Kitten games. What games do kittens like to play? Description with photos and videos

Why are cats playful?

The game for cats is a kind of training for the whole body. It starts from a very early age and helps kittens become familiar with the world around them. In this way, they prepare for adult life, imitating the behavior of their parents, learn to hunt each other, their owners and various objects, and improve their skills.

cats play - for entertainment and to maintain their tone

In adult cats, play can help relieve depression or stress. It builds trust with your pet and gives him the opportunity to relax. With its help, you can reduce the animal’s aggressive behavior by switching its attention and energy to games. Games are especially useful for establishing relationships between an old and new pet.

Loyalty to owners and affection

For many, it is important to understand what is better - a cat or a male cat - in terms of attachment to the hearth and home. After all, furry tails are known for their independence.

But they are quite capable of experiencing love for their owners and becoming attached to a specific place of residence. This is especially true for cats - they are guardians of their territory. Furry ladies can spend hours watching what is happening on their territory and strive to take part in all events.

Cats are less fixated on where they live; it doesn’t cost them anything to sneak out for a walk when the opportunity arises. Cats are more reasonable and will not leave their home unless necessary, in which they carefully explore every corner. On pet lovers forums you can read different stories about the difference in the behavior of tailed animals depending on gender.

Any cat subtly senses the attitude of bipeds towards them. If someone doesn't like them, they will avoid that person. You won't be able to lie in front of four-legged creatures. If an animal is treated roughly, it may become offended, become capricious, and even become aggressive.

As for the manifestations of reciprocal feelings to affection from the owner, cats are more prone to this than cats. Ladies become more attached, they are ready to adjust their needs to the schedule of their owners. They never wake them up in the morning with impatient cries, even if they want to eat. They follow people around the house, delving into all their affairs. At the same time, they maintain their distance and do not impose themselves. Cats are more independent, rarely show affection and do not strive to sit on a person’s lap. They are more interested in climbing the curtains or starting another fun game.

Why do cats play with each other?

By playing with each other, kittens or adults learn their social role. They gain an understanding of boundaries and family hierarchy. If you deprive a kitten of the company of its mother and brothers and sisters, then just as cats play with each other, so it will test the tricks on its owners. Here it is important to be firm and clearly indicate the boundaries of what is permitted.

An animal deprived of such practice may become fearful and unsure of itself. His behavior will be driven by fear. This can become a serious problem for adaptation into society. In a healthy kitten, with age, games become more and more noisy and energetic, which indicates his health and proper development.

Indicators of love

Do you know how a cat says “I love you”? Not purring, no. And not when it rubs against your leg. She declares her love when she walks exactly in the direction of you, and her tail is set exactly vertically, the tip is curved and trembles slightly. This is the maximum manifestation of sympathy that a cat is capable of. Cherish this moment! Not all owners are shown this way, but only a select few.

Fig.1. “You are the best host in the world!”

Have you heard the expression “milk step”? The kitten quietly digs its claws into the mother cat as it sucks milk, while massaging her belly. This habit remains with the cat for the rest of its life, and when it is disposed to tactile communication with its owner, childhood memories encourage it to “claw” you too. Even if the kitten was not fed by a cat, the reflex is still there.

If your cat rubs up against your legs, it is absolutely not the same as wanting cuddles or companionship. She is just hungry and knows that if she rubs against a person like that, she will be fed. Probably, cats believe that this way they can conquer any person, and he, melting with happiness, will run for food.

Playing with the animal correctly

The animal will gladly take part in the game if the toy reminds it of its prey. In nature, the object of the hunt will never intentionally circle near the cat's nose. Therefore, her attention needs to be attracted by lightly bouncing the toy. Then hide for a while and suddenly set the teaser in motion.

fun to play - when both are having fun

Move the toy away from your pet, then she will definitely ambush you. Try to hide the object behind some obstacle and show it again. No hunter will miss such prey. Be sure to then let the cat catch the teaser, drag it a little and rub it with its paws. If your pet is lying on its side and is breathing quickly, then it is worth taking a break so that it can rest and return to the fun with renewed vigor.

If you choose how to play with your cat with your hands or a toy, it doesn't matter much. Just protect your skin from sharp claws and teeth. It’s better to play for about a quarter of an hour a couple of times a day, the main thing is regularity.

