bother to remove the worms. As a result, one kitten died after 3 days, and the other was saved without the help of a veterinarian. She concluded that it is better to carry out such treatment in a clinic and after a doctor’s prescription. The kittens had dermatitis and not lichen at all.
  2. The woman has 10 years of experience working in a pet supply store. There is a positive opinion about the Vakderm F vaccine - a reliable manufacturer, low price, the product has proven itself to be effective and provides good protection for cats against shingles. Some owners are worried that after vaccination with the vaccine, the cat will begin to develop lichen and do not dare to get another injection. It’s in vain, because the symptoms will disappear after 1-3 days, and the cat’s immunity will be activated to fight lichen. She administers this drug to her pets – a dog and a cat – once a year as a precaution. I did not notice any adverse effects.
  3. A cat living in a woman’s house became infected with trichophytosis. The owner was very scared, because the child was half a year old at home, and the disease is known to be contagious. The doctor prescribed Vakderm F ointments and injections. She was afraid to give injections and therefore took her to the veterinary hospital several times. The doctor warned that the remedy was effective, but not easy on the liver and the side effect would be lethargy.

After two injections, the cat’s hair grew back on her receding hairline and her appearance became noticeably more beautiful. He believes that the vaccine, together with sulfur ointments, helped overcome the disease.

Features of the use of the vaccine in cats

The vaccine manufacturer warns that certain rules must be followed:

  • 10 days before vaccination, the cat must be treated for worms;
  • immediately before using the vaccine, it must be warmed (in the hands) to body temperature;
  • you need to correctly calculate the dosage and remember the application regimen;
  • General precautions are recommended.

Table: selection of dosage of the drug Vakderm-F

Animal ageSingle dosage
30–90 days0.5 ml
Over 90 days1 ml

Vaccination scheme

The vaccination must be done twice - in a single dosage with a break of 2 weeks. The injection must be administered intramuscularly into different limbs. The injection site should be the inside of the cat's thigh.

for intramuscular injection, you need to choose the most fleshy place in the upper part of the limb (it is more convenient to use the hind limb)

Precautionary measures

The manufacturer pays special attention to sterility:

  • needles and syringes must be sterilized by boiling or disposable, for each animal - a separate needle;
  • It is recommended to treat the injection site with 70% alcohol;
  • the veterinarian vaccinating animals must be dressed appropriately (gown, hat, gloves) and have a first aid kit;
  • if the vaccine gets on the skin and/or mucous membranes, it is recommended to rinse them with tap water;
  • in case of a vaccine spill, the floor area is also washed with tap water;
  • If the drug is accidentally administered to a person, the injection site must be treated with a 70% ethyl alcohol solution and contact a medical facility.


Administration of Vakderma forms the animal's immunity to dermatophytosis, 25 - 30 days after double use with an interval of 10 - 14 days.

Post-vaccination immunity lasts for one year.

In one immunizing dose of the product, the saturation of fungal particles is approximately 30 - 50 million / cm 3.

The vaccine can be used without special precautions, as it is harmless, areactogenic, and has therapeutic and preventive properties. Vaccination of pets who have an incubation period for dermatophytoses stimulates the accelerated manifestation of symptoms of mycosis in the areas where pathogens are localized in the form of single or multiple mycotic foci on the animal’s skin

Vaccination of pets who have an incubation period for dermatophytosis stimulates the accelerated manifestation of symptoms of mycosis in the areas where pathogens are localized in the form of single or multiple mycotic foci on the animal’s skin.

After 10 days, you need to repeat the drug twice.

Possible side effects and contraindications

Contraindications to the use of Vakderm-F solution are:

  • increased body temperature of the animal;
  • pregnancy (second half of term);
  • infectious and non-infectious diseases;
  • weak condition (the cat must first be cured).

It is impossible to determine “by eye” whether a cat is healthy or not; this can only be confirmed after an examination. I usually go to the veterinary clinic where I plan to vaccinate my cat. I consult with a veterinarian about the choice of vaccine, and at the same time inform that the cat first needs to be checked for diseases. Sometimes our veterinarian prescribes some tests, and when the results are ready, the clinic calls and invites you for a vaccination.

Before vaccination, you need to cure your cat for existing diseases.

Side effects after vaccination may include:

  • allergic reaction to the drug (drowsiness that goes away spontaneously after a couple of days);
  • compaction at the injection site (can be treated with 5% iodine solution).

If signs of hypersensitivity to vaccine components appear, the animal should be given rest (up to 5 days).

If after vaccination a cat clearly shows signs of dermatophytosis, it means that before vaccination it was in the incubation period of the disease. The fact is that the vaccine provokes an intensified course of the disease. In such cases, re-vaccination cannot be canceled; on the contrary, the second administration of the drug should be twice (in the same dosage and with an interval of 2 weeks).

