How to find a home for a cat and what to do during the search?

Cats are amazing pets. Many people simply adore them. When I look at my pet, I always think that this is the closest relative of lions, tigers, panthers and other wild representatives of the cat family. This is probably why our pets have such a wayward character.

Everyone is obviously familiar with the situation when you want to pet your cat or when you try to hold it in your arms, an active protest arises from the pet. And vice versa, if they decide to show their affection to you, whether you like it or not, you will have to endure it, they will never leave you alone. All this only confirms the truth that the cat walks on its own. There is another manifestation of her wayward and, to some extent, obstinate character. This is when a cat suddenly disappears into a closed apartment.

Where to look for her hidden places?

As many cats as there are, probably, there are as many secluded places where they can hide within the apartment. But, talking with other owners of these animals, I discovered one pattern for myself. After all, they have common favorite places where they like to hide. I’ll tell you about them now. I ask the cats not to be offended by me for giving away their secret.


Cats love to climb into closets and sit there among clothes and linen. And enjoying the cleanliness and peace, they fall asleep peacefully. It is not clear whether their sleep is so deep and sweet that they do not wake up when their owner calls them. It is possible that your pet can hear everything perfectly. And he doesn’t respond because he doesn’t want to interrupt his idyll of afternoon sleep. Or maybe this is simply a manifestation of the harmfulness of her capricious and proud character.

Under the bath

Under the bath is warm, dark and cozy. There, our pets especially like to disappear during folk festivals, celebrated with loud volleys of fireworks. After all, everyone probably knows that cat ears are so delicate that any loud sound causes them great discomfort. When a cat hears the incessant firing of fireworks, it gets scared and tries to run as far as possible from these disturbing sounds. From my own experience I was convinced that you can call her and look for her for hours. He'll only come out when it's quiet outside.

On the loggia

There was a case in my life when a cat got lost in a closed apartment. And it was impossible to find her for many hours. Everything was done to search for her: the ringing of the bells of her favorite toys, the sound of food rustling in the box, and the slamming of the refrigerator door. Believe it or not, I even went outside into the courtyard of the house, asked passers-by about the cat, and called her affectionately.

By evening it became clear that the cat was missing. After crying a lot, I decided to print advertisements on the search for a cat. All that remained was to start the print when my sleepy little loser appeared in person in the doorway of the loggia. It turns out that she slept there all day under an inverted pelvis. She slept well, gained strength, and then at night she gave chase with an imaginary animal. All this was accompanied by her victorious screams and stomping paws.

Behind the curtains near the battery

If the cat is missing and the heating season has already begun, look near the radiator behind the curtains. Cats really like this cozy and secluded place. How warm, dry, no one sees her, but she herself has a great opportunity to eavesdrop and observe everything that happens. When you search, be sure to pull back the curtains and look below.

A few more places to look:

  • In a toy box.
  • In a crib.
  • Under the blanket on the bed.
  • Under the bed.

Of course, each apartment is designed differently. For this reason, I advise you to take note of where your cat appears after a long absence. So, by trial and error, you will be able to find the secret hiding places of your pet.

Places to look:

7. If the cat ran out through the front door, then it is worth inspecting the upper floors of the landings.

8. The presence of an attic and free access to it allows for the possibility of checking in this direction.

9. Basement with open windows. If a pet fell out of a window, most likely, when it landed, it hid there out of fear. If the basement is lit, it will be easy to find.

10. On the street, be sure to check under the cars that are parked in large numbers near our houses.

11. Crowns of nearby trees, bushes. You can search for a cat alone, but it is better to involve a group of people in this action. Acquaintances and friends can help you in your search. If the cat is domestic, it will hide nearby.

12. You can take the cat's toys and try to lure it into view. To attract attention, the cat is called and lured with food. When she comes out, try not to scare her away.

13. If the cat has disappeared at the dacha, inspect the neighbors' plots. The pet could have gotten into their house.

14. If your pet goes missing in winter, don’t worry too much, he can hide in any warm place. Therefore, we examine potential heat sources.

15. Inspect the nearest roads. A cat can be hit by a car if it tries to get to the other side, rushing across the path of passing cars.

16. If the loss is discovered during the day, it is better to wait until the evening or night, when the bustle on the street has subsided. In the silence of the night, extraneous noise will no longer be heard and your pet will be more likely to hear your call. Of course, provided that it is nearby.

17. In the evening, when all the neighbors are at home, you can try to find out from them if they have seen the cat. Perhaps they will indicate the direction or location.

18. At night, a cat can be given away by its eyes glowing in the dark. For example, when you are combing the next bushes with a flashlight.

19. In many of our yards there are playgrounds where mothers like to relax and children like to play. Be sure to ask them. Children are especially attentive to the world around them, so they may well be able to tell you where your pet was spotted.

20. Grandmothers on our benches are as attentive as the children. If a cat ran past, they will definitely notice it, and maybe even try to feed it.

21. Talk to the cleaners and janitors who service your and nearby houses. They start their work before everyone else and can find the missing pet. Get them interested with a small reward.

If the above steps did not help you locate your pet, then the next steps will be to reach as many people as possible who could notice it.

22. On social networks you can find a group suitable for your place of residence and write a missing person announcement there. Be sure to describe the signs and post a photo. Without a photo, there is a risk of getting responses from people who have seen completely different pets.

23. A huge number of the population reads the paper press, so it makes sense to advertise in the newspaper. It is highly advisable to include a photo of your pet.

