Scottish Straight - description of the breed, its advantages and disadvantages. 125 photos, price and video advice from experts on caring for the Scottish Straight

With the appearance of a little fluffy Scotsman in the house, a lot of questions arise about the care and nutrition of the baby. In another situation, it is interesting to find out about the character of the cat and the characteristics of its health before deciding to purchase such a miracle.

Who is the Scottish Straight cat, how did he appear and what distinguishes him from the so similar British cat.

And it was like this

On a Scottish farm, almost 60 years ago, a cat named Susie was born. Later, the owner of the farm noticed an amazing feature of the kitten - her ears were bent and smaller than usual. Otherwise, the kitten was no different from its mother.

Over time, the fold-eared cat was noticed by the British scientist William Ross. And he took the girl to him.

When Susie became a mother herself, one of her cubs again turned out to be a kitten with drooping ears. Since then, Ross began breeding the breed. Both regular and fold-eared kittens were born in the litter.

As we studied the breed, it turned out that this feature of the ear structure is due to a defective gene. And this gene brings with it health problems, including disability of the animal.

So the breed was banned in Great Britain, and the Scots went to America. There, scientists crossed the Scottish Fold cat with the British Shorthair. The result was kittens with normal ears and drooping ones.

But the latter no longer had a great genetic predisposition to diseases. After all, 2 thirds of their genes were healthy, which means that only minor health features remained - a tendency to diseases of the joints and cardiovascular system.

What is the difference between straight and british

As a result of this crossing, 2 new cat breeds appeared: Scottish Fold - fold; and Scottish Straight - straight-eared.

Only the Straights have long been classified as British due to their external similarity and genetic relatedness. Until in 2004 the differences between the breeds were recognized and the Scottish Straight breed was officially registered.

Differences between breeds in the following indicators:

  • Scots are lighter and slimmer;
  • The British have a more “knocked down” skeleton;
  • the childish expression of the face remains in the animal’s adulthood, unlike the British. This is due to the different structure of the skull and the position of the nose;
  • The muzzle is more rounded in Scottish cats.

Care and maintenance, nutrition

Scottish Straights cannot be called demanding; they are one of the most unpretentious breeds, but every pet needs attention and care. Then you can admire their well-groomed appearance, silky fur, and excellent health.

Once a week you need to comb the fur with a sparse comb and a natural bristle brush. In spring and autumn, during seasonal molting, you will have to comb out more often, using a special combing glove with a rubber pad.

There is no need to bathe straight-eared Scottish cats often: they are clean and take care of themselves on their own. And they, like many representatives of the cat family, do not like water, so it is undesirable to expose them to stress. To care for the fur, you can use dry shampoo, which is applied to the body and then combed out. It was good for the cat and didn’t make me nervous.

But the eyes require special care. Due to the special structure of the muzzle, Scottish Straights may experience frequent tearing. It is better to remove tears with a dry cloth or soft cloth. Water and wet wipes can be harmful.

Inspect your cat's ears regularly; you can clean them with cotton swabs or instill special ear drops that are sold in a pet store. The drops will soften the plaque, and the cat will not experience discomfort during hygiene procedures.

Your cat's teeth will remain healthy if you regularly offer her dry food, chew sticks, and toys. Thanks to them, teeth self-clean, which helps protect them from plaque and tartar formation. You can purchase a special toothpaste and brush and brush your cat’s teeth at least once a week.

It is strictly forbidden to remove a cat's claws, but caring for them is necessary. From an early age, accustom your kitten to a scratching post, trim its claws regularly by purchasing a special nail clipper. Kittens need to carry out manipulations twice a month, adult animals – monthly. You need to trim the claws carefully, without touching the pink part, where the blood vessels are close to the skin.

