If your child asks to get a kitten, what to do and how best to proceed

“Mom, let's get the kitten!” Many parents hear a similar request and demand from their children. Instead of a cat, there may be a dog, a hamster, or less often a bird. But in any case, the meaning of the child’s request does not change: he wants an animal to appear in the house. It doesn't matter how many toys he has. Even if there are few of them and parents are trying to seduce their child with some fashionable new product from the gaming industry instead of Murka or Zhuchka. A little man often remains adamant about his idea of ​​having a kitten.

Pressure from parents

Then the adult side resorts to pressure to force him to give up his desire to have a pet. As motivation, they usually cite the potential danger that cats and dogs pose to a child’s health - fleas, worms and “any kind of infection in general.” The forces in such a conflict are too unequal, and therefore children rarely manage to insist on their own.

It would seem that nothing terrible happened. The baby will try and forget. But nothing will threaten his health. And there will be no hassle with keeping an animal in the house. In fact, without knowing it, by refusing to get a cat or a bug, child-loving parents are harming the child’s health. And first of all, spiritually, that is, the psyche is so vulnerable at a young age.

Let's try to figure out why children at some stage - some at seven, others at ten, others at twelve - develop a desire for close communication with pets.

“I want a kitten!” – how to choose a pet for a child

“I want a kitten! Let's buy a cat!" - with these words of the child, thoughts begin and weighing all the pros and cons of pets in a house where there are children. How to make a furry miracle bring positive emotions and be safe - you can learn about this from experts.

Photo: pixabay.com

There is an opinion that cats are more aggressive and unpredictable than dogs - therefore they can easily offend a child. On the other hand, kids perceive pets as toys, so they can harm them. However, if you don’t go to extremes, you can safely say that raising both a cat and a child is quite possible with the right amount of effort. Then they will not only get along well, but also become friends.

Thus, the presence of a cat in the house has a lot of advantages: thanks to its independence, it will teach the child responsibility and respect for animals. She needs less care than a dog, so even with small children, household members will always have energy left over for a cat. These pets help cope with stress; children who love their pets are not aggressive or capricious. There is an opinion among scientists that regular interaction with a cat prevents the onset of asthma - if there is no congenital allergy to saliva or animal fur, and develops an immune response, due to which the child gets sick less often.

However, to keep your cat safe, you must follow basic rules: regularly carry out worm prevention, and, if your pet is outdoors, vaccinate against fleas and ticks. In order for a cat and a child to get along well, it is important to instill in children a respectful attitude towards animals. They should immediately explain that the animal is not a toy, that it can experience pain, so it should not be beaten, pulled, screamed, and sometimes even picked up; the cat is not always happy about this. It’s good to show how best to stroke a pet and how to talk to it. It is useful to teach children to understand a cat’s mood: if a cat hisses, presses its ears, or wants to hide, you should not pester it. It is important to teach your child, for hygienic reasons, to wash his hands after every interaction with an animal, reinforcing this rule with his own example. It is also necessary to tell that the cat needs to change the tray, clean up after it, comb out its fur, and monitor the freshness of food and water in the bowls. It is necessary to accustom a child to such behavior when communicating with pets from about 2 years old, when he begins to become aware of the world around him. Until the age of 3-4 years, children develop a grasping reflex; they can harm the pet. Therefore, it is still better to start it from the age of 5-6.

To raise a cat, you need to make it clear that you can’t bite or scratch: at the moments when this happens, you should stop playing and avoid communicating with it. So she will realize that she is doing wrong. Hitting an animal and screaming is not only useless, it is harmful, especially in the presence of children.

Photo: pixabay.com

As for choosing a cat, if there are children in the house, it is better to pay attention to purebred pets: their behavior is easier to predict. When you first see kittens, take a close look at them: healthy animals are active and play with pleasure, are not shy and non-aggressive. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the eyes and dryness of the nose, the shine of the coat. When choosing a gender, it is worth keeping in mind that cats are usually more affectionate, calmer and kinder than cats. Therefore, a cat is more suitable for an active child, while a cat may be preferred for a calmer child. Veterinarians do not recommend buying a pet at a poultry market or “from hand”. This saving will be unjustified, since it does not guarantee its health and safety for children.

What breeds should you pay attention to if you have a child?

Experts have identified breeds that are more human-oriented than others and, due to their non-aggressive nature, are well suited for children. For example, the Burmese cat is smart and friendly, and makes a good nanny. Moderately playful, patient and affectionate. Or - oriental cat , she is very energetic, can play for a long time, and is quite friendly and loves company. Suitable for both calm and hyperactive children. It will give energy to the first, and calm the second. Trainable. Exotics are also recommended for families with children . Representatives of this breed are very affectionate and devoted to their owners. However, they are better suited for quiet children, since they do not really like noise and fuss.

