How to make two cats friends in the same house

Causes of aggression in cats

Very often, owners can see cats fighting. To understand the cause of aggression in a pet, you need to be patient with the current situation. It is necessary to analyze which factor causes this and, if possible, eliminate it. Animal psychologists identify a number of main causes of aggression in cats, which can lead to a cat fight.

Cats fight each other for many reasons.

Why do cats fight among themselves? The first reason is the cat’s desire to take dominance in the house and show that she is the main one in the family. According to their psychology, they are designed in such a way that they defend their territory, regardless of whether it is within the boundaries of an apartment, a favorite chair or a couch. If a new furry pet appears in the family, the cat that previously lived in the house begins to actively protect the house. Because of this, cat fights most often begin.

Important! To prevent this situation, many animal owners advise buying their own feeders, bedding and houses for their new pet. This will avoid a fight.

Territorial aggression is caused primarily by the presence of other cats in the animal's field of view. If a pet attacks people, then, as a rule, these are people who have come to visit, in whom the cat sees a threat to the owners. This type of aggression is no less common. The pet hisses, hits with its paw, and rears up. As a rule, territorial aggression is shown by uncastrated cats, which are unlikely to be kept in friendship and harmony.

The second significant reason is cats fighting for food. A cat is designed in such a way that attacks of aggression are caused by other animals that carry out some active actions towards it. Protecting your food is an instinct that is inherent in nature and allows it to survive in difficult conditions. Sometimes four-legged pets are aggressive, even if the owner approaches their feeding trough, not to mention a new tenant, and even a competitor. Cats do not allow anyone to approach their bowl; they can hit with their paw or bite if someone approaches their feeder while eating.

During a fight, pets may bite and tear shreds out of each other.

The third reason is the manifestation of instincts that are inherent in nature. Most cats are domesticated, but they still have instincts, although they are no longer afraid for their lives, they understand that they will get food anyway, and there is no need to conquer their territory if there are no other relatives nearby. But when a furry animal is sleeping, it is better not to disturb it. Cats are often aggressive when they are scared. They are not aware of what caused their fear and can attack an innocent feline or even a weaker family member.

The situation is similar with a cat that has small kittens. The cat protects the babies and can attack if it feels danger to its offspring. She begins to growl and meow anxiously, warning that it is better not to touch the kittens.

Note! New scents that come home with, especially if it is a new pet, can cause aggression and a “beware the enemy” reaction. To avoid anything like this, you need to transfer the smell from one cat to another, wipe them with the same towel and change their beds. Thanks to this simple procedure, animals quickly adapt.

A new pet can cause jealousy in an old pet, since they spend more time with it, play with it, and the former resident feels useless. You need to try to replace jealousy with mercy and goodwill.

Another reason for aggression may be an unrealized hunting instinct. Thanks to him, animals survive in a normal environment, so the kitten is interested in balls, toys and all kinds of play equipment. Aggression during play is a fairly common phenomenon, especially when the kitten is too small and likes to throw itself at its owner’s legs.

Kittens don't always fight for real, that's how they play.

Another reason for aggression can be the presence of pain. If the owner touches the disturbing part of the pet, then he instinctively begins to rush and rush at the person.

Often cats can be found during a fight due to the fact that their mating season has begun, and females at this time are actively fighting for the cat’s affections. You may not be able to see the male up close, but the females smell him, which is why they put on a show. It is at puberty that cats begin to actively show aggression.

Conflicts between females

Every cat naturally has a certain level of aggression. Even the most gentle-looking murkas are imperious, wayward empresses who do not tolerate quarrels. They love solitude, reject noisy gatherings and do not tolerate intrusive affection. That's why cats fight among themselves quite often. After all, it is difficult for several independent queens to get along in one territory at once. A cat does not see a rival in a person, but a fellow cat is an obvious competitor.

Animals fight for bowls, for a place on a soft sofa or chair, for the next portion of affection from the owner. There is no big difference in the cause of the conflict. The main goal of any purring creature is to prove its superiority, to force the enemy to recognize it as the rightful owner of the territory. Also, two females fight when the hunting season begins. They actively compete for the cat's absolute attention. But when the murkas fight quite brutally and constantly, rewarding each other with terrible lacerated wounds, then we are talking about females, in which the territorial instinct is expressed quite clearly.

