In China, live cats and dogs are boiled in boiling pots

Rules for cooking stingray

People often underestimate the meat of this fish and wonder: how to cook it? The main thing is to soak the meat for about 4 hours in salt water before eating. Many people do not like the sharp fishy smell of the sea creature; they also only eat stingray wings and liver, like pate. This fish has many beneficial properties, mainly polyunsaturated fats like Omega-3.

Meat can be prepared in a variety of ways; fry in a pan, bake in the oven, stew and cook soups.

It is worth choosing a small carcass, as young fish have tender and soft meat. It is better to buy several carcasses of young fish than one large one. Can you eat a whole stingray? According to reviews, wings are the most delicious place to eat.

Butchering the carcasses is simple: make a cut in the belly and remove all the entrails. The faster you do this, the tastier and more tender the meat will be. Then use a sharp knife to separate the wings of the stingray and cook them.

Before cooking, place the separated fish fins in a bowl of salted water and wait a few hours. Then carefully separate the skin without damaging the tender meat and cut into pieces. Cook in any way you choose. A dish of this fish is eaten with rice, potatoes and vegetables.

Do you cook stingray?

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There are many recipes for cooking this fish at home, we will highlight some of them.

DIY cat food recipes

Ready-made cat food is now easy to purchase at any pet store. They are convenient to use if the owner is at work all day and sometimes doesn’t even have time to prepare food for himself; besides, dry croquettes can be left in the feeder for the whole day without fear that the food will spoil. However, many pet owners prefer to switch their pets from commercially prepared food to a natural diet.

Sometimes the reason is necessity, when ready-made food is not recommended for cats for health reasons. And often the owner or mistress switches the pet to food prepared with their own hands, knowing that it is closer to the natural diet of cats than what is offered in canned form. Besides all that, cooking is a fun activity. You need to study the needs of the cat’s body, find and try to prepare interesting cat dishes.

First of all, you should know what products and in what quantities should be included in the cat’s menu so that it is complete and balanced in terms of substances necessary for its body. You should also learn how to prepare homemade cat food: what can be added to dishes raw, and what must be heat-treated.

Recipe for flat fish fins in the oven

number of servings: 6

cooking time: 15 minutes

cooking time: 30 minutes


  • a kilogram of fins of a young stingray;
  • 2 pcs tomatoes;
  • 2 pieces of white onion;
  • 1 piece of bell pepper;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • liter of clean water;
  • sugar and salt for soaking fish;
  • fresh herbs, salt, pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the fish fins into portions.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of sugar and salt into a liter of cold, clean water, and soak the pieces for half an hour. Rinse and dry the stingray with paper towels. The beneficial properties will not go away, but the fishy smell will go away.
  3. Place the pieces on a clean baking sheet.
  4. Cut tomatoes into cubes, onions into half rings, peppers into rings.
  5. Squeeze the garlic.
  6. Place all the vegetables on the pieces of fish, spread mayonnaise on top and sprinkle with fresh cut greens.
  7. Salt and pepper.
  8. Cook in the oven for half an hour at 175 degrees.

Composition of diet for cats

A cat is a predatory mammal of the cat family. Like all predators, it mainly feeds on meat. Meat products should make up up to 80% of a cat's daily diet, of which 10% can be in the form of offal. Any meat can be used, only pork in limited quantities - it is harder to digest and contains a lot of fat.

The remaining 20% ​​of the cat's diet should be vegetables, grains, potatoes, legumes, herbs, eggs (2-3 per week, no more). Vegetables for cats include cabbage (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower), carrots, spinach, celery, pumpkin, and zucchini. Whatever your cat prefers, put it on the menu. Onions and garlic should not be given to cats - these products are toxic to cats. Homemade food should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, so it is recommended to add vitamin-mineral pills or tablets for cats recommended by a veterinarian to ready-made meals.

It can be difficult for a cat to immediately switch from canned food to a natural diet, so it is wiser to start by giving her wet canned food; they are closer to homemade food in appearance and taste. If there are other animals in your house (for example, a dog), you will have to prepare food for the cat separately, since the composition of the diet for them is different: the cat needs much more protein. There are quite a lot of simple recipes for dishes for cats, at least some of which your pet will definitely like.

Homemade croquettes

If you want to pamper your pet, who is accustomed to ready-made dry food, you can make croquettes yourself. They taste just as good as store-bought ones, but are certainly much healthier and safer, since they do not contain any preservatives or artificial flavor enhancers. This delicacy is easy to prepare: the ingredients are crushed in a blender, mixed, the resulting mushy mass is spread in a thin layer on a baking sheet and baked in the oven at 100° for about 20 minutes. Then the still soft layer of food is divided into small pieces and dried in the oven for another hour. Here are several options for a food kit for making homemade dry food.

If you feed your cat properly, she will be healthy, active and look good. It is up to the pet owner to decide what to feed it - home-cooked meals or ready-made croquettes and canned food. It takes more time and effort to organize meals at home. But cats, like people, appreciate showing attention and love, and they are often more willing to eat food prepared especially for them. And fresh food made from healthy ingredients, even if it alternates with canned cat food from the store, will be an excellent addition to your pet’s diet.

Meat dishes

Meat serves as the main source of proteins and fats. Chicken, turkey, and beef are suitable for cats, but it is advisable not to give pork to your cat often.

