The most affectionate and kind cat breeds - list, characteristics and photos

In the material we told you which cats are the best according to the criteria of kindness, sociability, and external characteristics. You will also find out which breeds are in the top 10 best and which ones are suitable for children.

When choosing a pet, people are interested in the question: what are the best cats? Some people want the cat to be obedient and not scratch furniture; others want the cat to get along with children. All breeds have their own difficulties in care, communication, and behavior. We have compiled a rating of the best cats. In the article we named the kindest, most sociable and calm breeds.

Best cats

The calmest cat breeds

Some cat breeds are distinguished by their calm nature. They are gentle, sweet, affectionate. Such animals are suitable for older people because they do not cause trouble. There is no need to entertain them or play active games with them. On the contrary, pets will keep the owner company while watching TV or reading a book. What are the calmest cats suitable for your apartment?

  1. Siberian

Siberian cat

This breed is not only beautiful, but also smart, loyal, and flexible.

Despite the fact that the Siberian cat is mobile and active, it does not impose itself on its owner if he is busy. This noble individual has a sense of self-esteem. Siberian cats love to sleep with their owners and bask. The advantage is that the breed is very clean and does not require outside care.

  1. Persian

Persian cat

Persians are not very active. They do not like to climb cabinets, scratch furniture, or run around the apartment. They like a calm and measured lifestyle. The breed is very affectionate and loyal. Its representatives feel the mood of their owner and try to lift it.

  1. British

British cat

This breed is calm unless provoked. The British are independent, proud and willful. These are cats that walk on their own. The Briton is a separate cohabitant with his own life and rules. He does not demand attention, does not ask for entertainment. Perfect for older people.

Maine Coon

According to reviews from Maine Coon breeders, their pets are very similar in character to dogs. These large cats are very friendly and good-natured. By temperament, coons, as breeders lovingly call them, are very calm animals, moderately sociable.

They will never impose themselves, and they themselves will not tolerate a familiar attitude. Cats will never allow themselves to be squeezed or kneaded, although they respond positively to soft stroking. They also love active games, which they prefer to alternate with rest at the feet of the owner.

Many Maine Coons have an amazing passion for water, love to swim, play with the stream of water from the faucet, and some even manage to create fun entertainment in their water bowl.

The best hypoallergenic cat breeds

Many cat lovers are allergic to them. It is often difficult to resist these cute creatures. But there is a way out. Some cats do not cause allergies and will become excellent friends for their owners.

Hypoallergenic breeds include:

  1. Sphinxes

The Canadian, Don, and St. Petersburg Sphynxes are considered hypoallergenic. People with sensitive immune systems can coexist with these breeds. You should get tested first. It is advisable to bathe your cat once a week to reduce the risk of allergies.

  1. Cornish Rex

Cornish Rex

About 15% of allergy sufferers do not react to Cornish and Devon Rex dogs, despite the fact that they are a curly-haired breed. These individuals shed less, and the fur does not scatter in all corners.

  1. Siberian

Fluffy Siberians rarely cause a negative reaction from the body. Fel D1 protein is found in low concentrations in their saliva. To prevent your cat from causing allergies, you should bathe it with shampoo with a disinfecting effect, and also choose a silica gel filler.

Important: coat length does not affect allergies. A negative reaction can also occur with hypoallergenic cats. Everything is individual. To avoid putting yourself at risk, you need to consult a doctor and get tested.



Their main difference from their closest relatives, the Orientals, is their color. In fact, Siamese are the ancestors of Orientals. So it is not surprising that the characters of the breeds are very similar. Siamese are very smart, talkative, affectionate and adore their owners. They have a very hard time withstanding the loneliness and indifference of their owner. Therefore, the Siamese is suitable only for an ardent fan of the breed, who has the opportunity to communicate and play with his pet every day for a long time.

The most sociable cats

Some breeds are particularly friendly towards family members. They need affection, games, attention. The ranking of the most sociable pets includes the following cats:

  1. Exotic

Exotic cat

Exotics are one of the most active and sociable cat breeds. They love to play with children and frolic. Pets love attention and find it difficult to endure time without communication. The animals love to hug their owner with their little fluffy paws. Exotics can look into the eyes of their owners for a long time and communicate.

  1. Abyssinian

These are very loving and sociable cats. They love to play with children and explore new things in the house. Abyssins get along with everyone. They rarely scratch and practically do not extend their claws. Attacks of aggression occur very rarely.

Abyssinian cat

  1. Russian blue

They love people very much. Pets can follow their owner all day long and keep him company in any activity. Russian Blues happily greet their owner from work.

Russian blue

Japanese Bobtail

Japanese bobtails are completely unsuitable for the role of a “couch” cat. They are very energetic, curious and inquisitive, and are also known for their amazing jumping ability. These are fidgety and passionate hunters, which is something their owners need to remember. After all, even on a balcony or window, hunting for a fly, they completely forget about everything and can accidentally jump out, getting injured.