How to quickly separate fighting animals

It’s painful to look at your beloved pets when, instead of purring pleasantly, they begin to arch their backs and scream wildly, sorting things out and demonstrating their readiness for battle. It is much worse if opponents move from “words to deeds” and begin to fight fiercely. Here you should remember several effective methods that will allow you to quickly separate fighting cats.

  • Cover the fighters with a blanket. The animals will experience temporary disorientation, which will make it possible to safely separate their rivals and calm them down.
  • Turn on the vacuum cleaner. You can even direct it towards raging opponents if they are fighting so actively that they no longer notice anything around them.
  • Use water spray. Cats will run away in different directions for fear of getting wet, because only a few like to swim.

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When animals are fighting, you should never break them up with your bare hands. Redirected aggression of cats is quite dangerous. It can turn the breeder's hands into a scary sight. The best way to stop a fight is to grab your pet by the scruff of the neck. In this case, only the aggressor needs to be restrained. It will take at least 3 minutes for the cat to finally relax and the level of adrenaline in his blood to decrease slightly.

The real reasons for aggression in cats

Living in freedom, cats fight and actively demonstrate their instincts. They take a tense posture and make active movements. They stand opposite the enemy, as if on their hind legs, and do not take their eyes off their competitor. They flatten their ears, grin and growl, hiss and paw. This behavior stops when cats stop seeing their opponent as a danger.

For your information! At their core, they are fighters and predators. Instincts play a fundamental role in their behavior. Sexual desire is the basic instinct that causes cats to fight.

If animals live in the same territory, then very often the cats fight due to isolation, aggression due to fear, and rejection of each other. During a fight, cats try to defend for themselves better conditions for existence. And during this fight, claws, teeth, blows, hissing and all possible tricks and tricks are used. Males who have not been castrated fight for territory, especially when there is a cat next to them, the cat feels like a gentleman. Thus, they defend their territory and try to prove that they are in charge there. The cats that are on the property belong to them and are at their disposal. They fearlessly defend their territory, subconsciously understanding that most of it belongs to them.

After such conflicts over territory, cats risk being left with torn out tufts of fur, scratches on their faces and bites, but they can be weaned off fighting and aggression by consulting a doctor.


If there are two cats (or tomcats) or even more living in the house, and they cannot improve their relationship, the intervention of the owner will be required. If fights arise due to a reason known to the owner (a favorite place for both, food, toys), then it can be eliminated by blocking access to the favorite place, which is a bone of contention, removing the sofa or chair, etc.

But often, the origin of conflicts is not so obvious. In this case, you can defuse the situation by providing the cats with their own accessories. Pets should have separate trays, bowls, beds, toys, etc. When fights occur out of boredom, you can add entertainment to the cat - new toys, scratching posts, build a house or special moves. If the cats calm down, it means the owner made the right decision.

And the most important thing is that when having several pets, the owner must take into account that he should not have favorites. All cats need attention and affection, even the most phlegmatic ones. It is worth taking into account their characters and characteristics, making the life of pets more comfortable, calm and safe.

A cat is a universal animal that can save you from loneliness, calm you down and even cheer you up, and two or three cats can double or triple these qualities. But when there is discord in the cat family, there can be no talk of any peace for people either. If they themselves are not able to coexist peacefully, then the owner should not rush into the decision to get rid of one of the pets. We need to give them time and improve the conditions of living together.

Options to correct the situation

It is quite easy for a person to cope with the aggression of an animal. The main thing is to understand exactly what caused it. The cats need to be separated, given the opportunity to calm down, fall asleep, feed them, and only after that, after a while, start trying to introduce them again. The following tricks will work for this. You can build a transparent wall between the cats, which will help them see each other, but not get into fights. It is especially better to start doing this when the cats are friendly and relaxed. This therapy can take up to two weeks.

You can also divide the room or apartment into zones in which cats will live separately. They can watch each other, but not enter someone else's territory. After a while, the new resident will not irritate the cat, and he will slowly begin to get used to him.

Important! It is not advisable to forcefully introduce a cat to a newborn baby. The animal itself must express a desire to get acquainted with it. The pet needs to get used to its smell.

Sexual aggression can be removed by removing the gonads, which secrete hormones that cause animals to be attracted to the opposite sex. Males are neutered until they are one year old, and females until their first heat.

Outdoor cats are more accustomed to harsh sounds. But the home can react strongly to a sharp signal. He will confuse her, and she will dramatically change her behavior. Here a bunch of keys, which at that moment were in your hands, can come to the rescue; you need to throw it on the floor, or you can clap your hands sharply.

