Why does a woman or a man dream about a cat with Kittens - 75 interpretations of dreams according to dream books

People don’t think about why a cat and kittens dream, considering such scenes to be a good sign. However, dreams in which these animals are present often foreshadow a clash with enemies. To correctly interpret a dream, you need to take into account all the details.

To correctly decipher a dream with kittens and a cat, you need to take into account the details.

Interpretation of a dream if you dreamed of a cat with kittens

Such dreams can warn a person about upcoming changes, which are not always good.

Positive values

A dream has a positive interpretation if:

  • a white cat gives birth to dark kittens - the sleeper will quickly cope with his rivals;
  • the dreamer feeds the animal - he will be able to defeat his enemies;
  • a sleeping person bathes a cat - pleasant events await him in reality;
  • the pets were striped - the period of failure in the dreamer’s life will end.


Dreams that contain:

  • cats with kittens sleeping in a crib - the dreamer will become a victim of scammers;
  • blind animals with cubs - problems with relatives are possible;
  • fluffy white kittens - the sleeper will have a meeting with an unpleasant person;
  • dirty and thin pets - the dreamer will become a victim of enemy intrigues;
  • stray cats - a dark streak will begin in the life of the sleeping person.

A cat with kittens in a crib in a dream foreshadows the deception of scammers.

Decoding according to popular dream books

Esotericists and psychologists give different interpretations to dreams in which pets are present. Before drawing conclusions, it is worth studying the interpretations in several collections.

Miller's Dream Book

The appearance of a cat in a dream is not considered a good sign. If an animal defended its cubs and rushed at the dreamer, in reality someone is waiting for an opportune moment to commit meanness. In this case, Miller recommended taking a closer look at those around you. Perhaps the enemy is hiding under the guise of a friend. A dreaming evil cat symbolizes the bad intentions of ill-wishers.

If a kitten attacks the dreamer, then the latter will face a confrontation with an enemy in reality. An aggressive cat with cubs of a non-standard color dreams of shame.


The soothsayer also believed that a cat dreams of great shame. The dreamer needs to reconsider his behavior, otherwise he will soon face a negative reaction from society. This especially applies to young unmarried girls. Aggressive animals dream of jealousy on the part of your spouse. When pets are dead, in reality there will be quarrels with relatives and separation.

Cats dream of shame and jealousy on the part of your spouse.

If a cat gives birth in a dream, the sleeper will face unpleasant changes in life. If there are many kittens, the situation will be difficult. When a man dreams of an animal, it means that his wife is unfaithful. Seeing a black cat in a dream means solving problems in business, exposing traitors and two-faced people.

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Plots with cats predict a number of important events. Some of them will be good, the rest will be bad.

Interpretations depending on the details of the dream:

  1. A ginger cat symbolizes problems in the family, exacerbation of chronic diseases, and financial losses. The dream signals that the partner has started a relationship on the side.
  2. If a cat catches mice along with kittens, then this means profit and good luck in business.
  3. A dream about a pregnant cat can be interpreted in two ways. If the animal is your own, the person sleeping in reality will receive a pleasant gift. Someone else's pet dreams of making new acquaintances.


A popular psychoanalyst was looking for hidden meaning in dreams. For example, a cat with kittens, in his opinion, symbolizes excessive emotionality and sensuality.

If a woman dreams that she is petting a kitten, this means that in reality she lacks attention from the opposite sex.

A man who dreams of a cat with kittens is ready for marriage.

When a man dreams of something like this, it means that he needs a woman’s affection and a family hearth. The guy may be ready for marriage.

When a kitten is constantly near the dreamer, this is a sign that the latter enjoys increased attention from the opposite sex. You need to take care of your personal life.


