виза в китай 2025

A cat without water: how much water does a cat need per day, how long can it live and what to do if it doesn’t drink at all

The importance of water for the cat's body

Liquid plays a big role in the life of an animal. The body consists of 70% water, but despite this, it must be regularly supplied to the body.

Thus, it performs a number of functions:

  1. Oxygen and nutrients are transported from cells to the blood.
  2. Involved in regulating body temperature.
  3. Protects and protects internal organs.
  4. Removes metabolic waste.
  5. Facilitates food absorption and digestion.
  6. Removes toxins and impurities.

In addition, very often a lack of water in the body causes urolithiasis. It is especially common among neutered cats.

How long can a cat live without water?

There are several factors that affect how long pets can live without fluid:

  1. Season. Due to the heat, cats need more water in summer than at other times of the year. Therefore, it is much easier to get dehydrated in the summer.
  2. Age is another very important factor. Kittens will not last long, no more than one day, than adult cats.
  3. Nutrition. When feeding dry food, more water is required, and its shortage is more acute.
  4. Breed. There are breeds where the animal hardly drinks water, because it doesn’t really need it, for example the British.
  5. Activity. Active animals require more fluid than inactive animals.

On average, a cat can live no more than 5 days without water; after two days, serious consequences are possible. If she is sick, the time is reduced to several hours.

Is it possible to leave a cat for 2 weeks?

Can't be left unattended. That is why we recommend making sure that your pet has enough water and food. It is best to purchase an automatic feeder and an automatic drinking bowl. These are special devices in which water and food are stored, and when you press a button, a new portion is poured out.

Is it possible to leave a cat for 2 weeks:

  • Don't be afraid to leave food in open containers. Almost all cats never eat everything you give them at once. They usually eat until they are full, and then come to the bowl when they feel hungry.
  • It makes sense to pour food into bowls and place them in different rooms of the house. You should do the same with water. Please note that there should be much more liquid than the cat can drink.
  • After all, it is unknown, perhaps the pet will experience a feeling of thirst. Of course, there is no talk of natural food; mostly dry food is used. After all, canned food, natural food, can spoil, thereby causing poisoning in the animal. Although many veterinarians recommend leaving pieces of hard cheese and milk. Even after 3 days the milk will turn sour, but cats eat yogurt with pleasure.
  • The same thing happens with hard cheese. It weathers in the air, but does not spoil and remains quite edible.

At the doctor

Required amount

On average, 50 ml per 1 kg of weight, but it also depends on the above factors.

What kind of water is considered healthy?

The quality of water also affects the health and life expectancy of a cat. The best option is soft and purified water at room temperature.

It is recommended to give it filtered or frozen.

It is better not to give them tap water, as it may contain a large number of different impurities. Cats especially should not drink from the aquarium and toilet.

Pour the liquid into a special container, wash and change the water daily. In addition, you can add various supplements, such as tuna juice (the smell will attract), iodine, fluoride, nutritional drinks for cats.

Does a cat need water?

This question will seem strange to many, but in cats kept at home, insufficient drinking can become a big problem, especially if the owners do not pay enough attention to this issue. As a rule, cats drink little liquid. This is how the instincts of wild relatives manifest themselves in them. In nature, cats obtain fluid during the hunt; caught and eaten prey saturates the animal's body with the necessary fluid, so wild cats do not need to drink a lot, unless it is very hot.

Domestic cats do not have conditions for hunting, their living conditions are very different from natural ones, but there are still cases when the pet stubbornly does not want to drink from a bowl. And if the cat regularly eats dry food, this situation can become fatal. When a cat drinks little, it can very quickly become dehydrated, and, as a result, problems with the excretory system arise. Dehydration is characterized by such signs as: lethargy of the animal, very small amounts of urine, dry mucous membranes, viscosity of saliva. If such signs appear, you should contact your veterinarian. An experienced doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary medications for treatment, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.

Why doesn't the cat drink?

It is much worse when the cat simply does not drink water.

There may be several reasons for this:

  1. She already receives the required amount of water. Meat and wet food already contain a lot of liquid.
  2. An animal may refuse to drink water if it is of poor quality. Try changing something: temperature, filtering, refreezing. Or change the bowl, wash it more thoroughly, change the place for drinking, perhaps the cat just doesn’t like it.
  3. Disease. In such cases, he refuses not only water, but also food. You need to see a veterinarian.
  4. Stress. During this period, the cat may not drink for several days.
  5. Climate change. The acclimatization period has a detrimental effect not only on humans, but also on animals. During this period, the cat will feel unwell and may refuse food and water.

