Dream Interpretation - cat: why do you dream of a cat in your arms, stroking, feeding, catching and catching a cat: interpretation of the dream. Why do you dream of a cat with kittens, a pregnant cat?

Why do you dream about a big cat? Interpretation of a dream

Why do you dream about a big cat or cat? If they cross your path, all the plans you made until recently will not come true, they will simply collapse. If the animal is calmly placed on a rug in the middle of the apartment, and does not show aggression in its behavior, you can calmly take a rest and relax.

You see how the big cat is placed in your arms - most likely a hidden enemy has appeared in your environment, disguised as a friend. And jumping out of the bushes at a sleeping person and grinning angrily at the same time is a symbol of danger, a warning, that you should be prepared for bad news.

Why do you dream of a cat, large and aggressive, which attacks you and inflicts wounds - get ready for illness, either of the sleeping person or one of his relatives. If you see a fight between several large, even huge cats fighting among themselves, the sleeper will take an active part in the quarrel or conflict, from which it will be difficult to get out.

Interpretations of famous dream books

In dream books you can find the following interpretations of the image of a big cat:

  1. Miller. A large dark cat warns of a friend’s insincerity in reality, which can harm the dreamer. An animal with light fur predicts an acquaintance with a pleasant person.
  2. Freud. A huge cat warns of a difficult life situation, from which a sober mind and rational thinking will help.
  3. Vanga. The image of a big cat symbolizes memories hidden in the subconscious that prevent you from starting a new life and getting closer to people.
  4. Nostradamus. A cat of rather large size indicates the insecurity of a sleeping person - this character trait prevents him from receiving a well-deserved promotion and recognition from management.
  5. Hasse. A large and fluffy pet indicates the imminent appearance of an influential person who can radically change the life of a sleeping person for the better.

Correctly deciphered dreams involving big cats will help to identify envious people in time, as well as prevent financial or personal problems. But you shouldn’t take every dream to heart - images can arise due to worry about a pet or stress, and do not carry any meaning.

Seeing a big cat in a dream means meaning for a woman and a man

So a big cat for a woman in a dream is the personification of her mystical power, the sigu of the goddess and mother, which is reflected in her power of intuition and foresight. Therefore, dream books advise you to understand and accept your power, learn to use it for the benefit of yourself and your family. Why dream of a big fluffy cat fawning over a young girl - her new acquaintance will turn out to be a very mercantile type, dissolute and dissolute.

So for a lonely lady, a cat, like a sign from above, can indicate a scandal that her jealous friend will provoke. If a woman is married, dream books recommend being patient and not being hostile to her husband’s behavior. After all, the cup of patience may overflow.

So the dream book is a big cat that catches a mouse - for a man, such a vision is a dangerous warning that a mercantile female person will appear in his environment who needs finances from him. Catching a fat cat in a dream - for a man this speaks of a desire and a real opportunity to make his sexual fantasies come true. But often such a dream indicates that he will have to choose between several attractive women.

For a man, the dream book interprets a dream in which a big and beautiful cat dreams as the appearance in his environment of a luxurious, fatal lady who will win his heart. But for a lady, such a vision promises the appearance of a strong and beautiful rival in her environment, who will be very difficult to get rid of.

Important! A cat that is fat and fat for both sexes does not always promise good things and a faithful, reliable friend.

Interpretation of sleep depending on details

Night visions in which a big cat is present should be treated with special attention - this animal is interpreted in many world cultures and dream books as a strong and cunning opponent. But each vision should be interpreted taking into account the details, thereby lifting the veil of the future.

I dreamed of a big fluffy cat

The dream book interprets the dream itself, in which a big and beautiful cat comes towards the sleeping person, or crosses the road, as a meeting with a dangerous and treacherous enemy. And so a skirmish, a struggle with such a person is very undesirable for the sleeping person - go around him, do not see him for provocation on his part.

If a big cat rubs against your legs in a dream, fawns and purrs, this is a warning from above that you will meet with a vile and selfish seducer. This vision is especially dangerous for a woman - a man can serenade her, give her flowers, but in the end he can rob her or spoil her reputation.

