Reasons why a cat marks its territory after sterilization

One of the reasons that encourages owners to castrate their beloved cat is constant territory marking.
But it often happens that the animal retains the habit even after surgery, which unpleasantly surprises the owners. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict whether a neutered cat will mark territory or not, since such a habit is determined by basic instincts. Even if the animal continues to leave such “surprises”, it can be weaned from marking. The main thing is to understand the reasons for this behavior.

Nature of the phenomenon

Many owners mistakenly confuse leaving marks with simple urination. If an animal excretes urine on vertical surfaces and standing objects, then we are talking about sexual manifestation. If a cat urinates on a horizontal surface but walks past the tray, this indicates a malfunction or revenge of the animal.

Marking territory is a natural instinct present in every sexually mature male. By leaving its mark on various objects, the animal warns others about its right to territory and attracts females.

Natural instinct - attracting females

In addition to the territory and apartment, cats often begin to mark the owner’s things, most often clothes and shoes. This is due to the fact that these wardrobe items retain the smell of the street and foreign territory, so the animal tries to kill it with its pheromones.

It is worth considering that not only cats, but also cats have the habit of marking territory. It usually appears during a period of hormonal activity to attract males. Also, animals often begin to actively leave their marks everywhere if several pets live in an apartment at once.

After operation

In the case of males, castration is considered the natural solution, although, as we have already understood, hormones are far from the only “culprits”. So, if the behavior does not change then, some cat owners suspect the doctor of the failure, while others are looking for other explanations. Yes, you need to look, but not on your own, but with a doctor!


- the operation was indeed of poor quality; this can happen in the case of a rare congenital pathology - cryptorchidism, when one undescended testicle remains forever inside the abdominal cavity, and due to inexperience the doctor did not notice this;

- if the animal is young - a little older than 1 year, then the “bad” habit will have to be tolerated for only 3-4 weeks;

- and if the cat has had contact with cats for several years in a row and the “model of male behavior” has long been firmly entrenched in his mind (show aggression, scream loudly and mark), then the reproductive instinct will persist for up to 6-12 months, but the typical caustic the “male” smell will decrease, and after the end of the restructuring of the hormonal system (over several months), the smell disappears and the previous behavior is forgotten;

- due to infections of the genitourinary system;

- due to urolithiasis; it occurs more often in those who have undergone castration (urination is painful, so it is not done in the toilet in the hope that there will be no pain elsewhere), so a sudden change in the place of the toilet is an urgent reason to visit a doctor due to a suspicion of illness.

Do neutered cats mark?

There is no point in doubting whether a neutered cat can mark territory. Another thing is whether the animal will retain its original habits after the operation. As practice shows, about 30% of castrated cats continue to leave marks, so the previous problems persist.

This phenomenon is caused by natural instincts, and not by bad character or the desire for revenge. It is much easier to wean a neutered pet from leaving strong-smelling marks than an unsterilized one. But first you need to figure out what motivates the cat to such actions.

Attention! The optimal period for castration is from 8 months to a year.

The relationship between diseases of the genitourinary system and “marks”

You shouldn’t definitely consider all cats that mark walls to be prisoners of their instincts and “inadequate.” It is quite possible that the animal is simply sick. Owners of cats castrated by adults should be especially attentive to the behavior of their pet.

In such cases, the risk of stones in the kidneys and bladder (urolithiasis) is very high. Be sure to take your pet to the vet if he is constantly marking, and small puddles of urine are often found in the house. Such symptoms are typical for ICD. If you identify it in the early stages, there is every chance of maintaining an acceptable quality of life for your cat.

In addition, infectious diseases of the genitourinary organs often lead to similar problems. It happens that after a short course of antibiotics, an adult cat completely returns to normal and stops marking. So don't scold your pet. It is quite possible that behind its transformation into a “pulverizer” there is some serious illness that poses a considerable danger to the life and health of the pet.

Be sure to take him to the vet. The specialist will take urine and blood tests and take scrapings from the walls of the urethra. This will help determine what your cat is sick with and how you can help him.

Reasons why castration did not help

There is no guarantee that the animal will stop marking its territory after castration. This is due to the fact that even after the operation, natural habits and instinct will not go away.

The operation does not guarantee that the cat will stop marking.

The main reasons why a neutered cat marks after surgery:

  1. Preservation of physiological and psychological characteristics. If the operation was performed in adulthood, for example at 5 or 6 years old, the likelihood of maintaining the habit increases several times, since by this time it will be well ingrained. In this case, the owners can only rely on the fact that the animal will stop leaving marks as the production of sex hormones decreases.
  2. Incorrectly performed operation. With cryptorchidism, the testicle may not exit into the scrotum; in this case, during castration it is not removed and the body continues to produce hormones. The original behavior and habits of the animal are preserved, since the cat will feel the need to mark the territory.
  3. The presence of diseases of the urinary system , for example, cystitis or urolithiasis. The owner needs to observe the behavior of the pet and, if questionable symptoms appear, show it to the doctor.
  4. Presence of other animals in the apartment. Often males continue to leave scent marks if they hear the smells of other cats living in neighboring apartments. If there are other pets nearby, correcting the situation will be problematic, since the animal will continue to defend the territory and show who is boss.
  5. Negative impact of a stressful situation. Cats and cats do not tolerate stress well. As a rule, emotional experiences affect their health and habits. Moving to a new house, the appearance of a child or another animal in the apartment, quarrels between family members - all this can cause the animal to continue to leave marks after castration.