Raw chicken with vegetable pilaf

For pilaf you will need: 1 cup of brown rice, two large carrots, several stalks of celery and a cup of green peas or green beans. Pre-steam the rice, grate the celery and carrots on a coarse grater. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over the mixture of rice and vegetables and cook for 20-30 minutes. Cool the finished pilaf to room temperature, add 2 tbsp. vegetable oil (preferably olive oil). This amount of pilaf is enough for several feedings; it can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Before giving the cat the required portion, you need to add raw skinless chicken fillet cut into small cubes to the vegetable pilaf.

Chicken with mashed potatoes and eggs

Boil 2 potatoes cut into pieces, cool to room temperature. Place in blender, add 1 tsp. butter, 100 g raw chicken, 1 egg. Mix the ingredients until pureed. This dish is great for small kittens and old cats. If you use boiled chicken, this food can be prepared for future use, for a couple of days, and stored in the refrigerator.

Meat with broccoli puree

Cut the beef into small pieces, separate the cabbage into florets, boil and grind in a blender, grind the calcium gluconate tablet into powder. To prepare the dish, you can use canned cabbage from baby food. Mix everything, pour oil on top.

Meat pancakes

Grate a small carrot, 100 g of frozen chicken fillet or beef meat on a coarse grater (you can use ready-made minced meat). Add a calcium gluconate tablet, a handful of finely chopped nettles or lettuce, ¼ cup green peas, 1 raw egg. Form small cakes and bake in the oven or microwave - lightly, just so that they do not fall apart. These pancakes can be stored in the freezer and warmed in the microwave as needed.

Porridge for spayed and neutered people

Castrated and sterilized cats should not be given cereals, which cause obesity and the risk of developing urolithiasis. Prohibited products include semolina, wheat, corn and barley.

Healthy cereals for sterilized and neutered cats should not be mixed with fish, as this product is on the list of prohibited foods for animals after surgery.

Only boiled lean meats, vegetables and herbs can be added to ready-made cereals.

The list of contraindications for feeding also includes liver, milk and sweets. These products cannot be supplemented with ready-made cereal porridges!

You can feed a sterilized cat and a neutered cat often, but in small portions. Proper nutrition will eliminate the risk of developing some diseases inherent in animals after surgery.

Canned cat food

One of the most common cat foods is sold in canned form. Surely not everyone knows, but making canned food for cats with your own hands is quite possible, although you will have to face some difficulties. The fact is that the entire technological process will need to be followed so that bacteria do not appear in them, and besides, the meat must first undergo heat treatment. Such canned food must be prepared in glass jars with a capacity of 0.5 to one liter. They should be closed with tin lids. The jars are thoroughly washed and boiled beforehand.

The meat and broth that you will use must be placed in the jar hot, and at least two centimeters must be left between the canned food and the lid so that the jar does not “explode”. Once you have sealed the jar, it should be sterilized in a large saucepan, pressure cooker, or enclave at 115 to 120 degrees. This takes from one and a half to two hours. Please note that the jars should be immersed in already warm water. After cooking, canned fish and meat should be stored at a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius.

Power calculation

Natural food is convenient and allows you to control your pet’s weight, the amount of nutrients, mineral and vitamin supplements. But it requires the correct calculation of the daily norm, otherwise the animal will not avoid health problems in the future. For different ages, the amount of food is individual.

How much food is needed

From ten weeks the baby can be separated from its mother. Until he reaches the age of 9 months, he needs no more than 10% of his total body weight. For example, with a weight of 1.5 kg, a kitten needs 150 g of food. It can be meat, dairy products in a 50:50 ratio.

How much food does an adult need?

For a mature animal, the amount of food is prepared at the rate of 5% of the pet’s weight. With a cat weighing 4 kg, food needs 200 g, the composition is the same as for babies: equal shares of meat and dairy products. You can mix some vegetables (10-15 grams) and a couple of drops of vegetable oil into your food.

It is not always possible to weigh an adult cat separately. You can do the following: stand on a bathroom scale with your animal, then subtract your weight, which will leave you with the mass of your furry friend.

Cats should have constant access to clean filtered water; it is important that the liquid is always in sight. Furry pets, like all mammals, need it. Often cats prefer to drink from large, deep dishes: buckets, basins, ignoring small bowls.

A large dog bowl is an ideal container: the water will remain clean for a long time, and it will be difficult to turn the dish over. The cat regulates the amount of liquid needed on its own by drinking the required amount. You need to monitor older animals, because constipation may indicate an imbalance in water balance. To get rid of intestinal problems and prevent dehydration, cats are switched to feeding semi-liquid food.

Do you need a diet?

Feeding a cat natural food is better than various preservatives, however, with a balanced diet, it is necessary to take into account the general condition of the animal’s body. For example:

  • If a cat is expecting offspring, it needs to be fed more often and the portions should be larger.
  • If the cat is purebred and is an excellent producer, then his diet should contain a lot of proteins and vitamin E.
  • An older animal should be fed light, quickly digestible food. Portions should be small.
  • If the cat is neutered, it is necessary to monitor his weight so that later he does not have to go to the veterinarian for help, as he is prone to obesity.
  • But a sick animal requires special care, so it is better to consult a specialist about nutrition.
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