Nutrition of Scottish Straights

The cat's diet should be balanced. Natural products or ready-made industrial feeds of at least premium class must contain the required amount of proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Meat as the main source of protein should make up at least 80% of the total diet. Poultry, rabbit, and beef are best suited. It is recommended to give your cat offal once or twice a week. You can’t give them raw – only boiled. Every week you need to give your cat low-fat sea fish: it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids necessary for the cat’s body.

Cats need plant foods. Vegetables can be given raw or boiled, mixed with meat. Of the fermented milk products, those with low fat content are acceptable, but milk is only allowed for kittens up to 3 months of age; later, animals develop lactose intolerance. You can feed your cat well boiled ones. Add a boiled chicken egg yolk to your food twice a week.

All foods from your table are prohibited for your cat because they contain salt and spices. You should not give fish with bones, potatoes, bread, legumes, which can harm the cat’s digestive system.

The diet will depend on the age of the animal:

  • kittens up to six months of age are fed up to 4 times a day;
  • from 6 to 12 months – three times a day;
  • After a year, you can switch your cat to two meals a day.

Description of the breed

Scottish Straight is a cat of small build - 3.5 - 5 kg, with a plush sherish and large eyes.

After the official announcement of the breed, animal standards were established. The cat must meet these standards in order to be called a Scottish Straight and participate in exhibitions.

WCF Standards:

  • the body is slightly elongated, muscular;
  • the weight of an adult male is 4-5 kg, females 3.5-4.5 kg;
  • paws - large, with developed muscles;
  • neck - short, muscular;
  • the head is large, with a rounded structure of the skull; convex forehead and voluminous cheeks;
  • ears - small in size, triangular in shape; set wide, looking up;
  • eyes - wide open, round in shape;
  • wool - short, plush; the undercoat is thick;
  • The color of the iris is orange, blue, depending on the color.

The color of the Scottish Straight can be different, there are no strict requirements. The most common: blue, gray, smoky, tortoiseshell, lilac, cream, red, black, white, black and white, etc.

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Health and education

Scottish Straights do not have any special genetic diseases: they are distinguished by strong immunity and, with proper care, will please the owner for at least 15 years. However, the key to a cat’s health and longevity is caring for the animal. It is necessary to undergo regular examinations by a veterinarian, timely vaccinations, and preventive treatments for internal and external parasites.

A balanced diet is an important factor affecting the health of a pet. Vitamins and minerals, taurine and biotin, omega-3 fatty acids should be included in the feed, and when feeding “natural” vitamin complexes should be added to the food. They will also take care of the pet’s digestive system and make the fur shiny.

You need to raise a kitten as soon as it gets into your home. Despite their easy-going nature, kids can be capricious and touchy. But the kitten must learn the concept of “impossible”: this way the floor will remain clean and the furniture intact. You need to educate with words, not shouting, and especially not spanking.


The key to a cat's health is timely vaccination. The very first vaccination is given to kittens at two months of age. Before vaccination, treatment is carried out against fleas and helminths. A comprehensive vaccine will protect your pet from life-threatening diseases: distemper, rhinotracheitis, calcivirosis and chlamydia. After two to three weeks (depending on the vaccine), revaccination is carried out by adding the rabies vaccine. Then vaccinations will be required annually.

Selection rules

Scottish Straight kittens can only appear as a result of crossing Scottish Straight and Scottish Fold individuals.

Unscrupulous breeders may not cull kittens in order to earn more money.

Keep in poor conditions or feed with cheap food. All these factors can affect the health of the animal. And bringing a pet home, instead of joy, it can bring sadness and treatment costs.

Therefore, it is worth knowing what to look for when choosing a kitten:

  • Activity. The baby should be active, playful and cheerful. If he huddles in a corner, it is important to recognize whether he is cowardly or whether he is simply sick.
  • Appetite. Everything is clear here - eating well means being healthy.
  • The ears and under the tail are clean.
  • Eyes. Eye discharge is normal for this breed until it turns color. Therefore, remember - if the eyes are watery, this is a feature of the breed, and if they turn sour or discharge of any color appears, this is a sign of illness or inflammation.
  • The tummy is soft.
  • Each cub in the nursery must have a veterinary passport with all vaccinations and anthelmintic procedures.
  • Pedigree, if any.