Note! A proven way to influence animals is to spray them with water from a spray bottle. Over time, they may develop an instinct where the animals will scatter just at the sight of a sprayer.

You always need to remember one thing: you can’t forcefully shake animals with your hands and you can’t yell at them. Disorientation is considered an effective way - placing them in different rooms, different boxes or beds.

You can’t punish too much; you must always understand that any aggressive behavior of an animal is caused by some factors, and which ones, the owner must figure out himself and eliminate them.

It may take several days for your pet to get used to it.

Advice from a zoopsychologist

Animal psychologists recommend analyzing the causes of unprovoked aggression. It is possible that the animal may have a mental illness that requires medication correction. But before making such a diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude standard causes that cause aggression.

Note! Cats convey a lot of information to their owner through their body language. Most of them try to avoid collisions, and they attack, as a rule, when they feel in danger and begin to defend themselves. If the owner does not have the opportunity to cope with the problems of aggression in an animal on his own, then a good way to change the situation is to turn to a professional, that is, animal psychologists. They will professionally advise you on how to correct your pet’s behavior.

Owners must remember that aggression and jealousy do not just appear in an animal. If cats do not get along in the same apartment, you need to love, pamper them and be sure to praise them if they coexist peacefully. You cannot kick out an animal while the owner is playing and petting another pet. It is necessary to show your love and favor so as not to cause rivalry among them. Good owners always remember that it is pointless to show your authority in front of a cat, since the animal may become embittered and stop trusting its owner. The most important thing is a kind and equal attitude towards pets and, of course, love, which will help eliminate hostility and rivalry among furry friends.

Cats don't fight at home if a person loves you

As you know, there are no rules without exceptions. Let's remember our heroine Anya and her cat Greta. Perhaps none of the above cases are suitable for them. All of Anya’s animals are healthy and, as we remember, sterilized. The conditions in the house are good and seem to be equal for everyone. But not every living creature feels comfortable in a hostel, and it seems that Greta is just such a cat. It may be that she does not like going to the common tray or is categorically not satisfied with eating from a common bowl. Maybe she thinks that Anya pays more attention to her than to others. And this is also a very likely reason that a cat finds itself at the epicenter of conflicts.

Owners who find themselves in such a difficult situation should create the most equal conditions for their pets - even to the extent of arranging for them beds located at the same height. You cannot scold either the weak or strong sides of conflicts. It is worth spending more time “talking” and playing with animals so that every cat feels loved. Love and patience can work real miracles. And Anya has these qualities beyond measure—the mistress of seven cats simply cannot be any other.

Svetlana Mosolova

Causes of cat fights

Cat fights can occur for a number of reasons. Most often, cats living in the same territory are prone to conflicts due to the following factors:

  • temporary isolation;
  • aggression provoked by fear;
  • social pressure due to the large number of individuals;
  • unsuccessful acquaintance with each other.

Why do cats fight?

The reason for male conflicts lies in the nature of the cat's origin. To take a place in the sun, small predators made their way to it with teeth and claws.

In most cases, cats are called to fight by the instincts of the hunter, and sexual desire also plays a big role. Therefore, fights for territory are organized by mature, uncastrated males, especially if there is a “walking” cat nearby.

Most often, fights between cats are caused by defending the territory in which they live. This applies to a greater extent to outdoor cats. The cat defends its territory, following instinct. The more land under his paws, the more satisfying he will eat. In addition, the cats living in this territory will be exclusively at his disposal.

Most often, cat fights are caused by a struggle for territory.

When we moved to a private house, we inherited a cat. He lived somewhere in a barn, walked exclusively on the roofs, and ate what we gave him there. He was absolutely unkind, I was even afraid of him. But nevertheless, all around was his territory, which he fearlessly defended from uninvited guests. We sometimes observed these fights with our own eyes, but more often we saw the consequences in the form of scratches on the brave man’s face, torn out shreds of fur. We realized later how important defending this territory was for us personally, when the cat died. The yard was filled with cats darting here and there, each of whom considered it his duty to mark the territory. All this, to put it mildly, smelled unpleasant, and we just had to get a new cat - a yard guard.

Why do cats fight?

