Why you shouldn’t look cats in the eye (short answer): beliefs and signs + scientific explanation

» Signs » Is it possible to look a cat in the eyes - a sign



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People believe that looking into a cat's eyes is dangerous. There is a mystical and rational explanation for this belief. The threat of a cat's gaze may be exaggerated, but prolonged eye contact is truly undesirable. Let's consider where this prejudice came from and is it worth fearing?

Why you can’t look a cat in the eyes: a mystical approach

Superstitions regarding cats originated a long time ago, back in the days of paganism. Thus, the Egyptian Mau and jungle cats were considered deities connecting the human world and the astral world. In Ancient Egypt, cats were associated with the goddess Bastet, who resided on the border of two worlds. It was believed that if you look into the eyes of a cat, you can find yourself in the afterlife and stay there forever. That is why, when looking at a cat, the Egyptians always lowered their eyes or tried to look as if through it.

Later superstitions regarding cats were formed already in the Middle Ages. Then these animals were considered the product of evil spirits, demonic creatures, real fiends of hell. It was believed that cats (especially black ones) travel at night from one world to another, and each religion had its own theory regarding such mysterious behavior of, in general, completely ordinary animals. Thus, in Catholicism, cats were considered minions of the devil, so they should not be offended, because the animal could turn to Satan himself for protection. Records have been preserved of how people who offended cats suddenly fell ill and died, which also confirmed the superstitious theory.

In many fairy tales, the description of cats has a clear mystical slant. Their hypnotizing gaze, as if directed into the depths of the other world, is especially noted. It was believed that not looking away from a cat for too long could cause great harm to the person looking.

It is also interesting to note that each nation has its own superstitions regarding cats, but for the most part they are similar. You cannot look into the eyes of an animal and kiss it, so as not to lose your vital energy. It was believed that through a kiss, a cat could take away a person’s powers, sending them to the astral world. What was to happen next is unknown, since there were no daredevils who would dare to take such an exotic journey. It is interesting to note that, as a rule, the veto on kissing applied only to the animal's face, without extending to other parts of the body.

Even in our time, kissing a cat is considered not a very useful activity - however, not from a mystical point of view, but from a scientific one. Through human mucous membranes that come into contact with an animal's fur, infection can occur. And even if your cat is completely healthy, this does not mean that you cannot become infected from him. It is absolutely not necessary to kiss your pet to express your love to it - cats themselves, by the way, do not like this. It is much better to simply pet the animal to hear its satisfied purr in response.

Why do you dream of a cat's eyes?

Dream interpreters say: if a pair of cat eyes looks at you in a dream, this is not good. Most often, this is a warning of danger or injury, so it is best to exercise extreme caution throughout the day, especially in hazardous workplaces. When leaving home, if possible, avoid dark, unfamiliar, and little-frequented streets. If you are planning a trip to the doctor on this day, it is best to postpone it.

There is an opinion that cats, especially black ones, bring bad luck. In fact, this is not true. A loving animal will never cause you the slightest harm, both on the physical level and on the subtle plane. The same applies to stray cats, which you have absolutely no interest in (unless, of course, you feed them). Moreover, if a cat, calmly crossing your path, glances at you, consider this a good sign! This means that there is no danger for you, you can continue on your way completely calmly.

There is no need to offend cats because of prejudice. These are very smart and completely harmless animals if you know how to handle them correctly. If you don't get along with them, try to either find a common language with them or not communicate with them unnecessarily.

The Scientific Approach: The Short Answer

Biologists have analyzed behavioral factors in detail. Before an animal fight, there is prolonged eye contact. Animals measure their strength in this way and frighten the enemy.

If the owner or guest stares at the pupils of the pet, then the latter intuitively accepts the challenge. Begins to get nervous and fear a more powerful opponent. Hence the changes tend to go in a bad direction. The male will “defend” the territory - mark, hide food in things, tear off curtains, scratch the wallpaper.

The animal perceives looking into the pupils as an attack, aggression. The female will become uncontrollable and panic. Regular stress will affect your health.

Is it possible to look a cat in the eyes for a long time: a realistic approach

Now let’s look at the question of why you can’t look into a cat’s eyes for a long time, from a realistic point of view. Scientists say that cats, as predators, recognize prolonged eye contact as a threat. You can notice how the animal's pupils narrow if you look into them for a long time: the cat is experiencing stress. In their natural habitat, cats always make eye contact before engaging in a fight with a fellow cat. So, if you do not want your pet to perceive your actions as aggression, it is best not to try to penetrate the animal’s soul with your gaze, this will not lead to anything good.

If a person doesn't recognize the warning signs of flattened ears or a nervous twitching of the tip of the tail, the cat may decide that he is ready for a fight and may attack - most likely right in the face. If the cat is domestic and loves its owner, then its feelings are much more complex. Instinct tells her that she needs to defend herself, while she knows what the consequences of attacking a person can be. The most reasonable thing to do in this case is to calmly look away and speak affectionately to your pet, but do not try to pet her. Soon she will come to her senses and climb into your arms, demanding affection. Peace will be restored.

It is interesting to note that outdoor cats will most likely not react in any way to you looking into their eyes. The fact is that they simply have nothing to share with a person, so they prefer to run away. Or they begin to beg for a treat, which clearly goes against the aggressiveness described by many eyewitnesses.

