Why do you dream about a little gray kitten? Dream interpretation

Gray kitten

Have your night dreams been visited by a cute creature? Why do you dream about a little gray kitten? It portends peace and homeliness. Have you been very busy at work lately and have absolutely no time to spend with your family? Expect changes soon. You will have the opportunity to be alone with your children, parents or with your loved one. Don't be sad about everyday life. A break in the eternal race of life should be perceived as a short-term rest. Relax, read your favorite books or watch movies. Don’t try to immediately load yourself with work after a complex project. The subconscious mind shows kittens to a person who needs to rest and gain strength. If possible, then take a vacation and go to warm countries for at least a week.

Why do you dream of a gray kitten according to the dream books of Miller, Freud, Tsvetkov

Kittens are cute creatures that can melt even the most soulless heart. We will find out why a gray kitten dreams about it in proven dream books.

General interpretation

The cat is an ancient symbol of wisdom, intelligence, and insight. He was worshiped by many peoples. For killing a holy cat, one could receive the highest punishment and lose one's life. These graceful animals are endowed with supernatural abilities and strength: the gift of transformation, farsightedness, communication with the afterlife, communication with the spirits of deceased ancestors.

For women, this sign can reflect her character traits and appearance: attentiveness, intelligence, sensuality, femininity. For those who saw this fluffy creature in a dream, fate promises that they will be surrounded by a mass of fans. They appreciate her beauty, passion and slender curves of her body.

Some people, a cat means a woman who is very promiscuous. A kitten curled up in a ball can be a symbol of eternity, while lonely walks symbolize freedom and willfulness.

In Orthodoxy, cats can release evil spirits. Traditionally, it is customary to first introduce them to the new home so that the young family can live there comfortably, happily and happily.

The black cat symbolizes evil spirits, black magic, evil spirits from the other world and satanic orgies. For the dreamer, such a sign can mean obstacles and difficulties that will bring a lot of trouble and difficulties in life.

In eastern horoscopes and Feng Shui philosophy, the cat takes pride of place. She is a symbol of longevity, numbering nine lives, and possessing wisdom and cunning that are rarely found in anyone. A cat with a raised paw is a money sign that will bring financial well-being and wealth to the sleeper.

For those who dream of the happiness of motherhood, a cat with kittens is the surest symbol that you will soon become pregnant.

A gray kitten in most dream books is considered a harbinger of minor troubles, worries, troubles that will not bring moral satisfaction or profit, but will only require a lot of time and effort to resolve. These circumstances can cause frequent stress and lead to depression.

But there are times when this gray fluffy ball will express good feelings, joyful emotions and love for others. Let's look at all the options.

Tabby kitten

The dream book interprets a gray-white kitten as a harbinger of trouble. The furry creature that appeared in dreams warns a person to be careful. He should not run into conflicts and should try to avoid situations that could lead to a heated argument. The person needs to reconsider his opinion about how and with whom to communicate. A striped kitten can serve as a symbol that there is a traitor in the immediate environment. The saboteur will pretend to be a friend, but in reality he will try to ruin the dreamer’s mood, reputation and destroy strong friendships with true friends. Be careful and cautious. Don't trust secrets to people you've just met. Think about it: did your friends warn you about someone? You may simply not notice a person who is a master of disguise. Listen to your friends' advice.

Miller's Dream Book: kittens

Behind all the dream pictures about kittens, the interpreter sees failures.

For married men, a dream means illness of relatives who will have to be looked after.

For women - involvement in unseemly affairs, deterioration of reputation.

If kittens eat a lot, but do not grow taller, expect gossip and backbiting.

To get rid of problems, you need to kick the kitten out of the house in your dreams. If it doesn't work out, the kitten represents your worst enemy. The appearance of the animal will help to detect it.

  • A fluffy white kitten (a close relative) will lure you into a set trap.
  • If your pets are dirty and of different sizes (business partners, employees), your career will go downhill.
  • Noticing several kittens frolicking is a sign of minor troubles that constantly appear and haunt a person until he gets rid of the animals.

