If you got a second cat - how to introduce and make friends with cats

When a purring, furry pet has been living in the house for many years, and the household suddenly has the idea of ​​getting a second one, it is strongly recommended that you find out in advance in more detail about how to make two cats friends, since a conflict between them will be almost inevitable.

Wayward animals will get along together much faster if you create an individual resting, feeding and toilet area for each cat.

Of course, if two cats live and get along in your house, then this is at least a double portion of purring, warmth and tenderness for all household members. However, if they are introduced incorrectly and thus do not create the basis for their future friendship, then the owners will subsequently have to live literally on the battlefield for territory, a bowl of food and human attention and affection.

Advice! If you still have plans to keep a pair of identical animals in the house, then it is best to get two cats, since it is very difficult for two cats to get along together in the same territory.

It is very important to provide comfortable living conditions for both cats.
Moreover, it is recommended to have them (cats) at the same time, at the age of approximately 3-6 months, that is, while still kittens. At a later age and when alternately living in a house, when one cat already lives in it and another has just been adopted, it is advisable to prepare in advance not only yourself, but also the pets themselves for their first meeting and for further coexistence.

Preparing the home and household for a second pet

Before you make friends with two cats in one apartment, you must first prepare their own territory for each of them, especially for a newly arrived pet. It is very important to provide comfortable living conditions for both cats.

Wayward animals will get along together much faster if you create an individual resting, feeding and toilet area for each cat.

Give each cat a separate area to rest.

Naturally, when cats are still small, they do not react so sharply and aggressively to each other’s presence in the same living area. However, how to make two adult cats friends? The answer is simple. It will be possible to make friends with them within 2-3 months, while carefully observing the simple rules of dating, namely:

  1. Give each cat a separate area for rest, preferably in separate rooms for the first time. The “new” cat should rest independently of the “old” one, and at the same time have its own comfortable bedding or kennel house.
  2. Create conditions for separate feeding. This point implies that for the new home you will need to purchase separate dishes and feed the cats at the same time, but in different rooms. This is done so that none of the pets develop feelings of competition and aggression. Over time, if the animals get along, the bowls can be placed side by side.
  3. Place a new tray in the toilet with filler for the newly arrived pet, not forgetting to leave the old tray dirty by the time the “new” cat arrives. So, a cat that has moved into the apartment again will not go to dirty the already dirty tray, and the “old” one will not start dirtying the corners due to its nature. Thus, the conflict will be settled.

Place a new litter tray in the toilet for the newly arrived pet.
Observing these simple preparation points that answer the question of how to make two cats friends, the main thing is to pay special attention to such a moment as preserving for the old-timer all the conditions of the previous residence. In this case, the “new” cat must be positioned so as not to disturb the “old” one, so that she does not feel infringed on her rights due to the appearance of another animal in the apartment.

Two cats

Fights more often occur between same-sex, uncastrated animals. An apartment is too small an area for adult cats, where each one could separate their own territory. Being on a free range, such cats would prefer not to intersect, but in a city apartment this is difficult. Therefore, the first step is castration. Hormonal levels will not change immediately, on average within a month. During this time it is advisable to keep animals separately.

The second task of the owner who wants to make two cats friends is to make sure that the old tenant does not perceive the appearance of a relative as an attempt to invade, otherwise he will fiercely defend his territory. If it comes to a fight, the cats are seated in different rooms. But the owner of the territory is left in his favorite room, where the bed is.

The nuances of meeting cats for the first time

The next important stage that helps answer the question: how to make two cats friends is the moment of acquaintance.

Important! Under no circumstances should cats face each other or lock them in different rooms if they show normal interest in each other at the time of their acquaintance.

General recommendations for a first acquaintance are as follows:

  1. Trim both cats' claws and file them around the edges. At the same time, it is better to have a “new” cat’s manicure done at the breeder’s house or at the entrance (if she was picked up from the street).
  2. If possible, it is advisable to mix the smells of both animals in advance even before the new settler arrives in the apartment. This can be done using a dry terry towel. With this towel you will need to alternately stroke both cats, especially the paws, cheeks and genitals, since these areas have the greatest activity of releasing a specific odor.
  3. A “new” cat must be brought into the house in a carrier, or in a closed box with small slits for viewing. In this case, the interior doors in the apartment will need to be opened wide so that in the event of aggression, one of the cats can escape to a safe place, and the windows, on the contrary, will need to be covered. This stage of acquaintance is especially important. You will need to place a cardboard box or carrier on the floor and allow both cats to sniff each other through the barrier for some time. When the cats get a little used to the presence of new smells, it will take some time for the new cat to leave the “shelter”, and only then can we safely begin to further familiarize the new cat in the apartment.