Arrangement of the playing space

The animal should have its own corners in the house where it will feel confident and safe. It is better to arrange several such places in the apartment. Install special loungers in rooms, hammocks, and multi-story play centers. Place your cat's favorite toys in them. He will run from one “point” to another, occupying his attention with different toys.

Be sure to install a scratching post in the apartment so that the pet does not damage the furniture with its claws or tear up the wallpaper on the walls.

Are laser toys suitable?

You can play with a laser pointer with your cat, taking a few precautions. Avoid getting the beam into the animal's eyes; even a reflected beam can damage them. The higher its power, the greater the danger, so it should not exceed 30 MW.

You can, of course, play with a laser pointer - if you're careful

If we talk about the color of the beam, it is better to take green. Cats see it better even in the daytime. You should also take care of the windows; they should be closed or covered with mesh. Otherwise, when a cat plays with a laser, it may get carried away, fall out and get damaged.

Another disadvantage of a laser pointer is the inability to catch and hold it. The lack of tangible prey leaves the pet feeling dissatisfied. Therefore, after finishing the game, stop the beam on something tasty or on another toy that you can grab and hold in your teeth.


If the decision to train a cat has been made, you need to be patient. It is necessary to take into account the waywardness of pets.


  1. Place the animal on a chair.
  2. Place another one nearby and place a piece of food on it.
  3. When the cat makes a jump, you need to pronounce a short and concise decree, for example “Up”.
  4. After landing, don’t forget to praise the stuntman.

When the cat learns to react quickly, you can try giving food from your hands, repeating the commands step by step. The transition to the next tricks is possible only when the animal learns to instantly carry out the order. Frequent rehearsals are needed to consolidate the material.


The “sit” command is useful for restraining a cat, for example, during medical examinations. With regular encouragement of sitting still, the pet will learn to wait for food without getting in the way. How to teach:

  1. Show the animal a piece of treat and entice him to come to you.
  2. After the cat has approached, raise your hand slightly above his head.
  3. Repeat the trick on a regular basis, remembering to say the command. It will be short and catchy - “sit down.”

We must remember that cats should not feel pressure. They are too proud to follow human orders, so the command must be pronounced calmly and confidently without raising the tone.

Bring it

Entertainment team. You can demand to move objects in your teeth by initially throwing this same toy. Cats love foil, so you can start training with a shiny piece rolled into a ball.

  1. You can play with your cat with a small and light toy.
  2. Throw her nearby.
  3. When the animal takes the toy in its teeth, say the command.
  4. Don't forget to praise the cat and reward it with a treat.
  5. When she wants to eat, she will bring the toy to her feet.

Yuri Kuklachev with his cat


This command is an indispensable skill when visiting the veterinarian. The cat needs to be seated, shown a tasty morsel and slowly lowered down. Of course, the animal’s head will fall behind it, then you need to move the food to the side. Ideally, the pet should lie down on its own. As soon as the cat lies down, you can praise him and treat him with food.

Give me your paw

Squeeze the piece of food into your fist and let your cat sniff your hand. Wait until the pet tries all attempts to get food with its paws. With your free hand, hold the paw placed on your fist and loudly pronounce the command action, then immediately throw the food. With good practice in the future, after the command “give me your paw”, the pet will raise the limb upward.

Serve, gopher or bunny

You need to let the cat sniff the food and slowly raise your hand from the nose upward. The animal will reach for the treat and stand on its hind legs, at this moment you need to say a command and give the treat. You can’t give it away until you get the desired pose.


Stroke the lying animal on the back and remove the gift from the muzzle forward. If you do not allow the cat to get up, he will begin to pull himself up on his claws towards the treat. You need to praise him, reward him with something tasty, and don’t forget the voice command “Crawl.”


You need to attract the attention of a lying cat and put a gift behind his shoulder blades, he will begin to turn his head and lean back. Push him a little on the neck or side and provoke him to roll over, removing the treat from his shoulder blades

As soon as the animal rolls over to the other side, the exercise is considered completed.


To train a cat to vocalize according to command instructions, you need to combine catching and training. It’s easier to wait until the pet starts meowing and asking for food. You need to tease him with a gift. Having heard “Meow”, you need to give the command “Voice”, praise him, give him a tasty treat, and you can play with him.

How to make a cat teaser with your own hands

The easiest way to make cat teasers with your own hands is to tie something rustling to a string. For example, you can take a piece of cardboard or fold a piece of thick paper like an accordion and tie it tightly in the middle. You can pick up the other end of the thread or simply tie it to the back of a chair or door handle.