There are frequent cases of fights between females. Of course, for a lady it’s an unworthy occupation, but you can’t escape from nature. Cats, due to genetics, are much less prone to aggression and, it would seem, they have no reason to start fights. But if cats are seen fighting, then the reason for this is the mating season. Females can compete for the attention of a cat, even if there is no one in sight.

Another reason for fighting between two cats is motherhood. This instinct gives rise to aggression not only towards its fellow tribesmen, but also towards the owner.

Should you get a second cat?

You can get a second cat only when the owners lack one animal in the house.
If you have free time and enough finances, then why not? But getting a second cat just because the first cat is bored alone is hardly reasonable. Cats are not pack animals, they do not need company (human attention is a separate issue; cats need it no less than dogs). But if the owners have very little free time, the house is empty all day, then you can get a second cat so that the first one does not get bored without communication. Important:

sometimes, despite the competent behavior of the owner, cats cannot be reconciled with each other. Animals, being in constant stress, begin to get sick (both physically and mentally). In this situation, one of the animals will need to be placed in good hands - the family must be mentally prepared for such a development of events.

How to behave as an owner during cat fights

If cats, peacefully coexisting in the same house, begin to fight, then this cannot be ignored. Sharp claws and teeth can cause irreparable harm to the health of pets:

    Initially, the animals must be separated. But you shouldn’t get into a fight with your bare hands. This is fraught with injury to the person himself. The most effective way is to spray with cold water. You can make a loud sound, pop, etc. In other words, the animals need to be switched to another stimulus.

There is no need to separate fighting animals with your hands; for a person this will end in deep scratches at best

How to find the cause of the conflict

The cause of conflict between animals is not always easy to find. The problem of aggressive behavior can be caused not only by the psychological characteristics of animals, but also by health problems. If one of the cats is sick, then the second one tends to attack him in order to defeat the weak one. Animal nature does not know compassion.

The cause of a conflict between two animals may be the bad mood of one of the pets. One cat became a victim of another only because it turned out to be weaker and turned up under the “hot paw” at the wrong time. A visit to the veterinarian or a bath can trigger a fight. If one of the animals was subjected to one or another procedure, then its smell has changed somewhat, and the second cat ceases to perceive the first as a member of its family.

The listed reasons are not a complete list of possible factors that could serve as a reason for a fight. For example, cats can start a fight because of jealousy, changes in the body at the hormonal level, because of the bad character of one of the pets, etc. The owner should analyze everything that happened in the house in the last hours before the fight. The cause of the fight must be established with maximum accuracy so that it can be eliminated and prevent future fights between pets.

Two representatives of the cat family: pros and cons

If you plan to have several cats, it is better to do this at the same time. It’s easier for kittens to get used to each other, because they lack aggression and competition for primacy. Babies from the same or different litters quickly find a common language, play together, attack, but do not seriously fight. If the pets are of different sexes, castration should be planned, since there is a high probability of unwanted matings in the future.

When a feline is already living in the house, problems are likely to arise when introducing a new animal. The most complex relationships occur between two sexually mature males. Females are more reserved, but rarely become attached to their territorial neighbor. A female cat and male cat can be affectionate and caring, but it is important to neuter both to avoid producing offspring. It is better not to use hormonal drugs, as they negatively affect the health of animals.

When planning to add a second cat, it is important to take into account the temperament of both animals. It is desirable that they match. If we are talking about purebred pets, it is easier to find out the type of temperament, since certain qualities are inherent in a particular breed. The British have a relatively calm character and will not be able to get along with active Orientals. You should also pay attention to the age of the animals: older pets will not like being next to playful kittens.

What to do to avoid provoking clashes between cats

After eliminating the cause of the conflict, an important step in the peaceful coexistence of cats in the same house is the prevention of such incidents. We must use all possible means to achieve, if not complete unity, then at least a long-term truce.

Personal hygiene items

Each pet should have its own items that only it uses. These include bowls, combs, trays, scratching posts:

  • this will help avoid fights over food or going to the toilet;
  • This approach creates more hygienic living conditions for pets.

When the owner observes open clashes between animals, bowls with food and water should be placed as far from each other as possible, for example, in different rooms. The same goes for trays.

It is better if each cat in the house has its own bowl.

Each animal must be provided with its own toys. It is important not to confuse them in the future, otherwise the offense may spread from the furry neighbor to the owner. Cats are very sensitive and, if they catch someone else's scent on a toy, they can easily react in a negative way.