Affectionate kitten

Seeing a small gray kitten purring and rubbing against your leg in a dream is a good sign. The animal portends you a pleasant acquaintance with a nice person. A new friend can later become your soul mate or best friend. Don't neglect new acquaintances and think about which of your new friends you like the most. The dream warns that a person can become close only if you reciprocate warm feelings. Therefore, try in every possible way to maintain a conversation, accept advances and do not forget to show signs of attention yourself. If you put on the mask of the snow queen, your new acquaintance will not storm the fortress, he will turn around and leave. Therefore, you should not pretend to be someone you really are not.

Fluffy kitten

Was a warm little bundle purring on your lap? A fluffy kitten will mark an unexpected gift. Someone you know will soon decide to give you a gift. You can guess from whom exactly to expect a present, so that later you don’t have to shock the benefactor with your reaction. The subconscious sends a sign that the dreamer can already say exactly who will give the gift and when. This could be a new gentleman or an acquaintance whom you have not seen for several years.

Why do you dream of a small gray kitten running around next to you? A furry creature can symbolize in its image unfulfilled dreams. The dreamer must carefully consider every area of ​​his life and think about where exactly he wishes for what will never happen. Dreams are good, but creating illusions is bad. A person should always be aware of how and when he plans to achieve what he wants.

In a girl's dreams

Let's figure out what a kitten predicts according to the dream book for young, unmarried people. This could mean unexpected news about your mother’s pregnancy and the birth of a son, with whom you will play later when he grows up, a new hobby and friendship with a kind and charming man, the arrival of a guest, or an interesting situation with a girl in whose arms you saw him.

A dream in which a fluffy plays with you, strokes and purrs, means mutual love and long-term friendship. Sometimes the dreamer interprets such a dream as a tender feeling in the heart or the appearance of fluffy ones in your house.

Why do you dream of a girl holding a kitten in her arms? Even if she is small and vulnerable, she can expect a pregnancy and childbirth that she will really enjoy, despite the fact that he was not born at the right time. Sometimes such a dream means a new love interest, an offer of marital bliss and a joyful marriage, very calm with a quiet and prosperous spouse.

If he is breathing, scratching and hissing, there may be aggression from a friend you trust, but it will not be dangerous because you will love this person.

Sometimes you can become very offended and anger a younger brother or sister, whom you simply cannot hold a grudge against or be seriously offended by. Because his naivety and honesty are simply beautiful.

Lots of kittens

Why do you dream about kittens? In dreams, images can be very blurry. A lot of kittens symbolize problems or troubles. If you just can’t cope with the fluffies running under your feet, then expect trouble in the near future. The troubles that await you will have a link to the past. You already have experience in overcoming a similar situation. The subconscious mind warns the dreamer not to fall back on the same rake a second time. A person must think about his problems and make a decision to eliminate them, based on his experience. There is no need to cling to the past and hope that everything will somehow work itself out. This won't happen.

Did you dream about a lot of gray kittens? The dream book says that you can expect to meet a person from the past. Think about why fate deceived you, and under no circumstances renew the relationship. If your ex-love knocks on the door, tell her to walk by. Such a relationship will not bring you happiness.

Positive meanings of sleep

Less often, but still, there are kind and positive interpretations of dreams in which cats and kittens are present. Nostradamus believed that this was a symbol of home, comfort, and harmony.

I dreamed of a healthy and beautiful kitten

A healthy, calm, and especially purebred baby in your dream means a small profit, a gift, a pleasant moment in life.

The more pleasant emotions you experience, the better everything will happen in reality.

See dead kittens

Dead kittens can mean getting rid of minor problems and troubles, you won’t have to make any effort for this.

Affectionate kitten

The kitten fawns over you, purrs - expect a pleasant acquaintance, flirting, romantic encounters.

I dreamed of a kitten with a cat

When you dream of a whole cat family , together with a mother cat who licks the kittens and takes care of them, you can rejoice! Your family will also experience prosperity and peace. Possible addition soon.

Birth of kittens

Seeing being born means money. The more kittens, the greater the profit.

Why are there such opposing versions? Much depends on your impressions.