Bobtails do not like strangers and do not make contact, but in their family they are very affectionate and sociable. Japanese bobtails need to be provided with physical exercise, otherwise, if their ebullient energy does not find a way out, the cats may show nervousness and unusual aggression.

The best breeds for children

Not all breeds are suitable for families with small children. Aggressive cats may scratch and bite a child. Therefore, it is worth finding out in advance which breeds are compatible with children.

  • Russian blue

This cat rarely shows aggression. She loves to play with children and spend time with them. You don’t have to be afraid that your pet will bite or scratch your baby. This breed is loving and gets along well with children.

  • Nibelung

Individuals are very loyal and friendly. They will not refuse to sit on your arms, play with children and frolic. The Nibelungs will not harm a child. Animals are patient and affectionate.


  • Ragdoll

Ragdolls are suitable for families with children. The animal is not irritated by annoying children. They love to play with them and run around. They are comfortable with touch. They often sit in their owner's arms and follow their heels.


  • Scottish lop-eared

The breed is affectionate and playful. The Scots will become children's best friends, participating in all games. Cats are inquisitive, loyal and kind.

Scottish lop-eared

  • Devon Rex

Rexes are very attached to people. The owner becomes the animal's whole world. Therefore, the Devon Rex gets along well with children. They love to interact, get close to their faces, sit on arms, play and sleep with their owners.

Devon Rex

  • Maine Coon

Maine Coons are sociable and friendly. They like being in company and attracting attention to themselves, so they live well with children. They can play toys and other games with the child.

Maine Coon


Munchkin is the intellectual of the cat world. They are distinguished by intelligence and high intelligence, thanks to which they are excellent learners. These cats are very sociable and patient, and these qualities help them get along with other cats and dogs living in the house. Munchkins are active and inquisitive, always trying to be in the center of events. Short-legged cats are characterized by an absolute lack of aggression; they are affectionate and good-natured pets.

Munchkins have a very cute feature - the manner of sitting on their hind legs in a “column” position. At these moments, these cats resemble bunnies or kangaroos. They are also kleptomaniac cats; they tend to steal small things, so it is better to hide valuable items from them.

The most affectionate and kind cats

The most unpretentious cats for a small apartment include Manxes, Burmese cats, exotics, Persians and Russian Blues.

Manx is one of the most affectionate breeds. They have a balanced character and are friendly towards people. Manx cats get along well with all the inhabitants of the house and love attention and affection. They get along well in families with children. They are sociable, constantly follow their owner and ask to be held.


Burmese are gentle and playful. They enjoy spending time in the company of people. They are refined and intelligent, so they will never offend a child. In the presence of guests, they show only their best side.

Burmese cat

Exotics resemble dogs in their loyalty. This loyal breed loves its owner so much that it follows on his heels. He can sit next to him for hours and watch his owner.

Exotic cat

Sacred Burma

This is a harmonious medium-sized cat, with semi-long hair on the body, a voluminous “collar” and a luxurious tail that looks like a lush feather. The color-point (so-called Siamese) color of the Burmese is complemented by dazzling white “socks” and bright blue eyes. The character of the Burmese is as pleasant and gentle as their fur, soft and silky to the touch. They are very friendly, affectionate, quickly establish the most friendly “connections” with all family members, and are always not averse to participating in all household affairs.

The best cats by coat type

Shedding is a physiological process that is periodically observed in cats. Fluffy individuals have their own difficulties in caring for. Those who don’t like clutter and hair all over their apartment should take a closer look at easy-to-care breeds.


Devon Rex have short, curly hair. These animals rarely shed, so you won't find hair strewn around the house. Cats have good health and strong immunity. They will not cause any trouble in caring for them.

Devon Rex

Burmese cats have smooth, close-lying hair. Therefore, they rarely shed and do not require special care. These cats are not susceptible to contamination and remain clean for a long time. Burmese are rarely bathed.

Burmese cat

The Bombay cat does not require much grooming. They have smooth, short fur that rarely falls out.

No wool

Some cats are naturally hairless.

The Kohana is a hairless Hawaiian breed. Their skin is soft and resembles melted wax. Due to a gene mutation, they lack hair follicles. They will never have fur.


Minskin combines the genes of a Devon Rex and a Burmese cat. Their fur feels like cashmere.


The Canadian Sphynx has no hair and has many folds on its body.

Canadian Sphynx

Cornish Rex

A pet of this breed is perfect for those people who expect unconditional loyalty from a cat and that the pet will accompany them everywhere. These cats are human-oriented and simply cannot live without his company. They love to communicate with their owner, never show aggression and are very talkative. Cornish Rexes are very active pets; they love active games with running and jumping.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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