How many days can you leave a cat alone?

All veterinarians have a clear answer; they recommend leaving the animal for no more than 3 days. It is during this time that the pet does not have time to get bored, feels cheerful, and is ready to restore the relationship.

How many days can you leave a cat alone?

  • What to do if you need to leave your cat for a week? Basically, almost all pet owners are planning their vacation and looking for hotels that can provide rooms for pets.
  • However, there are also unforeseen situations when there is no time to find an appropriate hotel, so you need to think about who to leave your pet with. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to give an animal to a shelter, hotel, relatives, or close friends.
  • It happens that there are not enough close people who could take care of the pet. In this case, the only possible option is to leave the animal at home.


Or he drinks too much

If your cat drinks excessive amounts of liquid, this may indicate a disease. Such as diabetes, kidney failure, infection, fever.

  • But there are other reasons: heat, dry food, high activity, pregnancy. And also age.
  • Older individuals need more fluid. In such situations, a completely healthy animal can drink a lot of water.
  • If none of the points match, you should contact your veterinarian.

Signs that your pet is completely healthy: shiny coat, elastic skin, normal physical activity.

How to leave a cat while on vacation?

The main task of the owner is to prepare the home in such a way that nothing happens to the cat. That is, it is necessary to remove all easily breakable items and potentially dangerous things. It is best to hide them away, in a closet, or a place where the cat cannot reach.

How to leave a cat while on vacation:

  • This is due to the fact that some animals like to look for adventures, especially if there are few activities and there is no one to spend time with. The number of toilets is based on one tray per day. Some animals do not go to the same litter box repeatedly.
  • Therefore, if your cat is like this, calculate the approximate number of trips to the toilet, and leave the same number of trays. After all, if the cat does not find clean litter, it may go past it, or onto the carpet.
  • Use expensive, high-quality filler that perfectly absorbs odors. In any case, if you have indoor plants on your shelves, place them as high as possible. After all, cats' favorite pastime is eating indoor plants and turning over flower pots. Therefore, if you do not want to see mountains of earth on the floor upon arrival, be sure to take care of this.


Cat without food

Food is a cat’s second need after water. Unlike the first need, a pet can survive without a second need for about a week, kittens for about 17 hours. They are used to eating a lot, but in small portions.

When there is a lack of food in the body, their organs suffer, primarily the kidneys and liver, which can also lead to various diseases.

  • Causes: Stress, acclimatization, too frequent changes in diet, poisoning, surgery, hormonal changes, illness, tick bite.
  • Consequences: Weight loss, loss of strength, constipation, kidney failure, hair loss.

Feeding your cat from your table is strictly prohibited! Various severe pathologies may develop.

How long can a cat stay home alone?

Everyone believes that cats are independent creatures.

They are stoic and do not demand much; they try to handle everything themselves. In general this is true, but still.

Very often we wonder how long cats can be left alone, because we go to work, to the cinema or to visit friends. What are they doing and do they miss their owners?

Is it safe to leave cats alone?

In principle, it may seem that cats don’t care whether you are at home or not, but this is not at all the case; they notice and know everything. Cats are amazingly perceptive and insightful creatures. We are sometimes unable to understand how they treat us, whether they want to live with us.

As a rule, cats come into our house at our request; they do not become our pets. Although, I must say that my cat Kira did just that, he literally threw himself at my feet when I was leaving the entrance. At first I didn’t even understand what was happening, moreover, I didn’t take him right away, I went to the store, came back and only then realized that the cat was waiting for me and didn’t leave. This is how Kira came into our family.

Of course, cats don't mind being alone, especially if your absence is the norm. They perfectly learn our daily routine and easily adapt to it. If they are unhappy about being left alone, you will know this by the pet's behavior. In my opinion, the main issue when a cat or cats are left alone is a matter of safety.

That is, could they fall from somewhere or jump out into the street or something like that.

In addition, all cats are very individual, even if they are the same breed, no two cats or cats are the same. Some are more social, others are more attached to their owner. The level of anxiety can also be different; each cat even feels and expresses hunger in its own way. Each owner knows his or her pet best and can clearly understand how a cat feels about loneliness.

How long can you leave your pet alone?

Experts believe that the maximum time a cat can be left alone is 24 hours unattended.

. During this time, she will be able to occupy herself and not get hurt or get sick.