Madame Hasse gives the following interpretations:

  1. Black animals dream of trouble, multi-colored ones - of everyday problems and disagreements with the family. The more kittens, the more often difficulties will arise in the life of the sleeping person.
  2. If you only hear meowing in a dream, you should expect troubles in reality. An animal behaving aggressively in a dream means projects will fail.
  3. If a sleeping person strokes a cat, betrayal and recognition of his own defeat await him in reality.
  4. Dreaming of feeding a cat symbolizes ingratitude on the part of other people.

There are no positive interpretations in Hasse’s dream book. However, there is no need to despair; caution will help you avoid problems.


In the dream book of an astrologer and fortune teller, the images are interpreted as follows:

  1. Seeing a cat with cubs on the street in a dream means disputes and conflicts in the family, treason and betrayal.
  2. If animals are at home, the dreamer will experience prosperity and good luck.
  3. Meeting striped cats in a dream predicts the appearance of a new reliable friend.

In Nostradamus's dream book, animals bring prosperity and good luck.

Islamic dream book

If a man dreams of animals, in reality his wife has lost interest in him. For a woman, such a dream promises problems in relationships with children and friends, and theft. When cats hiss and attack, illness and troubles at work are possible in reality.


This dream book says that kittens with a cat dream of conflicts in the family, gossip and intrigue at work. Possible betrayal by your best friend.


When interpreting sleep, the phases of the night light are taken into account:

  • on a full moon, a cat with kittens dreams of meeting a cruel, dangerous person;
  • on the waxing moon - to a deterioration in financial situation, poverty;
  • decreasing - to victory in disputes;
  • on the new moon - to the emergence of a new idea that can bring profit.


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According to this collection, dreams about kittens and a cat predict the appearance of a two-faced person who will take advantage of the sleeper’s weaknesses.

Meowing cats and kittens dream of gossip in reality.

If you see meowing animals, in reality someone is gossiping about the dreamer. Conversations can negatively affect his future life.

Why do you dream about an angry cat or an aggressive cat?

Cats are seen by people almost every day, because many owners keep them as pets. Therefore, it is not surprising that pets appear to us in the realm of dreams.

But to understand why evil cats dream, you need to pay attention to the smallest nuances of the night’s plot.

For example, you should try to remember what color the animal’s fur was, how it reacted to the dreamer, and what emotions the sleeping person experienced.

Miller coat color

To understand why an aggressive cat dreams, a famous psychoanalyst advises remembering the color of the animal’s fur. In his opinion, it is this nuance that plays the most important role for correct interpretation. Here are just the most common images and their interpretations:

  • a black cat is a symbol of great luck that will accompany the dreamer for several years;
  • a white pet is the personification of the purity and innocence of a sleeping person in reality;
  • a gray cat is a harbinger of household troubles, which will be very difficult to deal with;
  • multi-colored animal - speaks of the hidden creative talents of a person;
  • a red cat is a sign that it’s time to engage in self-development.

For a more detailed interpretation, it is worth trying to compare other nuances from the kingdom of Morpheus with the real world. For example, if the owner of the vision is suddenly scratched by a black cat, this means that he risks losing his luck in the real world.

Noble Esoteric Directory

If you believe this dream book, an evil cat appears at night only to those individuals who feel guilty before someone around them . Particular care should be taken in scenes in which the cat attacked the owner of the vision.

In this case, an unseemly act that the dreamer committed some time ago can lead to sad consequences. Such an outcome can only be prevented if you ask for forgiveness from the offended individuals.

You should also try to make amends in every possible way.

Seeing an angry pet on the eve of an important event is a sign that extreme caution should be exercised in the real world. Someone from the close social circle of the sleeping person will want to throw her off the top of Olympus.

Preventing this may not be so easy, since the envious person has been making his insidious plans for a long time and now will not stop until he brings his plan to life.

However, the noble dream book recommends that you stop trusting your secrets to unfamiliar personalities , otherwise this information will sooner or later be used against the sleeping person.

Sympathy and the desire to help the poor aggressor indicate that the sleeping person will soon be faced with the need to make an important decision in the real world.