Seeing a big and talking cat is a sign that you will eventually catch what your family wants about you. But while higher powers convey this through a wise and learned cat, try to remember what he told you, this will be a kind of advice, hint or warning. Often this is a pointer to a person who is trying to talk you down and drag you into some kind of scam - you shouldn’t do this.

Why do you dream of a fat cat in your arms, which the sleeper strokes and caresses - an indication of a certain mistrust of family and friends. You may like them, you love them, but as far as trust is concerned, it is reduced to zero. But playing with an animal is an indication of infidelity in a relationship, and the fact of betrayal can come from the sleeping person himself. Therefore, you should be careful not to get into trouble and further regret this move to the left.

Why do you dream about a fat cat?

If you dreamed of a fat cat, this is a sign that you and your enemies underestimate your ability to resist evil and intrigues. And this is a dream that before a fat cat appears in a dream, the sleeper has already created strong protection around himself and his enemies will not prevail over him. So the dream book interprets a dream in which the sleeping person beats a fat cat as the latter’s attempts to change his life for the better.

Often a fat cat that comes into your dreams is a pointer to a person’s sins, in particular his excessive gluttony and laziness, which can cause health problems and many defeats. But if such a cat smiles sweetly at you or flatters you, dark forces are trying to convince the sleeping person that there is nothing wrong with these sins.

Remember! But if a fat cat has a white fur coat, this vision promises a well-fed and rich life.

Animal location

Someone else's fat cat in your house is visible and invisible enemies who come to you in the guise of friends, but, in fact, act as selfish, disguised enemies. Seeing a fat cat floating is an alarming sign, warning about the danger posed by the water.

You see him on a walk, walking on a leash is a sign of success in business and in the love field, when all things are easy and problems are solved with lightning speed. If a previously fat and fluffy pet returned home emaciated, expect the return of your loved one who left you slamming the door. The sign is good, because he realized that there is no one in his life better than the sleeper.

A fat and fluffy pet in the house is a pointer to unfaithful loved ones and deceitful, envious friends. All of them are next to the sleeping person out of selfishness and profit, so the appearance of a cat’s brother in a dream should be taken as a signal - take a close look at your surroundings.

What was the cat like in the dream?

In this case, it is important to remember what color the fluffy was - and start from this in the interpretation of night dreams.

  1. You see a fluffy of an unusual color - the sleeper in reality incorrectly perceives and accepts himself, judge not as he is, but in reality. Therefore, after such a dream, you should think about who you really are, analyze your words and decisions, actions and desires.
  2. A particularly negative symbol is the black cat. This is a symbol of worries and troubles, especially if it sits on the dreamer’s hands or things, and caresses him. Less often, such a dream says that the dreamer is afraid of something that doesn’t really exist, so it’s worth reconsidering your fears - the devil is not as scary as he is portrayed.
  3. Often a black pet seen by a woman in her dream is a sign that she should lead a somewhat restrained and modest lifestyle. Show wisdom, otherwise your reputation may suffer significantly.
  4. Red color animal - the appearance in your environment of a very extraordinary, bright personality, with a special, explosive, but kind character and unrestrained ardor. For a girl of this color, a cat promises an acquaintance with a seductive gentleman. Although his intentions will not always be pure and modest.
  5. A white pet is advice not to pay attention to appearance, which can be deceiving, but look at actions, because it is by them that you should judge a person.

All these details will help to interpret night vision in more detail.

