The smallest cat in the world - ranking of dwarf miniature breeds

Cats are the most popular pets. Therefore, it is not surprising that breeders had to work hard and develop many different breeds. Among them there are real giants and miniature babies that look like kittens. Let's find out which breeds are considered the smallest cats in the world.

How did miniature cats appear?

In recent decades, cats have ceased to be considered as indispensable assistants in the fight against rodents. Therefore, for more than 30 years, the breeding activities of felinologists have been aimed at breeding ornamental breeds with exclusive external characteristics. And since ordinary people have become fashionable for miniature animals, many dwarf varieties have been created in recent years.

Almost all small cats are the result of hybridization or gene mutation. Therefore, it is not surprising that dwarf varieties have many disadvantages, the main ones of which are:

  • little knowledge of hereditary diseases;
  • limited gene pool;
  • instability.

Parting words for future owners

If you decide to get yourself dwarf cats, then remember that the modest size of cats does not mean that they do not need to be looked after.

Here is a short list of procedures that even the smallest cats need.


  • Clean your tear ducts regularly to prevent infection.
  • Worm your pet
  • Give crackers and chewing bones, brush your teeth so that there is no tartar
  • Maintain a more or less balanced diet
  • If your cat has long fur, be sure to brush it at least twice a week.
  • Dress in winter cold, and in summer protect from prolonged exposure to the sun
  • Visit your veterinarian regularly. Dwarf cats, due to mixing genes, may have weakened immunity and a predisposition to disease.

Following these simple rules will allow you to avoid many problems and enjoy the company of your pet for many, many years.

The smallest cat breeds in the world

The top 10 dwarf varieties include small animals whose weight does not exceed 4 kg:

  • skiff-tay-don (dwarf bobtail);
  • munchkin;
  • Napoleon;
  • bambino;
  • Lamkin;
  • Skookum;
  • Dwelf;
  • Singapura cat (Singapura);
  • minskin;
  • kinkalow.

Skif-tay-don (dwarf bobtail)

These beautiful little cats are the result of a specific gene mutation in the Mekong Bobtail. They are distinguished by their dwarf size and unusual Siamese color, in harmony with the bright blue color of their eyes.

An adult Scythian Tay-Don weighs between 0.9-1.5 kg and looks like a four-month-old kitten of an ordinary medium-sized breed. And the main feature of the dwarf bobtail is its short tail, similar to a pompom.


These dwarf cats appeared as a result of a natural genetic mutation, and not as a result of selective breeding. Munchkins have a long body and short legs, giving them a dachshund-like appearance.

As adults, their body weight is 2-3 kg, which gives them every right to claim the title of the smallest cat breed.

Interesting! A munchkin cat named Liliput is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The height of the dwarf animal was only 13.34 cm.


Munchkins and Persians took part in the formation of this dwarf cat breed. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are distinguished by their unique appearance and small size.

These small cats are easily identified by their fluffy coat, large, wide-set eyes and short legs. The weight of an adult representative of the breed is 2.5-4 kg.


These dwarf cats are descended from Munchkins and Sphynx cats. It is not surprising that with such ancestors, bambinos inherited an exotic appearance. The Sphinx gave the small cats hairless skin and a long, whip-like tail.

Bambino munchkins gave them short legs and miniature size. As adults, hairless mini cats weigh between 2-4 kg.


These cute dwarf cats are descended from the Selkirk Rex and the Munchkin. From the first they inherited curly hair. The latter gave the lambkins light weight and short legs. Cute little cats grow up to 22-25 cm at the withers and weigh about 2.5-4 kg.


This relatively young breed of the smallest cats appeared as a result of the work of American breeders. Laperms, who gave them fluffy wavy hair, and munchkins, who gave them short limbs and small dimensions, took part in the formation of skookums.

An adult cat of this breed weighs between 3-4 kg.


These contenders for the right to be called the smallest cats appeared as a result of crossing Sphynxes, American Curls and Munchkins. Adult Dwelfs weigh about 1.5-3 kg. But the main distinguishing feature of unusual small cats is their large, backward-curved ears.

Singapura cat (Singapura)

These oriental beauties with expressive almond-shaped eyes and graceful muzzle weigh no more than 3 kg. The Singaporean ancestors of these cats lived in manholes and gutters and remained unnoticed by the local population for a long time.