But hatred of a cat who wanted to scratch the dreamer promises serious health problems. If the disease is not detected in the early stages of development, then the person risks greatly regretting it.

Russian folk dream book

An angry cat from the kingdom of dreams can become a harbinger of great wealth if the sleeping person managed to catch the aggressor and calm him down.

But if the animal nevertheless inflicted several scratches or bites on the owner of the vision, then in the near future the person will face serious problems related to finances. You can cope with them only with the help of relatives or close friends.

The interpreter also recommends thinking about sources of additional income as early as possible and starting saving on everything you can.

An aggressive cat can also be dreamed of by those people who have recently committed betrayal. Fate warns that very soon you will have to answer for your actions. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to prevent such an outcome.

However, if the dreamer truly repents of his sins, then the punishment will not be so terrible.

But those people who do not feel remorse and continue to betray loved ones will soon be forced to completely reconsider their views on the world.

A person who is attacked by a white cat with a bloody mouth will experience bitter disappointment. As a rule, such an interpretation affects the professional sphere of activity of the sleeping person. However, you should also not deny the fact that you will have to be disappointed in some of your loved ones.

Well, those people who have had high hopes for certain endeavors for a long time will soon fail. It is worth overcoming all the difficulties and continuing to live, otherwise life will never change for the better.

Interpretations of Sigmund Freud

Interpretations from this psychoanalyst are very popular among modern dreamers. However, one cannot help but note the fact that the interpretations of even the most “harmless” images are connected with the intimate life of a sleeping person. So the following interpretations are only suitable for those who are over 18 years old:

  1. Becoming a victim of a wild cat attack means you need to pay much more attention to your sexual health in reality. Freud recommends avoiding sexual contact with strangers, as well as using proven methods of contraception. For women who do not want to become mothers in the near future, such a plot foreshadows an unwanted pregnancy.
  2. Seeing an angry pregnant cat is a pretty positive thing. Very soon the sleeping person will have to meet an interesting person in the real world who will be able to satisfy even the most perverted desires of the owner of the vision. However, for an acquaintance to turn into a whirlwind romance, it is worth maintaining a touch of mystery during communication. Also, you should not have high hopes that the new relationship will last long.
  3. Watching angry cats fight among themselves indicates the need to pay more attention to your sexual partner in reality. Quite soon, a competitor will appear in the dreamer’s life who will be distinguished by outstanding qualities. The only way to keep your beloved (lover) is to start showing as many feelings as possible. In this case, the dreamer’s other half will see how loved she is, and therefore will never leave for someone else.

The Kingdom of Dreams is a very fascinating place that you want to return to again and again. But only a few are given the ability to correctly interpret night scenes in order to change their destiny and attract luck to their side. However, this skill will definitely come if you always pay attention to even the smallest details and competently compare them with reality.

Source: https://YaZnay.ru/k-chemu-snitsya-zlaya-koshka/

Interpretation depending on who had the dream

When interpreting night dreams, the gender of the dreamer is taken into account.

To a woman

When a mature woman sees a dream, she should take care of her own safety. You need to protect yourself from the actions of annoying people.

To a man

If a guy saw a cat with cubs in a dream, in reality he will have to apologize to the girl. The man may have an idea who he offended. Subconsciously he feels guilty.

To kid

For children, animals dream of conflicts with parents and problems with their studies. Possible loss of things or money, betrayal of a friend.

If a child has a dream about animals, he will have difficulties in studying.

To a young girl

The dream in this case predicts new acquaintances. Young people will talk about falling in love, but not all of them intend to get married. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing a partner.

To an elderly person

If you dreamed that kittens were running away from a cat, in reality the sleeper thinks about missed opportunities. In reality, this is not so, life goes on as usual, and you won’t be able to manage everything.

In addition, you can achieve what you want even in old age. The dream indicates that you need to stop being sad, it is better to do what you love.