There is another simple explanation that follows from comparing the structures of the human and cat's eyes. So, a person has two types of vision - direct and peripheral, and you can switch from one to the other simply by moving your eyes. At the same time, a cat does not have such a division, and she cannot focus on one thing, seeing the entire world around her at once. This requires a lot of concentration. Often you don't even have to make eye contact with an animal to be attacked. This is due to the fact that the cat may only think that you are going to attack it.

Cats are considered unpredictable animals. Only a very sensitive person, who is “on the same wavelength” with these creatures, can feel the real threat posed by his pet, which is given to very few. Therefore, try, if possible, not to cause aggression in your pet by looking at him directly, even if he has lived next to you all his life. It is better to show respect and kindness towards your pet, thereby making life together with him comfortable for both of you.

Opinion of parapsychologists

Parapsychology today has also paid attention to the peculiarities of the cat's gaze. Parapsychologists do not believe that a demon can penetrate you through it. Or the gaze of this small animal can bewitch you. However, it is not recommended to play staring contest with a cat. After this, you may feel some low mood or fatigue. This can be explained by the effort it takes for a person to concentrate in order to play such “games”.

Parapsychologists do not recommend looking cats closely in the eyes

How to look at a cat correctly

The character and temperament of cats, just like people, can vary greatly. Therefore, not every animal will be nervous when they look into its eyes. Thus, a domestic cat may become so accustomed to being often looked into the eyes that it will not pay any attention to it. In the same way, yard cats do not react in any way to direct gaze. But if your pet has a bad temper, then it is best not to look him in the eyes at all, so as not to anger him again.

There are several simple rules of behavior with cats:

  • look at the animal briefly, periodically calmly looking away to the side;
  • focus on the animal’s forehead or bridge of the nose, but in no case on the pupils, so it will not feel threatened;
  • If, when looking at a cat, it shows aggression (crouches to the floor, twitches its tail, and its pupils become round), think about how you could scare or offend it, try to appease it with affection and delicious food to instill trust in it before making contact .

Among other things, the cat may constantly regard you as prey due to an unsatisfied hunting instinct. After all, every cat, even the most timid, remains a predator at heart. It’s better to please your pet with toys – a wind-up mouse or a ball. He will immediately stop being angry and happily join the game.


  • If you want eye contact with your pet, limit it in time. Don't look into the cat's eyes for too long, look at the nose, bridge of the nose, ears, whiskers.
  • You should not play staring contest with someone else’s cat, especially when visiting. For some pets, the arrival of a new person is stressful. They may become nervous or overly excited, which often results in aggression.
  • Sometimes the cat itself craves eye contact, usually for a specific purpose. Most often, he “drills” into you to attract attention and show that he is hungry, or asks for affection, or makes it clear that something hurts. Be sure to respond to the request and monitor your pet’s behavior. A hungry pet will simply get up and take you to the kitchen (to a bowl or refrigerator), a pet that wants to play will begin to perform various tricks, and a sick pet will complain with sad eyes.
  • Eye contact is very important for cats that don't like to meow. Remember this feature and meet your cat's gaze more often if she is naturally silent.
  • Some cats love to watch people, especially from a high place (from a buffet or closet). This is a sign of a curious nature and a desire to “dominate” a little. Don’t spoil your pet’s fun and don’t look at him, but just go about your business.
  • If a cat misbehaves and you reprimand it, you can look into its eyes for a long time and sternly in order to show that you are serious.

What if the cat looks into the eyes itself?

If the cat itself looks into your eyes, most likely, it is simply asking you for something or wants to convey some important idea: for example, to be petted or played with. Not all cats communicate using sound signals; some prefer to exchange glances. If you see that the cat is not showing aggression towards you, then you do not need to be afraid of this, but on the contrary, try to understand what she wants. And, of course, be sure to satisfy her desire.

With a low degree of probability, a situation may arise when the cat decides to attack you first. But at the same time, you will notice the corresponding signs of aggression - such as flattened ears, an arched back, a long tail lashing like an Indiana Jones whip. In this case, try not to be nervous, avoid the cat's gaze and move away from the danger zone. Once you are out of danger, analyze what could have caused the attack and, if possible, calm the animal.

As you can see, it is enough to be sensitive and follow a few simple rules to live in complete harmony with your pet!

A little history

The cat was domesticated by humans about 10,000 years ago. At this time, the transition from nomadic to sedentary life began. A small animal was ideal for living in one place. It was of great benefit in exterminating small rodents in the house. The skeleton of an ancient cat was found in a Cypriot burial dating back to 7500 BC.

This is evidence of the domestication of the animal at this time and in this place. Around this time, the cat entered the service of humans, helped preserve the harvest, and fought with birds and rodents. At the same time, its small size did not require a large amount of food. Often there was enough food obtained by hunting in the house, in barns, in the barnyard.

There are different points of view regarding the domestication of cats. Some believe that man persistently and consistently tamed her ancestors to live together. He derived practical benefit from this. The cat helped preserve the harvest and at the same time was an easy and undemanding companion, affectionate and pleasant to talk to.

Other researchers believe that the process of bringing cats closer to humans was due to its intelligence. The animal understood that a human home would protect it from the wild and provide comfort to its offspring. And at the same time, it is convenient for hunting small rodents.

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