If you wake up in a good mood, you should not expect troubles, or you will quickly resolve them. The location of the planets, which changes throughout the week, is also important.

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Kitten in arms

If you want to know the interpretation of night dreams, open the dream book. A small gray kitten in your arms will symbolize a pleasant meeting. Your old friends will decide to visit you. Someone you know will decide to give you a pleasant surprise. Prepare for the meeting to look presentable. Friends can show up completely unexpectedly. Don't refuse the meeting. The subconscious mind says that you need to unwind. Even if you’re stuck at work and you don’t see a bright spot, you can still find a few hours to have dinner with your childhood friend. Your friend can help you with solving your problems, and can also show you an interesting way of solving problems that you have not noticed until now.

Kittens dream: Vanga's dream book

According to the seer, kittens dream of great danger. A large number of animals will lead to unexpected troubles and career problems.

  • Kittens that are exhausted and unwashed mean financial difficulties.
  • Seeing crippled pets means an increase in chronic diseases.
  • Bring it to the vet - problems will arise at work.
  • Kittens eat raw meat - the dreamer will be present at an accident.
  • An angry kitten means that a loved one needs support and care.

Finding a baby by chance means exhausting troubles and low-paid work. If kittens sleep peacefully on your lap, everything will be calm at home and at work.

Buy a kitten

Why do you dream about a little gray kitten? Such night dreams foreshadow a person's failure in financial matters. If a person plans to make large investments in some project or fund in the near future, he should postpone this. The subconscious mind tells you that it is not the best idea to give your money to unknown people. Try to take your time and find candidates who will inspire more trust. If a person does not have the opportunity to transfer his financial expenses, then he will have to be very careful. Remember that a penny saves a ruble. Don't waste money aimlessly. Try to make smart purchases and never lend money to anyone. The fewer people know about your successful wealth, the more reliable the protection of your capital will be.

Just to see the kids

If in your dream you did not touch the kittens, but only looked at them from the side, remember your dream and what one or more kids looked like in your dream.
It is their appearance that plays the main role in deciphering the vision. 1. One small kitten that you saw in your night dreams promises a small, but still profit. Perhaps this will be associated with some small troubles or fuss, but nothing global. You will receive a reward or a small bonus.

2. Here’s a frequent question: why do you dream of little kittens if there are a lot of them in your dreams? If you see a bunch of furry creatures, expect trouble.

But don’t be alarmed, they will be small and will not ruin your life, but will only temporarily add trouble. Perhaps minor ailments will come instead of minor problems, so take care of your health.

3. For a woman of any age, a dream in which she sees many kittens is interpreted by the dream book as a warning. A trap awaits you on the way, someone is laying treacherous nets - and if you are gullible, you will regret the consequences.

Be especially careful when communicating with the opposite sex. Don't believe everything you are told and remain vigilant.

4. For lovers, as the dream book says, sleeping with furry babies means difficulties in relationships, conflicts, mistrust or suspicion.

A difficult period is coming - and the dream book warns you to try to prevent problems in advance and avoid them. Otherwise, the relationship may simply collapse.

5. If in your dreams you saw a dirty, skinny, street kitten, this is advice that higher powers are sending you. Don't buy into the outer gloss and tinsel, look inside, don't trust the first impression when you meet someone, otherwise you will have a lot of disappointments. This especially applies to a woman who had such a dream.

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6. Also, many people ask the interpreter why newborn kittens dream - just tiny ones that have not yet opened their eyes?

This may be a symbol that you are now going through a period of helplessness and feel like a blind kitten, cannot make a decision and do not know what to do. Try to gather your strength.

7. Fluffy, beautiful and well-groomed, especially purebred babies in a dream are a good sign. Such a dream promises you a gift, good luck, and pleasant emotions.

But be careful - perhaps these pleasant moments will be somehow associated with an insincere or selfish person. For example, you might be given a gift by someone who expects something in return. Be careful.

8. A very unpleasant dream in which you had to see a dead kitten that died without your participation, nevertheless, carries a good sign.