Opinions of different interpreters

Most of the prophecies in connection with a harmful cat concern the emotions of the dreamer. According to Freud's premises, the plot is connected with some personal preferences, for example, commitment to masochism.

The dream imagined a pair of cats fighting. The modern dream book sees this as a risk to property. There is a high risk of theft and losses from floods and fires. An angry cat crossed the path of a business man in a dream. You need to understand the dream directly: the intervention of another person threatens to disrupt your plans.

If a dream frightens you with many evil things, Nostradamus predicts the possibility of world misfortune: war, natural disasters, widespread diseases. However, it is difficult to understand from the dream book whether it will affect the dreamer.

According to many dream books, you can find out about a bad sign if a cat left marks of teeth and claws. They are associated with hidden illnesses or earning less income.

According to the Women's Dream Book, an angry cat is interpreted from a very curious angle. A married lady dreams of how an animal in such a state attacked another woman. It is worth checking whether her husband remains faithful.

It was not possible to get rid of the evil one kindly; the penetration into the home ended in its destruction. Wait for the fulfillment of the Eastern Dream Book's prediction about a new job with a large salary, establishing business together with a promising partner. Material affairs will go uphill.

Circumstances of the dream

When interpreting a dream, they take into account what the animals and the sleeper himself were doing, what kind of environment surrounded them.

The dreamer's actions

Interpretations depending on what the dreamer did:

  1. I was petting the cat. For women, such a dream predicts resentment from a loved one. Another interpretation says that stroking a cat in a dream means pandering to your rival in reality. The dreamer must take a close look at her friends and learn to recognize their true intentions. Perhaps one of her friends is trying to steal her husband/boyfriend.
  2. I caught it. Such stories are often dreamed of before participating in dubious events. If the caught kitten turns out to be tricolor, the dreamer will make a profit. You can act without caution.
  3. Defended himself from an animal attack. The dream predicts attempts by enemies to undermine the reputation of the sleeper. If the cat can be driven away, this situation will not have dangerous consequences. When you dream of wounds received from claws and teeth, your enemies will deal a crushing blow.
  4. Harmed an animal. The dreamer in reality will behave meanly and cunningly. An entrepreneur will win the competition using prohibited methods. A woman will start an affair on the side, deceiving her husband. The girl will steal the guy from her friend.
  5. I fed the kittens. Giving meat to a cat in a dream means helping ungrateful people. If fish is used as food, it means that the dreamer is behaving dishonestly towards competitors. If kittens choke in a dream, this is a sign that the sleeper is committing rash acts.

Stroking a cat in a dream means the appearance of insults on the part of a loved one.

What did the cat do with the kittens?

Interpretations depending on what the cat did in the dream:

  1. If you fed kittens, you should expect failures in business and quarrels in the family. However, after a difficult period, prosperity will come. Relatives will help the dreamer get out of a difficult situation without unnecessary losses.
  2. Played with the kids - such a dream predicts problems in relationships with your spouse. The dreamer will move away from his partner, and the alienation will constantly increase. After some time, the relationship will be restored.
  3. Bitten kittens - the dreamer in reality will receive an unexpected result. Wasting time and effort will be in vain.
  4. Licked the cubs - friends will act unfairly towards the dreamer. If he keeps his cool, this situation will not affect the future.
  5. Carrying kittens by the scruff of the neck - a dream warns of problems in business or personal life. However, the dreamer will soon feel a surge of strength, which will help him easily overcome difficulties.
  6. Protected offspring - the plot promises change. Important events related to finances will occur in the dreamer’s life.

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Animal color

The interpretation of the dream depends on what color the animals were:

  1. You dream of black cats when enemies are trying to do harm. The sleeper will be powerless before their actions. The consequence may be illness or a nervous breakdown.
  2. White animals dream of reconciliation after a long quarrel. A favorable period will come in the dreamer's life. It is possible that enemies will become active, but the sleeper will be able to repel their attack.
  3. A dream about gray cats foreshadows a pleasant acquaintance. Household chores will be completed successfully. Minor troubles at work are possible.
  4. Red animals symbolize unplanned troubles. The dreamer will have to deal with them on his own.
  5. A dream in which three-colored kittens are present predicts good luck in all matters. However, due to his own carelessness, the dreamer may miss something important.