The Russian Blue cat will captivate you with its aristocracy. At the same time, she loves to play and boasts patience. The Canadian Sphynx is affectionate, he does not need loneliness, he is ready to support his owner in everything, and can become a wonderful friend. True, caring for him is a little more difficult than caring for a pet with fur. Many people prefer a Maine Coon for their home. This good-natured giant feels human emotions well, so depending on them, he can both play and cuddle in his arms. He gets along well with children aged 6-7 years.

The Kurilian Bobtail is also great with children. His relationship with the kids is reminiscent of communication with his own kittens; he can allow them a lot. Sometimes they tend to take care of the child: they do not leave his side, they help him fall asleep with his purring.

Which breeds are not very suitable for families with children?

Experts do not recommend having representatives of a breed such as the British cat for children. Although often considered a breed for children, it is quite independent, does not tolerate being cuddled, and is often irritated by children. The wild nature of such hybrid breeds as Chausie, Savannah, Caraquet, and Bengal will also not allow them to get along well with a child. In cat tops for children you can often find the Abyssinian cat and its long-haired relative, the Somali. They really love to play, they quickly become attached, but they are still better suited not for kids, but for teenagers, because they require respectful treatment and can be vindictive. It is also not recommended for children to have a Siamese cat or a Mekong Bobtail.

It’s good when a child has already reached 4-5 years of age - you can weigh all the pros and cons, and ultimately decide whether to get a cat, and if so, which one. What if your pet has been a member of your family for a long time, and now you are expecting a baby? Many young mothers are very worried about this. To get rid of unnecessary worries, you should also approach this situation rationally. Simple tips will help here.

  • First, you need to make sure that the cat is healthy. To do this, it is better to show her to the veterinarian. Many pregnant women are afraid of toxoplasmosis. However, this infection can be contracted through your pet's feces - so just make it a habit to clean his litter box using gloves. It is also important to remember that the cat is not the only source of this disease. It can enter the human body through poorly cooked meat and through contact with contaminated soil. If your cat does not eat raw meat and does not go outside, there is virtually no risk of infection.
  • You should be much more careful about parasites. Therefore, it is better to regularly carry out preventive measures - and this issue should be taken under control even before the baby is born.
  • You should also consider the issue of castration (or sterilization). If the animal is aggressive and unpredictable, you should decide on surgery or use hormonal drugs.
  • The cat can be compared to the first child. She might be jealous. So you can’t drive her away, so as not to cause anger, including towards the child. It is worth continuing to give her due attention, allowing her to lie in your arms if this is familiar to her.
  • It is worth preparing your pet in advance for the fact that now he will not be picked up so often, and he will not have access everywhere. It’s good to introduce the animal to your baby’s toys and his crib. You can put foil or bags in it so that they rustle unpleasantly - this way the pet will not want to climb into the crib and lie on the baby’s things. The sleeping area can also be protected with a canopy.
  • It is important to introduce the baby to the pet at a time when both are in a good mood. The cat needs to sniff the child, remember his smell, and perhaps poke his nose into the barrel.

After meeting, you should not leave the animal and baby unattended. If you are sure that your attention will be enough for both your beloved pet and the new family member, the chances that the relationship will be friendly are very high.

Previously, the online publication Teacher's Newspaper talked about the unusual abilities of cats and interesting facts related to these pets. In addition, British scientists became interested in the influence of domestic cats on their owners during the pandemic. It turned out that they help those who switched to remote work to better adapt to new conditions, activate mental abilities and protect against nervous breakdowns. Scientists also compiled a rating of feline beauty, in which the Norwegian Forest breed took first place. People are so attached to furry pets that they dedicated a special holiday - World Cat Day.

The desire to have a kitten is not just a whim

There is an opinion that this is simply a whim of modern children, fed up with entertainment, who want to get a “living toy”, and having achieved their goal, they quickly lose interest in it. However, practice shows that this is not the case at all. More often than not, a cat or dog that has taken up residence in an apartment overshadows even the favorite toys of far from spoiled children. And how kids are drawn to street Murkas and Bugs during walks, despite the strictest prohibitions of mothers and grandmothers! Consequently, they are driven not simply by the desire to have fun, but by some stronger internal impulse.

Religious philosophers explained this phenomenon in a completely different way. After birth, the child lives with a pure, sinless soul, not noticing the sinfulness of the world around him. When he grows up a little and this world begins to open up to him, his soul rebels. She longs for communication with creatures who are not characterized by malice, envy, meanness, and selfishness. For they are able to give the little man much-needed spiritual comfort and support. And then the child declares to his parents: “I want a cat!” or “Buy me a dog!”