Shelf life and storage conditions

Vakderm can be stored for a year from the production date (as we have already mentioned, it is indicated on each ampoule and bottle). Storage conditions: refrigerator (permissible temperature 2-10 °C).

For safety reasons, it is necessary to prevent children from having access to ampoules or vials.

It is prohibited to use:

  • the drug has expired or has been stored in violation of the above conditions;
  • ampoules or vials on which the necessary markings are missing or erased (we have already provided a list of information that must be applied by the manufacturer to the vaccine container);
  • bottles (ampoules) that are damaged, not hermetically packaged, or opened more than half an hour ago;
  • a drug whose appearance does not correspond to what was declared (has a different color or consistency, there is sediment or foreign impurities, mold, etc.).

If any of the above circumstances are present, the vaccine is discarded

This process does not require any additional disinfection measures, just ordinary precautions.

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate your cat against lichen is a question that every cat owner decides for himself. This vaccination is not mandatory by international standards, but it is included in the “vaccination calendar” of many veterinary clinics. "Vakderm" is one of the top three most common drugs used for these purposes, its price is quite affordable, and side effects are minimal.

A loving owner is concerned not only with the appearance of the pet, but also with its health. Unfortunately, cats are often susceptible to skin diseases such as dermatitis. Its peculiarity is that this disease can become dangerous for the cat owner. Preventing a disease is easier than treating it. Any experienced veterinarian will confirm this. In this article you will find instructions on how to combat lichen with the help of medications.

Therefore, it is worth taking care of your furry pet in advance by carrying out preventive vaccination

using the drug Vakderm-F. He will protect the cat:

When visiting a veterinary clinic, the cat owner will be offered vaccinations.

using Vakderm or Vakderm-F. Let's look at their distinctive features and determine which drug is right for your cat.

Owner reviews about the drug Vakderm-F

I became acquainted with the Vakderm vaccine when my cat caught this infection. I was terribly scared, but the veterinarian reassured me - just three injections and the cat is healthy, not contagious and has immunity for a whole year! The doctor also said, it’s good that such a medicine was invented, otherwise previously it was necessary to treat the animals with smelly ointments or even euthanize them.

akylita, forum user

Normal prophylactic drug. The animal tolerates it well, at least we did not notice anything unusual in its behavior after vaccination.

Lex-Ta, forum user


The dose amount of the drug "Vakderm" is prescribed individually in each case, taking into account the weight and age of the animal. So, for dogs that weigh less than 5 kg, 0.5 cc of vaccine is administered, if the weight is more than 5 kg, 1 cc is administered.

For cats that are not yet six months old, it is enough to inject 0.5 cubes of the drug; if they are more than 6 months old, it is enough to inject 1 cube.

For rabbits less than 50 days old, it is enough to inject 0.5 cc of the substance, and for rabbits older than 50 days, 1 ml.

It is permissible for fur-bearing animals to inject the drug “Vakderm” if their age is more than 30 days, while if the rabbit lives less than 50 days, then it is necessary to inject half a cube of the drug, if more than 50 days - 1 cube.

It is worth considering that each animal may have individual characteristics, and therefore, if they exist, you should definitely contact a veterinarian, who will prescribe a dose of medication or offer other treatment options.

Description and main properties

The drug Vakderm has a targeted effect. It is used for medicinal and prophylactic purposes. The use of the vaccine several times reduces the risk of developing diseases resulting from exposure to fungal and yeast infections.

The developers offer several versions of the drug - Vakderm and Vakderm F. The Vakderm vaccine is universal and is used for cats, dogs and other pets. Vakderm F was created specifically for cats, since they spend more time outdoors and are prone to fungal infections. This drug is recognized as more effective for this particular type of animal.

In addition, the composition of Vakderm F is additionally enriched with Ribotan, an immunostimulating agent that helps the cat tolerate vaccination more easily and strengthens the body’s defenses. Externally, the solutions differ in color: the universal composition has a yellow tint, Vakderm for cats is pink.

Composition and release forms

The drug contains fungal cells that most often infect cats: Microsporum canis, Trichphyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum gypseum, which are grown in a special nutrient medium. Formalin solution was used as a stabilizing agent.

The drug is produced in two forms:

  1. injection solution, which is a cloudy yellowish-brown liquid:
  2. dry powder with a porous structure.

The vaccine is packaged in ampoules and hermetically sealed glass vials with a label indicating the name, release date, and serial number.

Mechanism of action

One immunizing dose of Vakderm and Vakderm F contains approximately 30−50 million/cm of fungal elements. After administration within 20-25 days, a stable immunity against fungal infection is formed in the pet’s body, which persists throughout the year. The drug has no contraindications, does not have a negative effect on the pet’s body, and can be used for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

How and where to inject?