Individual games

The owner of several pets must learn one simple rule: give each pet at least 30 minutes a day for play. This allows you to create harmony in relationships with each representative. In addition, cats will see that they are equally important to their owner.

During the game, the cat will throw out excess energy, along with which aggression will go away.

If the owner is not alone, then several people can play with the cats at the same time, and then change places. With such a setup, it is important that during the game the cats do not intersect and cannot interfere with each other. An interactive puzzle toy can be an excellent option to keep your pet occupied. You can order it online or buy it at a pet store.

A puzzle game can keep your pet occupied by separating it from another animal in a separate room.

How to make furry bullies friends

In order to make warring cats friends, associations of a positive attitude can be useful. The owner of the animals must achieve a situation in which the animals have only positive perceptions of each other. To do this, treats and affection are used. For example, pet cats only at the same time. Treat them to “goodies” in the presence of each other, etc. Here you need to be careful and behave in such a way as not to single out one animal from the whole group, otherwise a new conflict cannot be avoided.

So we became friends with each other, not only the cats, who began to conflict with each other, but also the cats and the dog. Now, for example, my animals do not perceive each other as enemies: the dog does not touch the cats, they have stopped hissing and rushing at her. So the method works is to simultaneously stroke the animals and speak kind words to them.

Video: how to make friends between two cats who have not lived together before

Using a Clicker

Many breeders, not only cats, but also dogs, use a clicker when training animals. This is a special device that can make a sound resembling a click. If the animal does everything as it should, then its correct actions are noted with the help of a clicker.

Clicker training is done in advance. The owner presses a button, then gives out a treat. It is important that animals develop a conditioned “click-treat” reflex. Then, based on the sound of the device, the pets themselves will look for the “yummy.”

The device can also be used in situations of conflicting cats. For example, if the animals are sitting peacefully next to each other - the clicker clicks, the animals show aggression - the clicker is not used.

A clicker is a simple device that, when you press a button, produces a clearly audible click.

Creating Vertical Space

Scientists have discovered one interesting detail. People live and interact with each other in a world of a horizontal plane. Cats, on the other hand, live in vertical space. Therefore, it is important to provide pets with multi-tiered houses and high scratching posts. This way you can create a happy life for your cat. By being located at the highest point, a cat can show how important a place it occupies in its team. If this is not possible, then it will prove its role with the help of claws and teeth.

It is psychologically important for a cat to lie on a hill, this is how it proves its superiority in the team.

How to make two adult cats friends?

  • If your cats suddenly start fighting, the safest option is to separate them into separate rooms for 24 to 48 hours until they calm down.
  • You should also keep them inside during this time so they don't meet or fight outside.
  • Watch for any signs that your cats are frustrated at being kept indoors, such as meowing to be let out.
  • Make sure your cats are kept apart from each other long enough for them to calm down, but not so long that they become upset and potentially more stressed.

Cats fight - how to separate them and reconcile them?

Conflicts among cats are sometimes a little tense, sometimes tooth and claw at work. Why do cats fight and can we reconcile them?

Fighting between cats is a natural behavior and the key to reconciling them is to understand why cats fight. The behavior of cats is very complex, you must be patient to understand them.

There are many solutions. You may have to try several of them before you find the right one—because, just like people, cats are different. There is more than one proven recipe for eliminating aggressive behavior in all cats.

Why are my cats fighting?

Have you just set up a new home for your cats? Do you have a cat that has just reached sexual maturity and has not yet been spayed/neutered? Has someone new appeared in the house, or have there been changes that threaten the current position of the cats? We will try to name the most common causes of quarrels among cats.


Cats often engage in fighting, which most often begins when they reach social maturity, which is between 2 and 4 years of age. This type of aggression usually occurs when cats are fighting over cats, but it also occurs in fights over territory.

The first step to eliminating this form of aggression is to neuter all felines. If cats are already after treatment, it is worth using products with pheromones. This silences cats and helps reduce unwanted behavior. It's also worth remembering that immediately after neutering, hormones are still raging - it can take several weeks before cats go quiet.

New flavor

When you bring a new pet home, it brings its own scent, a new one, and to longtime residents, it can be a signal of “attention, intruder.” Some cats smell more intensely than others, and some also react more than others to new scents. The solution to this situation is to transfer odors from one cat to another. Dry one cat with a towel, then transfer the scent to another, change their beds so they can smell them, recognize them before they see each other. Do this every day for 2-3 weeks to minimize the stress of introducing a new scent. In this way, both old and new residents adapt.