24. If you have a printer, be sure to print out advertisements and post them around your area. In your house, as well as in neighboring ones, stick notices at each entrance. After that, place them near shops and at public transport stops.

25. Place advertisements in mailboxes, but this can be difficult because access to entrances is limited.

26. It is worth contacting volunteer organizations. They usually have websites.

27. Call animal shelters and veterinary clinics, it is possible that the cat has been there for a long time. You need to visit these establishments and leave a description of the animal to the employees.

In order to avoid all the difficulties associated with the search, you need to take security measures in advance. If you hang a medallion on the cat's collar with a note containing the owner's name and phone number, this will make it easier to find the owner. Contacts should be updated if necessary. It is not necessary to indicate your home address and pet's name.

From the expert:

“It is better to walk a cat on a harness. There are devices that transmit information about the pet’s location to the owner’s phone. It is imperative that such a device has a certificate and is approved for use. Don't take risks and don't order such devices online. It is necessary to monitor windows and doors - they must be locked. When searching, don’t panic and lose hope.”

From the author:

In any case, if your cat is lost , you should not despair. There are many examples when a pet returns home on its own. Even if he gets lost in the country, there is a chance that he will find his way home on his own.

I had a dog and cats. The dog ran away for 3 months. Then she returned. The neighbors knew about the loss and called when they noticed her at the entrance. The cats also ran away, but almost always found themselves and, once at home, they ran headlong to the kitchen looking for their bowls.

Now I am pleased with the presence of a cat - Bushido San. He is very independent. Finding himself at the dacha, he immediately goes about his cat business. But it always comes back. Even if I have to leave without him, after a couple of days, when I come back, he already meets me and looks questioningly at the bag where his cat food is.

Don't be upset, everything will be fine.

Searches on the street: important nuances

If the pet could leave the house, then you should first determine which way he escaped - through an unlocked front door, window or balcony. If there is a non-glazed balcony, the animal can jump over to the neighbors. It is easier to find a cat that has fallen from a window or balcony if you immediately go looking for it.

When falling, the animal experiences severe pain and fear. If a pet finds itself in an unfamiliar environment (applies to domestic cats), stress increases, so it tries to immediately run away to a secluded corner. When going on a search, carefully inspect the following places:

  • Cellars. They are checked first if the entrance, windows are open or there are loopholes.
  • Under the cars. Cats love to hide under cars.
  • Bushes. For an animal under stress, the main task is to remain unnoticed. Dense bushes are good for this.
  • Trees. If upon landing there was a dog next to the pet, she could drive it up a tree.

If the cat runs out of the apartment through the front door, then look for it on the landings, carefully inspect the attic and other secluded places. During the cold season, it is best to look for the animal near heat sources. These could be heating mains, heating radiators in the entrance, running car engines, etc.

Finding a cat in the country if you brought it for the first time will be much more difficult, although the search principle is generally the same. Carefully inspect the house and yard, paying special attention to secluded places. Ask your neighbors if they have seen your pet. If the door to their house was open, he could even run inside.

If you don’t know how to find a cat in the village, then be sure to interview not only your neighbors, but also other residents. Be sure to ask the children if they have seen the animal. As a rule, the younger generation is more attentive to details and more often notices lost pets.

Important! If you have recently moved to a new place of residence, be sure to return to your old apartment or house. Cats often find familiar habitats.

Abandoned Angel

If your pet is missing, first make sure that it is not hidden somewhere in the apartment. Search all the nooks and crannies, check even those places where you think he definitely cannot hide.

In the event that the cat is definitely not at home, and there is a possibility that he could have ended up on the street, do not get lost, but start searching.

1. Look for the cat from 24 to 7 am; at other times they do not come out. Search at night in all the courtyards, around three o'clock is better, then they all come out of the basements. You also need to crawl through all the basements and attics (cats run upstairs). And keep in mind that even if you come to the basement where your cat is hiding, he won’t even come out to you right away due to stress. You need to call him for a long time, take his dry food with you, if you feed him that way, and make noise with it, lay out some aromatic and his favorite food, and then also search all the corners with a flashlight, but don’t start with that, so as not to hid somewhere where you can't see him. They also sometimes hide in cars, if you have cars in your yard, check that too. 2. Make friends with the grannies on the benches, promise a reward, provide them with candy and ask them to inform you if they see you, give each one a piece of paper with a phone number along with the candy. 3. Make friends with the janitors, provide them with pies, tea, sweets, a piece of paper with a phone number and promise a reward. 4. Get the keys (ask the janitors or in the apartments on the 1st floor opposite the elevator) and quickly order duplicates from several neighboring houses, and go there several times. The cat may not respond the first time, he is an animal and has a command in his brain: danger, you must hide! 5. Place rags from the house in nearby basements, they will smell the smell and will not go far. 6. Post notices at bus stops, at elevators, in elevators, near police stations, shops... on tape and restore them five times a day. 7. Buy beautiful white commercial nets (like in markets where clothes are hung on them) and install them on the windows. 8. If people call and say that they have a cat and ask for money in advance, do not believe it, they are scammers. Say that first let them show the cat, and then only a reward. 9. If the cat is drying, then you need to walk with the container in which the food is stored at home and shake it, a familiar familiar sound! 10. Call the cat not just by name, but in familiar words: “go eat, food is served, etc.....” 11. Register on Lost, it may help. 12. Make a post for Contact 13. Contact has a group “I’m lost!” - submit it there too. Your cat is scared, perhaps he is seriously injured, look for him quickly and remember that he has no one but you!

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