They became famous only when American breeders became interested in them. Now these small cats are considered the mascot of the island.


This little cat is a cross between a Sphynx and a Munchkin. She weighs only 2-3 kg and has almost bald skin. Only sparse hairs grow on the Minskin's paws.


This short-legged dwarf cat with a funny face and curled ears weighs less than 3 kg. He has very difficult genetics and is difficult to breed. It often happens that out of the entire litter, only 1-2 kittens have all the characteristics of a “purebred” Kinkaloo.

Therefore, this breed of dwarf cats is considered very rare and costs a lot of money.

Buying a dwarf kitten

It’s hard to remain indifferent at the first glance at a touching little cat—a completely natural thought immediately arises: “And I want one like that...”.

It's impossible to remain indifferent to these little cuties.

How to decide on the breed

If you have seriously decided to engage in exhibition and breeding activities with cat minis, then such a desire is unlikely to have arisen spontaneously: you have probably already thoroughly prepared both theoretically and practically, and you do not face the difficult problem of choice - you have definitely decided on your breed. But if you just really want a small living charm to appear in your house, which will forever preserve the size and sweet disposition of the kitten, this is more complicated, and you need to weigh the pros and cons.

  1. Decide on your preferences - do you want a fluffy, short-haired or completely “bald” cat?
  2. Study the equipment - carefully read articles about the breeds you like, watch videos and photographs.
  3. Decide what level of animal you want to purchase: show, breed or pet class.
  4. Soberly weigh your financial capabilities - minis are not cheap, will you later regret the impulsive purchase?
  5. Discuss the purchase with family members - a pet should be a desirable acquisition for everyone, and not just for you personally.
  6. Find out where there are breed nurseries, find reviews about their work and pets.
  7. First, find specialists and consult with them - it is better to have a knowledgeable person help you in your choice.

How to choose a kitten

Nowadays it is not a problem to get the kitten you like literally from anywhere in the world - breeders and carriers will ensure delivery of the baby from home to home. But if there is such an opportunity, come for your little one yourself - you are purchasing not just a living toy, but a new family member, and personal contact in this case is very important. At the same time, get to know the breeder better, look at the kitten’s parents and the conditions in which they are kept.

When choosing a kitten, meet its mother

Do not hesitate to ask questions to the breeder - it is better to prepare a list of them in advance. Ask, among other things, about the health of your baby's parents, as well as kittens from previous litters, and whether they have had genetic tests. Draw up a contract for the purchase of a kitten - a responsible breeder will never refuse such a step.

Of course, neither all these measures nor a thorough examination of the baby guarantees that you are purchasing a healthy animal that fully meets the requirements of the breed standard. But you will know that you did everything you could for this - and may luck be with you and with the little tailed miracle that will enter your home!

Maybe this baby is waiting for you?

Other small breeds

There are other types of cats, differing in their miniature dimensions.

American Curl

This small cat weighs no more than 4.5 kg. He has a remarkable appearance and a playful, good-natured disposition. All American Curl kittens are born with straight ears, but after a few days they begin to curl back.

Devon Rex

This small cat has a graceful physique and a memorable appearance. The Devon Rex is easy to recognize by its large, expressive eyes, huge splayed ears and short, curled mustache.

As an adult, he weighs no more than 4.5 kg and can compete for the title of smallest cat.

Balinese cat

Representatives of the breed have slender, graceful bodies, shiny coats and fluffy tails. Graceful little cats weigh no more than 4 kg and look like Siamese, only with long hair.

Abyssinian cat

Thoroughbred Abyssinians are distinguished by their active temperament and graceful physique. These narcissistic, small, graceful cats weigh no more than 4.5 kg. And their toned bodies are covered with a luxurious shiny fur coat of wild, fawn, red or blue color.

Skookum: 1.8 – 4 kg

Representatives of the Skookum breed, which is a derivative of the Munchkins, can have approximately the same weight indicators. When crossing munchkins and laperms, cats appeared that were equally short in stature and short legs, and received long hair that grew in lush waves. The calm, affectionate creature wins hearts, which makes the breed more and more popular.

Interesting: Animals of the Red Book of Russia

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