Dead kittens are a symbol that your troubles and minor everyday problems will soon be resolved. And they do it themselves, without your active intervention. Your life will become much easier.

9. The dream book will answer why you dream of a cat with kittens - it doesn’t matter whether you saw her on the street or in your own house. Seeing a mother cat with a litter in a dream is a symbol of offspring, care, and family. This is a favorable sign, indicating that you will have harmony and order at home.

Feed the kitten

Do you have to feed cats in your night dreams? What does such a dream mean? The kitten who asks you for food represents the freeloading friends who sat on your shoulders and dangled their legs. Think about which of your friends is like that? Does your significant other love you or do you wear rose-colored glasses and believe what you want to believe? Think about the sincerity of your beloved's feelings. Is he really faithful to you or is it just words. Pay more attention to a person's actions. For many people, words are at odds with deeds.

If in a dream you fed your beloved kitten, take a closer look at your friends. Do they really treat you well or do they take advantage of your gullibility? There is a possibility that your acquaintances are simply comfortable communicating with you and accepting gifts and help from you.

Play, pet, or...

The meanings of dreams in which you had to not only look at furry animals, but also come into contact with them, are more intense.
Remember what exactly you did in your dreams? 1. Do you pet a kitten in your sleep? Look around, somewhere nearby there are insincere, flattering people who pretend to be your friends.

2. Killed a kitten? This also happens in dreams, and this is a favorable sign - you will soon cope with your troubles and solve the problems yourself.

3. If a good, fluffy and cute little cat cuddles up to you and purrs, this promises you a pleasant romantic acquaintance, flirting and dates.

4. Playing with a kitten in your dreams, especially if it clawed you during play, is a bad sign, an indication that the person close to you has dark thoughts, a bad conscience, and is being dishonest with you.

5. If you bought a kitten in a dream, then this is a warning - you are at risk of fraud, some kind of financial fraud, you may be deceived with money. Be careful.

6. And if it was given to you in a dream, then this speaks of your loneliness, which has either already come or will come soon.

Sick kitten

Has something thrown you out of balance? Then don’t be surprised when you see a kitten in your dream. A cute animal that is sick will notify you that you will soon be in trouble. Someone you know will invite you to take part in a dubious project. Refuse this prospect, even if it looks very tempting. Questionable enterprises always bring more trouble than profit. Therefore, do not be fooled by persuasion and beautiful promises. If you don't want to do something because it goes against your moral standards, have the courage to refuse. Always think about yourself first. If you don't see any benefit to a venture, don't participate in it.

Negative interpretation of a dream

If you dreamed about a gray kitten , then most likely your physical and mental state leaves much to be desired. Gray color is usually associated with despondency, fatigue, something sad and joyless. Perhaps you are simply overtired and need to rest, change your occupation or get new vivid experiences.

Your subconscious sounds the alarm in this way so that you understand this in time and do not fall into serious depression. In the generally accepted interpretation, kittens in a dream can portend troubles , minor troubles, some kind of confusion or misunderstanding. Or warn about imminent illness.

Much depends on the details of the plot and who exactly is having the dream:

  • If a girl happened to see a beautiful and affectionate gray kitten in a dream, then in reality she should be wary of deception and omissions.
  • For a pregnant woman, it may simply be a reflection of her worries and fatigue, but perhaps you need to go to the doctor.
  • When a person dreams of being in a couple, one needs to beware of discord in the relationship, and for married people – of divorce.
  • Men can expect minor troubles at work and in business, or surprises.

Meowing kitten

When you see a kitten meowing , this can be understood as a warning that you should not start any new business, as it will end unsuccessfully and you may suffer financial or other losses. You should also not sign important papers.

Skinny or dirty kitten

A dirty, thin and unkempt kitten can promise danger from enemies; perhaps some kind of conspiracy is being hatched against you, intrigues are being woven that you are not aware of.

Be on your guard and don't let yourself get into trouble. It is also possible that some bad news will come.

Kitten in arms

If you are holding an animal in your arms , you need to pay attention to the relationships in your family and with loved ones. Unexpected problems and difficulties may arise that will drag on for a long time. You'll have to work hard to resolve them. Most likely, you will do this alone.