Of course, this is a long time and nothing can be said for sure, however, there is another limit - this is 36 hours, according to veterinarians, this period is the maximum permissible from the point of view of safety and ethics

. You should never leave a cat alone on Saturday and Sunday; someone must come, change the water, change the litter in the tray, just chat with her if you need to leave or leave. The longer the cat is alone, the higher the likelihood of “pogrom” in the house and other troubles.

If we just go to work, then cats understand this moment perfectly and there will be no problems. My cats immediately understood when and on which days I would go out longer, and on which days I would come early; I open the door and someone is sure to be already sitting and waiting, and only then everyone will come up to receive their share of strokes and affectionate words. It’s more difficult with kittens, they are still small and they need someone to be with them, well, if there are at least two kittens, then they are busy. However, one kitten requires your presence.

Things to remember when your cat is alone

1. First of all, this is a tray

, a dirty litter box leads to the fact that even the most well-mannered cat will do its business in the wrong place. In principle, everything is logical, cats are big clean people! Therefore, if you still need to leave or something else, and the cat is left alone, you need to find a person who could come at least once a day and look after the cat.

When to go to the vet

  1. Dry and warm nose. In a healthy animal it is cold and damp.
  2. Body temperature is above 37-38. It is a sign of infection in the body.
  3. Diarrhea and vomiting, like fever, are a symptom of infection.
  4. Deterioration of condition.

How to leave a kitten for 2 days?

Many breeders note that after a long absence of owners, cats can change their behavior. Be prepared for the fact that after your arrival your pet will hide away in a corner or under the bed and will not want to communicate with you for a long period of time. Thus, the cat shows his resentment that he is angry with you.

In addition, some cats, on the contrary, after the arrival of their owners, may react very violently to the return of their owners. They can scream, meow and scratch their owners for a long period of time, expressing their displeasure.

How to leave a kitten for 2 days:

  • Please note that some cats, especially those who are accustomed to a natural diet, have a very bad attitude towards dry food. Therefore, if you plan to leave for several days, get your cat used to food about one week before the trip.
  • You need to train it in the same way as a dog, adding a small amount of water to the food and mixing it with natural food. It is necessary to gradually increase the amount of food in the food until it completely fills the entire bowl.
  • Thus, before leaving, you will switch the animal to dry food. The fact is, if you do this abruptly, that is, before leaving, leaving the animal a large amount of dry food, it may refuse food for several days, which will negatively affect its health.



A disease that occurs due to the loss of large amounts of water.


  • Arrhythmia
  • Dry skin
  • Decreased appetite
  • Viscous saliva
  • Lethargy and lack of activity
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • The animal begins to hide in corners
  • Increase and decrease in temperature

Treatment: When you notice the first signs of dehydration in your cat, you need to try giving him fluids yourself.

If the animal is vomiting, you can inject 10 ml of sodium chloride solution, this will help significantly improve its condition. But the most necessary thing is to go to a veterinary clinic.


  1. Monitor your cat's availability of water.
  2. In addition to dry food, also provide wet food.
  3. Do not allow the animal to overheat in the sun.

Cats need water just like people. When you get a pet, you must treat it with full responsibility, because its life and health depend only on you.

How to leave a cat alone at home for a week?

It is worth noting that a week’s absence has a negative impact on health, not only physical, but also mental. She may begin to get sick, and her relationship with her owner will deteriorate significantly.

How to leave your cat alone at home for a week:

  • Often an animal that has been left alone at home for a long period of time becomes very aggressive towards its owners. That is, the once affectionate pet becomes simply unbearable. He scratches, bites, and shows negativity in every possible way.
  • Thus, he takes revenge on his owner for leaving him alone for such a long period of time. Try to have a well-known person come to your house during your absence.
  • This could be a neighbor or an acquaintance who often visits your house. It will be easier for the cat to communicate with a familiar person. The fact is that the temperament of cats is different; some enjoy contact with unfamiliar people, can jump into hands, and show tenderness in every possible way. A lack of communication has a negative impact on the cat.
  • But there are pets that, on the contrary, are quite wild, and at the sight of an unfamiliar person they hide in a corner, under the bed and do not come out until the person leaves the house. That is why it is necessary to invite a person who is familiar to your pet and from whom he will not run and hide.

The point is not that a person cannot give the animal food; it is necessary that the cat communicate with someone at this time. After all, loneliness is not good for anyone. What to do and how to leave the cat for three days? As stated above, this is the optimal period for which the animal can be left alone.


Photos of signs of dehydration in a cat

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