You can make a similar cat teaser yourself

Average prices in Moscow/St. Petersburg?

You can also buy a toy in a store. The most expensive electronic versions are American or German-made. They will cost from 800 rubles. Chinese goods are cheaper; a simple cat teaser toy will cost 200–500 rubles. Russian products are sold from 100 to 500 rubles.

How to choose a teaser?

When choosing a teaser toy, you need to think about the cat's safety. Feathers or small ribbons can get into the animal's digestive system during play. Therefore, it is better to opt for products with large elements. The material should preferably be natural, but not too soft, otherwise it will not last even a few days. A good option would be wooden cat teasers or soft ones with safe filling. Because it can get into the cat's mouth when it tears the toy with its teeth.

A variant of a teaser toy when the kitten plays on its own

To reduce costs, some companies use toxic materials. Don’t try to save money; it’s better to buy quality products that have been tested by environmental services. This will help you avoid purchasing harmful products made from toxic materials.

If your pet doesn't want to play

A decrease in your cat's activity may indicate a deterioration in its health. If your cat stops playing and sleeps all the time, you should definitely take her to the vet. In the case when everything is in order with the physical condition of the pet, refusal to play can be caused by stress. Give her more attention and caress her.

When your pet doesn't show interest in a new toy, use these tips to awaken his hunting instincts. Get several toys with different textures and sounds. Hide them for a while so that the cat has time to forget about them, then put them back into use.

Although the activity of cats decreases with age and depends on the nature of the animal, they all love to play with each other and with their owners. Make toys yourself or buy cat toys at the store and have fun with your pets. Remember that a playful cat is healthy and happy.

Basics of education

The optimal age to start training, as we have already said, is six months. Since it is at this time that it is easier for the pet to master commands. The basics of education, along with the breed, play a fundamental role in training. Strict adherence to behavioral norms and sincere relationships between owner and pet are also a priority. It is advisable to begin preparations by accustoming the kitten to the rules established in the home.

The most important rules for starting successful training:

  • It is necessary to buy the pet its own toys, otherwise for active entertainment the kitten will play with the things of the owner and his family.
  • For sleep and rest, a young cat needs to have its own place. She should not play or doze on the master's beds and sofas.
  • Just like a child, you should never yell at kittens or, especially, hit them. A stern and slightly raised voice will be enough for them to understand that they are being punished. Animals are good at distinguishing human intonation and remembering what they are not allowed to do.
  • From the first months, the kitten must know the location of its plate. You cannot throw food from the table, otherwise he will jump on it and steal food.
  • The cat must know that the litter tray is in the same place and needs to go only there. The first time he needs to be placed in the tray and not allowed to leave for 2-3 minutes.
  • The psychology of communication is very important. You need to establish a trusting relationship with your domestic cat so that training does not cause problems in the future. It is worth paying more attention to the kittens, playing with them, stroking them and trying to reward them for following orders and good behavior.

Game turning into aggression

Why do cats kick with their back paws?

There are times when fuss between pets turns into a fight. For example, one of the cats has no desire to play or she did not like this style. A common reason in young animals when animals show aggressiveness is insufficient energy expenditure. Then the cat gets bored and annoys its neighbor, incurring aggressive behavior. Cats need to move. Therefore, intense games every day will only benefit them. It's a great idea to put up a puzzle feeder from which you have to get food.

To prevent competition, you need to make sure that the animals have enough scratching posts, sitting places, and bowls over which fights can break out.

It happens that the cause of unmotivated aggression in cats is serious illness. Then you definitely need to contact a veterinarian.

Let lunch be the spoils

Instead of just filling your cat's bowl, offer her a puzzle feeder. Then she will first have to figure out how to get food from the maze, or get around a series of obstacles to eat it. You can buy a puzzle feeder or make one yourself. Take a clean plastic bottle or other container and cut holes for the food pellets to fit through. Another educational game for cats that is easy to implement is hiding food throughout the house. Finding items for cats is a great and easy-to-implement way to keep your pet occupied while you're away, as well as stimulate her physical activity. Try hiding small amounts of food in different places around the house, using cells cut from an egg container.

Mouse Hunt

Hunting mice is one of the most favorite pastimes of cats. For this game you will need to purchase a toy mouse from a pet store. There are edible and groovy mice. Choose any of them and show it to your pet. If he likes the new toy, he will not let it out of his clutches for a long time.

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