The “new” cat must be brought into the house in a carrier.
The sooner the cats determine who is the boss in the apartment, the faster your family will regain a sense of calm and harmony of comfort in the house. In any case, do not give the old-timer a reason to be jealous, and be sure to show the “new” cat that you love both cats equally.

Remember! Each cat should have its own “safe zone,” at least for the first couple of months.

Getting to know the dog

Although cats and dogs are considered to be enemies, it is usually much easier to introduce a cat to a dog than to introduce another cat. The animals may be wary of each other at first, but they do not perceive each other as rivals and can get along very well.

If your dog has experience with cats, he will initially welcome the arrival of a new neighbor in the house with delight, but then he will get used to his presence and the novelty will quickly dissipate. The dog will begin to perceive the cat as a member of its pack. Many dogs live happily in the same house as a cat and will chase away any strange cats that wander into your garden, so you need to keep a close eye on your pets until your cat is accepted as part of the family. Likewise, if a cat/kitten has experience with a dog, it is unlikely to feel uncomfortable in its new home for a long time and will quickly find a common language with the dog.

Possible reasons for aggression between two cats

The main reasons for the hostile attitude of animals towards each other, excluding which, you can solve the question of how to make two cats friends with each other, may be the following:

  1. Territorial aggression, when one cat does not accept another in its resting area. Signs of this problem include hissing, flattened ears, and adopting a ritualistic threatening posture with an arched back on outstretched paws.
  2. Aggression for the purpose of protection. This problem appears when an animal perceives the appearance of a new household member with fear and anxiety or considers him a threat.
  3. Wrong acquaintance. It is very important to let the animals make the first close contact themselves. So, for example, a slight push from one animal to another can be perceived as an attack or a threat to seize territory, food, etc.
  4. Conditioned reflex aggression. Depending on the characters and fears of the animals, this point can be developed as the cat grows up and cause mutual aggression.
  5. Erroneous support for the cat's actions on the part of the owner. If a cat shows aggression, you should never try to calm it down with stroking or affectionate intonations in your voice, as this may be perceived by the animal as encouraging such behavior.

It is very important to let the animals make the first close contact on their own.

How to make friends between two cats of the same age

A lot depends on age here. The easiest way is to make two kittens friends. They are on an equal footing, they have no clear leader and no territorial claims, so there is no reason for conflict. While playing, the kittens will explore the space and soon become friends. If suddenly this does not happen, try to distract them from each other with food or toys. Be sure to prepare a separate place for everyone to sleep and their own bowl.

Cat and cat

Animals of different sexes do not tend to compete with each other, so in this case there should be no conflicts. But it is best to sterilize the cat and at the same time castrate the male.

Procedure for resolving conflicts between two cats

When two cats in a house cannot get along together even if the above rules are followed, the question arises of how to make them friends if they still conflict.

To eliminate this problem, first of all, it is necessary to separate the cats into different rooms and not allow them to come into contact. The next procedure is as follows:

  1. Give the cats a couple of days so that they calm down and stop feeling threatened, and also so that they realize that they have nothing to share in different parts of the apartment.
  2. Provide each cat with its own bowl of food and water.
  3. During the day, it is necessary to change places between cats to give them the opportunity to get used to each other's smell.

If, even after these actions, aggression is felt between the cats, then you can cool the ardor of the restless aggressor using a spray bottle of cold water. Don’t rush to bring the cats together again after the aggression and measures taken to eliminate the conflict; give them an extra couple of days to fully accept each other.

During the day it is necessary to change cats' places

If the above steps to solve the problem of how to make two cats friends did not help, and you were unable to do it yourself, then it is recommended to contact a specialist. They will definitely advise you on the optimal solution to this problem and help you individually. Good luck!

When to intervene

Watch the body language of both cats. The old-timer cat will probably growl to show that he is in charge. If the second pet avoids conflict, then everything is fine. If he looks an old-timer in the eyes and growls in response, be on your guard. Cats can jump up, hit their opponents with their paws, and chase them around the room. If possible, do not interfere, but try to understand whether they can get along in the same territory. The process of clarifying the relationship between two males is inevitable; the sooner it happens, the sooner the cats will calm down and can begin to be friends.

It is necessary to interrupt contact if strong aggression is shown. If the cats are making loud noises or are clinging together in a ball, it’s time to intervene.

Methods to help separate cats:

  • spray with water from a spray bottle;
  • throw a blanket to scare you with the darkness;
  • separate it with a mop or other long stick.

After separating the cats, take the new pet to another room so that the old-timer cat does not worry about losing in the fight for territory. After a couple of days, try again to introduce the animals. Repeat the attempts until you get the cats to be comfortable in each other's company.

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