IMPORTANT! The purchase of a kitten must be made under a sales contract.

How much does a Scottish Fold and Straight-eared cat and kitten cost?

The price of Scottish Straight and Fold cats can be very different, and it depends on many factors. How much does Scottish Straight, Scottish Fold, Highland Straight and Highland Fold cost?

► prices for Scottish fold and straight-eared kittens vary greatly;

► the cost depends on the nursery and the breed characteristics of the animal;

► the price depends on whether the pet is purchased for breeding or for the hobby;

► a person without experience will not be able to determine the quality of a kitten on their own, but we will teach you how to do this at least superficially.

Anticipating the question, let's say that no one gives such kittens for free, unless the cat is a problem and they keep silent about it. Even the frailest cats with weakly expressed breed qualities cost no less than $50. Let's warn you right away: for this price you will buy almost a street dog (see photo below), but it will look a little like a Scotsman. Fold kittens are inexpensive - these are mixed-breed or outbred kittens, similar in appearance to Scots. After all, folded ears are not a guarantee of a pure breed. If you don’t care what breed your cat will be and what its appearance will be, maybe it’s better to get a mongrel cat?

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Look at these kittens: do you like them?

If you were surprised that they were also Scots, don't be surprised. This is the result of a lack of selection and low-quality genes; genes from other breeds are mixed in somewhere, and many cats are not related to the Scots at all. Don't look very good, huh? But they should look like this (see below).

Now look at these - real Scottish bear kittens

On average, straights are always cheaper than their fold-eared counterparts. But there are also straight ones that are more expensive than lop ones. For folds, the shape of the ears is of great importance. The ears can fit well - such kittens are more expensive, but poorly, as if sticking out over the head - such kittens are cheaper.

Prices for kittens, which are outstanding representatives of the breed, but not top ones, start at plus or minus $250. Kittens come in three classes - pet (pet (pet, subject to sterilization, a pedigree is not issued for it), breed (for breeding) and show (highest class). The same cat can be sold as a pet or as a breed, depending on the buyer’s goals. If you need a Scottish cat for your soul, then the price for a good cat will start at $250, as we have already said. But the same kitten as a breed costs 2 times more.

Many people buy a kitten as a pet, but then do not castrate it, but mate it and get kittens that do not have documents, but nevertheless have good breed qualities. This is how people cheated and saved money. This step is considered fraud. We want to warn you against this. Ultimately, such actions lead to the deterioration of the breed.

On average, a very good breed-class kitten as a pet costs about $500. This is the kind of kitten that, even if you sterilize and don’t make money, will become your pride. The cost of a Scottish cat is greatly influenced not only by its class, but also by the rarity of its color. Kittens of rarer colors, such as precious ones, will cost more.

In Ukraine there is an official service for the sale of purebred kittens and puppies from nurseries. When choosing a kitten here, you can be sure of its purebred and the cleanliness of the seller.


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The most expensive Scottish cats that we came across on breeders' websites cost an average of about $1,000, but the price can reach up to $2,000. These are show-class cats that are purchased for business.

To understand where and at what price you will buy a kitten, you must first decide on your goals. If a cat is just for the soul, you can buy a pet class. If the goal is business, then only a kitten with a document of origin, and you need to choose meticulously. In the case of the business purpose of purchasing a Scottish cat, you can even fork out $1,000. What other business can you start with such a small starting capital?

Incredible, but true: sometimes you can get a very purebred Scottish cat for free. This is possible if he is already old and the breeder is no longer going to mate him. You can also get a young animal if the breeder initially kept it for breeding, and then something went wrong and they decided to castrate it. Due to the renovation of the nursery, good cats can be obtained absolutely free of charge or for a nominal fee.

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