The kitten was biting

The kitten shows aggression towards you, bit or scratched - this means that the enemies will soon go on an open offensive, and a serious fight awaits.

It is difficult to say whether you will win or not. There is an interpretation that if you drive away or kill a kitten in a dream, then in life everything will turn out in your favor.

If the kitten is already dead , think about what you are doing wrong in your life. Failures are largely your fault.

The kitten was sleeping

A sleeping kitten portends a long period of despondency and apathy; you will be in a bad mood, which will be difficult to lift in any way. There will be a lull in life, don’t expect changes for the better just yet.

If you dream about a lot of kittens

Many kittens can be regarded as trouble; the more there are, the more numerous the problems.

According to another version, you should not make purchases in the near future, there will be too many of them, and they will not bring any benefit, you will only get a loss.

When kittens dreamed of being small

Small kittens can symbolize self-doubt, i.e., you feel like a blind kitten during this period. You don’t know which path in life to choose, who to look to for support and protection.

Fluffy smoky kittens

The fluffy kitten predicts that the more you wait and hope, the more colorful and grandiose your dreams are, the more likely you are to be disappointed and left with nothing.

Perhaps you should look at life more realistically and set yourself specific and achievable goals, and not have your head in the clouds.

Drowning kittens

If you or someone else drowns kittens in your dream, then you will encounter unpleasant rumors and gossip that will entail shame. According to another version, the dream foreshadows a miscarriage or abortion.

Take the kitten home

Picking up and sheltering a kitten means meeting a new person of the opposite sex.

If this happens in reality, you should not immediately show trust and sympathy, you should be careful. This person may not be entirely sincere and may pursue some selfish goals.

In a dream you stroke and caress a kitten

Petting a kitten is not a very good sign; take a closer look at your friends and people around you.

Some of them may pretend and flatter, hiding their true attitude. It is better to break this connection, otherwise expect trouble.

You bought a kitten

In a dream you bought a kitten - beware of scammers, you can be seriously deceived, do not enter into dubious transactions and do not borrow money! A gifted kitten promises imminent loneliness.

Newborn kitten

Have you seen kittens in a dream? Why do we dream of newborn animals? If you take care of kittens and help them in their night dreams, then in reality expect that friends or relatives will ask you for help. You shouldn't refuse your loved ones. They really find themselves in a difficult life situation from which they cannot get out on their own. Make every effort to ensure that the person gets out of the difficult situation as soon as possible.

In your dream, did you see newborn kittens that no one is helping? In reality you will need help. Newborn animals symbolize the dreamer's loss and problems in life. It will be impossible to find a way out of a difficult situation on your own. Therefore, do not be afraid to ask for help from your acquaintances and friends.

Kitten colors

The appearance, and especially the color of the kitten a man dreams about, is very important. Depending on the color of the fur of the little fluffy, the dream can be interpreted accordingly:

  1. Black kitten - symbolizes an enemy masquerading as a good friend. This is a symbol of gossip, betrayal, and hostility. If the baby not only has a black color, but also looks skinny, sick, and exhausted, then the man needs to be prepared to receive unpleasant news. But fluffy black kittens, on the contrary, promise the sleeping person pleasant and joyful surprises. For a young man who is married or in a stable relationship, a dream with black kittens may indicate betrayal and betrayal on the part of the woman he loves. In this case, you should talk frankly with your lover and sort things out. It is possible that all suspicions against her are completely groundless. There is also another theory according to which a tarry black kitten seen in a dream is a sign that a man is under the protection of occult magical powers.
  2. Spotted and colorful kittens are most often dreamed of by overly impulsive, temperamental and emotional men. Such character traits often lead to quarrels and all sorts of troubles, which can easily be avoided by learning to control your psycho-emotional state and emotional impulses.
  3. Gray and smoky kittens . Such a dream has a double interpretation. According to the first version, a man in the near future will face a gray and monotonous life, devoid of both pleasant and unpleasant emotions. According to the second version, such a dream is a reflection of the internal physical and psycho-emotional state of a representative of the stronger sex. A dream with a gray kitten can be regarded as a sign that a man needs rest, a change of scenery and new, vivid impressions. A dream about a gray kitten also warns of financial difficulties that will arise in the near future.
  4. White kitten . White color is considered a symbol of purity and innocence. However, a dream with a kitten with snow-white fur has many interpretations, many of which are fundamentally different from each other. For example, some experts believe that such a dream is a sign of imminent positive changes and unexpected luck. According to another version, the appearance of a white fluffy lump in a dream indicates the presence of ill-wishers around a man, skillfully masquerading as friends and seeking to destroy his plans. However, it is believed that if among a bunch of multi-colored kittens that a person dreams of, there is at least one white fluffy lump, then it seems to cancel all the failures and troubles that such a dream promises. If the white kitten is not a key figure in the dream and does not attract special attention from the sleeper, then this may be a sign of a quick acquaintance, which can develop into a strong friendship and even a romantic relationship. Holding a white kitten in your arms in a dream means quick, pleasant and rosy changes in life.
  5. A red kitten in a dream can be either a bad or a good sign. It all depends on what emotions a person experienced from communicating with an animal. If they were joyful and pleasant, then you should expect financial profit, a promotion, a successful deal, or an unexpected gift. If the red kitten behaved aggressively and caused extremely negative feelings in the sleeper, then such a dream speaks either of treachery and betrayal on the part of other people, or of the person’s guilty conscience.
  6. Tabby kittens in a dream serve as a reminder to a man that the black streak of life sooner or later invariably gives way to white, so you should not despair and commit rash acts.
  7. Three-colored kittens are a sign of increased workload and numerous tasks. The dreamer will experience a rich rhythm of life, which will bring him neither harm nor any positive results.
  8. Black and white kitten - a sign of imminent changes that will happen literally over the next week. However, it is unfortunately impossible to predict whether they will be pleasant or not.

Angry kitten

Is everything good in your life? If you dreamed of an angry kitten, then expect changes in the near future. A person has already appeared in your environment who has set himself the goal of ruining your life. Think about who it could be? A friend who is jealous of your success, a boss who doesn't want you to climb the career ladder, or a loved one who can't handle his jealousy and therefore turns his friends against you. Even a loving person can intentionally ruin life. Take a closer look at your surroundings and try to make a dispassionate assessment. It will be easy to find the culprit of your troubles. The person will quickly give himself away. Try to bring the person to reason, but if this doesn’t work, break off all friendly ties.

Gave a kitten

Have you had pleasant dreams? In a dream, did your friends give you a gray kitten? The dream book says that in reality you are surrounded by loneliness. At the same time, a person may have friends, but he will simply lack simple human understanding, a comrade in spirit. The subconscious mind tells you that it’s time to get rid of loneliness. Go to a club with similar interests and find like-minded people there. Reconsider your views on friends. It's quite normal that people's interests change and they have nothing else to talk about. But you are not alone in this world. Find yourself a new company that will understand and appreciate you. Don't cling to people from your past if you don't enjoy being with them. Accept that some people you care about may change over time. You may not keep up with their pace of development and because of this you may become uninteresting to people. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation and not to lose friends, you should not constantly lie on the couch, develop and grow morally.

Children's sleep

Did your child dream of a small gray beautiful kitten? What does such a dream mean? The child's loneliness is quite obvious. Your child wants you to take care of him. Parents may be thinking about adding to their family. If a second child is not planned, then get your child a pet. It can be either a kitten or a puppy. Don't you want to clean up after your furry? Buy your child a guinea pig. Let the baby learn responsibility and clean up after his pet on his own. You can’t ignore a child’s dream about a kitten. The child may not be aware of his loneliness, but over time he will begin to withdraw into himself. Do not make your child an antisocial person. If you have no opportunity to purchase a pet, at least find your child a few friends in the yard.

Interpretation of a dream according to Loff’s dream book: I dreamed of kittens

One of the most authoritative dream interpreters.

Video about kittens - secret knowledge. An irresistible craving for witchcraft and the occult.