The new cat almost always gets more attention than the others. Jealousy is more common in cats that have a strong bond with people - in breeds such as Siamese cats, but of course this is not the rule. Pay more attention to your cats, not just new ones, take them on your lap, pet them, show them your love. Don't focus all your attention on your new pet - this will be a sign to them that they still have a place in your heart.


Cats are territorial animals by nature—even when the territory extends no further than their own bed. When placing a new pet, it will have to determine its territory range, and the old cat residents will defend their territory. This leads to frequent fights. Therefore, think about whether, together with a new cat, it is advisable to install some new piece of furniture: a house, a box, something that will not belong to the resident residents, and will allow the new one to leave its scent there.

When all else fails, prison will help.

If the cats do not stop fighting despite our attempts to mitigate the conflict, it is time for temporary detention. This measure is extreme and, as they say, unpopular, but it can be an alternative to returning the cat. So you should try it.

Choose a large and spacious jail box, it can't be too small a place, a cat carrier is not suitable. The cage should include bowls, a bed, and there should also be free space. Place one cat's cage in one room and leave the other outside. Leave the cats together in the room. You can change the prisoner every day or every two days - cats, however, remain in the same room all the time. The prison must last at least a week.

When they stop hissing at each other, ignore them, allow them contact, sniffing, but do not leave them alone. Enjoy their good behavior, give treats for good behavior. When someone starts to provoke a fight, put him in the cage. Continue playing only when they are comfortable with each other. At the moment we can give them access to the entire apartment - when the cat starts to fight, he returns to the cage. Behavior is similar to play, but any aggression must have a negative experience. Within a month, the two cats should be able to live with each other fairly calmly.

The most important thing is peace, faith and trust

With your patience and understanding of your cats' behavior, you should be able to achieve harmony within a month or two - you can always use the help of experienced behaviorists. Remember, however, that not every behaviorist who has a graduate degree is an experienced one. Ask your cat-loving friends before you decide to call a professional - you'll save time, stress and money.

Cats fight, although they used to be friends. What to do?

Sudden enmity between cats that previously lived peacefully is one of the most common reasons for seeking help from animal psychologists.

The reason for the enmity is fear, which is associated with the other cat. Here are two illustrative examples: 1) An old cat was sleeping on the nightstand, a young cat was sitting next to her and washing herself. The hostess came and turned on the TV. Somehow it turned out that the TV was set to maximum volume and it literally roared. The old cat jumped in place and the first thing she saw was a young cat. She, frightened by both the sound and the sudden movements of the old cat, twisted and hissed... A split second later, the older cat attacked the younger one. When the owner managed to separate the cats by pouring water from a jug on them, the cats scattered to different rooms. From that moment on, the older cat began to watch and mercilessly beat the younger one. In this case, the fear of loud noise became associated with the presence of the second cat.

2) The owners decided to keep the kitten from their purebred and very beautiful cat. The cat was a little timid, but the cat - her son - grew up, on the contrary, cheerful, perky and brave. A few months after giving birth, the cat was sterilized. She was very nervous after the operation and took a long time to recover at home. Gradually, all the experiences were forgotten, but they reminded me of themselves 1.5 years later, when the cat was taken to the veterinary clinic to be neutered. When he was brought home, he was lethargic and inactive. The cat came up to smell him and then went into another room. Outwardly, she seemed calm. When the cat came to his senses, he tried to approach the cat. She immediately assumed a threatening pose and hissed. He grew up in this house and was used to treating his mother cat quite familiarly, so he did not react to the threat. Then she attacked him with a heartbreaking scream (as the frightened hostess said). For the next few days, the cat chased the cat and tried to attack him as soon as she saw him. He no longer tried to approach her, did not defend himself, only tried to hide. Here the cat smelled the medicine from the cat and transferred negative associations with the experience of the surgery to him.

In most such cases, the problem of sudden aggression between cats can be dealt with within 2 weeks. So that you can do this yourself, I will tell you about a step-by-step behavior correction scheme. But before we get started, let me remind you:

1) I tell you simple techniques that are accessible to everyone. Most likely they will help you solve the problem. But, also, they may not be enough if the problem is very large, or it manifests itself in combination with other difficulties in the cat’s behavior. In this case, it is better for you to contact an animal behaviorist for individual recommendations.