Actions with cats in a dream

The authors of dream books pay close attention to various actions performed by animals or those sleeping in visions:

  • If in a dream you manage to repel an attack and hit a cat, then in real life all obstacles to success will be eliminated.
  • Bathing a cat in a dream indicates that the sleeper will try to attract the enemy to his side. Or the person does not want to notice the betrayal.
  • Losing a stranger's cat in a dream means overcoming troubles; they will resolve themselves, without the participation of the sleeping person.
  • If your cat goes missing, this is a bad sign indicating separation from a loved one, even their death is possible.
  • Giving food to cats in a dream means successfully deceiving your ill-wishers.
  • Stroking an animal or playing with it in dreams means committing actions in life that will lead to empty troubles and disappointments.
  • If the sleeping person kicks the cat out of the house, then this is a sign of liberation from annoying problems.
  • A cat fighting with a dog means a clash between the well-wishers and enemies of the sleeper.
  • If cats fight among themselves, then the person will be drawn into other people's squabbles.
  • You dream of meowing, but the animals themselves are not there, which means they are gossiping behind your back.
  • Mating a cat and a cat portends trouble on the love front.
  • A talking cat in a dream is a warning about deception. The sleeper needs to be on guard and not believe everything that is told and promised to him.

Other dream options and their interpretation

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the actions of the dreamer himself in relation to the cat.

  • Catching him in a dream means finding out some secrets, the secrets of your enemies, and how you use them will determine your future.
  • Playing with a beautiful and fat pet - in reality, you simply lack adult seriousness. And even if you are already over... you still behave like a small and playful cat.
  • Kill an animal - the sleeper will be able to overcome enemies, the difficulties they build for you behind your back.
  • Caressing and stroking is a very good sign, but provided that the pet’s color is light, otherwise the dream promises many troubles.
  • Feed him - be careful, because in your environment there is an enemy who sits at your table, eats and drinks, but will plot intrigues behind your back.

    Pay attention to how the cat behaves and what it does in your dream - this will also help to interpret the night vision in more detail and correctly.

  • To fawn - you will throw yourself into the pool headlong, immersing yourself in an all-consuming passion.
  • Purrs and meows playfully - someone showers you with flattering and pleasant compliments, but does it with some intent.
  • Screams and meows heart-rendingly, as if begging for something - a friend or relative will ask for help, but you should not provide it, since it is beyond your strength.
  • Scratching a sleeping person, biting - someone will try to deceive you, because a lot now depends on your wisdom and prudence.

All these subtleties and details of night visions will help you understand exactly what a big and fat cat promises in a dream.

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If you remember exactly what the cat looked like, this will help you interpret the dream more correctly. Animals can differ not only in size, but also in coat color. Most often you can see the following scenes in dreams:

  • A huge, fluffy handsome man - someone you know is going to take advantage of the sleeper’s kindness for their own purposes, so you need to be more careful.
  • A small kitten hiding from an evil dog in a tree - a dream indicates a real threat that should be feared.
  • Seeing a cat hunting for mice predicts a hectic life, filled with various experiences and worries. One of the friends is particularly cunning and is up to something bad.
  • If you dreamed of a big red cat, you should expect an improvement in your financial situation. In the near future, this issue will be resolved very easily; the sleeper will not even have to make an effort.
  • A beautiful kitten meowing under the door means an attempt to deceive. Someone close to you will want to trick the dreamer, but he will not succeed and in the end he will be left with nothing.
  • If a cat pretended to be dead and lay down near a mouse hole, the dream predicts danger. Once the sleeper has already managed to avoid a negative development of events, this time the situation may repeat itself.
  • Being scratched by a pet means that the dreamer will be faced with many problems, about which he will be very worried, but as a result he will be able to overcome all difficulties, thanks to his friends.
  • A cat with its claws driven into its owner's chest dreams of mental anguish, sadness, apathy and depression. Sometimes such a plot can mean grief.
  • Seeing a dog hunting a big cat means that it’s time to stop deceiving your colleagues, otherwise relationships in the team may deteriorate, which will lead to the emergence of new problems.
  • A cat washing itself predicts the arrival of welcome guests with whom you will have a good time.
  • A large predator caught a mouse and took it to show the trophy to other cats - the dreamer needs to fight his own vanity, it does not allow him to establish relationships with people.
  • A black cat crossed the road - a person overestimates his own strength and behaves somewhat frivolously. He should not be embarrassed to turn to loved ones for help if he suddenly needs it.
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