Place for injection
The ampoule heated in a water bath to a temperature of 36–37 degrees is opened and drawn into a syringe. The medicine is administered intramuscularly. The paws where the injections are given should be different. Inject into the inner back of the thigh. Do it very carefully, bypassing the bone, especially for thin cats. After the area has been treated with alcohol, insert a needle about 1–2 cm. Introduce the solution slowly, gradually.


There are many fungal pathogenic microorganisms - more than 30 species. Dogs are more often infected with a fungus of the Microsporum canis species. Ringworm is dangerous because it is transmitted to humans. A pet can become infected with it:

  • on a walk;
  • when in contact with a sick animal, including when using common care items.

The causative agents of lichen are very tenacious; they can remain active for up to 1.5 years. In addition, animals can transmit disease without being sick themselves. In this case, one can imagine the scale of the pathology if animals are not vaccinated.

Important! The Vakderm vaccine will help identify the disease if it is at the incubation stage: after the injection, small mycotic foci appear on the animal’s body, which begin to peel off a little later.

Animals with low immunity are primarily susceptible to microsporia. Therefore, the following are at risk:

  • puppies;
  • young dogs;
  • elderly animals;
  • pets weakened by illness.

In shelters and nurseries, the disease can reach epidemic proportions. To avoid it, animals need to be vaccinated.

The fungus loves dampness; it multiplies quickly in damp and unventilated areas; for the same reason, outbreaks of infection are mostly recorded in spring and autumn. At this time of year, air humidity is high, and ultraviolet radiation, which has a detrimental effect on fungal spores, is insufficient.

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The incubation period of the disease is 2-3 weeks. It is more difficult to notice the first signs of the disease if your pet has thick, long hair. However, the fungus, penetrating through the layers of the epidermis into the hair follicle, causes inflammation. On the skin it manifests itself as redness and itching. Based on your pet's restlessness, you can suspect the presence of a fungus.

The further development of trichophytosis proceeds as follows:

  • redness and swelling in the form of tubercles appear on the skin;
  • due to severe itching, the animal scratches the affected areas, opening access to secondary infections;
  • the fungus quickly spreads over the skin, forming visually noticeable round-shaped lesions;
  • the skin dries and becomes covered with crusts and scabs;
  • patches of baldness appear.

Important! Dermatophytes primarily affect the animal's face and neck, then the croup, abdomen and limbs.

Ringworm is also dangerous because pathogenic bacteria and viruses enter the body through damaged skin. Then the following general ones are added to the skin manifestations of the disease:

  • depressed state;
  • decreased appetite or refusal to eat;
  • increased body temperature;
  • possible sepsis.

Important! Lichen and other types of dermatophytosis cannot be treated. However, the disease can be prevented if you regularly use Vakderm for vaccination.

Indications for use

The drug vacderm was specially developed by scientists in order to prevent the occurrence of fungal infections in pets. Important conditions are compliance with the vaccine administration regimen and annual vaccinations. This boosts the immune system and resists the appearance of diseases in animals and their owners.

The vaccine is intended to prevent the following diseases in cats:

  • microsporia (ringworm) - can be acute or chronic. Superficial or internal. There is an asymptomatic course of the disease. The disease is easy to determine by its appearance - bald patches, sores, itching, the formation of a white dry coating, pus;
  • trichophytosis - infection of the body by fungi. Transmitted through other animals and rodents. And also may not have any symptoms for a very long time. As a rule, it manifests itself in brittle hair, hyperemia of the skin, and bald spots.

Such infections can occur in any cat, regardless of breed, age or coat.

But they are most dangerous for kittens, old cats and cats with very weak immune systems.

For the treatment of dermatophytoses,
Vakderm is used to treat diseases if the disease is at an initial stage. Otherwise it won’t help, the animal’s condition will only get worse.

special instructions

The use of the drug requires strict adherence to the rules of use and storage. In addition, we should not forget about the rules of personal safety:

  1. for injections, use disposable syringes, separate for each animal;
  2. Treat the injection site with an alcohol solution;
  3. use personal protective equipment: gown, medical mask, rubber gloves;
  4. If the solution gets on your skin, quickly wash off the residue with water;
  5. After the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with running water and soap.

The shelf life of the Vakderm vaccine is one year from the date of manufacture.

The product is stored in a cool place out of the reach of children. The solution should not be used after the expiration date, or if there is sedimentation in the form of flakes or mold, or a change in color or consistency. It is unacceptable to administer the product if the necessary labeling is missing or the packaging is not sealed.

Pregnant, lactating and puppies

Vaccination with Vakderm is prohibited for dogs during pregnancy and lactation; injections cannot be given to puppies under 2 months old.

There are other contraindications such as:

  • the presence of an infectious disease;
  • chronic diseases that reduce immunity;
  • elevated temperature.

Vaccination is given only to healthy dogs .

Vaccination with Vakderm is carried out on pets of different breeds - small dogs weighing less than 5 kg are given 0.5 ml of the solution, large and medium-sized dogs are given 1 ml of the drug.

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