Why did the cat become aggressive and attack the owner or other animals?



Often, pet owners are faced with various behavioral problems of the latter. Cats that are naturally willful, but happily get along with people, may suddenly begin to show aggression. In fact, nothing happens for nothing, and if a cat attacks a person, then there are reasons for it. The owner of the animal can install them, but quite often only a veterinarian can do this, so do not put off going to the veterinary clinic. Especially in cases with a sharp change in the cat’s behavior.

Why does a domestic cat attack and bite its owner?

In most cases, the reason for aggressiveness lies in psychology. The animal is driven to such behavior by a wide variety of emotions. In the absence of pathology, a disgruntled cat always warns of a possible attack:

  • presses ears, moving them back;
  • arches tail and back;
  • raises the fur along the spinal column;
  • turns sideways to the enemy;
  • makes hissing or rumbling sounds.

If you notice such behavior, leave your pet alone and carefully analyze what triggered it. By eliminating the irritating factor, you will avoid new outbursts of anger.

Illness or pain

If a previously affectionate cat has become aggressive and attacks its owner, then the reason for this behavior may lie in pain. A paw injured as a result of an unsuccessful landing reacts sharply to even the most gentle touches. A pet may attack a person in order to prevent contact with a sore limb.

Pain syndrome is characteristic not only of injuries, but also of some diseases: arthritis, infections, pathologies of the oral cavity. Monitor closely for accompanying symptoms. If apathy, sleep disturbances and poor appetite appear, it is better to get checked at a veterinary clinic.

Another possible cause of attack is deterioration or complete loss of functionality of one of the senses. Impaired hearing, vision and smell interfere with the normal perception of the real picture, distorting the protective function. Most often, this problem occurs in old age.

Bad Education

Frequent play with human hands becomes a habit. As a kitten ages, its claws lengthen and become sharper. The damage from such “cold weapons” is much more serious than in childhood. A mustachioed pet, accustomed to the absence of punishment, will not only play with his hands, but also take out his dissatisfaction on them.

If a cat does not like to sit in the arms of strangers, then in a noisy company she will easily release her claws at anyone who dares to touch her. This behavior is especially dangerous when a small child appears, exploring the world through touch.


Claws and teeth are used not only for attack, but also for defense. Aggressive behavior is explained by ordinary fear. Sudden awakening, a sharp grab or forceful holding are perceived as a threat. Most often, cats simply hiss and run away in the hope of hiding in a secluded place. If all escape routes are blocked, they will fight until victory.

It is also worth noting the protection of offspring. During pregnancy and lactation, the pet becomes more suspicious. She may bite a stranger or animal who decides to disturb her kittens.


Another unpleasant consequence of poor upbringing is demanding behavior through strong bites. With the help of the owner's nipping, the cat may ask to eat or play. Most often, ill-mannered pets bite a person’s legs, pushing them in the right direction. Ignoring this behavior will not solve the problem, but will only increase the force of the bite.

Psychological trauma

The protective reflex is triggered not only by a real threat, but also by a conditional one. Pets taken from the street often suffer from psychological trauma received during wandering. Experienced memories that provoke inappropriate behavior return to them when they see certain objects along with sounds or smells. In such cases, the resulting aggression is called redirected.

The worse the violence experienced, the more aggressive the possible attack. An animal that is regularly beaten with a slipper can leave serious injuries to the owner, who puts on house shoes in front of the pet.

The cause of stress is not only violent actions, but also excessive affection. If personal space is frequently violated, the cat will begin to defend its freedom.

If your mustachioed pet always grew up in care and had the opportunity for privacy, analyze recent events. He may be stressed about moving, having a baby, or having another pet. In this case, all actions are aimed at attracting the owner’s attention.

Competition with other animals

If a cat attacks another cat, then she feels a competitor in her: she is jealous of the owner or is afraid of losing her territory. Keeping multiple pets together is not an easy task. It will take time for the two mustachioed warriors to reconcile.

In such situations, it is recommended to avoid direct intervention, as the pet’s aggression will be redirected to the owner. Before you start training, wait until both pets have calmed down and are ready to cooperate.


Although we mentioned in this article that the reasons for a cat attack can be fear or pain, it is worth looking at another reason for aggression: rabies.

Rabies is a fatal disease that can be transmitted from one animal to another. Once the virus reaches the brain, it begins to affect behavior. In many cases, one of the changes is increased aggressiveness.

In order to protect yourself and your animal from this pathology, do not forget about vaccinating your pets, and also do not let your purrs walk on the street, where they can be bitten by a rabid animal.

If you notice that an unvaccinated cat that has free access to the outdoors or is in contact with animals that walk outside becomes very aggressive for no apparent reason, contact your veterinarian immediately!

Cases of critical aggression

In addition to the situations discussed, uncontrolled aggression is also possible. To repay it, medical intervention is necessary. Otherwise, the animal, which finds itself in an insane state, can cause fatal injuries to people.

Unsatisfied sexual instinct

Neglect of castration and lack of mating can result in a serious problem in the future. Unsatisfied sexual instinct does not go away over the years, but constantly accumulates. As a result, in the middle or end of life, accumulated energy is redirected in a negative direction. Behavioral disorders occur, accompanied by increased nervousness and outbursts of aggression.

20 years ago, my uncastrated 9-year-old cat began to attack me, my mother, and, worst of all, my little sister for no reason. Then there was no money and ample opportunity to study why this happened, all that was left was guesswork. Later, I kept hearing from friends: an uncastrated domestic cat went crazy, caused serious injuries, and had to be euthanized. And a friend of my grandmother almost lost her arm. So castration is humane both in relation to the cat and in relation to others.

