Is it possible to give a dog cat food in bags, dry or wet, how dangerous is it?

People in whose homes live together pets belonging to different biological species, namely cats and dogs, often observe the phenomenon of stealing from someone else's bowl. Cats eat dogs' food, and the latter feast on the former's bowl. Many people do not pay much attention to this fact, especially if the pets do not fight about it. But caring owners of four-legged animals need to know whether it is possible to give their dog cat food and what consequences this may have.

Taste preferences of dogs and cats: nutritional characteristics and differences in diet

Canines and cats are carnivores. Wild cats hunt birds and rodents on their own and eat them whole. The victim's gastrointestinal tract contains plant fibers, carbohydrates, proteins, and food enzymes.

Small mammals eat grains, fruits, and vegetables. Complex carbohydrates are partially broken down into simple sugars. That's why cats love sweets; there is always a lot of glucose in their blood. The cat takes its prey to a secluded place and enjoys the food, eating it in small portions.

Wild dogs hunt in packs, mainly on small ruminants. Dominant individuals approach the prey first. The remaining members of the pack wait until the leaders are full, then pounce on the food, swallowing the pieces without chewing. Most of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract are occupied by feed containing coarse fiber - green or dry grass, tree bark.

Therefore, dogs are accustomed to eating food with a high concentration of fiber. If the dog is walking around the garden, he can eat bell peppers or grapes. Compassionate animal lovers feed their dogs bread.

Food for cats and dogs: what is the difference?

Supermarkets sell economy or premium food. Manufacturers do not disclose the recipe for ready-made food; at best, they list the components in general phrases: meat ingredients, grains, vegetable oils, herbs, etc.

To find out how food for cats and dogs differs, let’s go to a pet store and look at ready-made food of at least super premium class. So, on the packaging of 1st choice dry food for kittens it is written that the food contains 17% fresh chicken meat, the same amount of chicken flour, as well as dried eggs, herring fish meal, and liver hydrolysate. The food contains 30% proteins, 20% fats.

The packaging of 1st choice dry kibble for puppies states that it contains 33% chicken meal and liver hydrolysate. Even an ignorant buyer understands that the nutritional value of fresh chicken meat is higher than flour, which is prepared from the heads, paws, and contents of the digestive tract.

The feed mixture contains 26% proteins with a large percentage of vegetable proteins, 14% fats. In addition, taurine is added to cat food, since the body produces little sulfoamino acids.

Canines do not need taurine, since it is synthesized in sufficient quantities. Excess biologically active substances have a toxic effect on the body. L-carnitine is added to cat food. During high physical activity, this amino acid extracts energy from fats, and with physical inactivity it leads to excess weight gain.

The need of cats and dogs for minerals and vitamins is not the same, so consuming food that is not intended for a given species and age leads to an imbalance of nutrients and negatively affects the health of the pet.

Protein Digestibility

The health of a pet is affected not only by the presence of protein in the diet, but also by how easily it is absorbed by the body. Digestibility is influenced by many factors. For example, you should consider the source of the protein and at what temperature the product was processed.

As a rule, animal protein is better absorbed than plant protein. However, there are exceptions, such as soy protein. At the same time, among animal proteins, proteins from connective tissue are better absorbed than proteins from skeletal muscles.

Given this information, is it possible to feed a cat dry dog ​​food? Yes, but it will bring absolutely no benefit. Dog food contains more vegetable protein, which is practically not absorbed by the cat's body. It turns out that the cat will spend internal resources on receiving and digesting food, but will not receive any useful substances from it, and, in some cases, even calories (if the level of undigested protein is 50-100%).

With a prolonged stay on such a diet, your pet may develop: vitamin deficiency, protein deficiency and various gastrointestinal disorders.

May or may not be given

Cat food contains more calories and protein than a dog that lives in an apartment and doesn’t move much needs. Some veterinarians recommend a cat diet for malnourished animals. The pet will quickly gain the missing pounds, but when experimental feeding continues for 2 weeks or more, health risks arise.

Feeding wet cat food makes the situation worse: canned food tastes better than kibble. Begging develops, the dog terrorizes the household, and when its whims are satisfied, it becomes impudent and tries to steal food from the table. The risk of mental illness in the animal increases.

If a dog eats cat food once, nothing bad will happen to him. You cannot constantly give your dog ready-made cat food: it is dangerous to health.

What types of dog food are there?

The question of whether it is possible to feed a dog cat food, which arose as a result of the dog’s attachment to it, will disappear if you try to understand proper dog nutrition. At the same time, it is worth choosing the best diet for your pet.