It often happens that a cat marks its territory due to rough and harsh treatment by its owner. Veterinarians warn that the behavior of pets largely depends on how the owners themselves behave.

Attention! After castration, the cat will not immediately stop leaving marks, as it takes time to adapt. In addition, this habit goes away as hormone production stops.


The cat marks as if to spite its owner. They did everything to her: they scolded her, spanked her, and poked her nose. No, he doesn't understand. Runs away from the crime scene on half-bent legs, with blocked ears. But he continues to do his job.

Do not rush to scold your favorite. Perhaps the whole point is that the animal simply does not always have time to reach the tray. If a cat has cystitis or urolithiasis, punishment will not help. The animal must be treated; this is impossible to do at home. Therefore, you will have to take your pet, put it in a carrier and rush to the veterinarian. The faster, the better for everyone. Because only a specialist can determine the presence of diseases associated with the bladder.

What to do?

Many cat owners hope that after castration the problem of leaving marks will be solved by itself. But it often happens that even some time after the operation, the pet’s habit persists. In this case, you need to know what to do correctly and wean your pet from marking, since the released pheromone has a specific and pungent odor, which is extremely difficult to get rid of.

It is necessary to find out the reason

To increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome, the owner must try to find out why the animal continues to leave marks. If possible, you can consult a veterinarian or animal psychologist.

It is strictly forbidden to show aggression and anger towards a pet, since the animal in any case will not understand why it will be punished. It should be borne in mind that physical punishment can only aggravate the situation, since the animal may begin to take revenge.

How to deal with your pet’s habit of leaving marks depends on what is its primary source:

  1. If marking the territory is associated with the presence of other pets in the apartment, the owner needs to be patient and wait time. In a few weeks, the pain after surgery will go away, the cat will get used to the new “neighbors”, feel self-confident and stop leaving marks. To facilitate the rehabilitation period, the owner needs to pay as much attention as possible to the pet, constantly play and communicate with it.
  2. If the marks are a consequence of a disease or a poorly performed operation, only a professional can help correct the situation. After a physiological examination, the veterinarian will prescribe appropriate treatment or further surgery.
  3. Cat marks can be a reaction to a dirty litter box. Owners should wash their pet's potty daily to minimize the likelihood of this problem occurring.

As practice shows, the habit of marking territory is usually eradicated 4-6 months after castration. If after this period the animal continues to leave marks, it is recommended that the pet be checked at the clinic for the presence of hormonal abnormalities.

We need to be patient

To eradicate this habit, you can use the following psychological techniques:

  1. When a cat puts a mark, you can catch him and lift him by the withers, sternly scolding him out loud. This technique will make your pet feel vulnerable, and he will not want to do the same actions again. To enhance the effect of “punishment”, you can hiss at your pet; he will take this sign for aggression.
  2. The owner needs to show that he is the boss in the house and show the animal that it is forbidden to mark the territory. When the pet begins to do its “business”, you need to lightly flick it on the nose with your finger.
  3. An alternative option is to use strong scents to repel cats. Cats do not like the smell of citrus fruits, so the place where the animal is accustomed to leaving marks can be sprinkled with lemon or orange juice. You can also put a little peeled zest in this place.

The disappointment of owners when the cat continues to leave marks is understandable and obvious. The first thing you want to do at such moments is to yell at your pet and poke his face into the smelly puddle. But doing this is strictly prohibited. Such actions not only make no sense, but can also aggravate the situation, provoking aggression and revenge from the animal.

Veterinarians' opinion

Veterinarians believe that marks are a sign that the animal is uncomfortable in the existing conditions.

If a cat marks something, it means it is anxious, stressed, overly excited or sick. Veterinarians advise immediately contacting a medical facility to make sure your pet has no health problems. Also, a specialist, with the help of the owners, can identify the causes of the marks and give advice on how to eliminate them. If attempts to improve the behavior of a sterilized cat do not bring results for a long time, you can contact a zoopsychologist - a specialist in pet behavior.

Your doctor may recommend using artificial pheromones, which are sold at pet stores. The animal will think that the objects on which you applied pheromones are already marked, and will calm down. Another possible cause of marks is dissatisfaction with the toilet. It is recommended to purchase another type of filler. For example, less rustling and does not stay on the paws.

Veterinarians believe that the owners’ attention, kind attitude and participation in raising the animal are the main factors for success in the fight against tags.

It is prohibited to select medications yourself or administer medications intended for humans. For example, valerian not only does not give the desired effect, but is also addictive in felines.

Myth 2: You need to let your cat give birth at least once before spaying her.

The reason for this myth is quite obvious: some people want to play with kittens at least once (after all, they are so funny), others want to compensate for the costs of buying a purebred cat. On this issue, veterinarians are more unanimous than ever: “mating for health” does not exist, every pregnancy and childbirth is a serious burden on the body. In addition, the first birth is considered the most difficult for an inexperienced pet. If something goes wrong, the owner will have to undergo sterilization of the pregnant cat, which is quite acceptable for medical reasons. However, it is easier for a cat to endure a conventional procedure than removal of an enlarged uterus along with developing fetuses. And, of course, we remember about mammary tumors, the risk of which is significantly reduced if you sterilize your pet before the first heat.

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