Owner Maria

The cat has gone crazy - literally

Cat madness is a rare phenomenon in veterinary medicine. In 99% of cases, aggression is associated with psychological trauma, poor upbringing, self-defense or pain. A mental disorder can only be determined using laboratory diagnostics.

If your pet attacks members of your household, make an appointment with a veterinarian. In the absence of pathologies and a stable mental state, he may need a zoopsychologist.


The rabies virus is deadly to humans, so it is necessary to clearly know the main signs of its manifestation. When infected it is noted:

  1. profuse drooling;
  2. aggressiveness or apathy;
  3. fear of light and water;
  4. perverted appetite (eating inedible objects).

The patient should be isolated in a separate room to prevent the spread of the virus. There is no cure for this infection. The only way to protect yourself is timely vaccination.


Most cats love to be petted. At this moment they look relaxed. Your pet may press its paws against your hand and extend its claws. This is accompanied by purring.

In this way, the animal demonstrates pleasure from caresses. This behavior should not cause you concern, it has nothing to do with aggression.

Cats' claws are not analogous to our nails. They are more like the first pair of knuckles in our fingers. Therefore, releasing the claws is a normal stretching of the muscles.

What should an owner do if a cat bites and attacks?

You can understand what to do if a cat attacks its owner using the reason for its aggressiveness. The problem that arises can be solved by proper education or treatment.

Bring up

Regardless of the reason for the pet’s inappropriate behavior, retaliatory aggression on the part of the owner is unacceptable. Animals respond best to being ignored. If the attack occurs while playing together, demonstratively leave the room and do not come into contact with the cat until it realizes its mistake.

Education begins from the first days of the appearance of a mustachioed pet in the house. If the moment has already been missed, then more time will be required. It is more difficult for adults to overcome established habits than for kittens.

The following recommendations will be useful for retraining your cat:

  1. Avoid playing with your hands. Reconsider your arsenal of toys in favor of teasing fishing rods and mice that are suitable for displaying the hunting instinct.
  2. Don’t break away when another conflict arises. Gently remove your hand when the grip loosens and leave the room immediately.
  3. Buy a scratching post. Make sure the type you choose is suitable for your pet. The scratching post will not only shorten the length of the claws, but will also absorb some of the energy.
  4. Use a spray bottle. A jet of water is the ideal tool to prevent unwanted actions.
  5. Get another pet. If the cause of aggression lies in a lack of attention, then an additional playmate will quickly solve the problem.

Be patient. Over time, your efforts will definitely bring results.


If a disease is detected, the problem is eliminated after it is cured. Prolonged and frequent attacks require a mandatory check with a veterinarian.

A cat with an unsatisfied sexual instinct will have to undergo castration. If you have a mental disorder, you will need long-term drug treatment, but rabies cannot be cured. The patient will have to be isolated in a special box to confirm or refute the disease. A positive prognosis is only possible if you are vaccinated against the virus.

Signs your cat is about to become aggressive

Cat attacks happen more often than they should because many owners fail to recognize signs of impending aggression in cats.

Defensive posture

A frightened cat may adopt a submissive or defensive posture, which entails:

  • Erect fur
  • Tucked-in tail
  • Squatting position
  • Hiss
  • Flattened and pointed ears
  • Don't meet your opponent face to face

Offensive posture

When a cat takes this position, it tells you that it is about to attack. Avoid cats that show the following signs:

  • Faces the enemy face to face
  • The tail is straight and pointed downwards
  • Fur costs
  • Steps forward
  • Looks your opponent straight in the eyes
  • Growls
  • Rectangular ears

How to reduce the risk of aggression and raise an affectionate animal

An affectionate animal can only grow up in a caring and loving family. Never, under any circumstances, use physical punishment. Your hands should only be associated with affection.

Try to talk with your pet often and study its habits. If dissatisfaction appears, accompanied by warning signals, do not test his patience, but immediately stop the unpleasant actions.

If a cat grows up next to a child, make sure that the child knows how to handle it carefully. Stop sudden grabbing and squeezing.

When to see a doctor

If aggression becomes obvious, it means the animal is in pain. It is recommended to consult a doctor if it is necessary to show the animal to a specialist. The identified symptoms may be one of the following diseases:

  • periodontal disease;
  • fracture, other injury;
  • otitis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • arthritis;
  • poisoning and so on.

Stop punishment! The poor animal is stressed and needs help. A neglected slipper will only aggravate the situation. You can’t do this even with a healthy pet. A flying object has enormous impact force and can cause both physical and mental trauma to an animal. You need to learn to understand your pet, this will help you understand some of the reasons for his behavior. A person is responsible for an animal; conflicts can always be avoided if you treat your pet with affection and love.

We try to fill our website with useful information so that you can always find answers to your questions, and we are also waiting for you in our hotel for cats. Find out how to train a cat to crate and how to train a kitten to crate.

A cat hissing in pain or foreboding

If a pet hisses at its owner for no apparent reason, it can be assumed that he is sick or that something is bothering the cat, since a cat hissing at a person for no reason is difficult to explain. The quadruped exhibits irritation in many diseases, such as :

  • epilepsy;
  • severe poisoning;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • injuries;
  • toxoplasmosis and a number of other diseases.

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A sick animal becomes frightened or irritated when approached or touched by a person. It does not want to be disturbed or is afraid of the pain that the owner can cause it without knowing it.

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