The black color of animals suggests that you need to trust your instincts and show insight. Enemies will try to insult the dreamer's family.

A sleeping kitten on the battery means an irreparable mistake that you will regret for a long time.

I dreamed about white people - to the machinations of ill-wishers.

Feeding vague kittens means a serious conflict with colleagues.

Man's dream

Did you dream about a gray little kitten? What do such night dreams mean? Large and unnecessary expenses. The subconscious mind warns the man that soon he will be offered to invest in some kind of enterprise. If the case looks very dubious, do not waste your money or time on it. Better think about how to make a fortune on your own.

A man who saw a kitten in a dream should stay away from slot machines. It is advisable not to take part in gambling, even if the game is not for money. Gambling means a lot to men. Learn to restrain your animal instincts and don’t be fooled by your friends’ persuasion. Show courage. Then you will be able to stay with money and not spoil your relationship with your family.

Women's sleep

Why do you dream of a small gray kitten? If a girl who has a permanent boyfriend saw such a dream, then she should rejoice. She will soon become pregnant. A defenseless creature in a dream warns the dreamer that she will soon become, or has already become, a mother. The girl should not tell her chosen one about the child yet. She must independently prepare for the good news and get used to the unusual thought. The subconscious tells the girl that there is nothing to worry about, the girl will cope with everything and become an exemplary mother.

If a girl who is not in a relationship sees a kitten in a dream, this is a bad sign. The subconscious warns the dreamer that something bad will happen to her in the near future. Troubles can haunt a girl both at work and in her personal life. The lady must be extremely careful. A girl should think through everything she says, and also not commit rash acts. Caution will help you avoid many problems.

Kitten behavior and interaction with them

If a man dreamed of small kittens, then he should strain his memory and try to remember what the kids were doing and whether there was any interaction with them. According to most popular dream books, such a dream can mean:

  1. Driving kittens away is a good sign, indicating that a person will be able to solve all problems, cope with everyday troubles and overcome the machinations of ill-wishers.
  2. Sleeping little kittens in a dream are not a very good sign, indicating hidden problems that will become obvious only after some time and to solve them you will have to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of nerves.
  3. Active kittens, happily jumping, playing and frolicking , mean that a sleeping person is in danger and is surrounded by unfriendly, hypocritical people who are weaving intrigues behind his back. However, there is another interpretation of this dream. For married men, such a dream may foretell an imminent addition to the family and the birth of a baby.
  4. Killing a kitten - although such a dream causes extremely unpleasant emotions, it is considered a good sign. A man who had such a dream will be able to easily and simply resolve problems and difficulties. Another interpretation is unexpected receipt of pleasant, joyful news.
  5. Kittens being swallowed by a snake are quite rare in dreams . If a man had such a dream, then he will be able to defeat his enemies and ill-wishers without making much effort.
  6. Feeding kittens - such a dream indicates to a person that he is too trusting, frivolous and creates most of life’s problems with his own hands. Therefore, in order to avoid conflicts and difficulties at work and in personal relationships, you should change your views and behave more carefully. Some dream books say that a person feeding small kittens in a dream is too open and cordial and does a lot of good to others. But instead of appreciation and gratitude, he receives in response only rudeness and inattention, a consumerist attitude towards himself.
  7. Giving a kitten milk in a dream is a symbol of obsession, which spoils relationships with other people. Most likely, in the near future, a young man who has such a dream, guided by the best intentions, will do one of his friends and acquaintances a “disservice.”
  8. Receiving a kitten as a gift is a symbol of obstacles, obstacles that do not allow a man to achieve the desired success both in his career and in his personal life.
  9. Selling or giving someone a small fluffy in a dream means a subconscious desire to shift some of your problems and worries onto the shoulders of other people. Sometimes such a dream indicates that a person should not rely only on himself, but rather seek good advice, help and support from relatives or friends.
  10. Carrying a kitten in your arms means jealousy, quarrels with your beloved wife and family troubles.
  11. A kitten behaving aggressively, attacking a sleeping man, scratching and biting means that a person should be on guard and be wary of the machinations of enemies, which can be both obvious and hidden.
  12. Dead kittens are an extremely unpleasant dream, which nevertheless carries a positive meaning. Most likely, all the envious people and ill-wishers of the man who saw this dream will be exposed in time and will not be able to harm him, and all the dashing plans and insidious plans will turn against them. However, if there are a lot of dead kittens in a dream, then this may also indicate future problems in the sphere of personal and family relationships.
  13. Birth of kittens . Watching a cat reproduce in a dream foreshadows the imminent onset of a difficult life period. A man will have to face a fairly big problem, the solution of which will require strength and quite a long time (at least 1 month). However, here everything also depends on the emotions that the man experiences. If the birth of kittens causes sincere joy, and the babies are born healthy and beautiful, then such a dream can mean an unexpected cash flow.
  14. Peacefully sleeping kittens - for a family man, can mean difficulties in relationships with his own children. If the person who saw such a dream has not yet become a father, then dozing kittens indicate minor everyday troubles that will soon be resolved. And according to the American dream book, sleeping kittens are a symbol of calm and peace of mind.
  15. Seeing several noisy and loudly meowing kittens in a dream is a kind of warning. A man needs to be careful and not trust casual acquaintances, much less strangers, so as not to become a victim of scammers and swindlers. Deception from old friends is also possible.
  16. Kittens fighting among themselves rather indicate the internal state of a person who is in confusion, confusion and cannot make an important decision.
  17. A kitten cuddling and purring in a dream tells a man that in real life his relatives, friends and loved ones now especially need help and support. If you ignore this sign and do not show proper participation, then there is a risk of losing a loved one or ruining your relationship with him for a long time.
  18. Chasing a kitten and trying to catch it in a dream is a sign that a man in real life is creating unnecessary problems for himself and loading himself with unnecessary, useless things.
  19. Playing with a kitten in a dream is a good, kind sign, indicating that a man calmly and easily copes with various problems and life difficulties that periodically arise on his way.
  20. Bathing and brushing a kitten is a sign that a man will be able to turn any situation, even the most unpleasant at first glance, in his favor and get some benefit or monetary profit from it.
  21. Finding or catching a kitten in a dream is a warning sign for a man. A love of risk, adventure and a constant search for adventure can cause serious problems and troubles.
  22. A kitten hiding on the roof or in the branches of trees is a warning of possible danger, which, however, can be easily avoided.
  23. Caressing a kitten in a dream is a good sign, indicating that the man will soon receive a worthy reward for his kindness and nobility.
  24. Picking up a hungry, homeless kitten - such a dream speaks of a person’s excessive kindness and gullibility, which is shamelessly taken advantage of by others.
  25. Kittens getting tangled underfoot in a dream indicate the presence of various kinds of interference and obstacles in a man’s real life.
  26. Being bitten by a kitten in a dream is a sign that you need to be prepared for unexpected troubles and tricks on the part of those closest to you. If a young man in a romantic relationship had such a dream, then he should think about the advisability of continuing it, since with a high degree of probability his chosen one is distinguished by vindictiveness, capriciousness, a malicious and quarrelsome character.
  27. Healthy, cheerful and playful kittens evoke pleasant emotions and a feeling of tenderness in a dream. However, the interpretation of this dream is not the most favorable. According to most dream books, this is a sign of imminent serious trials that Fate itself has prepared for the man. It is important to overcome all obstacles with honor and dignity, and then life will give you a worthy reward.
  28. A kitten running towards you promises impending problems. And the more fluffies a man sees in a dream, the more troubles and troubles he will have to face in real life.
  29. Newborn kitten - this is a very good and favorable dream, foreshadowing the onset of a successful period in life. This is an excellent time to realize the most daring plans, embody creative ideas and defend your own interests.

Sometimes men dream of a calmly resting cat, with a whole litter of furry babies frolicking around her. Almost all popular dream books indicate that such a dream is a sign of weakening intuition. Most likely, intrigues are woven around the person and soon, if you are not careful and observant, a dark streak may occur that poses a threat to reputation and personal relationships.

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