There are 4 types of dog food:

  1. Dry food. The best option for all homeowners. It is not expensive, stores well, has a neutral odor, has brown tints and contains a minimal amount of water.
  2. Semi-moist food. Every dog ​​loves this treat. It resembles meat gravy. It is packaged in sachets or jars. It costs a little more than dry food. Average dog owners can afford it.
  3. Pates or wet food. They are expensive, and not every citizen can afford them. I release them for puppies or older dogs who already have dental problems.
  4. A variety of treats for dogs. They are also expensive, but are not intended for constant consumption. They are used as treats or rewards.

Why do dogs eat cat food?

Dogs are accustomed to living in a pack and obey the established hierarchy. A low-ranking individual strives to rise one step higher, so he mocks those who are weaker. This is how the dog eats food from the cat's bowl for the first time.

If owners use economy-class food, the dog develops an addiction due to flavor enhancers that give the cheap food the taste of meat. The dog makes the next approach to wet food, which it likes more than dry food. With the connivance of the owner, the animal develops a reflex. The dog demands his way, and when the owner decides to show character, he whines until he gets his way.

Harm of cat food to a dog's body

Systematic eating of cat food leads to the following pathological symptoms or diseases:

  1. Obesity, which provokes diabetes mellitus, pancreas and liver diseases.
  2. Protein overfeeding: increases the risk of urolithiasis and nutritional allergies. The kidneys are affected and a stomach ulcer develops.
  3. Cholesterol plaques form on the walls of blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart disease.
  4. Shortness of breath develops, and the likelihood of respiratory diseases increases.
  5. If a dog is given economy class cat food, it gets used to flavor enhancers that imitate the presence of meat in the food mixture. The pet refuses dog food and demands cat food.

A large breed dog rarely develops an addiction to food that is not his own, but miniature dogs develop an addiction.

They refuse any other food. Cats may eat dog food when they are very hungry or for self-esteem. In the latter case, the matter does not go beyond eating a few croquettes.


This substance is included in almost all cat foods, but is not included in dog food. Let's find out why.

Taurine is vital for cats, as it is what allows cats to digest fats in the small intestine. The body of a purring pet is not able to produce enough taurine to cover all its needs, therefore, to maintain good health of the cat, food with a high content of this substance must be included in its diet.

Dogs' bodies, on the contrary, do not need additional taurine for normal functioning, so manufacturers do not include it in dog food.

What are the dangers of changing your diet? Can a cat be given dog food? With prolonged consumption of dog food, the cat will inevitably develop a lack of taurine in the body, which can lead to retinal degeneration, disruption of the cardiovascular system and deterioration of the immune system.

What to do if your pet ate cat food?

We need to figure out how to make cat food inaccessible to the dog. Super premium food does not contain flavor enhancers, so the dog may remain indifferent and not look into the neighbor’s feeder in the future. Economy class food smells delicious and attracts the dog. A radical solution is to cut off the cat's access to food. Place the cat feeder somewhere where the dog cannot get into. A cat hole is built into the interior door.

If the dog is too small, this option will not work. Then the cat feeder is placed high so that the dog cannot reach it. This could be a window sill, a refrigerator, a special shelf for a cat with a mini-dining room that is mounted on the wall.

An avid animal lover, she had 5 dogs and 8 cats. She placed dog feeders on the floor and cat feeders on the closet.

Dog food classes

Products are divided into classes depending on quality and cost. Dog food is divided into:

  1. Economy class. These products are most often advertised, but they are not that safe for animals. In the composition you can see corn and legume ingredients, a large number of plant components, and animal proteins. The granules are painted in a variety of bright colors. In addition, the products contain salt.
  2. Premium class. These are, so to speak, popular varieties of dog food. They are all fortified and suitable for complete feeding of healthy pets.
  3. Holistic class. This is the best food. This variety does not contain salt, but has a small amount of preservatives. The food has a natural base.
  4. Medicinal feed. They are used only with the permission of a veterinarian.
  5. Special food for pregnant or weakened dogs.

How to stop your dog from eating cat food

The dog will wean itself off cat food when it loses access to it. Instead, you can buy wet dog food and give 1 pouch (bag) per day. If the dog refuses to eat, let him fast for several days.

The diet will not affect your health, your four-legged friend will again eat the same ready-made food with appetite. Pay attention to the condition of your pet's fur. If it is dull and comes out, it means the dog does not have enough nutritional components, or an allergic response to the components of the diet has formed. You need to switch to hypoallergenic food or super premium food.

Ask your veterinarian about your dog's nutritional needs

So, how “good” or “bad” cat food is for your dog’s health really depends on your dog.

For most healthy adult dogs, this means you no longer have to worry about your dog eating cat treats from time to time.

However, if you have any questions, be sure to ask your veterinarian or veterinary nutritionist for advice about whether commercial cat food in any quantity is appropriate for your dog.

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