2) when you undertake to follow the recommendations, do not skip steps, do not change their sequence, and do not violate the time frame, as otherwise you risk aggravating the problem rather than solving it.

We reconcile cats step by step:

Stage 1

Aggression in cats is largely related to brain physiology, namely endorphin synthesis. If a cat’s brain produces “pleasure hormones” in normal quantities, it can more easily cope with any difficult situations and does not have to be scared and defend itself from an imaginary threat. Correction of “sudden enmity” begins with maintaining endorphin synthesis with the help of special drugs. (!!!The drugs described here are sold without a prescription, without contraindications, however, if the cat is not healthy, is allergic, or for some other reason you have doubts, be sure to consult a veterinarian!!!) Veterinary pharmacies sell, for example, Serene Um, Calmex, Good as Gold, Sanal Relax and others. The main thing you should know when looking for a medicinal product: it should contain B vitamins and L-tryptophan (or better yet, take drops rather than tablets: drops are easier to add to your cat’s food).

Drugs with this composition do not calm animals, do not make them slow or drowsy. These are not “heavy” antidepressants. Preparations with tryptophan and B vitamins strengthen the nervous system, similar to those vitamins and supplements that are prescribed to schoolchildren and students during exam periods. About 3 days after starting to take the drug, the cat becomes more cheerful, lively, as if younger, she looks happier. It just becomes easier for her to cope with stress. But don't be under the illusion that this is enough to bring peace to the cats. This is only support in behavior correction, and not the correction itself.

Following the instructions, add drops to your cat's food. It usually takes 10-14 days to compensate for the lack of essential microelements, vitamins and amino acids. This period is most favorable for carrying out behavioral correction, so do not waste time and move on to the next stage:

Stage 2

The general idea is this. It is necessary to create such a space so that the cats can constantly see, hear and smell each other, but at the same time they are separated by a solid mesh/lattice, and are free to move enough to move away from the mesh by at least one and a half meters.

Technically, you need to look around the rooms or the entire apartment, divide the space, allocate each of the cats their own part, choose a grid and secure it. For example, you can fix a net in the interior passage, leaving one cat in the room and the other in the corridor. You can rearrange the furniture, but carefully arrange everything so that cats cannot get around or climb over obstacles on their own.

You can use a section of an enclosure for a puppy as a mesh, you can ask your friends for a large enclosure for a puppy (with a floor, a roof and four walls), you can connect several oven grates... In general, show your imagination, but do not rush to spend a lot of money on the perfect grate , since you will need it from three days to four weeks, no more.

An important condition is that cats should be able to decide for themselves how close they want to be.

If you are afraid of cockroaches and are forced to tolerate one in close proximity without being able to move away, then you will also begin to experience aggression. Cockroaches in a jar at your strange entomologist friend's house are quite tolerable, since you don't have to go near them and eventually someday you will leave his hospitable home. Allow cats to approach or move away from the bars at least 1.5 meters away.

However, if you simply “bar” one cat from a room, the other cat may decide that it will simply live in another room from now on. This way, reconciliation will not come, and conflicts will continue to occur on the borders of territories in the future. So the space will still have to be limited for both cats. Again:

The more time cats see, hear and smell each other, the faster a truce will come.

It often happens that owners cannot find the ideal grille and say: “we will buy it in a week and then we will start making corrections.” This is a bad decision. It is better to start working right away, even if you use imperfect bars, keep an eye on the cats, keep them in the space only in the evenings, when you have returned from work and you have time to deal with them. Even in the case of severe and (without exaggeration) bloody conflicts, cats need no more than 3 days for fear to turn into discontent, dissatisfaction (with a quivering tail tip) gives way to mild irritability, and then... complete calm and peace suddenly sets in.

If you manage to create a common space with a good grid, then the correction will take you three days (don’t forget about endorphin synthesis). If you manage to study with cats only in the evenings after work, then success will come when you accumulate about 72 hours of practice in total.

Another little "trick". Take a kitchen towel and cut it into two pieces. Wet and wring out - the towels should be slightly damp. Use one half to wipe one cat, and the other half to wipe the other. Then place the cloths so that the cat can sniff the cloth with the scent of its ex-girlfriend. Repeat this manipulation every day. If you have to separate cats in different rooms while you are not home, nothing prevents you from at least leaving them with cloths with the smell of another cat. This will speed up the correction process a little if you do not have time to devote enough time to this every day. Cats may mark these rags. This is generally a good sign. You just have to throw away the dirty ones and lay out new rags.