Psychologists advise

Psychologists share a similar point of view. As James Serpell, who led animal ecology research at the University of Cambridge, points out, those who constantly interact closely with pets provide a kind of emotional support that is sometimes lacking even between members of the same family, not to mention single people. Moreover, our children often become such “lonely people,” since parents are so busy with things that they do not have time for their children. According to the scientist, this support can be considered real psychotherapy, which has a clear mechanism of action.

Interesting: How to determine the gender of a kitten - male or female: The most reliable methods

“Paradoxical as it may be ,” Serpell writes, “the muteness of murks and bugs is an advantage, not a disadvantage. Indeed, in the process of communication, it is important for a person not only what he hears, but also how he is listened to. So the fact that pets listen and seem to understand us, but don't ask questions or make judgments, may be their most endearing quality as companions."

All this is even more true for children. After all, adults often, without realizing it, with their angry reprimands, shouts, critical remarks - “How many times have you been told!..”, “You again!..”, “Don’t bother yourself with nonsense!” — they hurt the child’s soul and cause him stress. But our psyche is designed in such a way that a person cannot remain captive of negative emotions for a long time. And the child instinctively looks for a way out for them, for example, in crying. Meanwhile, communication with an animal would be much more useful in such cases. By petting his pet, no matter a cat or a dog, he receives psychological relief and support.

I'll give the cat to good hands

Our free animals site offers both barn cats and domestic cats. Nurseries, volunteers, and simply caring people usually work with yard animals. A homeless animal is taken in, fed, and cleaned up. If a cat is sick, it is treated and then a new home is looked for.

But there are also cases when people give away their pets. There may be several reasons to part with your four-legged friend:

  • moving to another country or city and not being able to take the cat with you
  • the appearance of allergies or allergies of family members to the pet
  • the appearance of children and the inability to pay due attention to the animal, etc.

reasons why you decided to give away a cat for free . Our classifieds website will help you find loving owners in Moscow and throughout the Russian Federation. Take photos of your pet from different angles (the higher the quality of the photo, the greater the chances of finding a home for the cat), write about its character (after all, every animal has its own character), about its hobbies.

Getting a pet is the right decision

The very presence of an animal in the house already creates an atmosphere of psychological comfort for the child , since they evoke positive emotions in him. Such emotions stimulate the production of “pleasure hormones,” which, in turn, create favorable conditions for brain function. An interesting experiment in this regard was carried out in America. In the study, 36 children aged 9 to 16 years old who owned dogs read a complex text aloud once in the presence of their Bugs, and a second time without them. In the first case, their blood pressure and pulse rate were significantly lower. This suggests that their dogs are an anti-stress factor for children.

However, the presence of a cat or dog in the house can play an important role in correcting the psyche and behavior of children with deviations from the norm. In families with one child, parents often complain about his increased excitability, capriciousness, and sometimes hysterical breakdowns. The standard advice from doctors in such cases is short: there is no need to spoil the child.

In fact, this is not the reason at all. Even if he is not pampered, he is still constantly the object of increased attention from family members. The child’s words and actions are always visible and therefore subject to meticulous analysis, although the adults themselves do not think about it. And it doesn’t matter whether they admire the baby or, on the contrary, scold him. Equally bad, both such “tests of glory” can be overwhelming for a still fragile psyche and lead to nervous disorders.

Once you get a cat or dog, part of the family's attention inevitably shifts to the pet, even if the parents don't realize it. It will, as it were, obscure the child, drawing away excess attention from adults. And the positive effect of the presence of Zhuchka or Murka will not take long to appear. In addition, they will be excellent anti-stress companions for the baby himself.

The positive impact of animals on a child's health

But pets can provide children with more than just psychotherapeutic assistance. Currently, a new direction of energy-informational treatment is rapidly developing in medicine. In this case, electromagnetic waves of extremely high frequency and ultra-low intensity are used, causing a positive resonance in the human body.

As a source of corrective radiation, special equipment and... the hands of bioenergy therapists, as they are now called, psychics, are used. But both the cat and the dog, sitting on the lap or near the owner, also irradiate him with their electromagnetic waves. Therefore, it is possible that their frequencies can resonate with human ones and thus eliminate energy disruptions. At the VII International Conference on Problems of Human-Animal Interaction in Geneva, which was attended by more than 600 scientists and medical practitioners, many cases were cited in which constant communication with animals, and consequently their inevitable energetic impact, healed people. Here's one of them.


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