Black cats often dream of enemies or illnesses.

Number of kittens

A dream about a large number of kittens indicates the weakness of the sleeper. He has to constantly overcome his failure. Dreaming about many kittens also means minor problems that will be quickly resolved. Troubles will affect relationships with your spouse and work. Seeing 1-2 kittens in a dream means you have to make a difficult choice in reality. A wrong decision can ruin your reputation.

Where were the cat and kittens?

When deciphering the meaning of sleep, consider where the animals were:

  1. In the apartment. The dream predicts a good rest, the opportunity to enjoy luxury. The dreamer expects good luck in all his endeavors.
  2. In a country house. The dream indicates the possibility of an argument with a colleague or friend. Maintaining your reputation will require a lot of patience.
  3. On the street. Such a dream promises a difficult period in life. Excessive stress will negatively affect the health of the sleeper.
  4. At the entrance. The dream foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance, but the sleeper will be disappointed by this.
  5. In the basement. Such a plot symbolizes success in work and successful completion of projects.
  6. In the attic. The dream speaks of the beginning of an unfavorable period in life. Collisions with enemies are expected.

General value

Dreams about cats signify wisdom and the spiritual side of the personality; they foretell luck, the development of creativity, sensuality and inner strength.

By appearing in a dream, animals reveal the true nature of words and actions.

A friendly and affectionate cat means:

  • well-being;
  • comfort;
  • relaxation;
  • inspiration.

Animals can act as themselves or take on recognizable images of friends.

Many mustachioed visitors in night dreams are considered depending on their condition and actions:

  1. They are happy and healthy - success and good luck await them in both personal and professional relationships.
  2. Sick, offended and unhappy animals signal fruitless efforts.
  3. Several cats play by themselves or with a person - a sign of material wealth and prosperity.
  4. Animals go in different directions - there is no clear path and goal in life. When such a spectacle is upsetting and depressing, in reality there are too many destabilizing events. It is necessary to prioritize and remove things or circumstances that drain energy. It is worth focusing on what is truly important and necessary.

An affectionate cat is often associated with loving relationships.

If the sensations are pleasant and do not cause discomfort, this may mean strong attraction and feelings for another person (not excluding platonic ones). The animal is also recognized as a symbol of sexual relations.

Decoding by days of the week

When interpreting, take into account the day on which the dream occurred:

  • Dreams from Sunday to Monday - a cat with kittens dreams of losing a trial;
  • Dreams from Monday to Tuesday - to troubles at work;
  • Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday mean a bad mood;
  • Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday - to receive unexpected news from a friend;
  • Dreams from Thursday to Friday - to conflicts with management;
  • Dreams from Friday to Saturday - to troubles in your personal life;
  • Dreams from Saturday to Sunday mean disruption of plans.

Values ​​by day of month

The interpretation of the dream depends on when it was seen:

1Improved mood
2Appropriation of other people's achievements
3Help friends
5Illness of a relative
6Troubles associated with the dreamer's irresponsibility
7Gossip at work
8A waste of time
9Cheating on your spouse
10Romantic date
11Financial losses
12Deception from loved ones
13Flirting with your boss
14Concluding a profitable deal
16Career advancement
17Nice gift
18Disappointment in friends
19Getting rid of fear
20Unexpected expenses
21Making dangerous mistakes
22Good luck at work
23Making the right decision
24Travel abroad
25Love affair at work
26Meeting interesting people
27Winning the lottery
28Job loss
29Conflict with neighbors
30Unexpected joy
31Disruption of vacation plans

Even if the interpretation turned out to be bad, do not despair. Sometimes dreams simply reflect situations experienced in reality.

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