Stage 3

Place bowls of food at a distance of one and a half meters from the grate separating the cats. If the cats refuse to eat (but they are definitely healthy!), ignore them and continue feeding the same way and in the same place. Animals often tolerate stress more easily when they are hungry, so if your cat misses 1-2 feedings (but she is healthy!) there is no need to worry. Most likely, on the third feeding, she will eat, as if nothing had happened, one and a half meters from the grill. Both cats need to be fed at the same time.

At the next feeding, you can move the cat's bowl a little closer to the grill. Take your time, move the bowl literally 5-10 cm. If the cat itself begins to come closer to the grate, you can move the bowl more. If the cat begins to lie near the grate, turning away from the other cat, you can place the bowls literally 30 cm from the grate.

Of course, portion feeding (where your cat's bowl isn't filled with food 24/7) gives you a big advantage in this case, so it makes sense to switch to it if you haven't done so before.

Feel free to communicate with each of the cats, pet them, play. The second cat can watch you communicate through the bars. This will not make her jealous; on the contrary, it will help restore trust in the other cat.

Stage 4

After 1, 2 or 3 days (in total), you will see that the cats somehow calmed down and began to approach the bars and rub against them. Perhaps they will start sniffing through the bars, leaning back against it and acting relaxed and relaxed. In this case, you can try removing the grille. To do this, prepare a spray bottle and everything that can help you separate the cats in case of failure.

Play with one cat, then with another cat, so that both “shed” excess energy. Place the bowls again at a distance of one and a half meters from the grill. Then toss a small handful of food into each cat's bowl. Be prepared to remove the grate and do so by the time both cats have finished eating. If one of them doesn’t finish, put the bowl of food somewhere. Then just watch, don’t interfere. Breathing deeply, meditating, imagining a place of peace, and whatever else makes you feel calm will help your cats feel better.


If everything went well, that's it. You did it! Congratulations! If it has passed more or less, but you are still not sure, it’s okay, this is also a good result and I also congratulate you!

If any of the cats resumed aggression, then at some point you were in a hurry - either you moved the food bowls too quickly, or you needed to wait a few more days before removing the grate. In this case, go back to the previous steps and don’t worry. Everything will work out if you continue to practice this way.

In case of confident (and uncertain) success, praise yourself, but at night, as well as during your absence from the apartment, return the grille for at least 2 more weeks (it is important to do this within this period). In your presence, most likely the cats will communicate in the same way as they did before the conflict. And after two weeks, you will be able to fearlessly leave them together when you leave home.

If the problems return...

Is it possible. It happens that after six months or a year the situation repeats itself. Usually it is very similar: again the cat hears a sharp sound or smells an odor associated with a negative experience, and again begins to attack another cat. In this case, you will have to repeat everything again. A little faster than the first time, you will achieve success again. And this new success does not mean that the problem will not arise again if...

What can be done to ensure that conflicts no longer arise?

The culprit of the “sudden conflict” is usually a fearful older cat who hides when guests come to the house or in some other situations that disrupt the usual way of life. She lacks the initiative to learn something new. As a result, her life is boring and poor. An animal needs eustress, and by coping with it, it gains invaluable experience, like confidence in its ability to act in difficult situations.

Once you have achieved success in reconciling cats, do not stop there. Make it a habit to play with your cat for a few minutes a day (you may have to work hard to find a game that keeps your cat engaged). Offer your cat an intellectual toy that she can roll on the floor to shake out the goodies. She can easily give up such toys to a more active younger cat, this is not scary. The main thing is that she does not leave, but watches how the younger cat plays with the toy. Sooner or later the older one will also try to play. Now, if the older one turns away and leaves, then you will have to hold the younger one and still try to teach the problem cat to enjoy games.

The simplest game is to tie leaves (for example, tea bags) with different smells into rag bags and lay them out in front of the older cat, let her get used to it, and then explore new smells. A little imagination, and you will come up with similar entertainment on the go. If you manage to stir up a problem cat, its character will change, it will begin to relive its childhood, and it may even act out (if it never did this when it was a kitten). All this suggests that she is “blooming”, “coming out of her shell” and, most likely, being frightened again, she will be brave and strong enough to cope with stress on her own and not transfer the associations to her four-legged companion.

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